Mudlarking the River Thames with Nicola White - A stunning torpedo bottle & more!

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[Music] it's about costs 9:00 in the morning it's a sunny day Sun is out and it's feeling really warm it was quite rainy this morning the first thing I've come across down here is a pair of sunglasses so how useful is that I've just found a massive great marble at least I think it's a marble it's quite pretty got something interesting oh there's a nice piece of my tile here that's pretty almost looks edible doesn't it now I have seen something that looks quite interesting around here so I'm just going to walk around a little bit and see if you can see it no it's just here so let's take a look it looks like some kind of token or something [Music] you better clean off when I get home and a place to look I've just been looking around this really interesting area here and now that's a modern one penny there's another one that I shall leave those future mud lofts but I just turned over a stone down here and I'm gonna re turn it over for the camera and saw this certainly don't recognize it at the moment anyway so I'm going to get that home and get it straight under the magnifying glass it's quite worn so I'm not gonna wear it 10 anymore I know there are people the game don't touch it don't rub it with your thumb it's just the kind of an instinct I supposed to do that because you want to see what what's on there but I know it's not the right thing to do but here it is on that side and here it is on that side and hopefully we can identify it where you may have identified it already a few weeks ago David Nolan and I went out to Tim's extry for a walk and a little bit of a knock and so that's where we're heading off to now we found some great bits and pieces it was a bit windy and so some of the fines I'll put some music to save you listening to the gales but some of it's okay but I think you'll like what we found so come along with me down to the Thames s tree now I'm just over here got a fun bathing beauty I'll sit by the water huh enjoying the Sun seal wanted like an adult an about-turn enjoying the Sun well this walk along via long-reaching Dartford has turned into a bit of a mission industry you're coming with me mrs. spider you're gonna go very nicely with the rest of the Thames and the terms of Street orphans in my studio we'll make some space for you and the tights on the way out so all the waiters are over there having a nice tasty afternoon snack [Music] oh this is really deep mud [Music] [Music] now just down here it looks like this could possibly be a torpedo bottle but it could be a semi torpedo bottle as well so we just don't know yet it might have like a flat bottom on it but I'm just going to find out oh it's oh that's nice what's it called it mummy bum be and dad be oh it's kind of them yeah that's really interesting it would be nice to get it off of that bit of rock listen what we'll go and have a look and see what we can do without breaking the Mumbi bottle meanwhile whilst David is washing off the beautiful bottle I've just found a little hand well David has now washed off the Mumby bottle and he on it Mumby and it says on it make her to H M of the king makers to His Majesty the King well we've heard a little bottle patch here I've just popped this bottle out and it's still got its topper look and it is oh it's Liam parents very nice - very nice - I'll give that little minutes later I've just dug up a little bit of slate but what's interesting is it appears to have something scratched on it there let's see to investigate further well I don't often look and grips but there are some quite interesting ones here which would be interesting to look up this one is a bully bridge [Music] just found a very nice piece of glass with some lettering looks like it but said ahead so something nautical [Music] now just here I can see what looks like part of a pot and it looks pretty pretty home pretty hopeful you know it should be quite a nice big fragment I'm is broken but that's definitely Roman okay just a nice fragment [Music] [Music] so found a big piece here coming out the mud wouldn't it be amazing if there was a lot of it and I can see it's broken exciting [Music] [Music] I have seen something just here looks like some kind of pipe wow this is cool [Music] I just plucked this bottle out of mud it's a really nice one and it's still got the stopper at the top it's quite different it's got D Nile and sons I'm gonna take that one still got the bottle stopper in it look now this is a beauty look at this it's a lovely Victorian ink bottle and it's blue isn't that beautiful there's little bits there where you keep your pens that's gonna be lovely when I've washed it I think it's no it's not cracked at all look at that isn't that gorgeous [Music] [Music] oh I can see two things down here I can see a cute little blue bead I can also see what looks like possibly a military one trousers a second it looks like it looks like an eagle some kind of bird with a crown on top that isn't it gorgeous I'm going to attempt to clean that when I get home so we can have a closer look and see what it is look at this little piece of pottery here sticking out of the mud it's got poor dougie went I imagine it says home was sent straight to bed and something else so I'm guessing that's Doug you the duck do you know the ending to this rhyme would you like in you home in my studio I think that means yes [Music] you well here's my bottle the harrods stores limited Hamilton bottle with London on that side is rather glorious isn't it but I'm not the only one who loves it there is a little crab in there and I have to go on a mercy mission to take him down to the Thames for sure it's pretty rainy and nasty out there but I'm gonna take him down and put him on the foreshore and I