A Lark With Friends. Mudlarking and beachcombing.

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good morning afternoon evening or night whenever you're watching this welcome it's been what seems like a very long time with wave after wave lockdowns travel restrictions and new variants but for now at least it is possible and relatively safe to meet up with good friends for a lark we're still maintaining social distancing and wearing masks whenever it feels appropriate but we're able to socialize between filming and it really is very nice to see caroline and phil that let's go with the johnsons again [Music] [Music] so so [Music] okay folks we are on a journey this journey has taken 16 months someone asked me today did you walk it we've come from south wales to yorkshire and we are with our good friend sometimes known as tim tomtam to everyone is mr tom burley so at the moment caroline is filming me while i'm being filmed as is she by tom who's on top of the banking if that confuses you don't worry because i'm also in a t-shirt with a rainmak on carrying an umbrella because yorkshire like wales has a mix of weather but here we are looks like rain is a possibility but that's not going to race for water level appreciably last time i was here for beach was 18 inches under water and the approach to it was waist height my first find of the day was a tiny bit of copper wire that i didn't think was worth filming anyway there's a lot of pottery pieces in this river because two miles upstream there's an old victorian dump site right next to it and four miles further along there's another one and on one of the tributary streams was yet another and all of them have been heavily dug by bottle diggers so that's where most of the things we'll find today will have come from but there's also the possibility of finding things that people threw in or washed out of fields and potentially ancient homesteads and the signs of human habitation on the hills and in the valleys here dating back around 5 000 years that piece a bit more modern looks like a bike rack and that now just a one-down piece of shale stone [Applause] after a second fort i will take this piece nice pale red transfer wear and importantly flat for craft purposes that looks like a bit of a doll yes it's quite broken but nevertheless it's a leg a right leg i think no it really is as low as i've ever seen it here which hopefully means that more things are exposed for all of us to find and i with my taller wellington boots might even be able to wade the full width of the river opening up the possibilities of what i might find but first the edges and vent the interior of this little island beach it's a pontel mark from a handmade bottle dark glass but not especially thick probably 18th century a time when this area was at the heart of rapidly expanding industrial revolution with mills on every stream and river most of them doing things with wool like that clump i just passed visibility is pretty good today with of course the characteristic brown color but doesn't quite contain the concentration of tannins of an average cup of tea but certainly quite a lot coming out of the peat bogs and mullins on the hills i think it's probably the same material that no rising balls were made of and this might be fat just after the slit glaze has been worn away [Applause] i'm now ahead of caroline we're meandering in roughly the same direction so i'm going to leave anything i find but i think she'd enjoy finding more than i would a bit of willow pattern ah some clay pipe stem which is quite common here but which caroline has managed to keep a wonderful enthusiasm for possibly because there's far fewer such pieces to find in the rivers of wales it's another piece of plain tile in an unappealing brown colour and the plastic sheath of copper wire missing for copper i'll still take it the eagle-eyed amongst you might have just spotted an orange root tuber but this time not a carrot some more wire the metal is in this one i'm going to need both hands to extricate this one back soon when the weather is fine you know it's for time for messing about on forever would be wonderful to kayak lazily down this river on a day like today at least as far as for weir for now it seems further potential rain has moved away to the northeast leaving nice fluffy clouds in its wake and blue sky between being on the edge of such a transition tends to give an amber glow to the light at ground level also i found recently i like that quality of light some nice blue and white i think it's willow pattern but not 100 certain and there is another piece of clay pipe stem next to some milk glass i shall mark it with this stick so that i can find the spot again and see if caroline finds it too looks like a hagstone yes and i like how delicate the bridge overhaul is the action of probably a small harder pebble being spun and churned by water tunneled through neatly rather than breaking a trough don't know if i'll take it but in this moment i like it [Applause] i've crossed across the river first time i've ever been able to do that here i think