Surviving 100 Most DANGEROUS Fears!

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today my friends and I are facing 50 of our biggest fears starting with Goliath bird eating spiders oh my God they're huge oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God Keeley moved even his move that concludes the Goliath bird eating rounds please get them away from me next challenge called the head Crusher man I always wanted to get some acupuncture Preston move your head back it's fine no it's not move your head back I'm gonna yell at you move as a nurse how do you feel about this Bree this is why I used to have a job before I did this let's get this thing dropping three two one let's do it he didn't move nice are you are you alive yeah what's up man Preston choose no please don't do me right now uh Brianna do you not love me I have an actual question okay I'm really nervous but I do want to participate would you allow me to sit a little farther down on the mat only if everyone says yes we'll get the black lines fine three two one drop it she's got her eyes closed I just I can't allow that three years is so far away yo you should have told you ready please don't nail me three two one drop like this video if he's gonna nail it oh my it's a card all right Stephen are you ready let me hold your knees yeah sure why is he smiling like that that's a card Stephen last person for the challenge Keely are you ready no all right in three two one well we're gonna have to drop it still it was very expensive okay drop it I'm taking the point here is a subscriber wait not a subscriber subscriber this is you if you don't subscribe this is a threat drop the Subscribe hey oh he's fine it means that we're inside the Bermuda Triangle and we're gonna spend the next 24 hours inside of it we're 50 votes and 20 planes have gone missing and that's another one so anyways let me tell you I've seen Iraq and Mr B survive in the Bermuda Triangle but none of them have ever been dumb enough to attempt it in a Minecraft boat challenge accept it so I set out to build the only Minecraft boat that could survive it this is the First on YouTube and hopefully allows yeah check her over here Captain do I look like Mr Beast yet yeah do you want the famous and the time starts now you gotta pedal out we're not in the Bermuda you're in the Bermuda what do they say in Bermuda what happens in Bermuda station Bermuda what happens if Bermuda doesn't ever leave oh you guys are like gushing me away all right so this is where things get interesting once the 24 hours are up this is what I have to shoot in order to Signal the boat to come back to pick me up it's a flare gun also I don't know why they packed me these tiny hands so this boat is built out of foam and wood and then what you see here this is sealant which is apparently toxic but so am I so we'll be okay time to check out the survival supplies what do we have what do we got we have worms no wait does this mean I have to fish for my food hey watch it the Minecraft yacht is sending some waves you are making this incredibly difficult whoa oh my God honestly it's not even us to put in these situations it's him that puts himself in these situations and then expects us to take care of them yep stinkle time Preston are you peeing off the boat yes I have to tinkle oh oh I got pee in the boat it just lays down yeah if you're trying to make me sick you do a good job I'm getting real tired real fast oh God after almost hurling my coffee from earlier we were met by some unexpected guests no it's not no that better not be a police boat well you're not breaking any laws but it's coming directly for us oh look at this they're talking to the fishing boat now they're trying to call the Coast Guard on you no they're not shut up a postcard doesn't go there oh we just got word from Captain chase that actually if you're in the Bermuda Triangle the Coast Guard doesn't go into the Bermuda Triangle so either way you're screwed honestly very reassuring I'd rather deal with the Bermuda after a few hours the crew started to get hungry and as for me excuse me for a second I'm fine I have never vomited on camera but today might be the day lucky for you guys all my nuts didn't take anti-nausea medication before this really should have we have a problem we actually have a problem the paddle thanks Louis for building an inherently buoyant Minecraft boat so much for that engineer all right sheltered water we don't have okay well that's a live news we have no water no food we got plenty of Adventure I mean we do have fire and shelter does this boat classify a shelter I would say pessimistically no I found your convenient list what do I have to do to get water from that boat you look in the backpack there should be some in there for that wait what I have no idea what this stuff is it's not water that's inside the backpack I've never done this before but apparently you can filter ocean water with you have rocks charcoal instant We're Gonna Fill the bottle up that looks good I'm gonna see if we can break down this charcoal oh wait that works also this does not seem good for my water so we are sending Preston a little friend there's Nemo look at him I know the boys are having a great time right now the Minecraft yacht looks infinitely more appealing than this sending you a care package I repeat we're sending you a care package what is that the boy sent over a care baggage are your boats tipped don't worry I got it I got it wait give me the package come on what is it it's a fish he got it hey hey we need that back what if I don't want to give it back I want something in return all right what do you want in return well how about something that helps me we'll we'll convene and we'll get back to you I tried