Exploring a Scottish kirkyard at night + Mudlarking for lost victorian treasures!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we are in London today impromptu visit so I just didn't see what we can find been here before yeah it's been quite interesting but after the floods we thought we'd come and see if there's anything fresh yeah it's pretty it's pretty creme de actually but we hope they drive me yeah and it's not fun yeah yeah offering us we have to get out and we're container house too long anyway there is a bottle dump here but it is not accessible unfortunately we're gonna have a look on the river and just look around the town in general deeper you're finding some see on the first bite look at this hillside over here can you guys spot anything unusual we'll walk a bit closer anything okay unusual about this bank side here what's got our closer look can you see them yet how about now black two dragons how cool are they [Music] washing our boots in a puddle [Music] [Music] we come to we've come to a new spot by the river and look pottery oh I've got my scraper and rip the camera sorry yeah look shards of pottery and things sticking out down here um I just spotted this look what I'm over bottle sticking out here let's see if it's hole fits all Oh actually feels like it could be oh oh oh this is gonna be hole oh my god please please please oh no oh it's old its old it's really a wine bottle but it's not hole oh well find something sticking out here and it looks like the end of a clay pipe just there oh it is it's the mouthpiece of a clay pipe I think we're on the edge of a dump here just it's not here though guys look oh boy it's thrown backwards but look it's a dog's head a little rosy cheeks look and the nose it's broken up though you saw it down here Oh what oh oh oh it's got ha ha ha I'm just after eww on it by any chance yes it does there's TW people they got around they got around I don't think you can see it very well but I just found this tiny tiny little red green and white bead it's getting dark so you can't see it very well but I'll get a better shot of it later at home it's very cold now once on the mouth under a pipe on the grass there's not much stuff around here you never find the mouth and who can see things down here on this Bank you can't see down here in the summer because it's just completely overgrown but look what's this oh it's a little part of like a little sugar or salt jug or something I'm down here as a handle one's got a button there it looks like has something written on it and a piece of pipe that looks like it's something written on it oh I just made it worse no mind look I found this round thing and it's an old clay marble probably a old Victorian clay marble okay it's very dark [Music] [Music] it's actually very quickly getting dark and a mom and I have come on a bit of an impromptu adventure I'm wearing the Mel of nowhere again of course um it's the most amazing place with the most amazing churchyard or kirkyard what oh yeah kind of just like grave shapes get this moss off so it is a worked stone we just took and taken the moss oh yeah might be a bit war yeah it's coming from more work there anyway I'll show you something that I found look down this Bank was the old road up there very very old road up there I found this it says H F Rome Annan well which is another town in the Scottish Borders and we're in the Scottish Borders not too far from our own house we're doing some exploring at night we have we hold are you they used to use old gravestones broken up to build the walls and repair this is a gravestone or part of a great some no you can see the the lads lettering on it can you see that yeah oh so this is what this is what is this stone says it's it's like rounded on the top can't 0 well it's okay rounded on the top but look am Co cast furred Street fiendish town well that would be London London what is that doing in the Scottish Borders Wow we're in Dumfries and Galloway yeah me elohim whoa s failure the s valley so why is this here hey angel m co but then i or one something one Casper's streets it's the name of a place it's an address Kentish that's too young to town that's London what's that doing we're just in the middle of some woods by a small village not even village this is like a hat we're in the middle of nowhere okay it is look look at this look so it's dark now and we're right below creepy old 17th century kirkyard there's a mechanism inside its massive padlock of some sort Nick it must be ancient you can maybe except the old Kirk door oh the workings on the inside there's nothing on it is there I think we should take this Oh get that slug off of there go in my sake look this could be very old oh and but I saw that cool all right then random oh yeah mum found a heart just down there where the river is we're gonna have to come back in the daylight because you can't see a thing right now it's so dark all right then really old-looking bridge here and we're actually in a really beautiful place but you can't actually see it because it's dark the old church the Kirk yards further up the hill I think that church was built in eighteen eighteen ninety so it's quite a modern Church last a modern modern in the stands of British Standards we left it a little bit late to come back slowing today I think creepy okay so we're thinking about going and looking around the ancient kirkyard in the dark it's actually a really interesting tiny little place you can't the the names have actually worn off the signpost so you can't actually see where we are where are we who knows village called by the way we just randomly turned off here on our way to see a stone circle but we yeah we never got to the stone snow yeah we've been checking out the prehistoric history of this area and stumble on a sundial it's just beautiful Wow look at that and this is Alex Mookie I'm about 15 can you hold your lock so I'll show you guys this church it's very gothic gothic ladies Church which replaced probably the old Church which would have been which would have the old Carrodus yard further up the track I'm trying to zoom in on the plaque that says the age but it says 1882 though it's