Our BIGGEST ever Bottle Dump Haul! (Multiple bucket list finds!)

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i want that oh oh what is it oh my god oh my god but it looks like a little cream jar and if it is does it have any writing on it oh oh my goodness what on earth oh wow that's so beautiful i love it oh my goodness willie's found something exciting and he's come over to show us so as you can probably tell the sound didn't work for this introduction so i'm having to do a voice over but we were invited up to a fantastic location by willie of dirty secrets of scotland and we're going to see if we can find some treasures so come on let's go okay so there's loads of fines on the surface and this is my first not bad for a first find and it's a lovely knobbly clay pipe bowl and a bit of stem i don't think there's a maker's mark on there but wonderful who doesn't love a clay pipe see something hiding in the nettles down here it's a tiny like toy pan like enameled tin it's beautiful in these woods actually oh that's lovely well i'm tempted to take that as well wow some great fun so far i've only been here a few minutes oh oh it's complete and look what is that it's a little dog or a bed a dog i'm not sure i think it might be a dog i'm not it's like a teapot lid or something i love that look at the little doggie on top it's either a dog or a cat or something love that oh so there's lots of things to find out here cool oh look look at that that's a boat ink yeah just lying there a little boat ink a burst lit boat ink and i don't think we've actually ever found a hole a complete burst lip boat ink like that before you can see these ridges on either side where they would have rest their pen oh my hands are already full of stuff already okay we'll make a little pile because i see some other things someone's left here there's a stopper from a foot warmer hot water bottle and we usually take them just in case we find a hot water a whole hot water bottle that doesn't have its lid it's the base of something oh my goodness there's a whole teacup wow kelso wow we kelso's in the borders where we've just come from yeah we don't live too far away from kelso that's actually where we were the other day we were just in kelso the other day what's that say jay green's nephew limited london kelso and then a pattern number oh i love that it's got crack in it oh wonderful what else is the down here it's broken oh there's another there's another foot warmer stopper i'm trying to make it back to the bag with all my recent booty but i have been stopped in my tracks by something i've spotted down here can you see it spot the find give you a second can you see it it's one of our favorite finds and there it is oh my goodness what on earth i don't know what to say about that i love it so much it's like i don't know it's someone with a mustache are they japanese i think it might be japanese but it's got this weird long neck look at that i think it's a japanese man okay i have to correct myself sorry um this is actually not japanese it's chinese as mum pointed out oh no sorry about that huge pile within just a few minutes oh what's mom found i just heard calling what's mum found hidden behind that tree let's go and have a look i've just come behind this tree and there's two foot warmers hidden hidden away but they can't hide from me what have you got see what i found oh oh i'm excited it looks like oh my goodness are they whole i don't know we've never found a whole hot water like for me i think they are yeah i think they are that is so cool what do they say oh it says notice heat this bottle before filling it with boiling water wow oh my goodness two two we've never found one before that's our feet are gonna be warm this week yeah we're gonna have some toasty feet this winter hey i think we should try it out yeah definitely because i just found some stoppers over there oh cool and i just found this lovely green bottle look at the color of that that's gorgeous i love it oh i found that but it's makeup alex has found something what is it oh yay it's a little teacup oh it's a tiny teacup it's hard and second hole teacup we found a pounce part and a pound spot just sitting here on top how cool is this this is this is like being the best time so far yeah this is fantastic oh wow okay i've got my trowel is it a whole bottle yes it is whole wow that's a big one it says tablespoons that's the biggest tablespoons i've ever seen what's this say william hill glasgow oh that's cool i like that okay so i just ran back to my bag and i've come back here because i spot more stuff okay so let's refine what i saw okay just there oh it's a little man on a horse and he's headless of course he's headless the horse is not headless and i see something down here as well what's this you see it there it's a doll oh it's like it's like a cupey doll she's missing her arms and legs but the head's there oh it's quite cute it's smiling you never find dolls that are smiling oh that's so cute there's a little glass thing here oh it looks like a lid oh wait it probably was it looks like it's had cork stuck on the inside there oh that's cool yeah i like that and we found these before and they're sort of bone discs with a hole in the middle oops it could be the end of a cotton reel a bone cotton reel or it could be for something else could be actually the inside um of a button would have been covered in fabric um use this a large coat button so that's another um possibility yeah fantastic this looks like it could be another bone disk it is another