Mudlarking And A Dumpsite With Nicola White Of Tideline Art

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so [Music] so [Music] no legs [Laughter] she couldn't escape he couldn't get outwards here we can't drag it back out again yeah so i'm just hanging on around where we can find uh hopefully you get some shards we'll get something here we'll get something huh with us let's go so what's on your wish list today sarah um anything hole anything whole i love dolls parts i very rarely find them but that is yeah i always wish for those marbles i had a couple marbles on here german marbles yeah and you know what i'm grateful for anything anything at all look anything we can find really yeah it's a lovely little spot yeah we look around you what we get yeah me too right we're down here um on this little bit of a river beach and let me tell you there's been a bit of a storm a bit of um i don't know whatever you call it flooding and it's great but everything is all i've never seen it so busy on the floor tons and tons of stuff and what's that i was just a base uh put this out look jack that won't be hole but there's tons of stuff today tons of stuff on here so yeah i think we're in for a good a good little trip here oh is it cool oh no it's not um yeah but i think we're gonna find some little gems today i really do i've got me i've got my hopes up um right so put my bag down i'm gonna have a little scour on this corner this is my favorite corner and for finding things so yeah i'm very very hopeful so come on let's go see that pottery with a bit of writing on there let's have a look oh something strong and some you know what i like a piece of pottery i don't know what something strong and i think it's got these legs on it not sure i like that what's that oh what a shame that's broken whatever that was it looks like a little i was gonna say dog but no it's just a bowl with some feet on but yeah that's a piece of pottery that's really nice so i'm gonna keep that one a little sheer top bottle and it is i thought it had lines in it that was a poison one it's not it's just like an aqua sheer top that's nice it's only small so yep i can keep that one i doubt that's another pipe bowl but you know what let me just sorry let me just get my bag down and some uh on some dry land just see oh no oh it's not it was part of doll's head but i don't think there's any features on it oh just a little name on the back but i can't use it i can't use it with no ears and mouths and stuff or what a shame but that was definitely worth having a look at a little part of a doll's head something's caught my eye over here a little child on this mug oh look at that what a cutie and it looks like it was a present from liverpool so scenic here very very peaceful very special [Applause] that is a teeny bottle let's see if that's full it is it's absolutely tiny that's a tiny thing maybe it was expensive perfume expensive aftershave or something but yeah that's okay that's a little keeper i love that little bottle to the end of this bottle with me for this little number one it's not a screw top it's a little amber oh gosh i don't know i presume medicine i'm not sure oh yeah that's a lovely little bottle a lambo one obviously full of cack full of sand but yeah it's a shame there's no embossing on it really is there anything on the bottom no there isn't but yeah a nice little bottle like a lid what is it a lid i'm trying oh it is it is it looks like a panan looks like a panyon lid and it is a little bit of a dink at the bottom easily fixable but yeah a nice little pannian lid oh there's tons in there you just can't get to it it drops off so quickly but yeah panty end lid thing here was it oh yeah oh that's really nice what is that some sort of electrical oh is it oh i thought it was like a thing oh no i like that yeah yeah yeah i like that a couple of candlesticks in the water let's just go in and see see if the hole shall we or at least something that we can work with just make sure it's not too mushy in here nope it's fine it's fine what's that one oh yeah that's a pretty one we can do something with top bit smash but we can sort that out there you go that's a usable usable one and then there's one down here have a look of it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh sorry oh my gosh i can't believe it ah i found it before nicola as well can you see it ah i can't believe it can't believe me look this is the biggest pipe i have ever found i don't mind she's just giving me one today that looks very similar i can't i kind of look i'm not excited though so i don't know where she's around the corner look at that can you see it can you see it can you see it oh my god what the actual oh oh gosh that is just is it i don't know what it says i don't know because i'm too excited it's got it's got clasping hands both sides it's a full it's an actual full pipe it's a full pipe a full one an honest-to-god full one