filtering the water my worms just fell over my boat that literally looks undrinkable on so many levels I did everything that that stupid survival guy told me to do the guy that looks like Shrek still not drinkable looking I mean I could try it you give me that water and I give you this boat I need the boat to give you the water if you want to get this back what are you doing you better get that out of the ocean team sees brother I didn't donate a hundred thousand dollars to team sees to have the ocean dirty buy another plastic bottle we're inside I didn't even get to see this fish oh my God he's so cute let's keep him in the shade I want to keep this guy healthy the entire video I want my bow back you can drive it back yeah sure it's not a shark it's a Marlin oh my God what if this shark comes from my fish the longer that boat stays out there the more bait's gonna accumulate and the more police your commission you're gonna get underneath the boat does that mean sharks all I didn't put it that way but yes is that is that the keyboard say for Tiger my wife and I have a different safe word what after all that paddling bro I worked up a sweat it's like a reward we'll be back in a couple hours okay I'll see you in like eight hours you know I can think of worse videos actually now that I'm starting to get a little bit used to the nausea it's not as bad the crew needed to refuel so I was left alone in the Bermuda Triangle with nothing in every direction the one thing I'm really worried about you know how the paddle came apart that could technically happen to this Minecraft folk if this seal it no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God you got to be kidding me guys the Bermuda has taken its first victim from me don't tell me it was Nemo my sunglasses have fallen victim to the Bermuda Triangle oh I'm gonna pee because I'm sad look at this I don't know if that's water coming in from the boat and that's a big problem he's doing great looking at me swimming oh oh you look so tasty right now I'm not gonna eat them I'm not going to eat him I feel bad for these worms I'm gonna set I don't know if worms can swim all right I hope you can swim buddy be free nope oh no is he sinking oh we might just witness a murder I thought they could swim there is trash in the ocean but not if I can help it you're not getting away from me remember it's about speed it's about power I'm gonna stay hungry and devour that trash Oh my God we found plastic that's disgusting so far we've gotten water clean plastic out of the ocean made one of the cutest aquatic friends broke one of our paddles and even had our sunglasses claimed by their Bermuda Triangle this has been epic they're all right here no no where where oh gosh oh I actually was asleep if you give me a hundred dollars I'll make Vince get in the boat with you there's no way I'm letting any of you Schmucks in this boat if you set foot in this boat it is going to sink I know you didn't bring me here just for this three pieces of trash you get the fishing pole all right you can get this one that's a good piece of [ __ ] there was this piece of trash that I saw oh give me that pole he let go of his worms he's got these little Nemo as bait flashback to five minutes ago okay fudge these worms bro wait wait Preston I don't need the worms I got the spinny guy I am not afraid to embarrass myself I have never used one of these before ever that is a big hook look at that hook yeah that's right be a scared fish as the boat was leaving me I quickly learned that I had no idea what I was getting myself into huge piece of plastic ladies and gentlemen grab the battle oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh this is so bad our second paddle literally broke that actually irritates me so much my voice is cracking I'm dehydrated my hunger bar is low and it's nauseated nap time Stephen how dare you interrupt my Slumber I probably give you a care package wait a second I think I know what that is Lil yachty you can do it I love smoked salmon more water into Pearl not sure where that's gonna get me considering there's not really anywhere to end the Pearl too can you stop it oh oh this looks so good you want some every single hour that passes in this video gets me closer to finally shooting the flare gun and getting us extracted out of here the Minecraft boat stained my shirts now I'm gonna have to go buy another one from can you believe it after 14 hours in the Bermuda Triangle I started getting nauseous and woke up to a Seaman's worst nightmare over leaking water I mean we're gaining why do we have water in the boat that is a lot of water how do we get this out doctor go away water I think I can use the pillow to soak water up wait it's Flex tape in the Box oh okay I don't know where this link is coming from but you're about to get hey boys there's like a little bit of light shining through this corner piece I'll get sealed my guy yes you yo it's working wait it might be this corner there's a massive Gap in between the wood blocks and the sealant now not good because I looked and they Flex sealed the wrong corner like an idiot I don't know if we have any more taste nothing literally nothing is left in the bag nothing that's gonna help us seal it this little guy has been braver than I am he's been on the boat with us the entire time I think it's time we let him free uh why is it so sad I'm a grown man I can't cry about a fish be free no look you can see him look at him go look at him go go buddy go oh that was emotional I lost my friend I have a hole in my boat and it's almost nighttime the sun is gorgeous and it's setting on my face right now which means it's time to set up 10 for the night this thing so I thought this was like a weapon of some sort no