Mudlarking The River Thames - THREE mystery finds

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I love her videos and enthusiasm for clay pipes! I don't own one myself yet, but I'm hoping to nab one soon. Seems like if I lived in the UK I could just go walking along the Thames.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FrancoisFenelon 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Copper thing, it looks like tip of flagpole or something like that... (but this is only my guess)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ignry 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hi everyone it's looking very autumnal down on terms for today and it's also pouring rain and it's ripped wet and windy so I'm gonna go and see what I'm gonna find it's Saturday the 2nd of November the tides on the way out and I've got another couple of hours so hopefully the foreshore won't be too sludgy and we'll find a few good bits of pieces they'd like to see all these awesome leaves splashed around adding a bit of awesome color to the place I'll look first thing I can see here one of my old favorites it's a Vulcan light bottle stopper and let's have a look to see who is on there rinse off [Applause] is it some W a Wilson I've got a few of these I'm building up quite a collection of volcanic bottle stoppers and the plan is to I'd like to make some flooring with them they make really really good fool now I've been searching this area here because as you can see in parts there's this gray mud underneath the sand and things often get caught on that so I'm having a look to see if there's any coins or buttons or anything and I just noticed over here something that's worth some further investigation and so I'm going to see if you can see it I haven't picked it up myself yet so see if you can spot anything and it is right here looks like a ring let's take a look ah it's hovering part of a ring oh it's not a ring it's possible possible stop there oh that really had me fooled you know or is it part of a ring you know what I just don't know I don't know but I was expecting the rest of the ring to come out but you know what it doesn't matter because yesterday I was out with a friend and I found a ring and I think it's gold and diamonds I'm gonna show it to you after this video and so that's made up for this disappointment but I'm still gonna take it because I want to see what it is there we are there is the ring that's not a ring see how easy it is to be fooled so back to the drawing board I'm gonna continue looking along here because it's quite some pricing it's not a lot of potential with this mud that we can see things do get caught in it especially pretend rings [Applause] I've now seen something here and looks a little more promising than leave the fake ring and it's not this piece of pipe stem it's this much chain attached to it I don't think I'll put it too hard zone snap it is on the edge so this chain stay tuned to find out anything [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] sharings hey there's a ring it can't be far can't be far sir what is it oh it's another one is it like a level or something what is it it's like her no curious well I don't know what that is [Applause] right I shall put it in my bag and take it home for further investigation now it's frightening well the weather's getting progressively worse well I'm getting very wet but I have just seen down here a pipe bowl hooray which makes it all worth it of course can you see it it's just here so let's have a look and see how much stem there is a great deal and everything hello oh it's a nice big bowl though very nice a nice pipe bowl for a rainy day well I was just beginning to think that I was absolutely stark raving mad for coming down here in this weather when I just saw something which is going to make it all worth it because look here can you see what I'm looking at now I can see two ends of a pipe and hopefully it's the same pipe though I can see this end here and I can see the little spur a little heel of the other end there so hopefully all that is one pipe now let's see if it is I mean if it is it's got to be said but it's quite incredible that it's not broken the amount of people that walk over here that it's not snapped myself included so let's really delicately I mean I don't know it could be two different pipes but no I'm really hopeful but it's the same water oh my goodness oh my goodness it's always worth coming out rain or shine look at that a perfect intact beautiful pipe just sitting there three dates to the early 19th century only about 1840 so a good 170 175 years or so woohoo but also I'm just gonna pop it down there I noticed the top of a pipe ball over here as well now if I just go over the top see if you can see what I'm looking at can you see it down there right there down below here now that is the top of a pipe book it I think it's probably broken just that sense I get from initially touching it but we don't mind because we just got that other beautiful one yes it is broken look and it looks like a broken masonic pipe but i'm not going to take that well you can't win them all but we got a winner there that's a real beaut worth getting soaked to the skin for now there's a nice bit of stem down here because look it's got that red at the end and that is the remnants of the wax that was on the end at the mouthpiece so that the clay didn't stick to your lips it's quite nice to find them like that you don't usually find them with the wax still on them well the tides went on the way in and a coppery glint just caught my eye just down here so I was trying to get out before the tide comes in it looks really weird goodness me whatever is it that looks rather interesting what is this what is this [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've just spotted a little bit of bling down here that is obviously poor Chanel who is a Chanel earring look Coco Chanel hopefully lots and lots of little diamonds I don't think so though [Music] [Music] so to make up for my ring disappointment earlier I've just picked this up now of course it could just be a sort of wound up bit of wire but it looks ring like to me what do you think or am i clutching at straws it just