The Ladies who lark in the Thames Mud - Meet my mudlarking lady friends!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe you back now [Music] like no warning you make it spin oh it's not just hunky men that lock there are lovely ladies too and this is Monica and Anna and we've got up nice and early I'm going to come down and catch the low tide here at Battersea so hi Monica hi Anna what are you hoping to find today anything for me so I'm slightly nervous mystery exactly well it's brilliant to met up with you it's nice to come locking with some ladies for a change I'm gonna go and head over there find a ladder to shimmy on down to the foreshore so let's go [Music] so we're gonna be going down here having a little look around it's about two hours until no time so got plenty of time gotta get the right clothes on go everything girls a nice shiny new trowel exercises excellent and Monica has got her trowel you know what I need [Music] [Applause] [Music] the glamour in Tula it is stable Nicola [Music] well done [Music] mrs. goose [Music] just over here there's a little bead [Music] what you go oh that's beautiful eyes entire justice reversing I think Anna said I think that was probably the penny and that's probably the top leaf yeah I know that's quite sweet I suppose I could for any kind of lotions Heather can then they would have been standardise purposes that's a good start yeah so here's a pipe bowl that's a little bit broken but again it indicates that there may be some more where this came here yeah okay oh I think I can already see a button I'm gonna quickly zoom in on that going to have a little look I love I love buttons I wonder if it's got anything on it is it got the name of the something I never looked yeah you can clean that one up that will come up gorgeous and then there was the little lid seal yeah it just goes to show you when you get down and you just look in the area around you what what that can be an LED seal just that was used for cloth bag maybe yeah yeah it's not much detail on that one Oh what is exciting over here oh oh so it's probably a forgery and somebody's probably got pissed off cut it in half and chucked it in the and the drink I'll look it up yes they say one of those French guys all fours it that's not French I need to look at it there is another button here good spot and that will have the name of a tailor or something on it I always another but it's got the neighbors the show [Laughter] [Music] sweet little bass Oh mother it's beautiful inside Wendy's fifteen sixteen hundred's lovely and over here there is some kind of portal who knows if it'll be you might break it it might be very interesting Gamble's oh look at that iridescent gorgeous colors that's gorgeous chicory coffee Glasgow so there's a pipe here it is broken you see it's broken but it's still quite a pretty one would have been pretty in its entirety yeah it's lovely isn't it it's a nice fluted design it's got a maker's mark on the and the heel there's a really nicely elaborate makers mark actually like her it's like a tiny star see on the side and then on that side here like another little star you like marble I do love oh yeah that's cool just hold it up to the right look those are the bubbles we had in that child right hold it up to the light so we can get a nice little view Oh wonderful it's the lemon which in the tonic it is if it was later I'd say we'd have to celebrate Oh somebody has lost their marbles you're good you're good it was really good a mobile the other I'm so proud of myself a penny a penny lips and it was used to sell ice cream and you get the tree one the links were thinner flick it out and they kissed and they bite out fill it up more ice cream and it's really without washing it without washing it and that's possibly how cholera was spreading well so we're not anything back from that and mix I must think they would have been about 1888 but really touchy and it probably all the pressure parts would have had stand selling this so this might be the perfect place to find what I'm gonna lick I've never heard of a penny liquid let's have a look I like old things let's say let's see in front of it the Gator is party if I do the pagoda there's a pakoda let's say all that is a stack here he'll forma shoes that be any copy 1930 couldn't be could it look how slim it is somebody's you keeled over after they had a Kenny lick oh is that the song well oh yeah that is the soul isn't it oh I'm definitely keeping that all you've got - yeah guys Monica's saving it's the Sheep like saving souls on the tennis court so Monica's got a shoe collection but not like most true collections my husband lost about my shoe collection yeah it's definitely not the glam one I [Applause] think that's actually gonna go in a bag in the back [Applause] [Music] there's a nice bit of bridge here it looks like a bit of bridge just know you're gonna pick it up and pop it in your bag that is cool just wouldn't have looked nice in the garden ornate iron work nice we know what maybe been hot bench oh no why I think you're right actually yes offense oh that is music strongly feeling here is a pretty piece or Westerwald I believe that is what that is so pretty just to notice one of my favorite kind of bottles and it's Mickey the chocolate flavored milk with the flying