button button center whatever you call them interesting this is a little tin dish and i am going to take that i love it [Applause] i just spotted another fine down here looks like a glazed it is it's a glazed marble so it's a playing marble a little clay marble oh that looks like a piece of doll's head and it is and it's an ear whoops there you go a live find a doll's lug and another marble down here but this one looks very much like our good old friend the cod marble there we go first cod marble of the day [Applause] a stone pot and it's whole it's whole i'm taking it not sure what this is but it reminds me of strange steampunk glasses so i'm taking it okay so willie has dug this hole and he's really good at doing that i don't think i could dig one that deep and he's found some really interesting things so what's this that you found this is called lay for the skin and complexion and i reckon it's probably 1920s or 30s fantastic love them with writing on look at that crazy lip there oh yeah that's weird and a bone toothbrush bone toothbrush i'll zoom in on that that is massive isn't it yeah i wouldn't want to brush my teeth with that no but fantastic great finds oh thank you keep going see what else you can find it's another little tin um tin dish lovely okay so that looks like some kind of odd brass thing here let's have a look oh oh i don't know it's quite a chunky piece of brass i have no idea what it's from i think i'll take it anyway oh i've definitely found a piece of jewelry down here look oh my goodness it's agate i can feel it i can see it as well wow maybe part of jewelry or something like it meant earrings oh wow that's you know that that's probably scottish agate as well look how beautiful it's like a bit of brass there and a hole there it's like i'm not sure maybe it was it was a brooch i think it was a brooch oh that's so beautiful wow i wonder if we can find it fine i wonder if we can use that as a part of our own jewelry give it a new lease of life beautiful i found something unusual down here and i thought i'd bring you with me to see what it is and it looks like a toothbrush but of the strangest toothbrush i've ever seen oh look at the size of the head and it's it's made of bone it's really chunky i've not found a toothbrush like that before that's really weird i also found something else down here and it looks like a teeny tiny bottle it's blue it might just be a part of a light bulb but that's what it looks like it looks like a tiny bottle it'd make a good doll's house decoration bought us a bottle stop down here but it's a bit different to the ones we usually find look at that it's mini it's like a mini jar stopper oh yeah and it's got it's embossed with something can't see is it a kilmer no no is that say p prepared by something i can't read it right now but that's an interesting little stopper i love that and it's a beautiful color too okay we're gonna go and look at a treasure trove now apparently [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so it's another hot water bottle lid i think we found four of these now might fit those hot water bottles that we found what's this oh i think it's a little dish and it's whole i thought it was a cup but there's no where the handle's broken off so yeah it's a little dish little doll's dish love it there's a poison bottle sticking out here is it whole oh there's some resistance there oh my goodness yes it is and it says not to be taken and it's tiny i love it fantastic yay alex has found the most amazing bead i didn't even realize it was a bead look at that it's it's red the most beautiful red wow it's got a hole all the way through and it's fasted on each end wow how amazing is that it must have sort of dangled off some ornament or something yeah maybe off like a a lamp or something like a lamp shade or something yeah that's beautiful that's fantastic i love that i love it there's a bottle here a stoneware bottle sticking out oh yeah lots of resistance is it whole let's see it's coming out it's going up oh it's quite long oh yes it is cool it's got a floor on it and i like it oh is it one of those german uh mineral bottles mineral water bottles it's like a german version of a yeah wow that's so beautiful i love it oh my goodness look at that i love that it's like a fort and it's like an anchor as well that's beautiful wow i love that that was a very satisfying extraction that was oh i love that so much i really do i love stoneware okay there's something down here i thought it was a bit of plastic i already picked it up but i dropped it again because i was so excited it looked like a bit of plastic disc but when i turned it over look it's an amazing big morning button look at that wow that's fantastic is it a button or is it it's like it could even be off i don't know like maybe a big coat button yeah not not necessarily it might not necessarily be a morning button just like a big it wouldn't be a hat pin black coat button wow that's the biggest button we've ever found that's fantastic that should clean up really nice yeah that's so cool it's a whole lid of a casserole dish wow how old did that manage to survive the dump i don't know it's huge what would we do with it though i don't know that's a thing i'll leave it for someone else yeah i think we'll leave it behind but it's incredible that it survived yeah it is willie's found something exciting and he's come over to show us two local bottles oh wow this one's got my home terminal yeah beautiful cocodi blob top popcorn fantastic and it's got a little uh applied lip