Mudlarking the River Thames - Neolithic Flints & Roman Coins

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[Music] [Music] [Music] one of the great things about mud locking is when you bump into friends and other mud locks on the Thames for sure and you can find out what they found and what they want to find and this weekend was great for that I bumped into several people and was able to see some of their finds and find out what their dream finds are so I'm going to introduce you to some of these people over the course of this video very exciting find here I have found the plug there we go instant low tide go down the slipway and try not to slip because it's quite slippery to end up a bum there is Tobias let's see if I can sneak up on him hi Tobias how are you ready for a successful day how are you doing YouTube what are you hoping to find I'm hoping to find anything today anything is a good fight you've been nice to fight another ring today would be nice find a nice coin yeah yeah well I'm excited because I'm in an area where I don't usually come so I am also hoping to find a nice coin hopefully some gold you know I've never found anything in the slightest bit coin wise Romans so that would be nice and kindly nigel of rectum with metal detecting has lent me this orx from XP it's been set up it's all looking good got the earphones - and a pointer so I'm equipped to go find some great interesting things so I'm gonna go off now and see what well methyl detectorists extraordinaire Tobias has got a signal or he's found something have you found something really already oh okay right okay right I'll turn my machine on and have a go okay all right Mike can you really swing it and do the 90 degrees as close as possible if you can what do you get two minutes ago I could Oh oh my gosh what's that well that looks like you've just come down here and casually found a Roman coin well I said yeah can you see there the facing right yes yeah can you see the body over you rub your finger you should be able to that's incredible well done tobias well to hard isn't it yeah maybe part of a mount sometimes they have marks you know giving something away like the name of a person or a date or something I don't think this one has anything can you see any marks there no I can't see any marks it's really pretty yeah it looks like amount of sores well yeah so we've just met Richard on the foreshore and Richard has just spotted something down here in the shallows was it well SIF you've got in your bag Bob's probably find a survey for me that's a flint blade of age on those probably Neolithic maybe Mesa lithic that is incredible on the back it's got quite a lot of this what's called Tim's of race which is kind of cementy but apparently it builds up on old things when they're in slow running water through one so they would have been used for cutting yeah I have never found sort of Diagnostics on those it's got lots of flat plains on that and it should have something on the back which isn't very clear here called a bulb of percussion which is kind of shell shaped fracture and usually at the top it has something called a striking platform which is where it was struck off for logical yeah wow what a find that's a good'n yeah excellent not much else other country the second best find of the day would be this which is another piece a little piece of Sainte mère this is madam say me and we'll just give up tonight it's very nice so quite war I had bigger pieces actually it's quite distinctive this stuff because it has this sort of look at has been varnished yeah that's beauty and this you picked up as well and is that some form of Roman tile Roman hyper course tiles where the Romans had their heating systems they would light fire hello the floor but the fumes would travel up the flus that were set into the wall butchered a little bit like chimneys and these pieces of tile have the little well not bad for a morning is it thank you very much bit of an exciting potentially exciting discovery what have you got I'm gonna cross that does look gold there's like a bracelet yeah like a child great and if it is gold which I would say I'm having such a good day I can't believe it oh no I can see so much well it can be go but maybe it's not the pure gold yeah you know it's that's definitely sort of like a bangle isn't it yeah no I look forward to seeing that cleaned up so I've also bumped into Steve here who's been looking very intensely along the foreshore have you found anything Steve general or you provide what cause I've got it I've got a tin if it makes it for the tin yeah it is good so this is so this is not that's it this is not the tents so I'm looking at warm in their room and both lovely top I know I mean they say you just don't want it to be lost to you yeah the fleur-de-lis yeah the FIR today that's really nice I found a really good one yeah wife Julian wasn't pleased cook got boxes and boxes full of pipes we're gonna save best for last you see so let's get this rubbish oh no pipes nice right I picked that up Robin that was a bit of work done to that but it isn't it because not what they do they have retouching tools okay look very similar with that a little bit of decoupage just like soft slightly worth bits of Flint right but what I'm really looking for is the then the nicer blades yeah [Music] [Music] but on NYSERDA pipe there's you know that's a beauty yeah that's gonna be to say they went extinct I think in the eighth dinner 1200 and then they've got reintroduced in the 1700 so that give me a special I just like that is a boars tusk well that's a great fight I found of a horse tooth once and I thought it well I mean I found a lot of false teeth but I thought it was a boars tusks but that it's an actual boars tusks and now an out in what made it into the Tin the tin of the winter Kisame hunt some Robin tweezers I need to clean them up because it could be patterning on them okay so those are Roman