plus pin hands i can't read it because i'm too excited oh my gosh it's full full complete no chips no bangs no dinks no nothing i can't i can't even be i can't even tell you that my first complete full pack i'm so kidding i can see my hairs all over the place i don't care look at that full pipe who wants a bruman candlestick and you've got that just there oh sorry i'm too excited i can't wait to show her she'll not she won't believe it there you go pipe oh super exciting so excited completely no no oh my gosh shaky hands on there what does that say on there i couldn't read it i was too excited lying rolling oh no way oh oh i nearly nearly stepped on it i was going for a uh you know lucky victory came here first oh my gosh oh i'm so excited it's great yeah it was an amazing condition ah very nice just lay there [Music] i'm going to show nicola now i'm so proud i hope she's really proud of me i heard the word pipe being uttered from over there what have you got [Music] that's beautiful that's gorgeous look at that oh thank you so much nice funny come on chaser chases i love the pipes as it says on your sweatshirt yeah that's going in the bag that's absolutely gorgeous look at that pipe doesn't it i never stood on it i was going for a candle stick oh stunning well done well done thank you i'm so glad i went to this corner for you absolutely no i'm not always go to the corners nicola always go to the corners that's where it all sweeps around so you'll be on that corner now a lovely marble [Music] [Music] you see it here we go with a pipe bowl this one it's a ripped one pipe bowl i've took all your powers nicola i've took all your powers pipe bowl yeah i've got i've got your power nicola oh sarah's on fire over there look can you stop taking all my pipes out of please yeah that's why i was feeling so tired this morning oh that's a nice one lovely fluted bowl there well well done yes i think i'm gonna follow you now yeah very lucky very lucky what i can say i don't usually spot them i just feel in the pressure well done all right see you in a minute with another pipe okay just just call me over any time let's get a little washer here wooden one i think i don't know maybe sarah will know that is i think we keep that she likes these long balls so we saved that for her oh that was like a little sample sauce let's have a look oh that's it let's get that cack out of it oh a mason's sauce a little miniature masons yep that's nice a sweet little find stem spotted there just a little piece nothing on it but yep we always want to keep those but let's have a look in this fresh bit of river here further down from where we've just been so um in theory there should be more stuff down here as well shouldn't there it's just it's so sandy i think it all just gets sort of pushed into the sand and just to re-emerge further down we'll have a look we'll see i could get oh gosh this is thinking i could get on this island last time because you remember i went on my belly and grabbed out a load of beads big string of beads and but yeah okay got pipes done that'll do and let's have a quick reach around here and see what we can see believe my absolute look can you see it can you see it she'll never come back she will never come back oh he's a bit dinked on that side i just don't care look at that can you tell by her face that is amazing and i don't tell her i don't tell nicola [Music] i'll break it too gently break it too gently oh she's not going to move your feet for much longer right great great pipe bowl look at that i haven't got anything like that ever ever ever ever ever ever just sat there oh god such a great time i think i'm having an absolute blast i'm sinking in the sand um yeah i don't want to die holding onto a pipe bowl so i think i'll turn back well that's amazing she'll go mad [Music] i'm good i'm going to take it to her um she's not going to be asking me i've already filmed it i'm just telling everybody that i don't tell you i'm just telling them that i didn't want to break it to you i found a pipe bowl because it's not like me just don't do don't find anything like this but isn't that amazing oh my gosh i can't believe it what have you just found a fat man i don't do it on purpose and never find these ever ever ever oh my gosh that is absolutely beautiful wow that's incredible it was just sat there on the mud on this on the sand well done and i'm saying i didn't tell you i told you you're only way down there to find your pipe and you did never see anything like it before you probably have but that's beautiful that's really that's really stunning yeah i feel like i'm pleased with myself oh so so you should so you should that's wonderful yep brilliant find yeah now down there oh actually do you know what it could be a ring pool it looks like the top of a pipe bowl doesn't it maybe i'm grabbing at straws i don't know anything you know your pipe bowls i don't know that one yeah i think