looks like her homemade ring it's probably not but let's pop it in the bag anyway along with the very strange thing and the beautiful long pipe so really this rainy morning has reaped rewards but I am looking forward to getting home and having a hot cup of tea I have to say I'm just collecting up some glass as well for my glass fish and I just noticed this little piece of pottery here which is rather quaint [Music] and look it's not over yet because I've also just spotted this bottle protruding from the mud and I'm hoping it's gonna be hold does it say something Brockhurst there's a clipper coming as well so it's going to wash those waves where is hole first well that might be all we have to go on but it's worth doing a little bit of research it's a nice bottle it's just so muddy right here comes the waves maybe if I put it in the waves it will wash it off a bit wash that model ah it has got something else so it says oh wow it's got a name it's got a name on it oh my gosh that's so wonderful [Applause] William herons by steam power Brockhurst well well well well well I'm free before - looking that up William Perkins by steam power Brockhurst well this excitement on a rainy morning I don't know if I can cope with it [Music] so wasp it's been lost so I'm going to pick him up and put him over on the side out of water the wrong time of year for you is divorce trial that's it then we can take you off to dry land [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go put your peers and you out of the tides way hi everyone thank you very much for watching the outing on that blustery windy horrendous day on the terms but there's something really lovely about it actually I love being down on the foreshore in every kind of weather and just absorbing the different feelings of each season because it's different in winter summer spring and autumn and I love the river in every season so I'm going to go straight into my mystery finds and there are three of them really because I can't find out very much about them so I haven't done too much research all I have but it hasn't yielded many results so I'm going to start with perhaps the most intriguing or interesting should I say of the lot in my view which is this because what is it I mean really what is it do you know what that is because I don't my mud Larkin buddy Sai finds has suggested that perhaps it could be some trench art but I know what are your thoughts it's certainly been hand made by somebody I think and it's got a little bit here where it can be stood up on a flat surface but I would absolutely love your ideas of what this object is it does look a little bit like the iron cross Simon suggested and it does I suppose but what was it what was its purpose or didn't even have a purpose it seems to be made of copper so there you are that's mystery number one mystery number two which I'm sure somebody has the answer to is these these three dangly things here now they probably well definitely open I should say but they are completely fused shut that one of them is open but it's missing the top but they're fused Shutts that are on a chain and in tiny writing on the side it says Bray number three ring here which looks like it could have been attached to something about are they different pencils I don't know I would love to know so if you know what these are please enlighten me and there's three of them or rather two and a half so that's extremely interesting as well and thirdly for my mystery find it's this bottle because having researched William William Perkins by steam power brokers I've come up with pretty much nothing at all I found a William Birkin who helped produce synthetic dye but I don't think it's him and so is it the name of a tavern a pub a bar a person is it a commemorative bottle for somebody who invented something to do with steam power and why Brockhurst so there is another challenge if anybody is up for it and can find anything else about William Perkins by steam power Brockhurst then I'd also be very grateful so there are the three mystery finds from today's outing we have this here this mystery cross we have these mystery diner things and the mystery William Perkins by steam power any information gratefully received so now let's move on to the clay pipes luckily I do know a little bit about clay pipes and so must you now I think after all the time that I spend going on about them this one here was a really big surprise actually I wasn't expecting to find a pipe that day and this is a lovely example of a sort of early 19th century a nineteenth-century pipe very similar to one here and it dates to her 1840 to 1870 it's got this little seam of leaves down side here which at the front of the bowl which was good for covering up the molding right so there's that one about 1840 this one here looks like it could be slightly later actually if we look in this book again my pipe bible and compare it to this pipe here it looks like an early 20th century briar type shape so it's probably a little bit earlier I mean sorry a little bit later than the previous pipe so early 20th century more like I should think so and then this little piece of pipe stem here which I kept because it has the remnants of the red wax which was put on the the end of the pipe to stop the clay from sticking to people's lips now I do have here a replica pipe no I did not find this and I bought this in a secondhand junk shop and it's a very modern replica but it has a really good example here of the red wax that was put on the end and in fact in my book my pipe book here by Eric g8o it does kind of a full paragraph about the wax form types it says let's have a look after firing the last stage of manufacture was to treat the mouthpiece of the stem so that the smokers lips would not stick to the porous clay the cheapest of pipes if treated at all were dipped in water containing a little pipe clay in solution then given a polish better-quality pipes were coated with a mixture of soap wax and gum during the last quarter of the 19th century it was common practice to treat the stem with a red sealing wax by heating the end of the stem on a hot plate heated by a gas flame and then rolling it on to the wax so that's what the result would have been that is