milkman ready I think these are probably early February 1930s but I I just love that's the flag movement yes so there's two things down here this is what first caught my eye and what I love about it is that it's got the cork in but it's got the it's got the wire on it and this here look it's a quite bold masquerading as I pedal so let's have a look see how much there it's a little bit of stance a nice use isn't it I saluted design ok Monica's going to [Laughter] write 2.5 exciting and they decorated only lonely always that one's an acorn look back central acorn design and this one looks like it could be a Masonic Hall let's see oh it's it's a nice one though yeah it looks like her yeah that's me done the minute you stop and find all you do is yeah and sitting up aniline stuff if you walk by you just miss it it's true let's have another look because area bonanza Oh little Alfa let's go set him free we tried to borrow into my gloves a little over swim-off was he good he's got he was quick I've just seen a nice little decorative bottle down here we're really pretty look at that isn't that gorgeous let us hope just complete so I've found something that's not a model oh it's a little pennywort actually that's rather lovely oh I like that washes do your own breakfast tray two three full hours on there pretty cute [Music] [Laughter] here we have a bottleneck with a glassed-in who likes a high who can take it out I can't do it do you mind Monica I go through oh great I was very satisfied you know what I don't think I've ever from an intercity like that that's nothing just think that's the first time in a long long time that that stuff has been out of that waffle Wow why so well for thing pops around here is that you're better use that on your breakfast they see being white it's gonna pop up the white flowers maybe snowdrops maybe a little Daisy as well Oh daisies the other two kids I've got lots at the end of mustard colored ones but why no I haven't seen one like that that's fine you should see tiny football late sixteenth seventeenth century and what would you be your dream find do you have one or several really personal I could link individuals was exquisite and a visual I think my favorite find that you've had is that that says see what oh yeah okay yeah one day I'm sure you know you can buy on eBay no no it's not it's not the same if you haven't found it's not the same we found it so you have found a sale we've just bumped into Richard he's doing a bit of detecting here and he has found amongst other things a rather wonderful button and he shows you your button Richard so special it's getting closer livery button yes look at that so that's like Oh what does that like a wild boar yeah definitely and what's it for is it like a surrounding or a hunting button he's hunting isn't it with our board and who's the maker on the back has it got make it as well what's up notice it was pierced and that it might have been used to be worn at the top it's got a hole in both sides hasn't it yeah you see that pothole at the top and that's kind of on the top flick so when you wearing it you could actually have it hung around your neck you mind if I hold it yeah so pretty what I find that that's a beautiful find well maybe somebody who's watching this will know where it comes from thanks very much Richard you've got a little handful of things there and a clever look there's a tiny productive patch I love that is there gonna go in Google it's almost got my name on it yeah please let me know so we can include it on the yeah the nickel restaurant Royal that's beautiful buttoned your favorite things button that coin I don't know what that coin is I can't it's too thin to be a penny and I don't know what it is yet there's a tiny little bit of a top lid here maybe she's pissed show Anna it could be dentures a little tiny bit of a pot lid that yeah that's great so clean your dentures yes I have I've got some beautiful ones at home tides flying in and I don't know about you but I'm starving fried food breakfast hey let's do it and then we can have a roundup for me bah bah fines [Music] like no one else you make it spin and turn [Music] okay so we're gonna do a little roundup of today's finds starting with Anna's bonanza oh these are my modest finds I'm actually slightly embarrassed by my friends compared to my lovely friends but here we go you've got some great things couple of buttons there's another one which I lost as I'm very good at losing things a little gotta just say you have another enjoy the only coin by car find it we think it's probably am I said George or something it's very very thin but now pins as it happens I have 13 that 13,000 pins so whenever I see things like picking up it's a little bit of a weird obsession these might be interesting to look at yes can you help link on Google restaurant hi Elodie and Nichols okay that's interesting I don't know what jr. United A's Junior is that what does that one say Julia United Oh interesting something else to look up junior United's okay you've got a couple nice marbles nice pink pot and yeah that's it a very long pin and a very long pin I do love my and you've got a very popular Instagram account how about you I do please tell me what it's called my very popular Instagram account it's cold at for short Seashore