that's a oh but there's something there as well that could be the tip of a pipe bowl okay i'll have to investigate this is going to necessitate a very dangerous and cold oh hang on let me roll my sleeve up right it's going to necessitate a very cold and dangerous maneuver just to find out that it is in fact a ring pole that was looking like a pipe there's something down here there's something down here that could be a pipe bowl there's more likely to be a stone hang on ah nah it's nothing nothing at all it's not my day you're the pipe bowl queen today did you hear it it's official i'm actually the pipe bowl queen queen yeah just just for one day let me have this one day but i have seen a little something down here see that little face staring up at me a little tiny face look oh no just almost two three times well it probably just got uncovered oh you're too kind oh that's beautiful yeah that is really nice that's my consolation prize i'd be happy with that if you didn't so just following mrs pipe bowl for the day that's me so sarah nicholas just gone down to the cliff edge down there we're going to try and get to cliff edge the river's quite high up so i don't have to get down there but nickel has gone up you pretty much know the sarah's down his end here hopefully we'll get some fines here wish i could get to that cliff edge uh being a non-swimmer in the river is quite uh fierce looking today i'm not going to go anywhere near it so uh hopefully i'll find something i always i always hate to see poisons broken there we go and not to be taken one but smashed what a shame let's see if there's anything else what's that [Music] someone said that's a bone find lots of bones right we're down here near the cliff the cliff edges up there i've left nicholas to go up there because you know me i'm not uh i'm not brave enough to do that i'm afraid so i've left nicholas to do that i will keep my ears open for her though just in case um but yeah i'm gonna have a look around here i'll walk a little bit further up there and see if we can see anything exciting usually there's usually always um little bottles because for some reason yeah they they stay whole but yeah we'll have a little look and i'll bring you back and find something exciting looks like another little ink yeah i like that that's a tiny one that that seems smaller than the one ones that you should find but yeah i like those it's clear but i still like it because it's an ink they just put so much detail into things didn't they okay there she's made it over there i'm so pleased i'm so pleased because i can't look at that i don't think i can do that can i what do you reckon right i'll stick you know what gosh i'm going to stick it under my chin and see what happens sorry it's going to be exceedingly poor filming and you're probably going to have my chin in it [Applause] there's nothing really to hold on to that's my only i've got my grabber got my grabber as you can see i can hook into there oh actually you know i think the fear the fear is worse than actually doing it the fear of it i'm just gonna sorry that's it put my foot on yeah i think the fear is what's holding me back let me look at that how do i get across there i have to go up here [Applause] do you think what do you think oh gosh it's not slippery so i don't i don't know what's holding it i don't know what the fear is and i can swim and it is branches down there you know i'm sorry getting me chin in it's the only way i can hold the camera this is the stuff that just falls down but at least i can see where she's trodden i'm going her footsteps screaming nicolas footstep sorry not her and i'm sorry that you've probably got me chin on this oh what have you got third grade sorry sorry [Applause] and i made it i made it to this bit anyway right it does go from underneath here a lot this is probably quite unusable footage but made a record of it anyway it's so different to have from when i was before when i was here before there was just nothing i could have put my feet on absolutely nothing what's that [Applause] i will take my camera out of it here if i get on a firmer footing i certainly won't be pulling anything out the banking that is for sure [Applause] see oh gosh you can't believe i made it here oh i don't know how much of that footage of me coming here you've just seen because it was in my top under my chin but i made it i made it and i was nervously talking throughout but it got me through it got me through so you know what let's have a little look just need to find a couple of nice little bits really i've got my bag but to be fair if i find i can't carry it and concentrate at the same time i will just uh okay look at it all there oh i won't be touching that um yeah if a finder can't carry it we'll just find it and leave it here um i'll need to have a hand free don't i right okay so i'll bring you back if i find something um exciting you know what i just looked down