Mudlarking the River Thames - A very hard to access part of the foreshore

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[Music] seven o'clock in the morning and this is buttonless Wharf pier and the tide is on the way out and this is where we're picking up our boats to go on our River Thames adventure today I'm very excited about so now I'm just waiting for chill bill sigh fines and nugget logging and we will be on our way and I'm not sure which boater do is maybe that one I'm not sure by the way did you know that Tower Bridge is the only bridge at least in the UK that has a license as a ship information [Music] here they are good morning are you ready for a river adventure so here are my companions for the day and I'm very excited to be going out for the first time with Nuggets knocking how's it going great Brian I'm really excited about this it's pleasure to be here chill bill if my knees do not completely fold which never feels like it they're going to we're gonna have a great time and of course Syfy's yes we've got a whole mud crew here today I mean you get some lucky them up brilliant so I'm very excited to be with these companions today and after we could have a great time a great River adventure [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you if it's already loads of pottery here pretty exciting lots of Pipestone so Michael and Simon what would you hope to find today doc would go coin go coin okay more clay pipes okay well there's no sir no sir pipe stem so if there's pipe stems it means there must be pipe bombs somewhere I'm sure that well come away with a few pipes today now the guys have all got their detectors I don't have my detector actually I haven't got a detector that's why I haven't got it but I'll be searching by eye and there's so much pottery here I've just found beautiful tiny fragment of pottery with a little cow I think it's a cow look at that cow or a horse so we're gonna have a little pork pie inkpot extraction just here look I can see something there as well love this it's in one piece it's not that great fantastic coin or is it a or is it not well it's good it's good oh look it's got a decoration on it o is something newark that's nice I think you might be a furniture mount okay possibly I don't know it's a very pretty furniture matter well done thank you what have you spitted there so I've got a little tip Oh a bit of glass which could actually be an inkwell where we hopefully could be complete block a lot of things they start off looking promising and they're not being broken but so anyone might find out to dig it out let's do it hey Jenny of course in a style of Time Team the top but still he's a top winning well I think yeah it is it is the top of the Nick well I think it's got tool chimney I was reading about I think once the other day does look like an inkwell well where there's parts of ink wells that's going to be holding wells well well well [Music] because it's pipestem ha very funny no seriously so we have to do we develop our over here perhaps Tim well sputtered well spotted that's a nice one very nice how's it going guys put one of them up but here's what I just found a musket ball cool this thingamabob err nice now did find a coin probably a team George copper sometimes Oh excellent thank you just right here no the tides going out so uh all the heavy stuff yeah get on in this area I've just found a knife and on it it says Metropolitan Police what a great fine Luc's found a musket ball bonanza area good fire in here and here is probably from a couple Vicki Vicki spins yes congratulations mr. silver segments nice bottle stopper here like a CA with the fish pot slice fish paste pot here but it looks a bit wedged in the mud so click get it out it's firmly wedged in there I finally managed to get it out I'm building up quite a collection of fish paste pots now I have just found a stunning pipe bowl take a look at this quince No is that Albert and Victoria or is it William and Mary whoever it is it's an absolute beauty just look at that pottery lovers dream I've just picked up this and it's um it's funny trying to imagine what the rest of it says teeth preserved don't you please prepared up the something curtain behind the curtain gonna have to try and find an example of the whole fish perhaps you might know [Applause] it's like an old Wow that's lovely that's gonna wash it off oh it's beautiful still some clay on there but it could have the little dinger inside never know awesome fine that is what we're looking for sweet that's a great fight thank you I've never found a crystal doc really they're out here how are you doing sighs found anything early Blair taken and pipe ball as a muskie field so far [Applause] a lot of this stuff this is Moulton so there might be a padlock or something calling it back open and Prison saw it I'm not sure what type it is though he looks like it yeah that's probably a hate knee I think huh yeah probably a hatred early 1900s that's my guess still it's a coin yep thank you uh you go another let's get book yeah there was given a 70 signal that's exactly what they read oh okay yeah oops there it is we have a musket ball King everywhere nice chill bill what's your find at the day beam is that you're rolling coin oh yeah so see the way that that's been works on the edges yeah that's it Roman to me that's the sort of middle sized Roman coin that's like a 1-under through pondus and ass or whatever and well I think it's a Roman coin and it's certainly a very very emotive with one copper as you can see and that'd be awesome it's a Roman coin and I think it is I want to believe but what to believe so that is you'll find it today definitely yeah musket balls lovely old 1600 pipes but nothing beats a Roman apart from a barbarian of course yes well done well done that man well the toys coming in now and mugga is still determined believe searching for musket balls there well he get it before the washer like clipper washes over it or in a race against time not giving up well done I can't believe you actually first perseverance for you it was worth it the lucky musket ball sigh husband finding symptom bits and pieces did I hear you found a literary button yeah this please right now oh no sorry I'm busy detecting now just telling weights the shops actually a Victorian Barbie Oh Victorian father creature appears queen of the mother has found her