too dark he's hot this is probably a really old road as well there's a lovely parsonage over there actually I just spot it from here yeah it's called the White House so we're a long way from the White House in the States [Music] weak bridge that's um are you sure that's where we just were down there in the dark woods but um we're heading to you this kirkegaard up here that we went to before but didn't have the camera so we're going to take you guys along with us we got some random things like the snowdrops have come out can't see them but Springs down very much feels like spring today tonight yeah can actually hear Al's yeah Springs coming thank thank God look oh look the coping sense that we finding down there they look strikingly similar to these ones early that close to kirkyard the old Kirk there are some really ancient graves in there okay so we're gonna go and explore gold Kirk Gardens Gotland rather than graveyards Oh Chet chance rather okay right look look how creepy this is I actually really like graveyard I think yard sorry cat yards because the right peaceful faces well yeah they are there's no ghosts there's no ghosts knocking around so doc okay so and we noticed first off there are lots of nickels yeah Robert nickel lasted 81 years but it's often in the walls of old church yards you get the really really old gravestone so I'll show you some of those when we find them if I shine the torch kind of like parallel you can see it really well erected and erected in memory yeah you can see them so much better John how'd you say that ta WCET tea for sir us of F oh I thought I was a tea no mine and son of Thomas faucet okay we're looking for the really old grocer quickly at once we didn't we never planned any of this this is an old yeah and a very old mossy tomb in there [Music] it's so lovely in peaceful oh wow he's a big one side waiting the crest affair as well [Music] lest with seven sons before Wow oh cool look at this oh yes it's like a cow skull with flour little daisy chain on that's so random you can see that very well daisy chain daisy chain cows and some more up there contact we have Johnston's army designed in 1790 by Robert Adam John Johnston what was that I don't know yes we sounded like scratching it did scratching Allah onwards no it sounded I don't know on stone it sounded like stone those bodies all over the place I'm afraid it's car it's gone okay okay it's alright it's alright it's a car no I was like what the hell's like what is that Marie [Music] Oh tenant [Music] recognize that name oh why does look it looks like something Oh someone's been trying to get out of there I'm trying to get out for old tombs just collapsing oh cool oh yeah I see that and there's something on the Spade look can you see that that's right anything maybe a minor look see if there's anything buried oh yeah look can you see down there [Music] dad oh yes upside down let you think right on the top yeah it probably has the the name of the person whoever this is probably a man on the back so we have a quick look on the back here oh yeah look there are words on the back but I didn't want to disturb it anymore because some moss is actually preserving notice a lot of them are actually a Victorian an 18th century mostly Oh what does happen oh wow look at this one that's a really old one you look at the know what's it have down here it's like um Oh Oh my butt's wet Browns what I call them a timer an hourglass hourglass and down here it'll probably be let's go across go across burn yeah look yeah Alex see crossbones it probably goes deeper and it's kind of sunk oh there's our earliest goal and I'm sound very well how cool is that cause bones I love these momentum over gravestones I think they're just that's so cool [Music] no probably have the details about the person buried here on the back yeah yeah [Music] you you there's some oh yeah here's a new hole it's just the same isn't it yeah I think people look people are looking out my window that US there's an hourglass [Music] head with wings I'm guessing it's an angel oh yeah you can you can't see something who can howl back yeah looks like there's a skull and crossbones down there I read but yeah it's just some lunatics look at her haunted graveyard middle a night [Music] oh look I can see one down here but it's facing the wrong way look can you see that skull have a look from the other side I like that do you think it bit better how call that cool oh this do you hear yeah the old ones are really sunk in oh wow this is cool yeah it's same with the angel oh yeah this bit mossy little eye socket and like the bones are coming down here and oh look our glass there we go our glass a glass skull and crossbone an angel that looks like a bell oh wait it's a hand it's nice look it's holding that I didn't I didn't realize that before you see it it looks like a head look it's got eyes oh look it's it's like can't see every well it's like a head someone's head look like funny hairdo they're an angel wings and there's an hourglass they're hourglass and oh look this is Spade Miss Bane's across spades here as well looks like a key a king or some spades just cool there's a skull poking out there and there's crossbones in that corner huh mas box it's preserving them PC press that back yeah oh look that has this actually has writing on top of it 1785 that papers says aged 85 aged 80 oh wow so this is like a seventeenth eighteenth century gravestone and that's at 85 would have been really old for someone back then okay so we saw some grave built into the Victorian walls of this graveyard because then the old graves I just dig up and plant new bodies oh there's a crucifix with oh it's got scratch marks on it can you see that can you see her scratches on it oh that's creepy I hope that's just an animal that's done that and not the undead grieve mm-hmm 24 bless pressing where no shadows fall in perfect peace he awaits us or Oh actually on a wider shot you can see it better look oh yeah skulls all around around God cereal Oh like there's some really old gray stones here in the wall can read that oh look at this Daleks the angel mr. Hugh Scots late minister Oh Oh the gospel at mid middle