tweezers that's any Roman eyebrows though you know they're kept themselves smart the Romans so what would they be made of there this bronze that you can even sort see the partner coming through there I had to go straight line to make sure I think that could be so hard to tell myocytes I'm going on no everything sort of blood what fine Roman and tweezers that's got to be fight of the day no wonder it's working and the 10 because we're friends might think yeah you know I've never actually found a work Flint so I'm looking forward to the day that I find out they just offer their phone I'm clipping this much Sean out and pulled the whole thing out and rich it was just furious with jealousy it was great oh my gosh day that so Steve if you have well do you have a dream find that you haven't found yet a good talk a what Gold talk okay a girls talk necklace you get like medieval Victorian boy you do get like Bronze Age page and like as a little yeah so that could be Iron Age coinage and you gotta think the big finds that alright the talk right ok brilliant I'm holding on there for a talk well I hope you find your toy look well thanks very much so let's see what else Richard found find anything else said Richard yeah just watch the end I thought I'd actually spotted a piece of Roman same Ian pot bent over to pick it up yeah it sound at to be a piece of plump hot but right next door to it got a few but these particularly really nice angry little face thank you and say what is your dream fires which should I like to ask people that what would you axle eat lean up I'm find I don't know I'm working I do actually have a list and I'm trying to check items up there as I find them but I think I've only actually found I'm a coin a hammered coin doing this yeah three years no be no I haven't found a single coin okay boned ice hammer coin for in and I've also bumped into Andrew on the foreshore so what a great day for meeting lots of people have you found anything today Andrew why we found pennies two pennies my favorite still pennies it's more than I found today I'm afraid nothing more okay well yeah penny is a penny exactly [Music] but all is not lost for Andrew because he then went on to find this Victorian that Chelsea pension spa so bias you've had a great day haven't you where's my rollin which I believe he's costing time the second yeah not in a bad condition and so that was my find of the day that is absolutely stunning find and you've got that little heart and you've got another coin well excellent good day was Helen please you tried your machine yeah no it was great it was a very good day for practicing on the machine [Music] so I've just bumped into Kevin now - how are you doing not very well have you found anything today what are you hoping to find a treasure right yeah have you found a traders token recently like one yesterday did you well when from centuries under the sign don't don't fin in him whooping oh my goodness I have never found traders tokens so that's definitely on my wish list where you send me a photo today oh well yeah we've got a little world haven't waste so maybe maybe that would be great okay well I'll have to ask you to send me a photograph of it so then okay brilliant well good luck I hope you find another one and yeah let's see it all there thank you so I can see a little Pike Bowl here and it looks older than the usual one that I find the usual type mate carefully take the sands away from it and see it looks like it might have a little bit of stem it's a nice old bowl it's very nice [Music] at 1600 it's been scraping around this area and so I just turned over I wonder if you see it nice this that's a bumper I turned it over and had a lovely surprise it's quite decoration look [Music] found anything taken a nice scent is that what's the name of this again is there a particular name for this one with that design service across hello or it's just a cross where do you think that date spawn probably early 18th century that's great ah now I also want to introduce you to a very special person who is called sandy as sandy is a mud lock player sandy Edith sandy is the most wonderful person who found my trowel when I left it on the beach and I was absolutely heartbreaking so it was my handmade trail by my friend Graham and sandy found it and I was so happy so I would like here sandy to officially thank you from the bottom of my heart for finding and returning my trowel just look at it you know I mean I really was so upset and I'm terrible I lose so many trials so very grateful thank you very much and I've actually got one on today which is here because I'm so worried now about losing them that I have to tie them to myself so now it's twin has been returned and yeah thank you so much so sandy how long have you been mud locking I can't really remember every time I came to London I'm from Germany I came to London I've been down to the beach but I would say now five years now really looking forward five years and can I ask you what your favorite find is I like coins I have no coin from 1640 but I mostly like going for pottery I love pottery pottery you're a pottery girl and what well anything is welcome anything and yeah what are we already in it I can I ask you what is your dream find what would you love to find maybe an old ring something really good button a nice button yeah do you like the ones that have the names on my Laila yeah go with a map or even a ring with a name on a ring yeah yeah I'm with you on that there they're very good dream finds ah - really nice button as they look sort of 19th century don't like very early 20th or 19th century what's that one oh that's that's gross yeah I love it when you get the tailor on the button then graves yeah I found one of those and you can find some really nice old posters on the internet and this one tiny little thing isn't it our own make our only beautiful button finds make a tiny one yeah so delica isn't it