Cody Ko Do You Burn Bro? | ADHD w/Travis Mills

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but dude 1 you know I'm a huge fan of yours and we're talking about the real brothers of Simi Valley yeah what was that what was it like making that show man dude I mean everyone on that set is so funny and like like Jimmy's just like like Jimmy and Christian like the writing in that show is amazing like even the table read and we were sitting down before we're all just cracking up the whole time we knew it was gonna be a blast shooting that show and I like just was it was awesome how did it differ you guys started the season one was on face I mean it was on YouTube yeah how did it different go into Facebook for season two I mean it was like way bigger budget I was gonna say did it get like way more official like the episodes were longer and the shoot like we shot the first season in three days damn it was like a show up at this house shoot for three days straight and then you know they did what they could with the footage they made it's like four episodes that were like yeah however long six minutes or something like that and then the second season was a month long shoot we shot out like on a lake and just like I don't know it was awesome it's like we had like trailers I felt like a real lack do you get harassed now for smoking weed you know you know what's funny you know it's a funny thing I realized is that there's no funny answer to do you burn yeah yeah I burn bro it's not funny I know I say that either like huh and I'm like don't hum you put me in this position always like I could see it on their face they're like like this kid in Maui he like recognized me tapped me on the shoulder I turn around he's like yo I'm like here it goes you finish the sentence I'm like I'm like what's up he's like do you burn broke and then laughs and I'm like huh yeah I do and he's like all right any less than am I good you're not gonna laugh on my [ __ ] it's ridiculous that's not what it's cool it's cool being recognized from that show 100% do you feel like though be a season three I hope so man oh you don't even know I don't know I in the same boat is all of us I keep like drafting a text to Jimmy being like hey man is it renewed and a minister you write it in your notes anytime I gotta write something important to somebody I started in the notes and then I read it for like a day yeah and I gotta make sure it doesn't come off like - like hostile or - girlfriend hey can you perfectly yeah girl I feel like girlfriends are always like the the first person that like you know you go to to make sure that you're not being like insane yeah you know I mean like yeah do it do I do I seem normal yeah exactly or just anything anything that happens I decide to my girlfriend so what do you think I really I've done that before yeah my girls dude she's a real one man okay she likes to stay fully involved in your life yeah they're all like that's fully when the dog in the house like every three years live together yeah well she works on the show in Vancouver okay um so for like nine ten months out of the year she's up there shooting and so she'll come back like almost every weekend and then on how you dis and stuff yeah we will gather in LA what are you my girlfriend is not doing a show in Vancouver okay you guys live together yeah and you guys live on the west side yeah we how long have you lived together eight months sit eight months I think yeah what do you think is the hardest thing about living with you know your significant other act we honestly are really good roommates yeah it's weird yeah when she first we we went to this like weird period where I was living with my old roommates which like buddies from college and she like you know this was like two month period where her lease ended and so am I going to move in with me and so we like lived in this apartment with three other dudes and our apartment you smell like [ __ ] all the time [ __ ] everywhere and so that was like a weird period and then when we finally moved into our own place and like had like you know we each have our own space like I had my office and she's got her she's got the living room and there's like another room it's like nice that we can like I don't know we have our own you know yeah I'm not sharing it with two other I see I have a I have like a house and my home he lives there as well and so she's been there for like all of that so I feel you like you know it takes a real one to survive a guy oh yeah his best friend 100% apartment was gross I don't think I could live with her and her best friends yeah I don't think I would I would me I'd go to dinner and I'm like oh yeah you know I mean I feel like lost yeah um so so shout out to her salud to her what do you think the best thing about living with you the best thing I mean it's just you know you have a friend there all the time yeah we [ __ ] do what it like when 9 p.m. comes and I get off stop working at 9:00 usually go like your cousin that's like yeah 9 p.m. is usually when I say alright so you just start winding down go to the couch and we just watch whatever show you know flaked just essentially I'm Michael rebou everyone right now we're crushing the office oh are you yeah have you you've already seen it though right I did but it was like when I was younger and I think I stopped it like season four or something so like and I don't want to ruin anything for you yeah yeah you you got some good times ahead oh yeah yeah I'm we're on like nearing the end of season 3 now okay and it's just so good I feel like that's the one show that you can always put like when it's 12:30 p.m. and I'm like gonna go to bed but I don't want to like invest my time into something you just promised yeah it's like literally background music for everybody yeah if you've already seen it if not then you should like pay it if you like violently watch it it's like it's such an amazing show and there's so many like weird subtleties that like I don't know I just feel like it deserves like attention I'm so mad that that Steve Carell is not down to bring it back and do it again is he not know you oh you didn't see that oh so now now there was like a bunch of them that came together on Saturday Night Live and I think it was when Steve Carell was hosting okay uh and they're like yo let's do another season of the office he's like absolutely not I don't want to tell you who comes in at the very end yeah because it'll ruin it for you yeah but like you can just tell like it's not the same yeah yeah you know it wasn't it will Ferrell you know I mean everyone knew at that point I wasn't watching the show anymore but it was all over like the media for sure I like stopped watching The Walking Dead and I knew when when that guy Glenn dad yeah yeah just off you know and that similar thing happened in Family Guy I believe yeah when Brian died Brian dies in one in one episode it was like the biggest things I learned is cry stop listening slash watch with the podcast right now if you're a fan of Family Guy what's like your dream show to be a part of oh that's a good something like the office yeah yeah probably honestly real Rose it's so much fun and like you just got to act like it bro which I kind of am anyway so like it comes with the territory ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity [Music] [Music]
Channel: Travis
Views: 529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travis mills, tmills, adhd with travis mills, adhd, t-mills, t. mills, travis, mills, podcast, adhd podcast, adhd travis mills, travis mils adhd, adhd cody, cody ko, Cody, Tiny Meat Gang, The Real Bros of Simi Valley
Id: xXabPMzZ54g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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