there oh that's beautiful let me let me zoom in on that one what's it called on it it's got so many so many words it's brilliant yeah it's actually a pictorial but the pictorial isn't amazing beautiful i love the blob top yeah me too fantastic and what's the other one this is an andrews and cooper what'd you say oh that's so cute and it's a beautiful color yeah it's a gorgeous green color now look at that in the light that is so beautiful and i said on my one as well it's got a w in the bottom i think it was made for me it was made for you yeah definitely made for you all these years fantastic oh congratulations cheers alex found a little figure and she's just found the head i think look there he is it fits just like that it's a little native american yeah look at that on a horse yeah look at him with his headdress the other part i know maybe the rest of him is down here somewhere yeah probably is can you spot this tiny little find wait do i want to spot it i always wants to spawn oh i see it did i see it here we go look at that it's tiny tiny perfect i love it i found a little one like that before as well but it was broken a little bit on the top tiniest little perfume bottle i love it there's another there's another mineral bottle and look a cream pot what have you found you just found something elements embrocation oh elements imprecation that sounds like something out of a victorian potion chemist shop doesn't it sounds very dickensian it does very quirk it probably is total quack medicine right the bottom layer so it's very wet indeed and very muddy wet and muddy quite heavy oh yeah that is that looks very wet i kind of wish i'd warm a whaley now let's have a look down there oh that's quite deep oh oh man something's stuck on the end yeah what is it let's have a look it's oh it's a meat paste but it's got like um it's got like wood bark effect on it you get some funny ones here yeah that's interesting i've never seen one like that there's a shoe it's a shoe it's just been flying there yeah that's quite interesting i'll put it over here this is a funny looking bottle look at that it's got something on the bottom it says i don't know what it says something france and that's a ground top so it's had some sort of top on there oh i wonder what it is keep it we just picked this up right next to where willie is digging so we pinched it off him it's a tiny little mini tiny little perfume bottle right there it's still got its lid on still good like lid that's so cute i love that it's got something on the bottom so we'll have to look it up later yeah just imagine this in someone's glasses someone's victorian round glasses how cool [Music] okay so we're here with willie from dirty secrets of scotland he is up there digging a hole somewhere but we have been busy digging a hole here now this is willie's permission so we do have permission to dig here today um and we've already got a fine down here so let's bring you down and show you so it's just been in the on the service kind of just under the surface but it looks like maybe like a cream pot or something oh wait oh oh it's a ginger jar yeah it's a ginger jar we've never found a ginger jar before that is so cool because that's the first ginger jar we've ever found but it's right on the surface and it's just under the surface isn't that beautiful we're going to have to be careful digging yeah it's right here oh i'm excited oh what is that oh my god oh my god it's got writing on it oh my god oh no it's the other way around oh my god what's it say it says the best ap e and appenter natural at pentant water oh my gosh i don't know what does that mean it's a cut glass i am so happy with that yeah alex pulled this out well it's right in front of both of us really i thought it was the bottom of like the broken bottom of a bottle and it turned out to be this amazing paperweight it's like a bubble it's beautiful i absolutely love it class that's the best find of the day so far i love it hundred percent oh i think it might just be like a little ink yeah it's another one another ink i still take it because i like these i like these little links i love them okay so we looks like we looks like it looks like we've got a jar and a bit pottery here i don't know if that's whole but it looks like a little cream jar and if it is does it have any writing on it [Music] oh yes it does yes yes oh brilliant a little crack in it but who cares oh yes what does it say what's it say read it out it says done ragged preserved cream done oh didn't willie find one of those yes i think he did i'm pretty sure he's found some of those done rabbit oh brilliant wow yes yeah that is gorgeous our first pictorial bottle or jar of the day okay so we've come across a stoneware bottle here yes i think this whole is it it's like the one you found before it's like yeah i think they're german but let's see if it has is it whole is it whole it feels like it is yes oh my goodness it is oh wow yes look it's exactly the same oh yeah it's the same as like that one i pulled out before it's exactly the same oh my goodness wonder why there's so many of those around i know this is like i don't know how many of these we found now i absolutely love them they're amazing i love them i hope we found some more i feel it's like there's something in there it's probably the cork or something wow let's find some let's find another one okay so i've been looking around out here because there's still lots of bits and bobs on the ground but i've heard shouting from over here there we go what have we got what is