something so small it survived all these tides well thanks again sandy and happy hunting and I'll see you again very soon I always enjoy finding fishing weights but I've just found a very rude but efficient so Kevin how long have you been mud locking it's coming up for two years two years but you found some fantastic finds some of you you've had some great things up yeah have you got something here that you could show me to be choose a dresser a Tudor dress hook yeah and when you say to you to dress hook so what would that have done they had like a sash to hold up there for humorous skirts about them like dragging on the ground I just put you up with a sash okay it's the skirt self [Music] that's gorgeous 17th century still my cheeks stylize flow to me Oh beautiful steel matrix that's gorgeous to stomp on some of these letters seventeenth-century yeah again seventeenth-century muscle simple either way you can see signs of the wear from it being used yeah you can you really can see the wear on their car [Music] this is my favorite vines Queen Anne cufflink this is queen and cufflinks yeah and this is your favorite finder yeah it's got like a cute old caricature a Queen Anne on one side with a R and the other side is what was the Archbishop of York John sharp yeah there was also called dr. sharp that's the D s and here at the servant and this coronation in 1798 and quite an interesting things as I as you John sharp is one of the first collectors traders tokens John Shope sort of the first collectors of traders tokens yeah so that's Johnny sharp did you say he was a pizza it was the Archbishop of York specifically open he gave us a tool that and foreign a generation and there is an oh gosh that's amazing I'm not surprised it's your favorite fine that's such a find find and a half that's absolutely amazing and if I can ask what is your dream find probably a pilgrimage yeah pilgrimage or a well you've had actually a real penny yeah great I mean I'd love to find a pilgrim bad too so well I hope you do find your pilgrim but thank you thanks for showing me these they're absolutely stunning two years mud Larkin Wow I didn't have that [Music] hi everyone thank you very much for watching and an especially big shout out to everybody who is on this video today and for being such a good sport as I pursued you around the foreshore with my camera as if you're in some kind of tide line art documentary we're probably all we wanted to do is peacefully get on with your mug Larkin which is really what it's all about so thank you so much for being good sports and sharing your finds with me and tell me your dream finds and I really hope you find all your dream finds and I hope I find all your dream finds too and it really goes to show what a rich river the Thames is as we've seen there's everything from Mesolithic Flint's to Roman coins to Georgian beautiful cuff links to rude fishing weights and it's probably a good time to mention that if you are thinking of going down onto the Thames for sure then you do need a permit from the Port of London Authority and you can find all the details about that on the website of the Port of London Authority and as you've seen there's such a friendly nice community of mud locks that are there to help identify your fines and that can give you advice on where to go and in particular I would suggest a few Facebook sites there is I'm going to make sure I get this right now there is the River Thames mud Larkin fines Facebook site and there's also the Thames foreshore fines and there's also London mudlark and there's lots of friendly mud logs who are there that will be able to give you lots of advice and pointers and help idea your fines so I'd recommend those those sites I'd like to say a very big hello and a shout out to Julia he's also a mudlark and she is Steve Crowes wife that Steve you featured on today's video so hi Julia it's a shame you weren't there that day and I hope that next time you are so that you too can feature on a tide lineart mud locking documentary you may have noticed while surely didn't notice because I was during a metal detector at the time that at the beginning of this video I was metal detecting as a general rule I prefer to search eyes only on the thames for sure it's just my preference for how to search but occasionally I like to dabble with a detector so thank you very much again Nigel from Renton's metal detecting for lending me that Oryx or orx from XP it was good fun and Tobias was a very good teacher and I'm looking forward to going out with Jen soon in the field and to getting my first exciting find so thanks again for that I was very envious of Tobias his Roman coin fines and so I was thrilled and over the moon when Sean sent me some Roman coins so now I have my two little Roman coins here they're the first Roman coins to set foot into the tide line art studio and they are going to take pride of place so thank you very much Sean I know one of them is a Constantine I'm not sure about the other one I'll put some pictures up on the screen thank you I'm over the moon with those so thanks again for watching everybody and I hope you have a great week thanks for your comments and feedback on my previous videos and if you've enjoyed this video please subscribe for more and on that note I'd like to wish you all very good week ahead and I'll see you again soon thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 123,890
Rating: 4.9379497 out of 5
Keywords: london mudlark, mudlark london, mudlark, mudlarking, uk mudlark, mudlark the uk, mudlark in london, thames mudlark, thames mudlarking, london mudlarking, mudlarking book, river thames, river thames mudlarking, river thames mudlark, thames finds, mudlarking finds, neolithic flints, mesolithic flints, roman coins, metal detecting, metal detecting thames, tideline art
Id: WJLwn4akuZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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