phil is setting up a game of playing or patent that they've asked me to play and caroline's engrossed in the hunt this is intriguing a concretion of quite ancient river gravels with the softer blanking removed from this bit if this river had the right geology for significant classic gold the bottom edge of that is exactly where i'd look but it really doesn't so it's not worth trying it is interesting though i've never really seen much evidence of the winding that this river must have done to carve out this valley i don't think this one was started off by glaciers as far as i know the nearest one during the ice age stopped about 20 miles to the north [Applause] a big concrete slab and more of the gravel concretion [Applause] the first significant piece of the bottle today quick model and some japanese knotweed which might account for by the concretion as being exposed and a bottle sticking out of the bank modern school top so a bit of a mystery as to how it needs to be buried in a banking about 18 inches below the top best guess is it was driven into the exposed side relatively recently that's a crayfish claw which is probably quite indicative of otters or mink in the area and a cone no use to me i never comb or brush my hair so bin this is mighty curious not close to a house nor a path that i know of looks to be pillars free for a bridge or a jetty that's not rotted away they were set at this height so was forever once quite a bit lower jetty seems most likely given that the opposite bank is about a meter higher than the one over here and there's somebody taking an interest in what caroline and phil are doing and i've just found a pink ball quite a plain one but a nice surprise and caroline's going to be jealous maybe i should have left it and told her where it was to be found oh well i'm going to go and talk to the curious guy which is very uncharacteristically sociable for me maybe i've been saving up my very limited sociability through the lockdowns he was a nice man involved in the flood prevention engineering works here just interested to see what sort of things we're finding and might be a new subscriber to both our channels fish very well camouflaged for when today has made my hair a right mess perhaps it's time to give myself a haircut a bit of a teacup the fluffy white clouds and blue sky have been chased away northeast again by more clouds that might drop a little rain that's an abandoned football pitch one of three that used to be used by the nearby high school but this end of the field is now being turned into a wetland habitat and in a month or so it's going to be dug up and allowed to fill with water this camera does not do long-range zoom if it could i would zoom in on the right-hand pier of that we are ahead where a gaggle of canada geese are relaxing some of them quite young and still cute i hope we don't disturb them too much i swear there used to be a path here and apparently there are plans to re-establish one but for now we must wait through the grass for thistles for mugwort for dark for river mint which is edible but tastes like how i imagined paint finn's taste and this which is either queen anne's lace or water hemlock not sure which a lot of iron in the water here could be a potential place to magnum fish although not easy to get heavy things out of here that rebar is from the new structures which have opened this space out considerably and in flood times we'll channel a lot of water under this archway i do hope it helps in preventing floods downstream a tea of which is supposed to be a good remedy for anxiety and insomnia supposed to give you really vivid dreams too and that's the only reason i ever tolerated the taste which isn't mine but then i didn't remember the dreams so done without i think the little lip before the drop of a weir might have a lot of things caught behind it and i'd really like to snorkel dive there see what i could find maybe sometime in the summer if i get the opportunity in the right conditions i'd probably like to snorkel dive into this world at the bottom of the rear too i don't think there's anything there of interest let's head to the beach i might need to get a diver's light if i want to snort and dive here i may be wrong he's just a hunch but i think that phil may have found a brick huh thought that was a leaf it's not it's glass tile quite a nice piece and could theoretically be made into a piece of jewelry might take it for such and maybe one day give that a go i don't know if i'm finding so many of these because i'm walking in the rivers more than i used to or because there's more crayfish and more things eating them as the health of the river bounces back after the industrial pollution that 30 years and more ago used to turn this water bright green on occasion and not the harmless bright green that dies for waters of chicago on st patrick's day know the more toxic sort of green dye not just green actually any color that for dye works was flushing out green is just for one i remember the most quite an unusual lumpy teapot spout looks kind of like a very eroded ostrich fever array