it now i found another one another one oh my goodness another one another one oh wow oh please be home it's another one of those mineral bottles this is like a i don't know like seventh one or something oh wow pull it it's all right it's coming is it a hole is it haul is it hole or no oh oh yeah is it another whole one oh my goodness i think it's i can't remember with these are dutch or german i think it might be german and i'm pretty sure it's some kind of like mineral water bottle with the german kind they've all got different numbers on i think these numbers mean something like the pottery or the potter's number or the year or something i don't know oh my goodness look two over here it's over okay so here's everything willie has found and he's found an absolutely massive amount of stuff but down here he's got his favorite bits and bobs and these are these are the jewels yeah an amber blob which top c what is it g and p barry glasgow and dundee and another blob top from kokodi which is my hometown kakadi ladybank and then farmland robert douglas as well well done thank you very much this cute little bottle here it's teensy tiny i love that what color is it i don't know it's got number on the bottom i think it might just be clear we also found this old victorian key oh i love isn't that cool fantastic this has got to be the most impressive piece of festival we've ever seen okay so this is german stoneware but look at the pictorial on it it is incredible yeah look at these nights and people and their faces look yes look fantastic yeah they're nice with armor there's this like there's a sword there someone on their knees down here yeah then stonewall someone with a hand on someone else's shoulder and it's a part of a huge platter isn't it yeah that must have been amazing imagine oh god i mean oh gosh yes wow so we're thinking maybe we could cut out the bits smooth the edges a bit in the middle definitely have it on display or something because that is impressive it's very heavy it's a huge chunk of clay brilliant and here's a lovely little stoneware pot lovely little ink either ink or a glue or something something like that oh it's great i love it you can turn into a candlestick holder oh yeah okay we've literally just sat down to eat lunch and mum's found the most amazing little thing look at this can you guess what it is it's a tiny like a miniature look at it compared to my my index finger it's a tiny little symbol fit on a baby's finger i know it's like a baby symbol but of course baby wouldn't need a thimble would it so it must be like for a tiny child like a really small child a child or something learning to sew oh yeah yeah wow that's so pretty i love it that's beautiful me too we just sat down to eat our lunch so that's brilliant and down here we've got a collection of things we've just been searching around and here's a few of the things we've just found so we've got a giant jar lid it has some embossing on it there's a little brass button um this little bottle that has something on it heinz i think so i'm not sure what that is there's a little bottle here what's that gone in it i think there's some kind of meat juice isn't it oh yeah it does say we've never found a whole one of these before so that's really cool and a little um like miniature liquor bottle yeah we've got a collection of those haven't we yeah and this is a six or it could be a nine maybe we'll never know is it a six or is it a nine and a couple of little swing top stoppers here yeah they're always fun to find and doll face part oh yeah of course we've got an eyebrow and an ear you can't have too many eyebrows i keep saying oh yeah have you even been to a bottle dump if you've never found a doll's ear that's a question no and find this so um i think willie said that this might have been a bird feeder like it would have had a little dish down here but if you look at the top it has an anchor an anchor a cross and a heart and i'm pretty sure that stands for faith the cross a hope is the anchor and love is the heart how cool so isn't that lovely i think it says made in germany on the back as well so there's a few fun little things we found and we're gonna have another quick look around before we go okay so just walking past we're having a bit of a walk around just before we go can you see i don't think you quite can on the camera beautiful shine look at that i don't know what it is i think it might be a button mother of pearl so many pretty colors in it actually i don't oh my goodness i think that's silver what is it oh look there's a pin it's a little silver brooch with mother of pearl kind of like inlaid into it pretty sure that silver actually it's a little bit shiny on that edge where i rubbed it oh wow there we go a little silver and mother of pearl brooch you can see if that has a hallmark and it'll be able to give us a date okay so we've had an amazing day at the bottle dump with willy from dirty secrets of scotland and we really want you now to go and subscribe to his channel he really needs to hit that a thousand subscriber mark so he can release his amazing video um and song single single rather which we're going to play you a clip of at the end of the video so stay tuned for that um so thank you very much to willie because we've had an amazing day we found some incredible things so uh yeah that's it and we'll see you again next time [Music] bye [Music] do hello so here it is our absolutely enormous hall wow of treasures i know it's incredible we had the best time i think this is the biggest haul we have