okay yeah and it's really worth follow because Ana does post some absolutely fascinating finds and great write-ups and great write-ups yeah including and you'll be able to see the picture of these hundreds of pins and video of them making a lovely clanking noise so hop on over and take a look at for sure Seashore and Monica also has an absolutely fascinating Instagram account and it's magical vatika doctor Thames Monica mu D can you show me your finds is a crazy is 1970s maybe even earlier platform shoe and it's made of solid wood it weighs a ton but it's that's great yeah just think somebody was hoppin around and they musta limped home can you imagine you lose one of those I love that it's still got a leather sole to it beautiful pile of rubbish so is pick up plastic yeah I mean this important isn't it I think to pick up a bit of plastic whenever you go exactly and it makes me feel happy about taking other nice stuff if I've taken some kappa little ink pots a nice tall slim one i quite like and this one's quite pretty is quite light normally come out to a yellowy color and this one's almost quite white in comparison to last few bottle stoppers few pipes this is an interesting coin i think it must be a forgery of something maybe it was a bit big for a sixpence so I have to check that when I get home yeah send me a picture when you've worked out what it is there is a king's head on there you can see ya head there but somebody is obviously being cross at being ripped off with a forgery and they've cut in half little mother pearl show you've got a little Bartman's I just winking out to us and a little cream pot face cream quarts bullets this is probably and a little sea urchin still in its chalk layer you can see the cross on the top oh yes yes and and I think this might be a FID bone fit now explain what bone food is okay basically it's a big old I think I call cannon bones big old bone that's been cut down and a long straight shaft and this bit down here will be pointed at the end but it'll be used as a tool for opening breaking open ropes when you want to splice them opening and they would read there's their confidence at one point they thought they were Apple Cora's masonry nice it's gonna be at some point something will sit well Thomas had to bring home X monster sorted and the tea pots of Georgian teapot it's a floral tile and a bit of post-medieval red ware pottery now for my home I'm going to start with my favorite which is of course my pipes here and what's good is that we've got a nice full array of different ages starting with the very early ones which I'll have to see these tiny bowls here that's a very tiny one for instance tobacco was introduced to England back in about fifteen eighty they would have probably been very similar to this size and then gradually getting bigger and then as we advanced a little bit through the ages the pipes become larger I mean this one is 18th century I'd say mid 1700s what's nice are these decorated ones beautiful fluted one here and I think my favorite one well it's between this Masonic pipe here Masonic design and this ACORN they were always so imaginative pipemakers they were I mean I think it would have been quite a fun thing to do sometimes coming up with all these great designs and I like this even though it's broken because it's got a lovely little delicate maker's mark there on the spur and the heel just so I'll get some close-ups of that later so there's my pipes some nice buttons and they're fun because they do have some names on them so we'll be able to trace where they've come from yellow bead a marble a few bottles they certainly what would have been in that you may be yeah perfume yes perfume I've got this Mickey chocolate flavored drink bottle with the flying milkman that's one of your favorite kind it is I love I love their flying milkman I've got a few of those at home so a little part of airports which probably came off of a toothpaste port I should think maybe in don t please please please sir I'm pretty / - ma'am I'll add nice array of pottery Tudor pottery this so I'm told what else a bit of Westerwald that's lovely is nice my neck still even got the cork piece there which is which is fun my chicory Campbell copy so that's about it really apart from my flavor free yoga class and Battersea so I'm very pleased with that selection break believes that a very wealthy [Music] [Music] okay [Music] Weaver's got a carny [Music] [Applause] functioning stores you know I'll be here waiting for your call as a way [Music] turn the rivers called a crap on your car [Music] we're just gonna cry called god there's gonna cry [Music] rivers gone [Music] I was hoping you could stay but a boys
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 141,039
Rating: 4.9457846 out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, mudlark, london mudlark, mudlarking london, london mudlarking, thames mudlarking, mudlarking the thames, uk mudlark, mudlark uk, metal detectors, metal detecting thames, female mudlarks, nicola white mudlark, tidelineart, nicola white, nicola white tidelineart, nicola white thames, river thames, thames, thames history, london history, mudlark in london
Id: jWsC146nL6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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