Big views and good finds at a tiny old dumpsite. Mudlarking adventure

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good morning afternoon evening or night whenever you're watching this welcome it's currently early evening here and from the look of the sky and the weather i'm predicting a pretty good sunset will happen in the next hour and a bit it has rained today and the weather forecast says thunderstorms tomorrow which if the old english thing was entirely accurate would make a good sunset out of a question red sky at night shepard's delight sheep really don't like thunderstorms and unhappy sheep do not delight shepherds we shall see in the meantime i shall look both ways before crossing this road and head towards a small old dump site which didn't actually have much to find the last time i came here however i drove along this road last week and caught a fleeting glimpse of a bottle digger at work so there's likely to be at least one new bottle digger hole and probably a few things that i find interesting and appealing [Music] [Music] the camera won't be hearing it but it sounds to my ears like there might be people here maybe some more bottle diggers no not bottle diggers golfers on the hilltop having a chat oh well it does at least look like bottle diggers have been busy here so that's promising the first find of this visit is a shard of very colorful glass don't think it's dichroic but discounting one method doesn't mean i know how else it might have been done if you know then do tell i am interested second find is less interesting but more valuable to me and my forge a nice big sheet of copper some brass unusual looking thing i would guess that is part of a gas or oil lamp this one and i can be certain of a brass button i am currently saving for an ultrasonic cleaner i've seen the results that northern mudlax have been getting with theirs and some similarly corroded looking coins and buttons and i want to see some of the hidden details too oh that's a beautiful color and it's been in the ground for about eight years i think give or take a decade and it looks as fresh as if it was made yesterday i just turned the camera off when i spotted this pocket watch winder aside from that i think i found all the interesting things on the surface of this boil pile so time to see the other bits last time i was here it was very overgrown and i couldn't see quite how many bottles were spilling down this bank they do all look to be towards the younger end of what's here i do wish that i could find some of the older stuff that's ever been found here but that stuff disappeared into private collections before even my grandfather was born an ancient burial chamber and associated grave goods was found in miss quarry probably three to five thousand years old big bottle nice aqua colour but big chip on the bottom lead plates from an old glass battery the glass itself is the collectible desirable bit but this one's quite broken so i'll take the undesirable bit and one day deliver 100 kilograms of lead to a scrapyard i think i'm at about 70 kilograms at the moment these halls are new and the spoil piles too wonder what wonders for are here to find my eye always seems to find the copper and brass first but second today seems to be the bottle stoppers another wonderful aqua blue glass bottle stopper as close as pristine as can be and another stopper a vulcanized rubber stopper j simpson a very local one and a third bottle stopper albeit it looks to be a cork one topped with a lead alloy probably pewter it's not going to be an easy one to get out intact but i will try not going to happen here we'll take the whole thing even though i don't particularly like the bottle and maybe when the cork dries out it'll shrink itself loose so many of these bottles are ones that i would have taken when i just started in this hobby i mean when i started filming really i've been mudlarking since i was a child just without knowing what it was called or wherever dumpsite sources for the fragments i was finding were quite unusual and would probably actually be quite valuable if it was intact as it is i'll take the brass that fell from the bottom of it and have a think about the glass ah part of a bigger piece so we'll need some bits sanded off or added or might put her in a box to be given to fleur and kate of mud locking with kitten caboodlers if you like her fleur kate and i shall take this milk glass jar which is a shape i haven't seen before and this wonderful cobalt blue is an object's eye bottle and the weird lumpy shoulders of it are designed for an eye bath to clip onto ah no surprise but still mildly disappointing what else that's a nice color it's intact plain on that side and that side but i still like it sunsets are coming hmm yorkshire relish simple common but today i like it and how did i miss fat one butterworths of halifax blob top nice bottle in good condition little bit of brass no idea what and what looks to be a glass tube amazing that it survived being buried being dug up i have no idea why i want it but i do another brass button wow i don't often find from with the shank still on it looks plain but it's still beautiful to me possibly an escutcheon um no has the colour of the degree that