as in the crest of the prince of wales so fiberglass we'll take it in a minute now onto that which look away if we don't like bones i think it's part of a skull i'm not 100 sure but it looks like the back end of the horse's skull to me and i do not particularly want it i do want to see if there's anything in that safe i've got to assume that it was dumped in the river and was either stolen or it contains something that somebody really doesn't want found the first option is for more boring over two scenarios and overwhelmingly more likely so with no sign of the front door having been forced i guess they took the back way in well actually looks like they made a hole in the bottom of it first and then moved over to a corner and then cut the back off most of the beach itself is obscured today by mostly japanese knotweed if i didn't know how much damage it can do i think i'd find it beautiful even though it's in the way of what we're trying to do today [Applause] the changes on this beach are profound when i first found it a small number of plant varieties grew here that year now grasses welsh puppies i'm not sure what this one is but looks nice and smells nice the nettles look happy and healthy as does the mugwort sorry for the sound for building vetterbots this beach is small-scale industrial usage which means power tools i was a bit wronged in where the sand is coming from let's find somebody's garden across the river hope it doesn't go on much longer the amount of fees that i'm finding makes me want to set up some trail cameras along the water's edge see if i can film some otters eating of course that's a really bad place to leave cameras long term one heavy rainfall could be enough to sweep it away maybe a trail camera actually wonderful water might be an idea not sure many people outside of tropical waters and aquariums have done much of that sorry i've been thinking about trail cameras a lot recently and have fake plans of making a bird box with a built-in one for next year transfer may be putting another trail camera in boards near me too see some deer and patches foxes squirrels sasquatch wow mid-century modern pottery shard i love it this would make a lovely necklace piece looks like a shackle [Music] ah aluminium dream pipe clip i think who would like me to film the snorkel dive search here there wouldn't be much talking in it there's a stack now of bricks behind phil i suspect he created a new game maybe plain or named bricks is the game anyway blue and white part of a cup or mug nice but not something i can do something with this no tiny bit of copper wire though that's a yes and where you find something you like you keep looking there because or maybe more oh dear i disturbed a man's nest and very bit frantic here have your roof back gently lowered us humans we do mess things up don't we little ladybird and a fair number of tiny orange spider mites they move so fast for their size i think i've found a very similar shot to this before and for ladybird is back on the rock might be hunting the spider mites some black and white stripes not great camouflage for this jungle i cut out my little hand spade and sieve and dug a bit of a hole in the beach and this is a carefully chosen spot it's where i've previously found wittle tank handling knife handles before no luck finding one of those today but two sifts full revealed glass shards buttery shirts clay pipe stems and a carbon rod from an old battery for his potential beneath the surface i see some wire nice bit of copper if plants were obscuring that till i got done on the ground what else might have been a nice little shard i might bring this back another day in the autumn when the plants have died back and sparkly lots of mica so my cacious sandstone and the light silvery gray color of the mica suggests that it's probably muscovite [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] what is found it's a fishing lure hook still in and some of an island fishing line do wish that somebody would invent a biodegradable line i think that even when fish proteins have been perfectly replicated in probably precision fermentation processes people will still fish as a hobby and leave lying lying around causing problems for wildlife we're just about to leave this beach by the back way and i've just found a wall great bottle stopper nice little fine to end per visit caroline and phil are ahead of me i hope they found a bottle stopper too i do know that caroline has found something that she was really hoping to find so even though most of the beach is very overgrown i'm glad i brought them here and i'm sure they won't be too upset about having walked past not one but two volcanic bottle stoppers in close succession and some pipe stem okay time to lead them to the next site on the hilltop there they will shoot another video and i won't i'm going to show them around for sight and then go home to collect my girlfriend who loves watching the johnson's saturday night live show with me and bring her out to the site to meet them standing in long grass which is nothing unusual fortunately there aren't