ever found yeah there's even more on the floor down here so so we can't possibly talk about everything that's here because that would just be ridiculous so what we're gonna do is take some of this stuff away or most of this stuff away and then talk about our most bestest finds yeah i think are you ready so let's take it all away okay so here they are that looks a little bit more manageable now this is an unusual collection of things right here this is a beautiful little piece of scotch agate that we think is from jewelry that's really really beautiful isn't it hopefully we can make that into something and on the jewelry theme we also found this and this is mother of pearl i think it had something um on the front there some metal thing maybe someone's name but around the edge i give it a light clean up and it says just on the edge there silver rim so the rim of this brooch is silver but the pin came off when i tried to wash it unfortunately yeah and this is the massive button that i found um it's just a big glass um well it's a big glass coat button now these rings um are either off the end of bone cotton reels or they could be the interior of a padded button to keep it firm so it's one of those two things yeah i think some of the bigger ones were off the of the dangerous baby feeding bottles as well yeah they could have been off those as well but anyway yeah there could be a number of things it's hard to say probably the biggest bead we've found that is so beautiful look at the color of that that is really gorgeous isn't it yeah that's a glass wouldn't we think it's it's probably less likely to be off jewelry and more likely to be off some kind of furniture shade or curtain even or a lamp of some sort yeah some we think it's off something like that and it had wire through it because it's still rusted in there unfortunately this we think is actually a tiny miniature bottle unfortunately the top is broken it's so cute on the bottom and actually stands up like a bottle i thought it might be a light bulb but it just looks so much like a bottle doesn't it maybe it could grind the top off yeah make it back into a bottle we've got a favorite clay marbles and a cod marvel here and then there's this thing oh off they go there's this thing we think is probably off a chandelier or a lamp dangled around the edge of a lamp but willy actually gave us this and we're going to make a christmas decoration with it yeah definitely yeah so that'll watch out for that on our tree around christmas time it's quite an unusual bit of metal and the other metal thing which i didn't know what it was at the time but i just picked it up because it was a nice big chunk of of brass that we can use but on the side here it says three four three over four yeah three quarters okay so actually says 53 there's a crown on there an f and it says j m and s limited so mum actually pointed out that this is a barrel tap okay so this went into another metal bit one side would have been the spout um and the other side would have gone into the barrel or the flat bit here to hammer it into the barrel and this of course you turn it to turn it on turn it a quarter to turn it off i think that's why it says three quarters on it yeah because you just turn it yeah well you turn it one quarter one quarter yeah so i'm not sure what that means anyway yeah it's a pub barrel tap and that's quite cool because i don't think we've ever found anything like that before okay and then moving on we've got some toy themed objects here which we always like to find this is a little cupey doll like figure this is a children's toy he looks more like a boy and he's it looks like a bit of a sailor suit top and he's got it looks like the george cross yeah so we're not going to meddle on him i'm not sure what that's all about oh and unusually look he's smiling yes it's the iron cross german made in germany oh yeah that might be why it was thrown out but yeah look at this little smile how cute is that i think it actually might be japanese it could very much be japanese it's like a male version of a keepy doll so yeah unfortunately the legs are gone and the arms are long gone as well yeah but this face is there yeah and then we've got oh we got our little porcelain we think mum found this i think it's a sugar bowl yeah how cute is that we've never found a sugar bowl before and a little doll's teacup that's cute which is always a lovely find and finally probably one of my favorite finds of the day is this chinese man's head how wonderful is he and it would have been of a nodding figurine and underneath there would have been a big like porcelain weight which was inside the body part yeah probably kept on top of the piano so that when it vibrated his head nodded so we'll put up a picture of what he would have looked like with his body but for the meantime he's just got this incredibly long neck yeah he would have you can see where the pin went through yeah on the side of his neck and it would have kind of nodded like that but how unusual we've never found anything like that no this is i think this is probably one of my favorite ever heads it's just i love him and it's so detailed he's wonderful and it's german isn't it i think you said it wasn't there it's made in germany aren't they all yeah um and then what else have we got down here oh this is an amazing find i love absolutely love this little thing a little child's thimble this tiny teeny tiny and i wasn't even looking for anything when i found this we just sat down to eat our lunch and it just caught my eye and i