this actually holds up the tent so this disgusting sheet I got earlier it's not for sleeping it's for the tent for the boat I feel like I'm about to pull a live grenade do I let it go do I just let it oh oh it's getting a wreck oh this thing is long oh it smells in here oh I think we're getting into work I mean it's kind of working look at this beauty hold it up it's pitching intense the only survival thing so far in this video that actually worked as the sun was rapidly setting so was my hunger bar not a lot of room move around the tent you know what I'm saying is that the RC boat again no no no oh wait I see it oh oh I got it you think Preston enjoyed that boo-boo fish we just gave him this time I'm keeping the boat no it's my boat it's my friend not anymore he's not I cut him loose you didn't know there's a care package that was your dinner that is so disappointing what was it fish oh we also have this Lantern I don't know if it works anymore because it's so it's oh my gosh listen to that okay oh look you could see the water still inside the lantern I'm gonna use this to check outside oh ignore the 10 but tell me this is a gorgeous outside which is peaceful and terrifying at the same time on second that I'm going back in the book I slept like literal garbage as you can probably tell by the sound of my voice but look at this it's 5 30 in the morning which means we get to shoot the flare gun let's get this tin off this boat that feels so good all right where's that player gun at all right and [Applause] I'm gonna be the first YouTuber to reach the death zone and survive [Music] the death stone is a point at which humans can no longer physically breathe which is 26 000 feet and this is only 500 feet I will be reaching the death zone in only one stunt 32 Guinness World Records welcome to the Adam wonderwood experience [Music] only thing I can move is I'm totally fine he's got such great rhythm [Music] she moved sounds like bunch of Pop Rocks all right that's only the first challenge of this round the first round was just a warm-up with Brianna out let's see who can Outlast the whiplash oh oh my gosh they will split it next I feel like I've assumed the position what what but why all right lock it in Keeley lock it in and we're locked in [Applause] that hole is so tough right now these faces matching her hair no I literally there's no way you flinched oh my God I'm locking eyes with a man who's whipping me how is this possible better like the video or imma whip you this is the fruit Flinch challenge play along and try not to move from your seat Fire Nation because things are about to get spicy wow that was really high Preston's locked in why you literally were going for my nuts wait a second let me try this and lock it in is that are you sure that's the face you want to lock in all right are you ready [Music] it's good be prepared to be fruited yay oh are you ready Bree it's about to get fruity okay we're gonna be up there on that Wing is that insane I will be Wing walking is by far one of the most difficult challenges I have ever done in my entire life but after seeing my Idols Dude Perfect hang off the side of a biplane I knew I had to try it for myself I had to practice the same movements for an entire day making sure my timing was perfect because if I slipped even once that could be it for me we will be hitting speeds at that point up to 130 possibly 140 miles per hour at times so that is when you're when you feel those those really strong winds wrong with you you can expect some cheek flap in action to be happening oh yeah I got I got stretchy one this next spirit we have people who are afraid of ice baths I could do this challenge alone because that'd be insane so I brought a Coloradan what's up are you actually afraid of full of water um my heart rate went from 114 to now 140. five minute timer Starts Now wait what by the end of the five minutes one of us has to be fully submerged bro my belly button to submerged get lower dude we have two minutes and 40 seconds left all right who's submerging rock paper scissors yup rock paper scissors shoot shoot please subscribe to zealous he did not sign up for this I signed him what's in the box everyone turn around and stand around the Box all you need to know something's moving is the challenge is over once the box is opened that's it good luck everyone do you want to lock it in there bad thing isn't making human sounds okay lock it in lock it in if anyone moves right now I'm giving you a card this is so awkward wait let's take our let's take our votes guys guess in the comments bro I'm in the worst position for this this is the Busta balloon Challenge and if you move when it busts you're busted you can't move your hands you can't move your feet you can't move your face whoa that's a movement I think it's a replay personally that's no replay that's a card for Steven the balloon flung it Caleb the handsomest man in the room right now hey Caleb you should see how big it is on this side I can feel its girth bro what oh my God oh I see you're so disgusting you suck that's a card for Caleb next balloon let's get blowing this thing will pop as soon as you hit the Subscribe button the Riff move I moved I don't think he moved Brian I think Bree did it [Applause] for today's video everybody's gonna be so much less scared oh I don't like the feeling I can feel it like moving all the air more oh really yeah movement Larry last but not least you might know him you might love him it's Preston I like purple he likes purple all right let's get this balloon blowing Preston's locked in all right look out Preston don't move that balloon's gonna pop [Music] he's just trying to fake you out he's just trying to fake you out did he move I moved no dude that