nettles at the moment but who knows what we may find when we just head that way a little following our friend tom as we search on a mountaintop we've done down in the valleys on this tour and now we're on the mountain summertime really isn't the best time for visiting dump sites plant growth hides a lot of things that we might like to find almost everything i find while i'm guiding from around this site i'm leaving for them to find all this like a piece of glass rod which caroline will absolutely love to find and a brass button i will take the few bits of lead i find to be recycled tiny scraps of copper which well caroline likes finding copper and brass things but she doesn't usually pick up humble wire might also take this a partial brass shotgun shell not much metal left in it just crumbling vertically and is that a little copper square nail it is or maybe attack rather than a nail but still hand forged and probably older than most of the things buried here more tiny fragments of copper tiny little bottle so cute i hope fativa caroline or phil finds it i have guided and shown them around i will link their probably two videos from today in the description although having said that please do remind me if i forget something in there is it superman is it a plane no it's a bird i'll leave it be and it's time for me to go a brief roundup time for finds of such a day come a distant second in importance to me behind the experience and memories of being out larking with friends and i like that i can share some of that experience with you i hope some of you who maybe haven't seen caroline and phil's videos yet will go and check them out they are very different to my videos they're much more upbeat and happy and they get to further flung places than i generally manage to do caroline and phil are truly lovely people incredibly hard working and an inspiration to me and i hope we can get them to ten thousand subscribers i know i don't pull that kind of weight with my suggestions but 6k has just been passed and is 7k out of a question 8 9 10 000 who knows surprise me i wasn't expecting to find all that much in both places so i'm not disappointed my aim in taking them there was instead for caroline and phil to find things that either they rarely find or still very much enjoy finding things like pieces of clay pipe i was very glad that caroline found not just a bucket list item for her namely some glass rod but some glass rod in a really rare colour for myself i took some pottery pieces and glasses ostensibly for crafting with out of all the pottery pieces i've ever found this mid-century modern bit is the most likely to actually get me to crafting with pottery rather than just planning to and then doing something else i kind of wish i'd left the pipe bowl where i'd found it for caroline to find but there was a passerby wanting to talk to us and i went into that instead of putting the pipeball back oh well some vulcanite stoppers one of which i haven't found before and matches nicely with a bottle i've previously found at a dump site and a little copper at the hilltop site a bit more copper some brass and scrap lead that's for rather sparse finds and for thanks i'm more numerous thank you so much to everyone who's donated through kofi it all adds up to making a big difference for me and this channel a big thank you to bella lucy who very kindly bought from my amazon wishlist a bottle of chartreuse possibly the only liqueur in the world that has a color named after it it is named in turn after the grand chartreuse caflusian monastery in the chartreuse mountains where it is made to a secret 400 year old recipe of 130 herbs flowers and plants and a lot of alcohol for a recipe known only to two monks at any one time unfortunately according to amazon the parcel was damaged in transit and the purchase refunded a shame but these things happen and i very much appreciate the thought and generosity of the gift so thank you very much bella lucy finally a big thank you to everyone who's liked commented shared my videos such interactions really do help the channel to grow i do hope that you've enjoyed this video if you have and if you'd like to then any show of appreciation is very much appreciated i hope that you're all keeping safe and well looking after yourselves and loved ones as best you can thank you all very much for watching and for now goodbye
Channel: Tom Burleigh
Views: 8,200
Rating: 4.9339452 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, Mud larking, River Walking, Wading, Walking, Exploration, Exploring, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunting, Rivers, Scrap Metal, Adventure, Found, Beach combing, Beachcombing, Pottery Shards, Pottery Sherds, River Glass, Sea glass, Weirs, Beach, Vintage Bottles, Yorkshire, ASMR, A.S.M.R.., West Yorkshire, Bottle dump, Bottle digger, bottle digging, Trash Picking, Riverwalking, Urbex, Dump, Antique Bottles, Rurex, Scrap copper, Fossicking, Culvert, Let's Go With the Johnsons
Id: GJAYcqAy2ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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