Mudlarking under the iconic Forth Bridge. Have we captured a ghostly voice from the past?!

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This isn't my video just to say. My dad watches mudlarking videos and came across this :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SashKaChan 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Theres def a male voice j they say thete are no males present. But the voice is very clear. Its like he was hanging out seeing what these ladirs were up too.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cintekzzz 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] so here we are at Queen's ferry which is just and we're going to see what we can find and we're right underneath so we're hoping to find some goodies just right down here below our feet we see some shingle and things that we're gonna look amongst and I think we spot some sea glass already oh I thought that was a but that was a coin for a second there but I've got a little mother-of-pearl button there I think it's a plastic one though so mom and I are gonna start on the other end of the beach first but you can see there's stuff down here already it's a Pepsi glass just lying there but we're going to start on a beach we've been successful on before just around this corner here Oh si means lethal ha Carla P is great okay here we are let's just get straight down and have a look oh wow already already I can see you loads of glass look at that glass glass glass glass hear the glass there that's nice yeah that's jewel that's lovely bit Hey look from the get-go guys get go guys yeah Wow okay so my mum just found a little rock down here and I think she said it looked like amethyst oh yeah look is a piece of amethyst isn't it Wow that's what it looks like I didn't expected no we didn't expect to find that here and amethyst it wouldn't be fluorite would it no it's not fluorite it's more like amethyst to me yeah oh that's really cool Wow almost got a really nice little dimply piece of yeah just turn it slightly so L it can you see that like I've got little ripples in it that major glass yeah and I spotted another little rock here it has little agate nodules in it again like we found at Holy Island so that's interesting if I take the down here look can we just see all of that glass just keep it going let's go in all over the place um that looks like a very nice bit of citrine or something yeah okay so there's just so much glass here let's just look now if you can see it on camera just the amount of glass we yeah we couldn't possibly pick every single last bit of it up look that's just so much bit it's too much to pick up that's a nice aqua piece though lovely oh and over here lovely little lavender piece as well so that probably has probably has led in it or something oh that's nice lavender look at this funny shape pebble oh yeah I like that color is the color of it as well [Music] [Music] mom's got some stuff here [Music] [Music] it's a collection of rim and what is that I see a very very worn bottle stopper Oh stopple poppers we call the double boppers double barber so last time we were here we found lots of we found about 20 of them did we and they were all very worn nice yes sir they've been there was some time I found this really lovely pebble oh it's not it's not like if it was when it was wet hold on I'll whip it there we go not sure what it is beautiful rock just wanted to show you all the cuts down here lovely pebbles I love quartz I think it's so pretty you've got something pretty bits of pottery [Music] do you know what that is all kinds of colors that's quartz the other very nice yes it's got like bits of it yeah I just saw something similar down here just this we sent that like putting stone isn't it yeah these would look absolutely feel like cut and polish on anyways you will keep them all right just in case there's quite some nice warning smooth glass as well and some nice colors it's like a aqua color and that kind of has a pinkish hue to it pinky purple so I was hoping we'd actually find some bottle stoppers but at the other end of the beach because just over there we found loads of them that end of the beach last time oh I see a lovely little yellow piece there look the grounds so-called if it wasn't for the salt it would be frozen I need a blue bed now and there's one tiny tiny little bit of cobalt there we go well that's another bet what do you think it is it's very pretty it'd look nice when it was what what's down here can you see what I see Oh slide glass slide glass I am slug and there's another bit it's really pretty blue color [Music] that says winch brah I'm not sure what the top it says I'm not sure if it's a D or that's a queue or what Oh at the rim of a bagel wine bottle oh look at this stone look how beautiful that is Wow that ombre I have no idea all that it is maybe it's a bit of brick could actually be a bit of old worn brick but I really love it it's a lovely color so have you found any no not yeah that's weird because last time we found loads handfuls of stubble poppers as we call them around here and the rocks oh oh I spot one can you see it under the rock oh it's varying they're hiding from us that's what they do incoming so they all Scott yeah they all went and hid under the rock yeah well you can't escape from the northern mud ladder right and that's if we can get some more it's quite fun hunting for something specific oh oh look another one I walked over this spot before but didn't see anything and then suddenly oh yeah we looked over that bit before and see that they are hiding from us I knew it they're disguising themselves as rocks that's what they're doing cheeky things yeah it's funny how you can walk over a spot several times and not see something I'm not having any luck that's quite a nicely worn room Oh what what's that what's what where Oh can you guys see it I think you already pointed to it but there's another cheeky bottle stopper hiding from us see they've had some that had things on them but we can't read them because they're all worn oh well what a view it's an amazing view isn't it so this was the beach so we've just looked across right under the old bridge and where we're going now we'll go back and look at the ones at the other side of the bridge the other side of the bridge you mean like the other side of the under the bridge yeah the bridge