the remnants of that red wax here on that little tiny fragment of a clay pipe now moving on to jewelry but let's start with the non jewelry first which is this little fake ring here which is actually probably part of a ring pull and plastics well I think it really did have me fooled but it's not a ring and I won't be keeping it but this one here I mean I suppose this is also a bit of a mystery fine because it looks of course to all intents and purposes like a little bit of rolled-up wire but it does seem to have been done in such a way that it makes a ring and it's rather solid as well so somebody has taken a bit of time and effort to make this into a ring shape I think even fits so there you go very nice but talking about rings the other day last week actually and I wasn't filming at the time I was out logging with a friend and like I said I wasn't filming and even if I had filmed it I don't think I would have shown it because it just looked a little bit too unbelievable but I flipped over a rock and underneath staring up at me was this beautiful sight a very very shiny ring which i think is gold with to what I think are diamonds in it and it's a little bit broken at the bottom here and it's very very delicate it's also very very small but I do think that it's a diamond ring and now I'm meeting up with psy finds on Sunday and he's going to bring his gold and diamond testing get along with him so I'm going to film him whilst he tests it and then I'll come back and report to you and tell you if it is indeed golden diamond and then I thought to myself well as I'm going to be doing that I think I'm going to have a look through some of my rings from the past and take them along with me two and two or three years ago before I started doing videos I found this ring here now I definitely know it's not gold but there is this large sparkly stone in it which I highly suspect is not a diamond but it would be awful wouldn't if in a few years time I discovered actually that all this time I'd had this massive great big diamond in my house so I never even knew about it so I'm going to take it along with me just in case to see if this stone here it's like a heart-shaped stone is a diamond but like I said I highly highly doubt it I think it's more likely to be glass but very pretty all the same unfortunately it's a bit too small and I can't get it on my finger and I do have a few others as well which I'm going to ask Simon to test to see if I can get a definitive answer as to whether they are gold or not I do have one here which I know for a fact is not gold because the hallmark inside is in fact the name of a shop but I thought it would be interesting to test it to see what the test comes out like if it's not gold so that we compare the two and hopefully this one's going to be gold diamonds and this one will definitely not be so a very interesting array of finds and I'm hoping to find out some more about all of those particularly the mysterious items so please let me know if you know anything about them and now I wanted to mention the children from Hercules class I recently heard from the children of Hercules class who were four and five year old children from Langley Fitzer school kington Langley in Wiltshire now their teacher mrs. Dixon raped me and told me that they've been learning all about London and she showed them some pictures of my GlassFish that I make good glasses I pick up on the tears for short and the children decided to make their own collages their own fish collages and she sent me some pictures and I'm gonna have to show them to you because they really are so inspiring and I just want to give a big big shout out to all of you children in Hercules class and tell you just how beautiful these pictures are and they're so inspiring that I'm going to put them up in my studio so that I can look at them and be inspired to so please carry on making your beautiful artwork because you're very talented and it really is absolutely stunning and nothing pleases me more than when people are inspired to be creative it's something that really does give me such a lot of pleasure so thank you very much mrs. Dixon for sending me those pictures and thank you very much children from Hercules class carry on the good work and on a creative note carrying on as well I wanted to show you my recent addition to my charm necklace from the very talented Wendy of silver jewelry I can't remember the name of her site right at this instant but she makes the most beautiful silver jewelry and she is also very inspired by the River Thames and the latest addition is this beautiful little tiny trowel like a tiny weeny doll sized trowel and I won't ever be able to lose it because it's safely around my neck and I also have another stunning pipe Bowl or pipe rather modeled on the Eagle Claw designs if you're looking for a Christmas present for anyone you might want to go and have a look at Wendy's sites and I'll put the link underneath this video because she really does have some beautiful jewelry so I think that that is it for now I don't think I've forgotten anything so thank you very much again for watching and thank you for your feedback and comments on my previous videos I'd like to wish you all a really lovely weekend and week ahead wherever you are and I'll see you again very soon thank you very much [Music] half-asleep in the tween on my way [Music] see curators right here beside would you come me Sun is rising and we go [Music] [Music] for the seekers there's a way to come today Phase II open on the ground life will be found let me go to the ocean and we go [Music] [Music] the sea
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 348,655
Rating: 4.9012885 out of 5
Keywords: london mudlark, mudlark, mudlarking, uk mudlark, mudlarking in the uk, mudlarking in london, thames mudlark, mudlarking the thames, mudlark the thames, tideline art, tidelineart, nicola white tidelineart, nicola white mudlark, nicola white, si-finds, simon bourne, mudlarking finds, best mudlarking finds, mudmen, river thames, thames, thames finds, metal detecting thames, london history, london archaeology
Id: Byhsobb6S2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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