London Mudlarking near Execution Dock - Tudor & Medieval finds

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hi everyone yesterday I went mud Larkin with Simon from Sai fines and Steven from the man with the hat YouTube channel it was so hot on the foreshore it was like being in the Caribbean but we had a great time found some cool bits and pieces and this video is about yesterday's adventures when we went mud locking at Wapping thanks for accompanying us [Music] I'm just filming the steps here which we are going to descend soon when Simon arrives and Steven is now going to put his boots on I believe so because he can't go mud Larkin and his trainers no I'm just assembling the 360 camera oh I might do some of that gonna be like big brother down on the foreshore today there it is tides going out I wonder what we'll find today [Music] hi guys how about lovers UI we're about to approach on the foreshore $30 lovely day today so I feel provides a lovely sunshine and finds we're at spot you've got a man with the hat to service yes I'm gonna get a t-shirt like well we should do liquor with the stripy top you should do okay well let's not waste any more time then we're here waiting for the tide to go out and Stephen has some has found few things his first official mudlark advice what you got there yeah I've got a piece of pipe stem has first piece you've just found of course those lovely decorated so got a bit catching up to do we don't know what that is and that was green glass with a pattern on and Simon explain what that was earlier on in my video separately asleep way yeah that it's just slipped we're a bit of pipestem as some class or that's a very good start I'd say Oh funny waiting for the tighter I wouldn't have picked it up educate me it's a Tudor prick a kewda prettiest half a cheetah bring they'd have been fully that long but the hand and made and a non Tudor brick yeah that's probably go the to turn century because Rick so that would she need a brick is goodness son wow that's amazing I would I would ever pick that up now you get to see you like what you know but they know they're just it's tip them to sort of swipe so I mean yeah they're pretty I think they might come from another country don't look so they necessarily major this country this room is in what I can be older than that there might be sort of 14th century I think they came from places like the lower countries I've Belgium and places like that we imported a lot of stuff so there's still no definitive answer to where they came from all we've time to agree that the Tudor period yeah at least yeah Tudor or earlier so yeah these would have been part of the housing around London of 500 years ago just found put a picture here with what looks like a Kiwi on it I'm just if she read freaking through the cross so you've got a real pin spot yeah that's a little clasp is there probably up for coffee or something on it they're quite common pins I do all of you tiny little teeny-weeny little clasps picked up one [Music] again it looks like it could be the top end of a bit of bellermine house you can see the table he's not all there but let's give him a wash oh yeah so we've got here a bit of bellermine there with Cardinal face of a man which 17th century stoneware but it's got a picture of a man and it's shaped like that it used to be used for beer and wine but also for putting pins and urine and London and people would bury them in their houses to ward away evil spirits I sort of wash that off and see if we get closer look at this place yeah it was there very superstitious bathing because everyone was dying to plague sort of two eyes two eyes and a nose fabulous I'll give it that yeah they don't come about often see if I give you a toothbrush shoes will give you a year to brush your teeth yeah he's them looks quite scenario oh yeah brushes teeth for him yeah there's another brushes teeth in about 400 years hot to reveal well done you so Simon's found something simple look what have you got there something that pulling British goods oh yes Oh sweetie oh is that traitors token [Music] tonight was it got written on that I've got my glass my back Zealandia yeah what if she went for see that's okay because ah hey that is really interesting funny outside it's sir oh that's really nice and you know what it is see what that says maybe Steve knows he's dumb enough detecting over the years to see these runny nose recognizes it's not English I don't think my so I've just found this is full square coin it in the might 5c on the front in the back looks like Nederland see when you unfold shorts always nice to have a hand a little china arm let's give them a big hand anymore pen jokes you could think of ah it's comes in handy yeah well it's honest enough [Applause] interesting little piece of metal here not old I didn't think but notice that cannabis the bamboo cannabis or bamboo will sure and I've just seen over there a pipe see under that little bit of yellow brick [Music] okay so so let's go I'll got coin and it will just put the fine yeah okay I'll give you the square prints of it to look in that's after you I'll do that okay then you see before you can see if you can find it okay so it's there okay so we're trying to split all I can see it I can see it right in the middle there yeah just that can you have you got it yes tape no I reduce the frame yes it Oh Vittoria threatens six minutes it's a six-month yeah that's beautiful found a nice little red piece of glass for like half a bead person so I'm a mutt lover yeah okay how my preacher got holes in cetera right now my beats are absolutely full so you're the holes in these boots well you know we like to fully immerse ourselves in this experience literally I'm happy Oh looka mugshot nice you see because Simon is in the Society of mudlark see they just totally just go overboard a bit I just like to get completely covered in mud get that smear boxes so Steven how have you found your first real mud locking experience - best thing it's for three best things the expectation the thrill of the hunt the abscess yeah finding a point with a bowl setting Simon gets stranded and soaked please walk by the way I think you still put his clothes back on he got caught by the tide here is look at the track old with draggled Simon your sake beats a silent soggy socks so we're not gonna pop into the prospects of whitby and there's some gallows what why is it best was to represent execution dock which was some way around here you won't think nobody knows where exactly because it's been lost over time but they used to hang pirates on the