yeah okay then we'll see you guys in a little while in that case [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've come back down to the beach we started on what's that I think the paintbrush oh that's there bristles and that's a handle oh so they use that to paint that Wow that's cool I'm just showing me these three things here not sure what these like I don't know cube things are and I think that's a bit of wood I'm not sure oh there's another one of those things what are they does anyone have any idea what they are I'm Stan something was this ah mommy oh look it's a heart what is it made of some a rock that's some kind of rock I like rahat but I think this is the same I thought things that mum was showing me before that is part of an old paintbrush you can only just see some of the bristles on the edge there I think these why you find paintbrushes down here are so many of them down here it's because they used to paint the the fourth bridge by hand and of course a lot of brushes were dropped in the process so on buying that paint in the bridge so we found this really good Beach down here just small if i zoom in look at all the glass and bricks and pottery and things down there so we're gonna try and somehow get down there okay so we've driven a little further down and there is a little bit of beach Singley beach for us to look on down here hopefully this way we can get to that hidden beach right at the end over there as well mom's found a superhero's leg that's quite a funky leg isn't it it's got like a little got like a little dagger down there no mom's got the best boots we've almost made it been clambering over slippy rocks all the way but hopefully it's gonna pay off the seaweed is very very slippery especially on top of the rocks but we're hoping that that'll Beach it's gonna be all worth it look all this glass Wow mom's got a little collection already of some lovely aqua pieces beautiful little loads down here there's a bit of safety glass it's all beautifully smooth as well beautiful aqua beautiful aqua piece I think we should name this glass Pete Beach oh wow look mums found red wow that's beautiful that's really red red well that that'll be off a bit of old car like a light of a car oh I like that bit it's nicely smooth and we've got a red there's too much app I don't know if you can see it I just this oh look at this bed if you can see on on the camera just how much there is down here if I get close look old the tiny shards it's just it's all over the place oh my oh wow look at that whoa there's one giant piece of sea glass check that out Wow oh I'm filling up my camera bag here just this is so ah like where to start chunky another chunky bit and that one's got like a cross pattern on it and there's some lovely greens as well lovely greens well that was kind of like a little heart shape and that bits like almost red number red and bottle rims as well it's a rumor bottle oh it's too much here Wow well I don't know where to start look at that amazing like lilac piece wow that is so pretty look at this chunk oh my god it's like lilac isn't it beautiful it's that amazing oh I love it it's so nicely worn as well great yeah gray lilac it's oh I've just spotted my own little bit of red as well down here can you see it just poking out down there yay the most elusive color when it comes to sea glass my eyes are just all over the place constantly oh I think I found pink oh we have oh look I found pink and red right next to each other I'll call zap oh wow so many nicely worn pieces here as well and chunky I think we found our owner a glass beach here moms go night mad as well oh there's like a really nice peachy piece there peachy color I've got all kinds of colors got a handful of colors here look I'll gonna show them on my red piece look I got a red piece then ah look at that peachy piece there and these are lovely pieces for jewelry yeah they're like they're like manmade manmade they're like ocean made cabouchins put them in the bag oh good a bath gonna be we're gonna have everything I know amazing hole at the end no way glass look how it just it slime all over play like all of this down here and over there oh wow just having a great day oh oh I like that bit that's a nice piece it's just the more you look the more lovely bits kind of just jump out at you that has a bubble there's little piece here like has a a bubble completely trapped within it and it looks like a little fish little fishy how cool is that what's that oh wow what is that it's like lilac but like pale like that pale lilac and it's been like a tube sort of shapeless so I don't know that's so that's gorgeous there's just so many nice pieces oh yeah look at that that's so pretty with that pale green is just gorgeous isn't it well I see a little a little nodule there Oh what color is it oh we've got a little green nipple I think they're called mermaids nipples are they yeah I see a blue that's her blue stone Wow look at this stone oh wow zoom in on it that's gorgeous I love it isn't that beautiful Wow look at that I'll make a pendant out wow that's so pretty I love that I'll have to make something out of that definitely so lovely aqua the rim of a bottle lovely aqua bottle oh yeah I think it's glass it's like a milk glass isn't it look at the hose I was just saying I think this is the most glass I've ever seen on one beach on such a time I'm such a small little piece of beach it's crazy that lovely lilac piece sir ah look it's so pretty isn't it it's just so like subtle and beautiful and delicate like me look at this green down here look at it look at that really lime green I don't think I've seen a green piece of sea glass like that wow that's got to be you be wow I just found the tiniest little yellow there and just a little bit further up said a little tiny aqua so and there's a green there and there's also a an amber look how pretty that is look look look look look hazy look those colors it's like art glass it doesn't look like it's been in the sea for very long oh yeah is it like a pendant or something oh wow it looks like it was a pendant a piece of jewelry oh wow that's beautiful what a thing to find I knew I was expecting to find anything like this well maybe we can remake that into something won't that be cool you can put a like a bezel around it and make Internet las' yeah oh that's wonderful I love that there's a piece