typically amazing pipe person he looks like no that's a to the seventh betrayed my I would say that said with the seventh and that would be therefore was Alexandra it could even be George the fifth he's looking a little bit old for when he got coronated so I guess that's Princess Alexandra and Edward the seventh who had one of the first ever appendectomies before he got a crown because he got appendicitis would have died and they didn't really have that operation then so he had the experimental operation and survived to become king for ten years 1900 or 1901 to 1910 Nicola that is a core team well if you look at loads of coin so long enough you'll get the king's head worked out yes definitely that'll be my wild guess not so wild but definitely get there's a tiny piece pottery here and on it it's got eat which is very appropriate because shortly they're going to be eating some rather delicious pasties [Applause] my pleasure Cornish pasty my grandmother's own recipe [Music] [Music] [Music] so we have found a nice little spot in the Sun to go through our finds I'm just going to have a quick look at Nuggets flying's and size fines but they will also be posting their fines on their channels so you'll be able to see them in greater detail there but Wow all these fires I can't believe it I'm gonna start over here with Nuggets fines and he has a massive pile of varying sized musket balls impressive very impressive nice array of pipe balls some coins and what I'm particularly drawn to is this total Bell which is really something else sure he will go into more detail on his channel that's right check it out and now for size fines we go oh I particularly love the bellermine eyebrows which is quite funny because yesterday I was with somebody and they found an eye oh well that we're out a little hairy eyebrows and a nice pipe some coins nice little selection of things there as usual all right mr. Mudd lover by the way I'm loving the new sweatshirt mod lover hoodie anything Oh hoodie nice one and you've got a cap with nugget noggin now I need something for me yeah well we saw you send me out get designing and put it in brand new up thank you so I'll just have a quick run-through of my fine my absolute favorites flying today is this Pikeville with the king and queen on it and hey did we come to any conclusion about which King I think you still zafir but yet to be yeah yet to be confirmed you might even know and if you do please please comment below so there's that's which is beautiful so nice little bits of fur some shards of pottery with writing on I always like those some pipe stems have a nice little pearl where so I can make a new pearl where fish my ink pot I've started to collect these fish paste two jars as if I needed to collect anything else nice little bits of pottery so I'm very very pleased with all of that it's been a super fun day so thanks guys thanks for having me along I loved it and thanks to Bill he's not here with us but with us in spirit I'm sure yeah absolutely thanks Jill in my studio and I hope that you enjoyed that little escapade down on the River Thames and a big shout out to chill bill for allowing that to happen for us to be able to access that part of the foreshore which is generally quite difficult to get to and it was great to spend a day in the company of the terrific trio chill bill nugget knockin and sigh fines and if you haven't already checked out their channels do hop on over and see their channels and see what they've been up to recently it was great to meet nugget knockin otherwise known as Michael for the first time and he kind to me very very generously probably because he saw me admiring it so much gave me his craft will bill that he found on the foreshore which is it's hugely generous of him so thank you very very much Michael for that as you see I've cleaned it up and it does have a makers mark on this would have been probably on an animal hardest and from my research I think it comes from probably the mid 18th century so to think that that's been sitting in the mud silent for all those years and now you're going to be amongst the first people to hear it ringing again isn't that great so that's going to take private place in my collection and thank you very much again Michael for giving me that and on the subject of things that rattle that I have found in the River Thames in 2012 an anonymous artist put 5,000 ceramic eggs in the River Thames and we're still finding them to this day and I've been lucky enough to find two in 2014 I found this one it's large ceramic Easter Egg and it rattles and I have no idea what's inside of it I've often been tempted to find out but thus far I've resisted the temptation what would you do would you break it open to find out what's inside or would you live with the curiosity I'd be interested to know there's definitely something in there the other one I found is a small pink one and it has a serial number on the bottom of this one and again on the theme of Easter there's nothing quite like a few fluffy chicks and again when I met Syfy's and weeks ago and we came across a large nest of more hand chicks and some very very busy more hen parents who were swimming backwards and forwards feeding their very hungry chicks and I'd never seen a more head check for their ever sick so I'm going to leave you with that footage now I had to find an excuse to get it in and Easter is the perfect excuse I'd like to assure a very very happy Easter and thank you very much for your continued support for all your comments and feedback and for watching have a lovely he's doing it thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I thought you're gonna say you'd found a really large plate [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 205,119
Rating: 4.9276619 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, london mudlark, london mudlarking, uk mudlark, mudlark, thames mudlark, thames mudlarking, tideline art, nicola white, nicola white tideline art, nicola white tidelineart, mudlarking in london, mudlarking the thames, blackwall, river thames, metal detecting london, london history, detecting, dirt fishing, clay pipes, nugget noggin, nuggetnoggin, chillbill, si-finds, nicola white mudlark, crotal bell, blackwall police, coldharbour, claypipes
Id: zlNV2sDK4Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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