seems to be a lead alloy by the weight of it no escutcheon would be made with lead glass rod i take these ostensibly for craft projects that keep slipping further down my project list as new ideas occur to me interesting hold but doesn't look like much was found not much left behind anyway and it looks like later things 1940s 50s even at 10 feet away i can tell that's willow pattern but it is an unusual shade of blue distracted by a bit of a pipe bowl it's been a while since i've found any part of a pipe bowl so i shall take it to mark the occasion and back to the plate which looks to have a bit of teal in the mix a very common print looking very unusual to my eyes and looks like a lid from a doll's tee set i don't actually think i want it i already have some and no thoughts of what to do with them do shout out if you see anything interesting of course i can't hear but i do like the idea if you might do it anyway [Applause] oh i see something a pipe bowl looks intact oh wow that's a first for me i haven't found any with birds on before i love it oh dear just tried to rub off a tiny bit of dirt with my dirt covered fingers and now it is very much in need of water to clean it properly and we are far from the river or a puddle or a sink i am very happy with this though this looks curious it looks like the end of a pencil but i'm not sure if it's wood or not it's clad with brass that's holding a purple faceted paste gem in the end it probably is the end of a pencil but i haven't seen one like it before very fancy and i'll take it and not melt down the brass of it and from the fanciest pencil piece in the whole dump site to scrap metal a nest of copper wire missed this on my first wander around nice triangular jar try and get rid of some of the soil in it and yeah i'll take it along with the last few copper and brass things that i didn't film picking up that's quite nicely colored a bit too curved for my purposes though i saw something sticking out and i've lost it where are you hiding ah there you are another pipe bowl let's see if it's whole no stem but that's okay oh wow okay this is a bucket list find a modest one but i thought i'd have to go down to london to stand the chance of finding an roa b pipe royal anti-diluvian order of buffaloes it's a nice one too with a full buffalo head rather than just the horns finding this now does not stop me wanting to go down to london and the some time i'd still like to film down south with nicola white sci finds richard henry mudlarking with kitten caboodlers tobias of tob tuan and andy and josier for mudpies if any of those people would like to film with somebody who doesn't actually like to be on camera this nearly half of a poison bottle is lovely glass it was here last time i came here too if it was the neck that was knocked off i'd take it the bottom bow i haven't any imminent projects in mind but can make use of it so i think i'm going to leave it here and if somebody else takes it for their projects that's great if not and i think of something to do with it i'll come again and maybe it will be more bottle digger holes by then broken cod over there ah it's a james simpson i have seen my filler v's recently earlier today in fact at a different site that one is missing the bottom oh well screw top jar but nice color ah it's embossed that's a rarity for me it says horlicks malted milk slough books that's buckinghamshire for anyone who doesn't know england and racine wisconsin usa i like it and i'll take it and this looks interesting ah deceived a broken source bottle a bit of copper is adequate compensation for that minor disappointment some cranberry glass with a stylized flower a case of me liking the smashed thing when i probably wouldn't really like the intact thing and another uranium glass vast thing i think i might take these having three of them i prompt some ideas to come along for what i could do with them suggestions are also welcome plain little hit flask shaped bottle but unusual color is kind of a chartreuse color a color named after my favorite french liqueur i like it i saw this before could see that it was broken but i think that it's one i can add to my collection of ones to cut down when i get around to it would need quite a slant on the cut to keep the knot but i can probably live with losing that leaving to be taken if i ever do more book or comic conventions i could have my business cards made to fit in this that idea makes me smile wow it looks like it's three different types of glass clear milk glass and uranium glass edging looks kind of like it could become the dorsal sail of a 3d stained glass fish i'll take it i recognize that lemon squeezer just like the one that graced the kitchen of my childhood home only more broken [Music] it is full on amber light now my favorite type of evening light and i found a shovel the head is a bit too worn away for me to want to take it and try restoring it tool restoration being a rabbit hole of youtube videos i fell down one day and can't seem to get out of i've made my own tools a few times now and one of them was practice for restoring the little hatchet i found a few videos back bit of lead from another glass battery i don't actually like taking lead but it is recyclable