just hope that he'll be able to survive it should be okay see if I can get him to come to the neck of the bottle Mary is look you see there is I can't bear the thought of him sort of perishing in there so I'm gonna take this bottle down to the river and going to let him out and I hope that he'll be able to find a new life down there so let's go let's go and face this nasty weather and take this little crab let's call him Charlie down to the river okay come on Charlie right little Charlie we are here at the Thames so let's see if we can set you free so find a little rock or I can put you all right there you are come on it's time to come out so worried about breaking this bottle well it took a little bit of help because he was quite large actually to get out of the neck of the bottle but look he's here and he's out now there he is hey Charlie come on so I'm hoping he's gonna be happy here in his new home I'm just so relieved that I spotted him come on in there he is I think he's gonna be okay there he is okay good luck charlie hi everyone I'm back from my crab rescue mission now and I'm going to just do a quick roundup of the objects it featured on today's video starting with the items which I found in London at the beginning of the video but firstly and let me just say that if anybody knows anything at all about any of these objects and I'd be very grateful to hear from you it's from people like you and your expertise and your knowledge just like people on Twitter and Instagram and that I learned so much more about my finds so do you feel free to let me know if you've got any information now the first thing I found in London was this part for my marble which is here nice big chunky marble is this lead token here I don't know much about mint tokens this one has got a couple of interesting little symbols on it which I'll show you on a photograph I'm thinking it probably comes from the 1800s possibly earlier and I guess probably used either in a game as a as a playing token or perhaps used in shops not totally sure the second object I found is this frilly edged coin here which dates to 1999 and it's actually a Jamaican coin now my star find from London which was under the rock just goes to show it's always worth lifting up rocks to see what might have been caught underneath it's this copper condor token now I didn't know anything about Condor tokens at all and if you go onto my Twitter account which is at tide line art where I posted it yesterday you'll see the trail of information and the answers that people gave me when I was trying to work out what it was I've given it a little clean off now it's very very worn so I'll also post a picture one which is a lot more defined but this token was issued in 70 92 by Dunham and Europe who were Goldsmith's in Norwich and on it I'm going to read on it is marked success to the city of Norwich one side and then on the other side Norwich Halfpenny 1792 and it also says very small letters payable at the shop of Dunham and Europe Goldsmith's Norwich now what is a condor token I I had no idea I've looked up on Wikipedia and it says they are privately minted tokens used due to the shortage of small denomination coins for everyday use and from what I can gather they were mostly used and issued in the 18th and early 19th century so this is a copper Halfpenny condor token issued in 1792 by Dunham and Europe's Goldsmith's in Norwich nice bit of Norwich history there now moving on to the Thames Estuary where I was fortunate enough to find a marvelous array of bottles I'm going to start with my favorite one the home to Charlie the crab very posh crab living in a Harrods London bottle and here it is it's cleaned up really nicely I've got rid of the barnacles and it's got Harrods stores limited on one side and London on the other it would have held aerated water in it I think at one point now Harris was founded in 18-49 by Charles Henry Herod so this bottle probably comes from the late 19th century it became Herod stores limited in 1889 when these shares were floated on the London Stock Exchange so we know that it's at least dating back to 1889 I've always thought that for such a beautiful thick well-made bottle it just would have held so little liquid in it it just seems such a waste I mean three little gulps and everything would be gone it wouldn't really have much in there to quench your thirst on a hot summer's day so much nicer than all plastic bottles so that's that one I can't say I blame the crowd for wanting to live in it my next bottle is another very pretty one here and it's marked with D Lyle and Sons and it came complete with the Vulcan night bottle stopper always a plus and again this probably dates to the late 19th century I should think and probably also held mineral water another mineral water bottle here mummies they were a healthy old block around where I was searching drinking all is mineral water mummies makers - His Majesty the King a little bit about mummies which was established in 1851 Charles Mumby was a chemist and he had a contract to supply the Navy and this type of bottle is known as a tenpin bottle and it's probably early 1900s this bottle here has got n ACB on it which i think is national alarm canteen board it's rather nice and I know somebody who will be do a very good job of cutting the top off to make a very useful paint brush holder psy finds is particularly good chopping the top buttons and I think that's going to look really nice cuz I'm not gonna seen a couple with NAC B on it before also a rather beautiful bottle is this one here is blue there's a Victorian ink bottle with the two little bits here to lay your pen and it's not broken very pretty I must have all Victorians to put on your desk I've got this thick bit of slate here I'm sure it has somebody's initials X on it I wish they acted a little bit more so that I