and i saw a tiny little pair of legs poking out of here i wonder if there's anything on the end of these legs right next to these roots here let's reveal the body oh look it's just a it's just legs and a bum and one little hand i wonder if the rest of the body is in there no i don't think so okay well it's still cute okay i'm gonna go and have a little look over here and see what i can find as usual but you know what i do have to reward myself with something for coming over here because it was very brave of me so yeah i'm going to reward myself with my usual favorite thin bottle i do need to take something back from this traumatic trip a little dog's bowl too heavy but you know what i'm going to pass it as a find um but i don't really want to take anything heavy back with me there's a bottle with a bottle stopper in it i will take the bottle but my reward will be the stopper sorry out of this bottle here let's have a look is it ripped it was a rip bottle any writing no remnants of a label no writing ribbed lovely colour lovely lovely bottle stopper i'm afraid you can definitely come home with me bottle not from this place you can't well that's a nice little i want to say bottle is it a bottle something the next just broken off or it looks like it would have been like a salt cellar maybe i can't tell if that that's how it was i don't know i don't think the neck's broken off that hasn't it yeah little salt cellar thing [Music] [Music] [Music] oh look at them you know normally i would take those they would look great on my frankenstein shelf oh should i shouldn't i i was too big i'd be too scared of falling because i've got that in my bag but yeah and normally i will take that little figurine i'll start out and out i don't even too scared to look i just can't see anything a different sort of terrain here again but nicola's gone right over there she just don't care she just goes for it all right come on i keep looking i might just find that that little gem that's all i need one little gem this wave i can see what looks like an interesting design on that mug there let's go and have a look at it looks like a piero she said sliding into the river yeah oh no it isn't it's a it's a clown and a dog it's quite cute isn't it i think i'm gonna have to take it just so i can take a picture of it in fact i'll just give it a little rinse off in the water to have a better look oh that looks kind of interesting i'll get that in a sec right let's rinse this off without falling in [Applause] oh that's better a clown with a little doggy clown who wouldn't want to drink their tea out of that right let's go and have a look at that over there and i am not going to forget my scraper i'm not i'm not i'm not going to forget my scraper what's this oh is that a ring i don't know um right okay scraper first because i will forget the scraper so here we go and let's have a little look at this piece of metal here oh it says something doesn't it something about hello oh look i can see another marble there as well i've got herself a little i've got myself a little sweet spot here and an old thing for hair let's take that marble that's a nice marble pick up the scraper thing if i get home with this scraper thing back to london it's going to be nothing short of a miracle i can tell you oh here's a nice stopper and that's got something on it what does it say oh selby fletcher selby place it won't be going see that mud there not a chance not a chance will i be going over that mud i think this is probably my limit now and that's the majority of it she's got loads to go sorry nicholas got loads to go um but yeah that mud is a definite no-no for me this soil is great honestly this soil it just it just moves with you you can dig your healing and you're quite secure it's quite good she says um but yeah it does it just sort of goes firm under your foot firm under foot as you're putting your weight on it's not it's not too bad at all don't mind it here just unnerved a bottle stopper which i'm very pleased about because i can't see anything here i think it's through another one of those i think it's through uh sheer panic but i can't see anything you know what i'm like here i don't know why i keep torching myself coming here um yeah another bottle stopper don't mind if we do we've got a button looks like a i think it's a a bone button a bone button it must be it can't be bored because it would be completely rotten don't think it's plastic i can't tell because i'm gonna let me get the other hand oh it might be plastic actually got a bit excited it's still a button and to find a button in here it's a bit like finding a needle in haystacks to be fair so yeah i've done well i've done well to find that button oh but that's a nice little bottle a lovely little sheer top and i know i've got a million but if it's light and it's little i think i might try and take it it will obviously be the first thing to be ditched should i not