picked it up and i'm like that can't be a symbol can it it doesn't even fit on my pinky finger it's so tiny yeah that's so tiny must be for like a four-year-old yeah everybody so really small child yeah just learning but that's so gorgeous i absolutely love that isn't it okay so some unusual finds down here this is a bit of a bucket list find a glass paperweight is something that we've really wanted to find for a while now and it says the best appender natural apparent water and mom's going to tell us a little bit about this a penta a period water was hungarian mineral water a period being another word for laxative it was recommended to drink a glass full before breakfast every day to avoid constipation disorders of the liver and prevent fat deposits in the body and also recommended for pregnant women and those experiencing female diseases female diseases so there you are um fantastic water a miracle water and this is just the object itself is absolutely beautiful we love it we've never found a paperweight before and it's just actually it would have had a scene behind it wouldn't it yes we have a picture of that it would have had a piece of cardboard glued to the back with a picture of a pub on it so i think it was actually sold in pubs as a mixer for um scotch whiskey as well oh that makes sense all of a sudden it starts to make sense [Laughter] now that's just the most beautiful thing and yeah we're very happy that we found it yeah okay this is an unusual item it's some kind of brush it's a toothbrush apparently yeah i have a picture of it with other toothbrushes um but i would not want to brush my teeth with that to be honest look how wide the head is compared to my thumb like i don't even think most people would even be able to brush their teeth properly with such a big brush yeah my son thinks it's a mustache brush oh yes yeah will thinks it's a mustache brush but it's a neutral brush and i like it it's made out of bone of course it does have writing on it but it's all being obliterated it all we can read is anna and made in yes you can't read unfortunately but yeah and an unusual fine and we really like that yeah okay okay moving on um we have the most amazing piece of vestival here yeah and it's just massive it's crazy look at the thickness of that clay but we love it this is just yeah we're gonna cut this out and hopefully make something with it and festival is of course german stoneware which has been going for centuries but this piece dates from around the turn of the 19th and 20th century and the details in this beautiful we'll actually put a picture on the screen of what this would have looked like whole would be it's quite enormous yeah this is a small fraction of it it would have been a very impressive plate indeed but anyway we're hoping to be able to do something with that as well okay and this is probably my favorite teapot lid that i've ever found i think it's a teapot lid because it has a hole in it for the steam to pass through but on top there's a little dog and i just think that's wonderful it's so cute i've never seen anything like that and i just i love it yeah i'm not sure actually it's not got a lot of detail in it but it's lovely little thing isn't it gorgeous and this little i thought it was a teacup but it's not a teacup is it's called the coffee can would have uh served strong coffee and on the bottom it has some information yeah and it is jay green's nephew limited london kelso the company still exists and it was established in 1737 and they're a family-run business providing catering supplies to bars restaurants and banqueting facilities in and around london but back in the day they were doing the same thing only supplying things all over the country and that was um probably supplied to a local hotel for serving coffee i see so we're going to start moving on to our bottles now we've got this tiny little one that we found right on the edge of the hole willy was digging and it has a registration mark on the bottom which gives us the exact date yeah and that gives us the date for 1932. so that's really cool little vintage perfume bottle still with its um baker light stopper yeah um this is a first for us another first another bucket list we've got lots of bucket listers here but this is a boat ink and we've never found a whole boat ink and it doesn't really look like a boat to me but no i don't know why it's called a boat ink because it looks nothing like a boat it looks more like a little house yeah it does looks more like a cottage but a cottage ink is a different kind of shape of ink bottle but yeah it's called a boat ink but yeah and it's got a burst bubble in the neck which still has remnants of the ink in it yeah oh cute sat so that'll go in our ink bottle collection uh we've got a poison bottle of course you know how everyone ever all mud locks love their poison bottles um oh this meat juice we've never found one of these meat juice bottles valentine's meat juice sounds lovely doesn't it but it has a little bit of a grim history oh so valentine's meat juice was created in the 1870s and was more of a quack medicine really than a food supplement and it claimed that it was beneficial to invalids because it replaced all the nutrients needed but it led to many sick people becoming malnourished and even dying of starvation in the 1880s florence maybrick was convicted of the murder of her husband and sentenced to be hanged traces of arsenic had been found in his body these however were later proved to have come from the quack medicines etc that he'd been known to