could have found out a bit more about them but it's still rather fun having a piece of slate with some old hundred-year-old graffiti on it I have my mystery button of the day which I haven't researched at all so if you know what this button came from please please let me know what else have I got here I've got dougie the little duck in bed sent to bed it would be fun to know the rest of the rhyme again I haven't researched it so if anybody knows the rest of Dougie's Ryan then it would be fun to find out I particularly love finding Roman pottery chars we've got a beautiful selection here and there's so many textures they're so thick and chunky and there's something very special about holding and touching feeling these these pieces of pottery they're very very tactile and I love to imagine them in in a Roman kitchen full of remnants tuned Bremen vegetables and imagine the person who made them I think my favorite piece here is this little shard with the dots on it but there's also a lovely thick chunky bit here which has design on it it looks as if something has been pressed into the clay it's really nothing I'd like to learn a lot more about pottery actually and soon I'll be doing in collaboration with a man called Richard Henry who knows an awful lot about pottery so I'm really looking forward to that and I may well show him some of this pottery see if you can tell me anything more about it I have registered quite a lot of my Roman pottery with the Museum of London and I'll probably take along a few of these bits too just to show them so that's my Roman pottery and I've saved my one of my favorite fights till last and of course it is a pipe or at least it's pipe related but not the kind of pipe that I usually find I think this is the first it looks like a reptile foot or a reptile face I can't quite work out what it is I'm going to post it on the Society for clay pipe research Facebook page because I'm sure if anybody knows what it is and where it came from they are the ones it does have a makers mark on the side but it's really hard to read it's quite worn it sort of looks like a reptilian foot with the folds of skin coming down and on the other hand it also looks a little bit like a face so do you know what this is I've not seen one like it before so it's a very special find I've had some great pipe lines recently so I'm thrilled with this and now I have got the message in the bottle which I will read to you I have now found over 130 messages in bottles in the tens in the Thames Estuary this one is from a little boy called Mike and it was written on the 11th of August 2012 now this is the message that was in the bottle that was featured right at the end of the video you could just see through the plastic and it says said open me to reveal message so it was written in 2012 by until boy called Mike and says my name is Mike and I have 8 years old I'm sending this message from Queen Elizabeth the second bridge please call me on my dad on these numbers and tell me how far away you are from me what I discovered that there was a second message in a bottle in the bottle from a man called Howard who had also previously found it and it's dated the 21st of March 2018 I found this other message in the bottle washed up on the rocks near the path maybe evolved from Aris I contacted Moyles and his dad sent pictures and details about their request replaced the bottle with a message in it now what Howard does make a point of saying is that he picked up several other plastic bottles to take away to recycle and this is the only bottle that I will ever throw in the river anyway good luck to miles he says Howard aged 51 and 3/4 so I've now got these two messages in the portal and I'm going to keep those and add them to my message in a bottle collection I don't think I've missed anything I often end then I think damn I forgot something but I think that's it so thanks you very much indeed for watching I hope you enjoyed that little excursion or the two excursions if you enjoy my videos please subscribe and I'd like to say thank you for all your support your comments on my videos I really appreciate them and also for those in the know you won't all know about this say some of you will wonder what I'm talking about but my son he's in a band called collateral one the charts to go and open up for Bon Jovi with his band on a cruise in the Mediterranean which is actually next weekend and there was a family and friends special package so I've been able to actually go as well so this is hugely exciting I can't wait to go and cheer him on but also the other very exciting thing is that I entered a competition to sing a karaoke song with Bon Jovi's band the kings of Suburbia on the main stage the song I chose was who says you can't go home and I sent my video in you had to do a one-minute audition video I sent my video in didn't expect to hear anything there are 2,000 people on this boat and I got an email this week saying you have been selected to sing on the main stage with the kings of Suburbia who says you can't go home so now I've got to learn the words because they don't actually put the words up on the screen or anything so now I've got some good words I'll be doing that next week and I will get someone to film it so I might depending on how it comes out I might share that with you if you're lucky or if you're unlucky anyway back to mod Larkin thank you again and have a great week and I'll see you again soon thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 300,786
Rating: 4.9195471 out of 5
Keywords: london mudlark, mudlarking, mudlark, london mudlarking, uk mudlark, uk mudlarking, thames mudlark, thames mudlarking, tideline art, tidelineart, thames, river thames, metal detecting
Id: jJsvegQzHzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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