of half of a ceramic bottle stopper there probably would have been in a ginger beer bottle of something [Music] yes is this sea glass all real glass because we're kind of on the river oh that's a lovely bit I love yellow the Aqua and yellow look lovely together don't they in the other one though complementary colors it's another teeny bit of purple they're lovely oh look I found another bit of red fancy that another bit of red I never find this much red that's so cool the tiniest tiniest shard of red and yellow there it's tiny I don't even know how I spotted it it would make a nice little lair setting in a ring okay well I've just only just managed to drag myself off that Beach oh that was difficult yeah we had great fun they're looking for that sea glass by glass beach but mums oh here we are back at home with our finds and we're going to start with the things we found at South Queensferry and here they are a strange array of items as usual as usual it's a heart there and there's some they they might not look very interesting but there are some interesting stories attached now these at first we had no clue what these were but on closer inspection we realized they were brushes and handles wooden handles and I don't know if you've heard the expression it's like painting the Forth Bridge well these are actually the remains of brushes that were used to paint the fourth bridge the fourth rail bridge and they would have been round or oval bristle brushes and they would have had buckets of paints and they would have taken awful long time to paint the bridge from one end to the other and moving around we have some little worn away bottle stoppers stop my buffers as we call them topple bottles and they're very worn so there's no way we can tell you anything about those at all there's a little button now you can see little bits of clay pipe or a piece of clay pipe there some pottery and some slag glass which is from iron making we also have some stones which were quite interesting this looked much better when it was wet that sort of work it was sort of like a pudding stone lots of little inclusions bombs pretty shell their [Music] handle and these I've seen things like this before especially the thin ones and they say they were out of batteries but some of these are massive so not sure of these world massive batteries and I'm not sure what part they play in the battery either so if anyone knows anything about that that would be interesting and so that is half these are half of the things we found at South Queensferry and I'll now hand you over to Alex and she can tell you about the other half of our finds at South Queensferry okay so here are the other finds we found from a different beach a little bit further up the river from our first set of finds and we found the most amazing seaglass beach and as you can see we got a lot of sea glass and some really rare colors actually so we've got some beautiful blues and oranges and reds and some lovely lavender colors some safety glass and well all the colors of the rainbow to be honest we've got some beautiful greens loads of different shades and yellows and Amber's aqua and white as well and I've got this well mama actually has this board and I think it's fair what is it for it's for tracing so I press this button here look at that get brighter look how cool that is it shows up the sea glass really well we do have some really beautiful well-worn pieces here gorgeous colors and this actually you can't see now it's backlit to turn off and this is some kind of art glass pendant some sort of handmade pendant I think and then you never know we could turn that back into something and to be worn once again which is cool yeah we did find a few other things rocks and bits of bobs but it was definitely mainly sea glass came from that spot so turn the light on again really really pretty glass hello so we just wanted to add a little bit on the end of this video about the strange voice that we heard in one of the clips well Alex was busy editing at home and she suddenly turned to me and said mom there's a man's voice on video and I took the laptop over to here and I was like and we played it several times because I said it won't be it'll just be something else making another second I heard it I thought it sounded like a man well he definitely sounds so we slowed it down and study didn't study yeah yeah and it's unmistakeably a man saying that sort of thing all that sort of very sort of thing or something maybe in an accent but it really I mean it sounds so much like someone speaking but we're quite practically minded people we're very skeptical about things like that so it takes a lot to spook us really unconvinced us that anything like that could happen oh it's probably just the wind but but also there was no one else on no Beach no not even anyone nearby not a dog nothing just mum and I were the only people in the middle of that Beach and it really does sound like a man's voice yeah it really also to be heard on this camera it's only got one mic yeah directional I have to go right up to Alex to be yeah so if someone just speaking in a normal voice would have to be standing right next one that's quite creepy isn't it yeah really especially when we slowed it down yeah where we slowed it down we were like oh it's like every syllable it just sounds so much like the ination it sort of goes up on the other syllable yeah it's really really weird anyway we'll leave it at that yeah and let us know what you think through know anyone's opinion it could have been my like cope ruffling of the wind if anyone has any reasonable explanation you have to hear it yeah yeah definitely anyway thank you so much for watching ya week's video and thank you to all of our patrons for supporting us and all for common commentators yes people who leave comments yeah we love reading all your comments to really do so thank you very much and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 64,468
Rating: 4.9369006 out of 5
Keywords: Scotland, mudlarking, forth bridge, firth of forth, mudlarking uk, beachcombing, sea glass, beach glass, treasure hunting, archeology, spirits on camera, ghost recording, mudlarking scotland, Ghosts on camera, EVP, scottish mudlarking, treasure hunting scotland
Id: yqRaIkt3AFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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