take which contained arsenic eventually it was concluded that mr maybrick had died of starvation due to being fed a diet of valentine's meat juice so mrs maybrick walked free after spending 15 years in prison oh wow poor lady it was very hazardous living back in the day yeah i mean you didn't do it back then but you know nowadays you would totally sue the company wouldn't you [Music] and it's actually got the cork in there still yeah some lovely stories to go with these bottles the next one is a grim is this another grim one that's another story we're just churning out the grim stories today so this is atkinson and baker's royal infants preservative and it had been around since the 18th century it contained enough lord numb that six drops could and did kill a sick baby in 1876 a flyer for the quack cure was sent out with children smallpox vaccination papers after someone in the company had done a dodgy deal with the board of guardians so innocent people unknowingly were getting these flyers um with their vaccination papers thinking you know that endorsed this medicine yeah you know has been safe of course it wasn't and it was causing a lot of deaths in infants yeah so atkinson and baker has a lot of blood on their hands and incredibly once again this was sold right through to the early 20th century that's incredible so that's that's like 100 years yeah or more 200 years yeah 200 years actually 200 years and i wonder how many babies actually died from consuming this over 200 years yeah so this is actually very similar to the mrs winslow's soothing syrup um which also was responsible for the deaths of many infants so these two products are quite similar in that sense we've done a story about mrs winslow's soothing syrup in another video yeah we have if you want to check that story out as well but both so tragic and completely unnecessary just terrible yeah it is where there's money involved exactly arcane this bottle is really pretty yes and it's a french bottle from a french perfumers actually and it's um who begon paris excuse my french and they were a french perfume house established in paris in 1775 um by jean francois who began and yeah and he and that they made perfumes but that actually contained talcum powder and it would have had a metal lid on the top that flipped open so you could get your powder out yeah it was probably scented i imagine it's probably some kind of posh scented scented french powder we found a few french perfume related things so this is like the french yeah and this is beautiful actually the glass is really thin and delicate yeah and it's a really interesting shape we've not found the bottle like that before really caught my eyes yeah unusual it's really beautiful you can see how it's been ground down on the top there where the metal cap would have been yeah i'm moving on to our other french perfume bottle over here of course the french are known for their perfume aren't they another french this would have been full of perfume wow that would be amazing so that says ed pin or paris and um that was their logo the basket of fruit yeah there that's really pretty got flowers and things in it yeah i'd love that full of perfume oh yes it's a really beautiful bottle it has actually has a tooled lip up here you can see the twist on the neck where the the bottle would have been the top would have been tooled yeah it sort of twisted the glass while it was still yeah you can see that on the neck which is really interesting so another beautiful bottle there okay we didn't film this one actually unfortunately but mum found this and it's the most beautiful blob top you can see the blobby top there it's a blob top and screw top yeah it's an internal screw which would have had a vulcanite stopper in it and the pictorial on here is a scotsman and he looks like he's holding a flag he's wearing a kilt and he's got his tama chanter hat on yeah and yeah it's it's really quirky it's really crudely done it's so funny it's lovely it is he's got no face he's just faceless look he's just blobby hendry limited edinburgh and then it says standard aerated water works so that's really beautiful that's a really cool bottle of that one it's a brilliant find it's a shame we didn't go on camera okay so here are some of my favorite finds from this adventure it's these absolutely beautiful stoneware bottles yeah they're gorgeous aren't they you know how we love stoneware and these are just they're just aesthetically beautiful the color um they were handmade of course and you can see thumb prints on some of them as well yeah this one's got some there look fingerprints oh yeah there you can just about see it from the potter yeah who would have made these and these are german stoneware salt glazed stoneware and salt glaze literally just means when they're being fired in the kiln they used to chuck in salt just order me salt and it would um you know science would happen and then it would make this glaze so um yeah we don't know uh some things about these bottles like we don't know what these numbers mean and the letters some of them have different letter songs yeah the letters and the numbers um yeah we're not sure a couple of eyes a k and a g yeah if anyone knows what they mean we'd like to know um and then we don't know what this is it looks like the number four and an anchor it's obviously their logo but we don't know the significant significance behind it yeah unfortunately but i think this might do with the pottery or the potter or the batch number i can't remember so if you know let us know but