and has scrap value but dunno should i melt it all down into ingots for a video or just take it to a scrap yard i'm undecided on that what do you think a small piece of copper so milk glass think that it's one i've got several of already and i shall resist more and leave it for somebody else bit of brass to do with fire or lighting by fire haven't seen one like it before and i've just dropped some copper the edges of a pile seem to be where the fun things are game piece from five stones knuckle bones alley gobs or well lots and lots of different names this game is about three and a half thousand years old a little glass bead actually looking at it closer is not a bead it's a button and actually strike that is probably not strictly a button either seeing as it's far too small this would probably have been a decorative thing turned on to clothing so what's the label is it back to bead pretty little thing anyway and i'm happy to have found it not really sure what this was bit of brass and some pressed glass but really nice pressed glass not sure if it was part of a fancy desk set with a tiny inkwell or if it went the other way up and was maybe something like a cake tier only a really fancy one any other ideas decorative brass i think it was a handle like a draw pull unlike any i've seen but i like it and if it cleans up nice i might even use it in a project i have in mind some more brass and a little shard of cooked glass ah thought it was depression glass but i think it's just stained with rust i think i've seen everything but dumb has to offer today and the sunset is not quite here yet so if you fancy it i'm going to walk down to my favorite ruined farmhouse and see about filming any new things i notice and some other bits that i missed filming the last time if you don't fancy that do feel free to skip ahead i didn't really show the outbuildings last time this time i will and i didn't show the house from the other side either [Applause] it is odd as our buildings go looking neither like shed nor barn it could have been partially a garage workshops out of a space with windows that big i think maybe a few stones have fallen out of a facade since the last time i came here so i'll be extra careful i'm curious to know if there happens to be anyone in the uk building trade watching what a baseline figure would be for restoring this to a nice livable standard i think beyond the purchase price somewhere in the region of three to five hundred thousand uk pounds certainly not an economically sensible project to take on but when a house is chosen simply because of the economics of it does it become a wonderful home as easily or do people tend to continue thinking of it in economic terms as an investment no obvious signs in here if it was ever a doorway through to the rest of the house so farmworkers cottage not much smaller than the place i currently live in this bit of wall is the most precarious but there's not much wind today and i'm not going to touch it so should be fine i do like that fireplace there is a lot more light coming in today than there was last time so for dark room next door and the probably cold storage room might be more filmable let's go and see i do like rooms like this with arched ceilings and big slabs of yorkshire gritstone and i like for dark and trigger warning i like spiders too i've weaved a few spiderweb tributes in copper wire and i think i shall do a craft video for halloween of making another one it's quite simple but looks pretty good most of the wiring is still in this house it's nice that other explorers are respectful too and don't just rip it out i think i can hear a bird cheaping in the upstairs space like a nestling clamoring for food i wouldn't be at all surprised if there's a few birds nests in the ivy jungle up there i can't get up there myself but hope you go and have a look-see anything and no still not fool hardy enough to climb those wood wormed and rotted stairs how's that sunset coming along getting there another 10 minutes i reckon before the grass glowing thing happens exactly where i left it six months ago the difference in light levels is considerable still not getting into this room another decade and the beams might have collapsed enough to be safer nice iron square nail each one individually hammered into shape by hand in a hot smoking forge any more in this not that i can see there's one weathering away towards nothing in parts a few hundred years old i think the oldest parts are around about three hundred would have to take a core sample of the beam to find out for sure though this is much younger brickwork just a cupboard probably used to store firewood and coal and many other things [Applause] i didn't notice this last time tiles including a line of black and white rectangular checks very similar to ones i found in the river in my recent video which was filmed earlier today from my perspective and probably uploaded a few weeks ago from yours so i'd guess it was something of a mud room perhaps with toilet facilities too hard to be any sure without excavating the pile of stones that view is really why i love this place so much the house is very nice too and interesting but the view is calm and beautiful and expansive ah is fatter