Fantastic treasures found in the Bottle Dump! Searching the Mud with Nicola White

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it's always interesting to see what the bottle diggers have left behind apart from a bit of a big mess but I'm looking forward to going to a bottle dump with sy fines and a few other friends and I'm looking forward even more to showing you what we found because I'm sure we're going to find some interesting bits and pieces so watch this space so I'm with siphons today and he has brought me to this rather incredible magical place my lover's here we are at the bottle dump again sure to get some amazing finds there's loads of stuff here it seems to be never-ending we're basically picking up all the stuff that the other bottle diggers are left behind so is scouring the surface mainly I might have a little scrape around as well but as you can see there's loads of stuff there there's been dug previously so we we can pick up what's left and hope you find it and if you could finds wow it looks pretty amazing and we've got some other friends here as well some we're lost amongst all these dunes of broken bottles and mud so I can hardly wait to get going and see what there is well I know that he's going in my bag sure absolutely and he's always missing it'll be off easier give him a nice little home piggies I've got a few little piggies actually from the Thames for sure I'll get them all together make a little pig corner little farm hi Anna so you may recognize Ana because she was on the foreshore and the ladies who lock videos and it's also Monica you'll recognize Monica as well from the ladies who lock all she also digs around and looks for things in the mud here we're also joined today by the lovely Flo hello Flo fine Flo finds Instagram page Flo has an absolutely fabulous Instagram page and it's Flo fines and seriously go and have a look at what she's found what's over the brow of that hill there let's go and check it out now I always like to find things that have some kind of identifying names or marks on and it's quite interesting Keeler's State Street sounds like an American address really [Music] [Music] it's quite astounding it is just big holes everywhere just full or waffles broken bits and pieces and then occasionally you come across something quite magical a little while ago I found this little basket and of course it doesn't look anything at all but when I took the mud out it reveals a very Kitsch very kitsch picture some children playing and it says a present from Yarmouth so somebody's somebody's friend or relative has gone to Yarmouth walk them home this now I've seen down here what looks like a little head so exactly what I'm looking for really it's a little head oops with a hat it's always nice to find these little poison bottles oh that's a beauty look at this one lovely blue not to be taken these bottles were a bright color and also with the raised edges so the night people didn't mistake them for something else and also people who couldn't read could recognize the vivid color so accidental poisonings could be avoided as much as possible means I've just come across this bottle looks like possibly from an old tavern or a pub and its marked with C Harris Prince of Wales so I'm wondering if that's a an old pub or something maybe see Harris was the landlord so that is another one to be looked up see Harris Prince of Wales now that's lovely I am definitely taking that he looks a bit like the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland I'll just see if I can find a white rabbit now look over here is a bird head which looks very similar to one that I found on the tens a few weeks ago I'll take it out and see if it's for the same range of it egg cups right we've been here a couple of hours now and I've been quite reserved because I don't want to fill up my studio with too much stuff and there's so many beautiful things to pick up but so far I have picked up this bottle which is from in Paul & Co which is rather nice and it's got the Vulcan Knight bottle stopper - no I've got my blender I'm so jealous of that peg Hickey is the find of the day without any doubt isn't it gorgeous so I've got him and you know I've got a few things with names on I'm particularly happy with this it's a bottle with C Harris Prince of Wales and that's possibly a pub and that could be the landlord so Nick under people I didn't have people customized bottles for pubs in the 20th century yeah they do they did they're like flasks they call them yes yes they do so that's very possibly that I'm thinking that's probably the case when C Harris was the landlord of the Prince of Wales pub but we'll find out it might not be a little tiny chick and that's quite cute because I found one like this the other day on the Thames very similar in a cup yeah I think it's an egg cup the child's child's egg cup and I've got this interesting piece of tile but what I like about is it on the back it's got that well it's some notes no is a special appointment to His Majesty the King so it's got the maker on the back so I always enjoying researching a little bit about the maker I've also got a part of a plate with Keeler's from State Street so and a few volcanic bottle stopper and oh nice what's a nice piece off look at that back there oh yeah that's lovely a little tin glazed piece it looks like almost very nice so I'm very happy I'm getting quite hungry now so I may have to have a little little snack and this is Potter you've just given my yes lovely coat of arms yeah there's a bottle here which I have to tell you that's the night lovely it's yeah I hope that's I commit into a cup for me I'm sure he can he's a talented man well done you've got brilliant finds okay so that's it for now but I'm sure that later on we'll have even more interesting things so stay tuned so Flo has failed exactly what I was looking for a massive great chunk of newspaper from the early 1900's 1925 I've got mein it's a stack of papers and we're divvying it up very excited hundreds of millions of round