of B who died it'll be 17 no 1680 1680 yeah Wow there must be a church aged 40 was that a nine-page yeah 49 and then yeah and then someone down here eight died aged 89 which is incredibly old for those days Wow yeah so yeah mom and I have been wondering if there was an older Church around here because the church as we just showed you [Music] [Applause] Eliza here likeness Agnes main you made me who died 14th of December 1694 aged four years four and Alison me who died in second vehicle 1713 83 and nine months three years of nine months that's how I said it's really hard to read [Music] [Music] could you oh look look at this on the bottom hold up how cool this is there is a cross bone cross bone their heart and an hourglass as if to say your time's running out and holding up the pillars at each side of the grave here gravestone Scarlet's girls look I'm the skull all finials at the top [Music] hey let's see if we can't what anymore this is one crust oh yeah let me do it go like that crest oh that's so cool look look obviously has just been used to make the wall and it's so old you can't read the lettering it's gone crossbone yeah it's just it's 2 1 yeah even with the lights that was what I heard something it's probably just you know poltergeists or something [Music] [Music] this is [Music] I caught the hourglass on school crossbone at the bottom and there's another little happy angel face there look at the angel face hourglass angel [Music] oh and there's no more hiding here angel hourglass gone crossbones almost like the same person scoff them actually oh this is a funky one we've got a what on earth okay it's got a strange blob for a body but is a strange skull face like I do and it's got wings there's got some sort of curly wig on look yeah it's got some kind of nice little caddy weight going on there and it's just got a blob for a body and wings what on earth cannibals wings what on earth are they thinking easily what what was going on in the mind of whoever made sense or someone at some point what to say 1778 1770 i guessing it goes from aged 71 see a 71 line 16 something it goes from 16 something right to they so that's 1764 yeah then it goes to 17 well I have no idea what was going on there but you know yeah interesting grave actually okay mom's gone but you know I'm not afraid look this has a compass on it [Music] ecchymosis some kind of compass [Music] okay mom's calling me and have to go I can't stay in the grave you [Music] alright I'm coming yeah I can hear hounds howling and the smell of fire smoke [Music] so that concludes on the toe is to okay that concludes Honorable in salute yeah into the graveyard in the night we hope you enjoyed it as much as I did I don't think you don't enjoy it as much as I do well I did it's just that you don't know when to stop I love great look oh look you can see my necklace now look it says momentum or a I made this a cast it a few days ago look I still score on it so that's why I'm so interesting the gravestone yeah yeah no great stone necklaces are you interested in that kind of thing anyway we hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you next time [Music] so here are our finds from our little adventure in Langham and that was long before lockdown yeah back in February on the way home from Langham we went on a little detour and found a churchyard which we found this mystery object which isn't so much for mystery well yeah we'd like to go back to that location after lockdown because um we've since found out that it's got quite an interesting history I definitely so uh yeah we've got some potteries down here we collected up some some pretty patent pieces that one's very nice pottery that I'm sure we'll get around to making a path with one day hopefully um this is the top of it it's like a sugar for sugar it could be off a child's tea sense oh yeah oh I think it looks a bit fancy for that with the gold on and everything got a little clay marble I love these clay marbles we've got quite a collection of them now yeah they're just really simple little balls of clay that were cheaper than glass marvellous ones you just probably Victorian that um we've got a eyepieces pipe stems I found this which we found these before mainly at barrack yeah see TW the same Thomas White's stamp on it this one has yeah so I can't tell which way around it is it something like that and I actually looked up the symbolism of a hand and it can mean a few things but it depends where you are in the world and it depends what religion and country and everything so the hand generally or the hand like that is kind of a symbol of loyalty I think love and loyalty so the heart stands below and the hand loyalty oh and I think it might be it could even be Irish because I think and I think it said the hand is a national nationalistic Irish kind of symbolism I think which also stands for love and the hand stands for loyalty and devotion and things like that I can't quite remember yeah basically so yeah I think that means something like that but it could it could mean a few things to be honest I think with the heart I think that means love and devotion kind of thing royalty there you go that's a little interesting little pipe bomb and little bits of Pipestone this has bra on it that says it says wch blah blah blah so I'm not sure who that is and then it says bro yeah we've got a Ho Hos I think it's a hos yes Rose that's what I always say yeah I can see the wear on it you know we are doing gardening and this what I think this is when people used to do laundry back in the day it could have been what they call the pass stick and they'd have a post tub then put the laundry in a very hot water this would have had a handle and they just sort of go like this in the water with it to kind of agitate it that's paint and it's brass anyway yeah if you've got any other ideas red and they're often wrong with things you know we've we've had ideas for things and our amazing viewers have been like oh no that's this and alex is lovely oh yeah look at this Bend oh it was just sitting on top well by the time we got around to actually finding things it was actually getting dark I'm gonna have to go so it was