MrBeast Made Me Race Spider-Man Up a Skyscraper!

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behind me is a 400 foot skyscraper these are my Spider-Man wall climbers and this is the real Spider-Man who's doubled Tom Andrew and Toby know at home Infinity Wars I'm gonna race him to the top shout out Shopify for sponsoring this one all of this started off a call from Mr Beast about two weeks ago he saw my first wall climb video where I built this Spidey suit that let me climb out walls even ceilings and giant buildings go watch that video If you haven't but he wanted to do a bit on his channel where we take it to the extreme Mr Jay lace I have a challenge for you talking double the height and have one of the actual Spider-Man from the movie do the climb using my suit this sounds unbelievably cool definitely like a once in a lifetime opportunity so I said yes he said great we're doing it in 12 days I haven't touched these climbers in like a year they're just sitting in this box in my garage probably covered in real spiders we need to immediately test these to see if they even still work ah much less make it up a 400 foot skyscraper I'm also still trying to finish my Iron Man Jet Pack video which is so late so I gotta get this done before anything else so in this same day I flew the jet pack then got the climbers and went straight to the wall the goal here isn't to climb this building I just want to know how long the climbers will run for to see if they even have a shot at making it up 400 feet I figure if I can last on this wall for 20 to 30 minutes then the Spider-Man should be able to scale the building in that time but about eight minutes in they started to get really hot are you holding up hot you see the climbers are basically industrial suction cups that's how they can stick to stuff come on stable take it I built four of these suction pads and strapped them to my arms and legs there's foam around the outside to create a seal against the surface and it's got a tube that connects two high-powered vacuum pumps to pull the suction so as the air sucked out the foam squishes to fill all the tiny gaps making a very strong seal I've also got these indicator lights that turn on when there's enough suction so I know when it's good to put my weight on it with just a minus five PSI vacuum we're actually able to lift over 500 pounds in theory with just one of these suction pads and we have four pads and eight pumps total that works wait help it's crazy how strong these can be if everything works right if being the big question here because I had to fit everything in a skin tight Spider-Man suit I had to build it as small as possible so all eight Motors are shoved up against my arms and legs yeah the higher I climb the longer the motors run and the hotter they get how do you feel hot very hot and tired the climbers were literally burning me but it was a slow burn so it wasn't that bad at first but each minute that passed got worse and worse but they were still working and I was still on the wall and I knew I needed to last at least 20 to 30 minutes so I was just fighting on when to tap out you can come down dude come down [Music] oh it burned so bad dude wow you gotta get the suit off me dude I'm sweating so much it was horrible and I don't really have the adrenaline yeah I feel like I would have yeah just hang off a wall just hurting not gonna be easy standing like this felt pretty good the problem is when they're both on it's heating up all of them so I'm just standing here I can unrest but it's gonna hurt me more if you want to rest and get burnt more or do you want to climb and keep it get tired and put a little less okay wow looks like I'm breaking it in what are you guys doing I just wanted I kind of want to know SWAT comes what are you doing Mr Beast so I'm trying to figure out how to insulate these motors and I have to race somebody now we need two suits so now we have 10 days to make an entirely new suit as well this is actually impossible we need we need help bad so I talked to the Beast team who found a fabrication company that are down to try and make another shoot on this crazy timeline so that day I got another call wanting to switch it up even more you're trying to find something to up the stakes more we're not doing things like if this happens you win money got you so so I won't be getting any money so that you can shut off the other person's motor I guess they want to be able to remotely shut off the suit or maybe hang off a plane so I asked my mom how she felt about this if someone was hanging off a plane you don't think that's a good idea yeah you with a suit that's burning you take it off it's on fire this is your mother saying no that's what moms are there for guys they keep you safe and since it's actually your birthday today in the spirit of Mr Beast I got her a car thank you just a million times mom happy birthday so the night before we fly out I heard from the production team we were planning it for Carl versus the Spider-Man guy we're gonna pick it to give me to see if he wants to get in it that would be cool so I'm flying the shoot and I have no idea what's happening I'm not sure if I'm gonna be climbing or if the suit will even work at all I'm in North Carolina Raleigh Durham we made it good we're good this is all gonna go great I don't think we're really gonna know what's gonna happen until like the day off yeah I don't even know what to be stressed out for as long as you haven't gotten another ecologist in this time incoming call hey you're headed over here yeah yeah now the other suit's broken and the shoot's in 11 hours we got this all figured out I'm not worried at all do you see which one it is oh that's big got it Carl got it why did I have to make you so tall hey what's up so Martin's got quite the resumes done uh end game Infinity War he's Tom Holland's not double the real Spider-Man so it got Right to Work fixing the suit would you would you say like that takes I don't know an hour [Music] we taught Spider-Man Dave how to use the suit and made sure we were good for tomorrow you're pretty good with High Times we'll find out it's not too late for us [Music] you're like a lizard left leg right arm right leg left arm you're almost there I mean it's working just like we planned I had no doubt everything was ready and right as we were leaving we got some really bad news producer came in and he sits me down at this table and there and he goes the B shoes off and Mr B says a lot of things going on and apparently he has a video how could there be a video Mark right now this is right a lot of money Guys these guys went through finding a holding in North Carolina that allowed someone in a Spidey suit to climb up the side of it and they brought in Tom Holland's exact stunt double It's just tough because yeah yeah I know it's exciting and yeah it's difficult but yeah all day tomorrow [Music] everything's already set up and ready to go we also have our own cameras drones and GoPros so we might still be able to save the shoot get some content and show Jimmy after we need to go home and actually just charge the Drone and all the cameras is what we actually need to do a day off because it's too