be able to make it but yeah a little sheer top aqua bottle perfect condition yep we'll love you oh you know what that bolt thing with all them um washers on i really quite like that i could see that on one of my driftwood mesh um bulldog clip bucket handle pieces what do you think i think that might clean up quite well and yeah maybe some hooks on it as well yeah i'm gonna keep that seems an odd thing to keep but yeah i'm gonna keep that [Applause] [Applause] oh who's this oh that's nice looks like a zulu warrior or something oh no no no that's a native american isn't it how nice oh look now just down here i recognize this because i've found these before it's a piece from a child's game some kind of football game i think because usually it's got yeah here we go look left something sorry my foot is really bad left half there you go [Music] [Applause] a few little toys wow so many so many things there's another tiny lead figure down here a really curious one very very skinny [Music] a little soldier let's see if we can see any more there's some little lead wheels from old trains [Music] well that looks like part of an old photograph doesn't it [Music] wonder if the rest of it's in there look there's another edge there [Music] there's another lovely big marble here let's put you on isn't it oh i can see another marble over here i'm having quite a good marble day today maybe sarah's found the pipes but i've got the marbles oh half a marble now that'll make a really good fish eye let's see if there's anything else around here [Applause] oh i like that little jar i was trying to see if i could read what the label said but i can't i just can't see what that says at all but something like jam do you think or something like that but that is a handy handy little jar anyway so you know me if i can repurpose it then i will that can definitely be used again for something else a little jar that label will just rub off but we'll still be able to use the jar oh you found one there she is just seeing she's got anything no not me i think she thought i'd found a pipe i haven't my pipe finding days are over she's too far away to um to give me her powers i think it's only when she's closer i think it's only when she's closer those powers cross over right okay i'm gonna try i'm gonna make my way back now really there's nothing here for me um yeah oh wow what's that bottle there it's a screw top but i've gone a minute it looks like it's got a nice bit of embossing on it don't give up too early looks like it's got some nice embossing on it so let's let's get down to it sorry pop that there let's get that there oh what have we got oh right what's that oh that's look at that altoids what's that ultimate doltoids poultoids deltoids oh no god can't even put me glasses on dala tinois dalytinoids oh god i've just mastered it wherever it is um london oh it's broken what shame doll latinoids i don't know what that is you know what i might mend that even though it's a screw top and i won't bother mending the screw top but i really like that and that is something i can actually look up and see what that is because i must look at it i killed the name on it but it might be something interesting it's certainly something i've never heard of before so yeah do dolla tinoids yeah whatever that sorry the iridescence on that cream pop that paste pots of it is amazing you probably can't see it but that is a beautiful beautiful iridescence there isn't that a male it's amazing what happens isn't it to this glass but yeah beautiful i won't keep it i've got tons of them but that it does look beautiful a little bit of pipes done by the look of it there the end of it we never say never to pipe stem there you go that's a keeper weird tip this this tip because there's so many different ages here um you've got loads of screw top a few modern bits and pieces then you've got flagons um shear tops you know it's weird but obviously quite productive very dangerous don't ever attempt to take anything outside it would just put oh look at she's right down there she's a little dead devil isn't she but we'll find a you know kind of few little bits and pieces a couple of little bottle bottles and that button um a doll's part a little cupidol or something like that i am trying trying hard to find one so we'll see you know i'm on my way back now but i will look carefully on the way [Applause] oh i can see a little torso over here see her there oh that's so cute that's really lovely let's give her a little wash [Applause] i think i can see a doll face up there possibly i'm not sure i also saw just down here where's it gone a tiny little bottle which i thought i'd pick up i've lost it again now there's a stopper where did that bottle go so oh here it is just a tiny tiny weeny little thing alston alloy it's quite cute isn't it okay i'm gonna do a little expedition up there to see if that's a little doll face or part of doll face anyway i need