these bottles are polynorus german mineral spring water bottles and the spring was discovered by chance in 1852 in georg krutzberg's vineyard and he named the spring after saint apollinaris of ravina i think that's how you say it um the patron saint of wine of course because he had a vineyard all right so that makes sense polynara spring water is highly aerated natural spring water and the spring was acquired by george murray smith who partnered with edward steinkoff of frankfurt in 1873 to establish a british company with worldwide distribution rights queen victoria used polanaris as a mixer for scotch whiskey and claret and in 1895 over 19.5 million bottles were sold the company's now owned by coca-cola okay in our final three finds here we've got two cream pots and a ginger jar so a ginger jar was on our bucket list and here it is amazing is that it's very crazed but that adds to it i think yeah look at that gorgeous it's got quite a shiny glaze on there it's so cool some drips and it's got a beautiful shape to it yeah see these are classic ginger jar shapes absolutely gorgeous not much else to say about it really but it's a fantastic find and as for our cream pots we've got this plain one here i like it though it's lovely i know it's very pretty but what's done yeah what's interesting about this is the fingerprints so we've got a bigger fingerprint here but down here if you look closely there is a tiny tiny little fingerprint and there's some more on the other side and we think this is probably the fingerprint of a child yeah because it up because lots of young children worked in potteries moving pieces from one place to another and it was probably upside down and the child picked it up for it to be moved on probably to the drying room and it's like they've left a little tiny fingerprint in there yeah and then we've got the the print of the potter the bigger one here looks like a thumb print but um it's so special when you have those little fingerprints in there maybe takes you back in history doesn't it yeah it's a direct connection to the person and the people who made these okay and our second cream jar down here is this beautiful transfer pictorial and it says i think it's pronounced done ragged could be done ratchet so excuse my pronunciation if it's wrong but it's preserved cream and at the bottom it says this cream contains a small proportion of boron preservative to keep it sweet and wholesome fresh cream without preservative is recommended for children and invalids so at this additive was actually quite dangerous and yeah actually saying don't give it to children or invalids so um if i was just a normal person i would be shying away from that well nobody should have been having it because it was deadly and if you drank a lot of cream you had a lot of cream it would actually eventually kill you which is terrible but it's a beautiful little jar nonetheless and it'll go with our little um pictorial cream jar collection that we've got oh definitely so a huge thank you to everyone for watching this video for liking this video for commenting we love all your comments and thank you so much for your subscriptions as well and finally a big thank you to everyone who's purchased from our amazon wishlist and a big thank you to all of our patreons for your support and your kindness and we'd also like to thank willie for taking us to his wonderful location in those beautiful woods and we found so many amazing treasures with willie so thank you willie so much and also we'd like to say hello to susan scott and that's willie's mum who's home now recovering from covid and uh so hello to susan and thank you so much for watching our channel okay so all we want you to do now is to go and subscribe to willy's channel dirty secrets of scotland um we did ask you originally to help him reach 1k subscribers but you surpassed that for him in no time so that is absolutely wonderful so thank you everyone already has been to go and subscribe but if you haven't already subscribed to willie's channel go and do it now we'll leave a link to his channel down in the description um he's got some great content his video a collaboration with us it's already out there and you can also go to his channel to watch his single video which is fantastic it is really fantastic so you have to go and watch that right now it's really good and oh yeah make sure you comment uh leave a comment and say that we sent you as well so um on that note we'll say goodbye and we'll see you again next week bye [Music] maybe he's born with it maybe it's mud locking [Music] oh [Music] thirteen secrets of scotland hi i'm willie from dirty secrets of scotland and we've got a single coming out to celebrate getting a thousand subscribers which we haven't got yet but we hope to have soon and it should be out on them the 23rd of july for pre-release and then the 20th of august for the official release so you can buy you know up to a month before in advance or you can just download it for nothing when it comes out on spotify etc thanks very much to the northern model arts for letting me put this on the channel
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 42,282
Rating: 4.9773245 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, Mudlarking haul, Bucket list finds, Bottle digging, Bottle dump, Treasure hunting, Antique bottles, Crow core, Epic, Rare finds, Mudlarking Scotland, Mudlarking uk, Treasure hunting Scotland
Id: 7mtuYG3PoDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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