Mudlarking A Castle Foreshore: It's Snowing!

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[Music] [Music] hello the training again so we've come to a completely new unknown spot today and how it's gonna go but we could see a couple of things it's very pretty the only people here [Music] tiny tiny piece of pipes them so it is here just not sure what quantities ages my packing with the umbrella he kept sort of huddled to it to get that to keep trying transfer where what else did you say that was encouraging pirate gloss it's here well yeah loads of chips with some key aren't they yeah retro I'd say tiny piece of throne what please it's almost teeny blaze s cuts nice tiny piece so pretty okay humming in the background it's what she chose to do and she's concentrating sort of Daniels now square now it's nice now it's old ring pools here he's a pipe swim I'm tiny metal thing it's tiny it's absolutely miniscule and yeah it's not thanks I never look it's a healthy again but it's a very old half P the young Queen on it so that's quite good [Applause] Oh another button one size of glass or plastic its last little glass for whole button down where I think that's another piece of the Flicka past it my pipe oh it's snowing this is rain anymore pretty sure there's just snow okay we've done it now red light in all weathers it's snowing cated snowing it's snowing okay it's not gonna lay obviously but Judas it has just hooked up to snow oh we really don't get to know very much near us and it's snowing Wow it's snow first might lock in the snow I hope you can see it it's it's beautiful I imagine you might get quite cold but it's worth it big fluffy lumps hands cold [Music] [Music] can't believe what I'm not liking now in the snow but look out his piece okay but bo another fluted one let's get we've something it's quite nice [Music] it's the beat in the snow it's so snowy down [Music] these are just doing my part oh that is a very old bottle very black very thick it's very heavy looked really nice I could do without think about that one pipes Tim no pipes them I'll be thrown over i justed the castle those we could get in there wish we could get him there that's why the musket balls are one of these quite a lot of the stones look like like musket balls [Applause] [Music] we have come to a different part now we've had a bit of a war and this was a bit more Beach is a pipe Bowl as soon as we stepped onto a beach that's quite cute more promising there's gotta be one here in the mud somewhere right look flick Tohono just glass but I'm not sure it's reflector it's yellow though sort of looks like a honeycomb you hive I'll take that keep on seeing things like this and getting it anybody played here and then it's just a bit of a bit of a rivet or something that's quite funny I just saw the tip of them back at the part of the flip flop slide pools and it's a whole flip flop over here I stood there is another one do you think it's another flip flop do you think someone was lost their flip flop would you come to this deep man wearing flip flops now we're starting to find pieces of glass is writing on slowly walking closer and closer to where they could be whole things well that's quite good isn't it Jay Carter & Co Chatham which is not far from where we are that's quite that's quite exciting awesome all these tiny pieces of pipe stem I'm finding a perfect for a little project and you want to start we move a little bit at the end show you what I'm gonna do with these that's quite a big chunk of slipway biggest I've ever found it's quite it's very nice look at all these nails and screws Wow all this that's gotta be something else in here this doesn't all just come together without some other metal thing it's that's going to be my good old friend the washer yes oh I don't know if I speak for element carcass but personally as a mud locker a washer is my number one enemy I haven't fooled so many times into believing that this is a coin see like this one not that angrier because I can tell immediately that it's all it's not even the whole washer it's the ones trick you into thinking coins do you think all of those screws and nails is that a tiny bottle huh it's a tiny and I mean tiny bottle oh my gosh that possibly even useful its home as well it's so tiny so cute okay I think that's my favorite find of the day I found the best thing isn't it adorable it's tiny tiny pills I can't say this Oscars not here but there is a handle [Music] Hey nada they don't know what that is it's my hand and it's really light might be made of wood I think it's just a stone do they unusual stone though there are fossils around here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's a pretty piece of pipestem say something as it just leaves [Music] shame any crazed what is it bridge-ep sits down where it's like be unlikely to find a Bartman here but I mean I don't know for sure I wouldn't say it was possibly it doesn't look kind of yeah could be there you could be Paul distant yeah Germans downright beautiful Wow kinda crazy to find he's kinda crazy I know I found quite a nice piece of quite a nice big bit of slipware yeah see ya found the tiniest piece of evidence so there's a there's a is it alive no yeah oh nice I've lost the use of my hands eg quite a long way few things I love my body I quite like my kind of crazy and we weren't snow which I feel so excited about but I'm so sad that Oscar had to be in school so you didn't get snow but [Music] well this week we went to a castle for saw and it's smoked so we can pretty much say we've you know mud lots and every weather and roll on the spring I say but Cakes quite excited about the snow we didn't find a lot but again as the way me and Kate seem to do we found one good thing each that we think and so my favorite thing I think I think that's the best thing is I think it's a part of a Bartman's medallion I can't I can't think what house it is I've googled