copper pipe nope plastic which isn't all that surprising people were still living here up to i think 30 years ago maybe longer and this is the youngest part of a building late at on that beam looks old or at least very rotted but these ones they're machine cut i'd guess 70 to 100 years old this room has been the shelter for cows and i think owls in the chimney although that's collapsed in on itself now chair not sure why this place was abandoned there's no obvious charring that would suggest a fire when i feel more comfortable going back into places i'd like to look up any newspaper articles about it in the library archives and perhaps the county records might have more information on when it was built and who lived here cast iron or plastic almost forgot again to show the other side of the house my goodness it looks bigger on this side and straighter better condition easier to read to the history of which parts were built first i think the middle bit and for repairs alterations and additions it's not as old as the one i filmed in the video called a trail of two houses but age isn't everything this place isn't as exposed and though it might get a bit windy here it's positively gentle compared to the savagery if it whips around the edges of the wildly windy mall wherever your horn is about two miles away from here okay i'll stand on firmer ground so i can do a full circle sweep [Music] so [Music] a strange narrow two-story room in a tumbled down outbuilding of an abandoned farmhouse and somehow there's some misplaced ppe here a face mask i'm going to be finding these in rivers and out of the way places for years to come and that really is a strange room so well this was a cow shed at least it looks like the sheds i know to be cow sheds in the local style of farm buildings now it belongs to the moss and the elder so so little stream and i'm not sure workshop i've taken quite a few pictures here today and a few of them might be ones that make it onto instagram i am trying to get into the habit of posting them more often even for i'm not really a great photographer most of the shots i take are pretty rubbish really but there's maybe one in 20 i think are worth sharing roundup time the visit to that place wasn't intended to be a full episode i'd already filmed two that day and i was quite tired but i thought maybe one new bottle digger hole might make for a nice three to five minute video for kofi i haven't managed to keep up with my early intention of putting out a short postcard like vlog fare more or less once a week like my friends caroline and phil manage but i do still film them in the seemingly vain hope that this time i'll be able to countenance the extra editing workload i am actually working better and more consistently recently as i put in a concerted effort to try and finally make the craft channel a reality months and months after every actual deadline i tried setting for myself now no deadlines just an aim to do video related work for at least 25 hours a week and since i started that approach three weeks ago i've averaged 35 hours and i hope i can gradually increment that up a bit further too so there may well be some short vlog post videos appearing on kofi before long albeit most of them quite out of date with things that happened in winter and spring anyway i've digressed i wasn't really expecting to find much of that sight didn't realize beforehand for the bottle digger and i think i know who he was has been very busy and there were a few large new holes with nice spread out spoil piles the for rain had rinsed the top layer off so i'm happy with what i found a few bits of interesting glass both of which i intend to use at some point in craft projects same with the pottery pieces certainly not the usual blue in that willow pattern plate i'm not sure if i've seen one like that before but it's a nice sized piece and i can probably use it for glass bottle stoppers are in marvellous condition i think for the best condition of any i've ever found plain but i cannot they're beautiful glass i was perhaps wrong about the small button in assuming it was merely decorative the existence of button hooks had completely slipped my mind button hooks used to be a fairly common domestic tool for for doing up and the undoing of small fiddly buttons which begs the question why not just make the buttons larger and my cynical mind retorts with perhaps the makers and sellers of small fiddly buttons were also the makers and sellers of button hooks too i was very excited finding first for pipe bowl with the bird motif and then the very nice example of an roab pipe the philanthropic and fraternal secret society known as the royal antidiluvian order of buffaloes does not have a royal charter is not a cheval recorder does not date from before the biblical flood and to date there is no mention of ever having been a buffalo as a member i had to look up what anti-diluvian means and it usually means either dating from pre-biblical flood times or ridiculously old-fashioned i myself do not know much about them most of what i could say would be directly lifted from wikipedia or for videos of other mudlarks especially nicola white so i won't say much more except to point out a little mystery on the