tables only speak ground show people turn up watch that hanging really and the Pirates are so good at sake just so sneaky and so good at avoiding capture they did in their tapes and they put me I think Tibbett degli so that they could escape and just to make sure they were so video of the hanging they went to the tire to rise up so they could definitely be sure they were dead Oh grimmy people cook today somewhere around here and that just represents the history on that well so they harden them first and then put them in a chipper what way scared [Music] [Music] having a post mudlark drink and Simon tabulous to have brought along some of his previous finds now in particular this is fascinating can you tell me about this yeah produced basically is male otherwise I just chain mail so this was found senator center of London and yeah we've discovered there's three different sizes so not sure the uses of each one but maybe one was used as a maybe some more finer areas like maybe your gloves or arms maybe one with it went a full medieval yes yeah chainmail mm-hmm well he was made he was made in London some poor sod I'd sit there and hammer every single ring into another one because on the edges you can sometimes see like this one actually got there you see that's got that little link I'll put my hand under it you see that link there always been hammered into each other so someone's got in yeah hammer thousands and thousands and thousands of these together chainmail genuine Kingman yeah you found that on the tomb yeah mm-hmm and what else have you failed to do tonight mm-hmm quite a lot let's see what that one by this mm-hmm probably the best find anyways the suit points quite interesting firstly we found this is a Dutch do it just do it the photos guys and this day it's a 1749 so you just lucky there's a flag Express or something don't I love to test it and find out the wires couple yeah the one you're the one example we found isn't but that see why this is a silver sixpence I think was it 1875 yeah 35 such a Vickie young inhaling there and never state might be nice enough to make a ring out of it for me if I asked him in listening I'll make you bring a beer yeah you won't get a very big one however though okay um it's a bit of fossilized wood so it used to be you know the Sims used to be a forests on Ian used to be marshal and so this has obviously been a tree at some point ended up in there in the marsh a bog with the old Thames and sat there for a million square years and then came out like that right their Falls gold or I'm Navin how do we say I am i right Society yeah um and the other bits and bobs oh shoot that's half of a Tudor brick would have been that long originally but yeah it's got quite a distinct look about it if I handmade who have been put into a mold very quickly in there they're shorter and stumpy other than because we know now so I must take a lot more bricks to make ours bang boom classic oyster shell yeah the holding this beautiful that's my big heard you sniffle that came quickly didn't you mm-hmm and this is a bit of tingly this is sitting on a saucepan that's got some a suit as well dad you've got this little bit alarm yeah there we go Oh No pretty good day yeah happy with the coins seventies so this is one of your previous yeah River fines and what it's a coin wait so you would buy the exact amount as wear a gold coin was going around at a time that was striking the low country so Belgium area something like that on one hand there's the hand of any over and there's a 76 on there in the closest leading six is the builders ride up not sure what that is but there's a little makers mark as well as a little work ki and start so R means it wasn't a roof by the king and a ki stands to the maker whoever we don't know who the cat maker was of that particular no can you get the members the money isn't the menses yes on that well yeah ki is the guide very bad but it's just good condition hey I found one coin right before identify you right now and another one which is terrible condition that is beautiful so Steven what did you find today the man with the hat fights today of the terms oh look at that look at that hey that suits you [Music] I need your antibiotics now yeah that's what I came for and that's quite lucky I said that because I saw my god mission accomplished yes mission well you know he's gonna start somewhere the point dreamer toys all right but okay okay so I'm gonna do my roundup now my favorite find is this little piece of béla mine jar you can just about make out the eyes and the nose from the little wild man here on the neck so I think I'm rather fond of that I would say like this bit of pottery with what looks like it was a Kiwi running through the grass it's a nice bit of tin glazed with a bit of a fleur de lys on it for this curious piece of brass I think with bamboo on it I have to thought it might be cannabis the first but I think it's bamboo not quite sure what it would have been used for what else oh yes this little square coin with 5c on it there I think it's Dutch I have no idea how old I can't find a date on it just yet and a few buttons plain buttons back of a button in here Birmingham made in Birmingham and oh yeah right and Smith I think Birmingham half of red bead a pipe from the mid 1600s probably yep yeah and another bead a King George hey penny yeah that's about it really most of the selection know it some cases where's the little part beers well was that swing oh yeah there's a tiny little piece of pipe stem here but it's quite pretty that's right well I nearly forgot where's my poster I nearly forgot my little tiny piece what I think is gold take it to a Jew doesn't have it tested yeah it's gold so I wake retire just yet but it's my part of gold oh no thanks yeah that's my finds so happy it's a great day boot probably from the 1900 it's quite small so maybe a woman or a child's boots and it's been amended several times you can see that the soul of it now maybe the war was so much that the soul woman finally gave up typical hair and you saddened and they did they did they really did the song [Music] you
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 246,889
Rating: 4.9162531 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, uk mudlarking, london mudlark, london mudlarking, mudlarking the thames, thames mudlark, thames mudlarking, uk mudlark, mudlark uk, mudlarking in london, metal detecting, tudor brick, execution dock, pirates, nicola white mudlark
Id: ChDbooU9CAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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