images of Bartman medallions and they have one on us they have a crest they also have like a decorative medallion and this could be the decorative medallion it doesn't look salt glazed enough used to be selling khat but I don't think they all did their depended how much salt Beth it's gone again depended how much salt they throughout them I think I'm pretty sure which is kind of it's a it's a weird thing because most of the rubbish it's a it was an old bottle dump they built all that stuff on an old bottle dump and they dumped the rubbish on that beach so it's all smashed up but I think it was Victorian because there's a lot of clay pipes there site it's got it in for the you're looking go to that a little bit it and so to find a better Bartman job there is really weird because I know yeah but it's like a cheat on a piece of slip wear so I think maybe some Victorian threw this away can you imagine they just threw it away maybe was a which bottle and they didn't they weren't superstitious anymore just threw it away but that is definitely my favorite but this is Kate's favorite which is also adorable what I think was possibly a little sheer top because it's cracked all the way around the edge which makes me think someone just weight that but it has got a seam but that's adorable I don't think we have a bottle quite that's me and there we found it he uses it he won't step no it was sunny I was going he's got a hat he puts happened sit that way this is what Kate's project was she you could talk about it Sunny's oh no don't do it tonight yep but um yeah I may live a little sailor man out of pipes wait his head is a pipe bowl his body's obviously made out of pipe stems and he's got a little button hands she don't we found at the foreshore it's all he's made our little things that we found on the foreshore except his foot this is one of the ones that I found in this video but I think he's like you my brother thinks he's cute but a bit creepy but I quite like him I painted his face he's got too little it's a beard or a very big chin it's a very low chin for a very very long face he doesn't look very happy looks bit angry it doesn't look angry be sunny cat keeps on knocking his hat but yes I've got all sorts of plans and all sorts of other things to make little don't know I don't know you these sculptures metal sculptures little thing masses little things but Oscars quite excited Oscars now wants to make them some things to the um being Oscar couldn't think of a name for him so you've got any ideas in the leave a suggestion in the comments of what we should call with this little sailor Oscar will probably pick his favorite found lots of transferware pottery which it'd be quite nice for mosaics and maybe other projects pick not half be it's 1971 which the half piece were first introduced I think might be smaller than your other half piece very small indeed and I find some stones to tumble not interesting I'm a bit bought mosaic tess referred my floor that I'll do one day or wall one day loads of pieces of pipe stem but actually had stopped picking up but now I realized I probably should have kicked picker kept picking them up because Kate wants more but I think this one was a little icon pasa hide I reckon there would have been some nice pipes around there excuse me and some buttons I don't know what that small man thing is this is just a decorative piece of pipe stem it doesn't say anything but it's very pretty it's got leaves and things it's nice like that piece that'll go my special pipe bit and take from this bottle rock and write Bothell stop and it's got an unusual history hasn't it well it's from Owen J Carter from Chatham who was a wine and spirit merchant and there is a we found a Gazette article from 1926 talking about the fact that they voluntarily like liquidize the company and I had all the all the details about all the people that were there at the meeting so we know this company wound up in 1926 yeah oh that's great GP that was about it or two but yeah oh when the bottom of the very old bottles at the the sale of Mona City you might say sitting in that I didn't know what else to do with it so maybe though is that as part of him with this tiny bottle this is a whole diorama yeah I was like it drunk yeah because what sort of us are saying about lose yourself in the saying that they use so likely people get drunk all the time yeah I don't like drowning in your book I don't join your stories and of course but like no it's like if there's life in the know maybe I'll put it on the floor on the hands never had that on the bottom of the screen if I can find it Oh next week hmm can I say who it is now is it so secret I don't think the sink anymore I don't think it's a secret I think it's pretty obvious you say we go to we went to Yorkshire in that one mud locker there's only this any one person that doesn't like on their own we went and we went my blogging with Tom Burnie it was amazing even though it was really flooded we found some really lovely things and he's lovely and that's gonna be our next video this is our first time collaborating so make sure you watch that one that'll be a good one I hope okay well thank you for watching this one so Nino Oh funny [Laughter] don't thank you for me [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 14,064
Rating: 4.9580908 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarkingthethames, Mudlarking, RiverWalking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, TreasureHunt, TreasureHunting, Rivers, Finding, Beachcombing, PotteryShards, PotterySherds, RiverGlass, Seaglass, Beach, VintageBottles, Bottledump, Bottledigger, bottledigging, thamesforeshore, london, mudlarkinguk, thethames, beachcombinguk, mudlarkingthames, thames, londonthames, mudlarkinfinds, beachcombingfinds, thamesmudlarking
Id: ubFbzS80RrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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