late to cancel I guess he got breakfast for 40. you know [Music] it looks taller somehow I had become the director in charge of an entire Marvel stunt team which is pretty cool I don't really have time to think about it or be nervous because it was all just happening is it possible to get someone filming from the top we can let's all go up you sure you want to see it up there and I don't know now there's the illusion of trust this is when I started to freak out a little bit well that's good because the suit was burning me so I don't know if I want to look down [Music] good good oh yeah me too I've never felt less confident about something seeing that height given how my climbers had been working they're literally still a bit broken Jake what's going on right now oh we're just gluing up the climbers uh we're about to climb in like two minutes but then I got this message from Jimmy laser I have a challenge for you for every floor you can climb wearing that Spider-Man suit I will donate a thousand dollars to charity don't die all right this just got serious building's dirty stories so that's thirty thousand dollars on the line I need to do this now and I also really want to win so I'm just praying my suit could hold up just for one more massive climbing I don't know how this compares to the actual Marvel movies holy well I feel bad you shouldn't have so I stepped outside to a 400 foot Skyscraper the Marvel stunt team the real Spider-Man to my left and thirty thousand dollars at stake hey Finn oh you know another day in the life Dave how you feeling good good good good just like crawling 400 feet Yes two-year-olds can do it one two three two okay awesome have a great ride guys here we are it's vitamin stand up who's gonna make it up for Spider-Man one or Spider-Man two theater one Peter two yeah here we go and three two one go all right boys foreign I'm just trying to move as fast as I can without making a mistake it's pretty neck and neck I'm pulling away he's passing me back he's beating me I'm starting to have trouble with my legs it's getting worse and worse and I'm really slowing down she's looking at Jake it looked like Jake was slipping for a second Dave is pulling away the suit's failing and I'm gonna lose if I don't do something fast thankfully my arm pads connect to my waist so that takes some of the stress off but for the most part it's all arms now [Music] I'm actually faster this way if I'm only focusing on my two arms Jake is leading behind a little bit but he's still making up using his arms we're gaining fast let's go Jake [Music] who is that guy it's getting hot and things are breaking yeah the arm battery is literally hanging out of my suit dangling by the wires and if that comes loose I will fall off this building somehow I'm still going in the lead and racking up that charity money one floor at a time we are so close almost there [Music] [Applause] let's go check on Dave [Music] [Applause] straight Miracle we both made it up I can't believe you just did that oh had to take some pics of course yeah what would you do with time oh dang he's got a down now before we show Jimmy all of this and go film the rest with him Dave and I signed a few prints for sale on our new Shopify site in the spirit of Mr Beast all the proceeds we're making here we'll go to charity Shopify made it super easy to set up just put in your email and it gets you started with a free trial from there we just uploaded our signed 8x10 prints chose a theme price quantity and listed them that's really all it took no messing around with coding or formatting it all just goes together super nicely and boom they're for sale online Shopify also lets you sell your stuff through social media or even in stores too so it's perfect if you're starting any new business or side hustle we're looking to also sell other stuff on here too like our spring ring frisbees the first frisbee that actually bounces back perfect if you know you're lonely and have no friends but it's super easy to add more item like that but it's still in the work so be patient we also might sell any other inventions that our lawyers deem not a severe health hazard but there's a reason millions of sellers in over 175 countries use Shopify and the total sales enabled by Shopify are over 590 billion so if you've been thinking about starting a business yourself check out Shopify at instead of scrapping the bit entirely we decided to just go ahead and do it [Music] holy crap 400 feet wow if you don't get scared doing that anymore I hope you can terrify dude oh that's dumb Tom Holland's dumbbell looking at me and we're like talking about we're like racism double showed up we just got all these drone shots and 360 shots and crazy I guess he isn't the real Spider-Man he was telling us the actual suits cost like a hundred and fifty thousand dollars fabric suit you're probably just like whatever these but yeah they're that cheap I appreciate it yeah man here we go keep filming some videos for me secretly yeah I want him to upload more the dude never outflows so I tricked him but in reality I didn't show up and just let him film it for his channel yes we actually ended up going back to get some clips for his channel here's a sneak peek this is a work if you want a place of that how much do you want to bet on Dave beating Carlos congrats Carl I just spent 10 grand you'll be Dave I got 10 grand on Dave bro just lost 10 grand I don't mind just you know climb oh my God said Carl and because Dave is a professional stunt double we're gonna let Carl start at the halfway point do you not want to do it we could sub you out let's go and switch him out with three so do I win do I win by default no no no all right so we're now better than you Carl can't do it so I'm gonna let you retake it still taking my boy Dave no I actually feel confident I'm gonna make the money three Cliffs every day oh damn it no you're climbing now bro we just asked you and you said sure you think I blacked out for the last five seconds yeah oh I see my reflection this is this guy this guy really I told you bro we're gonna do that for 10 times the problem is it's not it's not how high is it it's how high it was terrified do you not want to do it you're gonna have to do it yeah you're racing all right so if you win I'll give you 10K that way you're incentivized to try see yep sounds like a free 10 campus I mean it sounds like I already won because none of them did it notice how true is coming down it's because he got scared he's a baby just like Carl did no so we're gonna have Jake the maker of the suits go against the Spider-Man stunt double because my friends are terrified of heights Jimmy you mean come on no you were with me literally there's not enough money on the planet would you do it for 400 million per video uh yes off this building right now funny you know I thought I wouldn't need to do this again for the third [ __ ] time
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 1,680,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, science, mrbeast, spiderman, avengers, peter parker, mcu, marvel
Id: hiL_3LIB-8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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