round trees pastels and clear gums the sweets with the fruity flavours are eaten every year fair's special favorites with men even those who do not like sweets in the ordinary way the cyclist will the motorists on the dusty road the King's Council in court the mechanic at his bench the fisherman waiting for a bite all these find pleasure and refreshment in round trees pastels and fathers and mothers who wish their children to have pure whole sir sweets often to stop at a shop and take home a bag of Roundtree's pastels I've just realised this is in the photo is too heavy to lift two powerful workmen try in vain to lift my spooky a a young woman of 23 now appearing on the London Music Hall stage as the girl cheering quietly she's not very big [Music] I'm what datus this place before fair so this one is Saturday May the 2nd 1925 lady she's a maid look she's got a funny little or is she no she's actually it's just a money just seen something poking out here which I'm pretty sure tree oh yeah look at that it's an angel holding holding hands oh look isn't it gorgeous so it's an angel she's got one wing missing but she's holding hands with a little girl a little boy this way Oh kind of creepy as well it's a bit kindly but it's some she guardian angel it's got an angel what's all this face little bit squished I suppose it cuz there be mass produced and you know that's got sir actually it's got little number on the back there oh yeah three four seven one seven what a neat hmm just down here there is a fragment of doll's head we're always slightly spooky-looking aren't they I've seen a claw here sticking out of the mud a claw and a tail just here so let's have a look and see if there's anything interesting - fine look yes there is a big tail like a lizard's foot actually well that's quite nice that's just erm oh yes that's pretty wicked looking dragon his head I like that what do you think I think it's amazing and that you saw it actually from you had your mud lockers I there that was well spotted that's what I say I shall give that a little wash off later and have a closer look yeah I'm intrigued show us a gun on here where the head is there it is oh my goodness look at that so there's the head and he's got his tail up there there's another claw here excellent well spotted Nicola I've just spotted something really beautiful here just look at this isn't it gorgeous all right absolutely love that Nick this is my second crab paste lid of the day and I think it's got your name on it I I would absolutely love that travel it being for crab patty I think so yeah I think so isn't that going sure yeah I've got another one I found one earlier Oh do you like that nothing that's wonderful thank you you're so welcome so I've spotted some lovely luster we're here in the shape of a Viking ship and I am hoping it's complete oh it is oh my goodness is it a gravy boat no what is that for to be continued four eggs hmm don't know whether you can see the lovely sheen on that I love love-love-love muster we're great oh I love creepy doll heads [Music] so I'm gonna have a look and see what Monica has found some of the things that she's found it's a nice boots pot ball that swings the chemists that's quite sweet rhinos ever so cute she's lost her hey that's such a shame but isn't that beautiful I know I do have a few heads at home I might be able to I've been banned from bringing too much glass thing so I know that one's beautiful lucky with that and that one should clean up nicely as well so that one would look pretty with the Sun coming through it oh yeah this one's quite cute so got its label on it oh yeah I love that so French labels were so much nicer well I know the lettering 1930s leather love it just for farmers five-bar gate so that would go in with a box of toys that's gonna clean up nicely oh that's good you have some pictures when you clean yeah we don't want clean or if there any if you're anything like me they sit in the corner for a few weeks I have to do mine fairly quickly before the divorce procedures get put into into writing because my husband and my daughters have had enough sex oh well I look forward to you getting some pictures of those how do you wash your bottles I have invested in about six really decent bottle brush yeah I tend to soak them in water with a bit washing up liquid for a couple of days yeah just to loosen everything up and then I'll use a mixture of washing-up liquid bleach sometimes if they if they're really pretty ones like that yeah I'll use bicarb or vinegar on the inside yeah the big ones I'm not gonna waste so much vinegar on but for the little ones it's worth it we just get really strong white vinegar yeah he's beads on the inside I did use them some silver chain but then that would get knots and then you can't get the bloody stuff out again but the beads are much better cuz each one's individual you can just shake but stop on you stand there shaking it and so let's see what anna has found today in this magical place why have you got a fraction throw things away I like this half sure just change little legs but I like this plan that's great like him who's being chased a snake my dog being chased by a dog I'm gonna have a range of freaky heads because that's that's beautiful gorgeous sigh it's gonna cut this off so I have a really doesn't have his work cut out for him at the moment cuz he's got a few of my things and then these are just small a couple of small poisons I like that because it's going to be a beautiful color when it's Washington I love the original lid and I love this little green poison because yeah that thick right we all need some poison bottles so those are my I think those are my favorite finds and I'm absolutely loving your muddy knows what he knows very glamorous I like to say how much think very very clever well yeah thank you very much look look at the devastation over there so I'm going to move over to flu now and see what treasures she has collected and she seems to have quite a lot there oh my god this is a very small sample but these are