kind of rushed but look it's beautiful it's like white and red and green and it's like kind of a rock candy like candy rock candy I think they call it candy cane in the US yeah it's so beautiful look at it and Betty and I got some air plants I think it might be a bisque dolls in it I know this air plant and I just got them recently and look it's it's almost perfectly in this little dog's head look funky little hairdo it's perfect so yeah that's going in the window that's my favorite vine yeah from Langham but my favorite one from when we went to the churchyard and looked and where what where was the place again it's West occur West occur yes and this was in the river esk yeah kind of looked like a giant padlock at first but it's not quite that and I think it's probably about 16th century yeah these are the working rocks yes it looks like has been in the river and these like river rocks that have kind of rusted into the metal this would have been the mechanism yeah no I think it's the other way yeah yeah yeah there's the time Vicki would have gone in there now there was a church well the chapel recorded at Westar Kirk as far back as the 1300s and then there was a it was rebuilt in the 18th century and then it was demolished in the 19th century when they built the new Church in about 1888 yeah the church that you saw on the video yeah so we're going to try and find out a bit more about the old church but we think this could actually be aa the door of the old church yeah wouldn't that be awesome if this was the old lot there on parish records going back as far as 1600s because we found this directly pretty much directly under where the or and if it was demolished then the old door maybe they took the whole door down the bank side and this is a lock we were lucky enough to find it it's amazing though I mean if it's as oldest what do you say 16th century yeah that would be sick that would be really cool 16 or 17th century from what I can see from what yeah but if you if you think any differently or if you have come across any similar examples cuz we're trying to find something as close to this as possible to date it so yeah if you know anything differently or know anything about locks off church doors or anything honestly our subscribers have got a wonderful wealth of knowledge they're the shrews they've come come angels but yeah it's it's a bit nicer now it's light and it's spring and the leaves around the trees and it wasn't a video it's a little bit different wasn't it from what we usually do yeah snooping around a churchyard a Kirk sorry in the middle of the night it was fun though look I just love that little head I can't look at it lyric look at its own head little hairdo it's like a little punk baby okay well I think we're gonna say goodbye for now and we'll see you next oh no actually we'll see on Wednesday Wednesday hopefully hopefully yeah I think we're going to try and do some archeology over there where we think the tower was but we'll see and we might get will involved in that as well yes and we might take another test bit somewhere else because we found some things while we were doing yeah chicken run and some interesting things so yeah we're gonna say goodbye and we'll see you on Wednesday and next Sunday where it will be our last video with kitten caboodle errs which when we were free when we were yeah back when we are free we're really sad about it but you know yeah there will be more to come there may be more to come maybe not this year but anyway thank you for watching thank you to our subscribers and our patrons of course and well everyone who views and likes a video and and if you haven't subscribed already yeah these do please subscribe hit the bell so you get notifications yes hit the bell people keep saying you know when we publish a new video so we will leave you with a picture of our pipe and goodbye [Music] so within this silk dress I've got here on the table I have got some of my jewelry and I've brought out some of my momentum or a sort of gravestone inspired jewelry that I've been working on quite recently and I thought I would just show you since it kind of ties in with the video here it is some of it right we'll get out some bits and bobs I've got here and this is the one they're all one that says memento mori that's the first little green stone I ever did actually and I carved it from wax and then cashed it in silver so that's a little memento mori gravestone and I've got two skulls by also hand-carved in wax and then cast in silver and I've also cast sapphires into them as well there's a little one there and a cruder one here I cast sand in the mold and it's made this kind of corroded effect on the skulls and this is a little Sacred Heart with little red sapphires in Conundrum Conundrum corundum red sapphires in them this is something new that I tried out recently it's a little hand painted a crudely hand painted skull and crossbone set with a faceted oh it's raining set with a fasted quartz stone rock crystal and yeah that's that oh and don't really know what to say yeah that's on you already saw in the video and this is another little skull and crossbone gravestone with little peachy eyes and they've all kind of beam it's really starting to rain out here those niche waves it's brilliant so yeah that's some of my jewelry that I'm going to take inside though because rain and all over I just thought I'd kind of show you you know so my stuff for a change because it's kind of yeah kind of relates to this video because I don't know I like I like the idea the whole momentum or eye thing anyway [Music] you you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 45,926
Rating: 4.9426522 out of 5
Keywords: kirkyard, northern mudlarks, graveyard exploring, mudlarking scotland, Ghosts, Skull and crossbones, creepy old buildings, mudlarking, exploring old buildings, scottish mudlarking, mudlarking uk, graveyards, victorian history, cemetary, halloween, northern mudlarking, memento mori, treasure hunting scotland, ancient graves, haunted graveyard, scottish graveyard
Id: TntvITuwdag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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