my might i need my mounting climbing gear yeah there we are oh it's the bottom half of the doll it's the bottom half sarah might like it i'll put it in my bag for her [Music] i've got all these treasures stuck in the cliff face right time to head back i think now my old favorite orca knight [Music] oh what's that what's this oh wow it's like a lead swan really heavy oh that's so curious isn't it lovely a very heavy lead swan that way so yeah that was a tip off graham that right i do often wonder i will get to these places really sorry that was a bit of an old lady noise that wasn't it and you know when you move you make that noise ah oh i've got so much soil there's so many stones i've got massive stones in my boots what i'm gonna do now so what i'm gonna do now is i'm just gonna sit down and i'm going to take just tip the stones out of my boots [Music] yeah i'm just going to take the stones out my boots that was traumatic but we made it over there she's having a great time oh i'm just going to sit down and take these but i'll bring you back this is the most ungraceful anyone can be at taking the boots off okay loads of big stones in there oh my boots have got a leak yeah boots have definitely got a leak oh that is a lot better that was okay oh my word i'm just gonna have a rest but mixed at the top of the hill mix at the top got a nickel right down there and uh i'm having an old lady rest i might have another little look slope on the way like that got a few little bits just didn't we feel a little bit i'll tell you what it's nice a little pink inkbow i just go and get it come on [Applause] oh gosh i think it's an ink anyway it looks like an ink different shape oh gosh watch me fall in now at the last minute oh is that a stop stop her is that a stopper what is that what is that oh no he sheared off a bottle that was oh that was a stopper then no it's just completely sheared off a bottle don't worry this is what it's come for this oh it's a little bit bashed what a shame i do like that shape but look at that and although they're very pretty um those little cracks yeah that will just collapse that would just collapse it was worth a try on it [Applause] another little scene i've got lots of little fun mug scenes today [Applause] oh look it's a jewel a crystal isn't that beautiful [Applause] a little photo bomb there i just looked down and saw a belt buckle in this water now i've just gone and muddled muddied it all up where is it oh here it is there's a really cute little bottle down here it's a bit discolored but look it's got its original stopper in it unfortunately the stop is broken [Applause] that would have been really really nice if not i shall leave that there and see if there's anything else down here [Applause] oh my goodness can you find me down there oh my goodness me exhausted now if it's hard getting over there isn't it yeah yeah i've had a few interesting things including hey just drop something the bottom half of a doll face i found some interesting bits i found a very heavy lead swan all right that's nice yeah wow and i found a nice little um where's it going little torso really nice very very nice it's quite cute isn't it it's nice yeah unbelievable outside there's [Music] no i didn't i was too scared to look oh pink cushion oh pinkish on one yeah that's what yes isn't it pink cushion one it's pretty cute i've just done a craft using one of them but not making a pincushion right if if we go home we'll go and we'll stop there i'll just snip upstairs and get it before you made it last week it's like a little i'll show you i can't describe it but yeah that's a beautiful find yeah both of them well i think we should call it a day now it was a nightmare it was absolutely brilliant i loved it i don't really want to go [Music] [Applause] watching subscribe and if you really enjoyed it as much as we've all enjoyed it today don't forget we do have the kofi link down below where you can donate the price of a coffee or even a little bit more because it all goes back into the channel and if you haven't i'm sure you have if you haven't seen nickelodeon pop over there i'm sure please do please go and have a look i'm sure you used to yeah anyway thanks for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: Manchester Mudlarks
Views: 6,650
Rating: 4.9479017 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, mud, bottle dump, craft, crafting, funny, finds, how to, dockybay 51, mud larking, river walking, wading, walking, exploration, exploring, treasure hunt, treasure hunting, rivers, adventure, finding, beach combing, beachcombing, pottery shards, pottery sherds, river glass, sea glass, weirs, beach, bottle digger, trash picking, riverwalking, dump, mudlarking uk, nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art, nicola white, tideline art
Id: tXQtyvA-gls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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