wikipedia page apparently an international convention of members in glasgow in 1949 reported attendance of one thousand members from around four thousand lodges plus miracle maths that is or perhaps a typo i do kind of hope it's not a mistake the idea that members of the order are just ridiculously sociable attaching themselves to an average of four lodges each appeals to my liking of oddities and absurdities i was sad when i found out that an unusual game piece i'd found earlier in the day i'd also lost a game but this one almost makes up for it and finding is the thing that i most enjoy not for keeping now this pencil end i'm not entirely sure i was correct in assuming it was a paste gem paste gems are glass and most often from the time that this is from it was lead glass which i cannot actually find out exactly how hard it is on the mohs scale but with this i managed to easily scratch bottle glass and window glass which suggests that it is much harder and it could well be amethyst which is a semi-precious gemstone and if it is then it's quite an extravagance for something as disposable as a pencil at the back of my mind when i took these uranium glass vars pieces was the fact that sarah of docking bay 51 is or was collecting uranium glass for a project so given the very strong likelihood that i wouldn't come up with a good idea for what to do with them i was thinking of offering them to her as fate would have it docking bay 51 filmed at that site about a month after i did so sorry sarah and mick and nicola and amanda and caroline and phil of let's go with the johnsons who i took for her last week i might have diminished the possibility of good finds for all of you and sarah if you want these message me and i'll post them to you i am very happy with three and a half of these bottles no prizes for guessing correctly but do feel free to comment the others are okay although the horlicks jar has some glassic-ness inside that's proving unsightly some of these will be taken to ruins around here and left for intrepid explorers to find i'm starting to really enjoy that way of keeping my collection somewhat manageable there were some nice bits amongst the everyday scraps of copper and brass i'm going to add both the button and this decorative piece to a small collection of interesting metal work for time intending to get an ultrasonic cleaner for other things in that pile include horseshoes and coins and pocket watches and possibly a gun or at least for very rusted remains of one the video in which i found that is quite a while away and i'll probably have the cleaner before then i have just ordered one i'm looking forward to giving it a try might even make a video around it if that would be something you'd like let me know that's for finds and now the thanks i would not be able to afford such things as an ultrasonic cleaner without the amazing kindness of people supporting this channel through kofi so sincerely thank you to everyone who's ever given anything there i asked once before if the people who donated there would like me to put their names upon screen here like quite a few other channels do and the only respondent said no if you feel differently then let me know thank you if you've liked commented subscribe to shared my videos or if you've mentioned my channel on your channel it all helps thank you to the people who've bought tools and materials for the videos that i would like to make and the people who've bought me books and cookies and snacks to take with me on mudlarks there was a thing that was bought from my amazon wishlists this time and admittedly i'm filming this roundup quite early after the last video went live so there might be more by the time this one actually goes live too it's a full face snorkel mask which is a relatively recent development first coming to market in 2014 i didn't see one until last year in my local dive shop and i've wanted one ever since this might allow me to film a few underwater treasure hunts in a few spots but if conditions were right might yield good results and be safe for a long adventure as well so thank you so much whoever it was that bought this i do hope that you've enjoyed this video and if you have and you'd like to then any way you choose to show appreciation is very much appreciated some options are likes comments shares donations through kofi or purchases from one or more for two available amazon wish lists i hope you're looking after yourselves and loved ones as best you can thank you all very much for watching and for now goodbye
Channel: Tom Burleigh
Views: 11,053
Rating: 4.9625001 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, Mud larking, River Walking, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunting, Rivers, Scrap Metal, Adventure, Trash Art, Found, Beach combing, Beachcombing, Pottery Shards, Pottery Sherds, River Glass, Sea glass, Mills, Weirs, Beach, Vintage Bottles, Yorkshire, ASMR, A.S.M.R.., West Yorkshire, Bottle dump, Bottle digger, bottle digging, Trash Picking, Riverwalking, Urbex, Dump, Antique Bottles, Rurex, Scrap copper, Fossicking, Nicola White Mudlarking – tideline Art.
Id: ktopwSu7FOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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