probably my most interesting little thing okay right okay obviously I've got my selection of poisons which I am so thrilled about as we said at the beginning I'm looking for colored glass my window that is such a beautiful collection yeah I'm really happy and last time I came here I was just picking up greens so to have to lose is very exciting that you've progressed I have probably though the pinnacle of it is my cranberry glass perfume bottle beautiful which is etched and it's got gold in the etching yeah I was calling it a griffon but it's a Phoenix a cool dragon and an owl very Harry Potter yeah and that is gonna be the centerpiece of my window that's definite and it's cranberry glass that's what yeah so I'm really happy with that and I'm also a sucker for luster where a Japanese lost away from the 1920s and this has a rather Viking boat shaped a luster yeah do you see the luster and this I gather having just sort of chatted to say there might be an inkwell I've also got a very lustrous pepper shaker and this actually says Made in Japan so all of this lost away was really popular and imported from Japan in the 20s and and I love it I collected most lovely fragments of yes okay so what we have here is a gorgeous or 1920s flapper lady I just love her almost mask like expression and I was rather tender position she's gorgeous isn't she I love her I have a ginormous marble like a shooter I think they're cold isn't it freaky doll head and then some souvenirs which I can never resist this is for my daughter because her favorite Beach is south and we go there regularly the pier South End I was just thinking that earlier as we were walking along actually all these fragments you know it they just somebody's been on holiday and they've bought that taking it home put it on their mantelpiece and now it's here and it's just it's so much more than broken bits and pieces place it's just full of stories from from people real people who brought a souvenir of ride I think crocodiles alligators they are definitely riding I mean let's just call it a mum and a baby rather than anything else I'm not going to get crude here what who came up with this is an idea for a souvenir what is in ride that they not right in Crockett I'm gonna be looking that up yeah definitely right I'm gonna go down and see what Simon's got as I'm sure he's amassed quite a plenty for a style of interesting things what have you got so oh he's nice these are free really nice ones this is a marmalade yeah from Oxford that's complete not rare but still not love you define lovely typography this is a muscle that's paddy from 1900 which dates this dump moved out a novelty we Sainsbury's same she's been going for hundreds of years yeah under 100 years so this is the first proper advertising they did you know I'm not sure where that came from there this is a little toothpaste powder bottle toothpaste in it yeah I've got some poison boss Bacon's yeah green ones there and just one awesome the olive green piracy thing that's cute Oh Yardley yeah Yardley established in 1770 or semi semi Wow near London I've got one he's before he's got beef X on it so who might have been a beef extract competition of them yeah Bob real um oh this is nice one this is milk glass sorry that it's nice silk I don't know for the hair and scalp they're pretty rare for me any one fella know you've got a lovely collection there that's pretty much it on some enamel signs there I'm going to try not cycle which I'll make the kind of oh alright lemonade nice thinking bits on Pinterest where they got some old knackered enamel signs and try to make them good so enough bits and bobs now to hopefully try and make something out of it so angle grinder k out the good bits maybe and then form box that's my idea anyway excellent it's been fun having you thank you very much well I might do a little roundup myself now if you wouldn't mind yeah turning the camera on me let's do it little selection of my finds I tried to be selective this bird but also this bore these two I just love them they are just great I also love this an angel missing a wing this bottle not a favorite see Harris Prince of Wales pub probably this tile but really what's interesting me is the makers name and the details on the back something to look up this Cod bottle here with the marble in just nice it's cracked but it's still it's still very nice hmm at this interesting creature wrapped around little poll here I've got a few poison bottles I've got a little bottle stopper with a little owl head cute isn't it lovely and a child's shoe sole a very gaudy tourist present from Yarmouth and a few other bits and pieces including a little bit of doll head and this although I didn't find it it's what I was hoping to find and which I'm going to enjoy looking at is some newspaper from 1925 I think so oh you know absolutely great day thank you very much I'm really thoroughly enjoyed it thank you you're welcome it really is fascinating wandering around looking at all these broken bits and pieces pieces of plate bottles ornaments Stoppers perfume bottles all these things but back of my mind I'm thinking at one time these were fooling somebody's house their treasured possessions ornaments that people bought Aust on holiday or in the shop and here they are in their parts of people's lives from the past now here for us to rummage around you pick up and look at wander the history behind them [Applause] [Music] I wonder how many cups of tea and how many conversations were had around a table with this company [Music] [Applause] Oh
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 207,289
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: bottle dump, bottle diggers, nicola white, tideline art, si-finds, nicola white mudlark, mudlark, mudlarking, bottle digging, treasure hunting, metal detecting, bottles, treasures, found objects, victorian treasures, bottle dump finds, best bottle digging video
Id: OcYhrKdTaK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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