hit my face ow that's not a movement oh dang you see you oh you see it the most popular movie Death is quicksand and whoever takes the longest to escape dies you got it Preston oh wait princess were pretty thick oh no you got it big man [Applause] and you Matrix Dodge bullets I'm ready oh it's like The Tick Tock I'm dodging it's like the tick tock what's up [Music] I'm so scared [Music] [Music] hey guys [Music] whoa right now [Music] being able to Wing walk on top of a plane was a once in a lifetime experience but it was time for level two of wing walking and the next fear is ophadiophobia never heard of that before oh it's snakes honestly snakes are not as scary as most people think now the one thing is just don't crawl in my pants you know we're going to attempt to survive a fourth degree black belt oh I don't want to die I'll go first gentlemen thank you Kyle take it easy and let's go let's do it all right come on Josh you're a gamer you know how to do this come on yeah get him Preston oh yeah wait don't look at this [ __ ] don't look at this Josh 17 seconds he's dead Tapped Out Tapped Out 24 seconds oh no three two one begin what's my time what's my time four seconds oh my God like in John Wick he's running out of pencils what in the name oh my God whose side are you on bro you can't even do it come on boys lock me up okay all right wait wait you guys have to let me out first though no sorry Steven this is our survival timer let's see what the team had blanket nice a quick pump uh when you're 15 feet underground electricity runs in the Rocks very very useful we have an air mattress but no way to blow it a pillow lock the house up okay don't don't drop the key can I try and cover it with mud what was that hey guys do we have an extra key for the chain and if the boys can get me out before the time is over Daddy Steven what's in this why is there lotion they're skin Preston your skin oh you're right you're right we might dry out thank you very moisture okay yes supposed to be pretty good question hey look at us look at us look at us yes slim jim he's talking to you what hey we got a challenge okay number one you gotta find a worm if you don't find the worm we're gonna shoot you with fireworks oh good but if you do you get fresh water where do worms exist in the ecosystem of dirt don't look it don't look right there yeah not at your feet wait is that a one there's no way I will get to the root of this it's gonna cause it caving what are you doing I just don't know what to look are you giving up listen warm sword in Minecraft I don't know what y levels are at bro that's a massive worm that's definitely not a worm oh I mean I mean oh wow there's your worms can you dropped the worms oh good thank you very cool oh that means it's in the back what are you doing there's your fresh don't drop it no no oh can we get that rope back is this the clean water is this the pee water it's the one that was right here it was next to the port you're supposed to know which one is what you have to tell us I think it's the pee water because it's lighter I thought Jerry cancer for oil no this is the water oh oh you pump and then you suck all right Pump It Pump It oh why isn't taste so weird oh why is it so milky oh my gosh I actually put that up stop pouring it out in the hole sorry I'm trying to figure out what I just suggested clear hey just throw a rock at me it's a thirsty breasted we found some cows up here oh my gosh what happened is that actually milk it has milk milk and glue you know I'm lactose you know the human can survive for quite a long time without water thankfully oh Scott that is this wow oh wait is this plugged into something yes oh no no no no no no no I don't even know this is gonna work anymore oh my gosh is that milk inside of it look at this point oh it works we've reached the vent capacity we're done is it inflated Preston you know what it's enough brick you did but you actually winning this this is the only way for us to get out yes it's been five hours anything's possible we have an official announcement we would like to reverse out of this hole look I'll take my reverse that's a cancel well I'm still canceling it you take it about food are you are you hungry yeah dude we are so hungry why is this a balanced female drink am I gonna grow breasts what the heck he's right there hey there he is what happens above the ground does not concern me yep bring it in what is backing up up there um what where'd you get a yawn Mark we have the food for Preston we also have a blender will it blend [Music] that's good okay so McDonald's does blend I want to try yeah what are these oh my God you're starting to sprinkle why did it have to rain of all day yeah look at this guy I like how you brought a raincoat and decided not to bring a raincoat for me would you like a chance for food yeah yeah all right we have trivia for you yeah yeah I will choose the genre I would like it to be about nuts I know all about pistachios and almonds my Preston we have a surprise if you get a trivia question wrong yeah I love surprises huh all right how many girlfriends have I had are we talking about online girlfriends oh don't bring those up how many four oh no it was oh what what is this you got me in the pocket what is my middle name it's Edward it's Scott [Applause] Minecraft creeper's favorite food soup oh oh wait oh that was so good it was so freaking vegan Creepers the burgers getting a little cold how many days have you and Bree been married I don't know 1168 wrong 1271. oh no what is a name of one of my siblings wait you're not only child because you had like one egg dying too busy what is your most viewed video this year 100 YouTuber mystery buttons that is such an easy one Scott give him the same stop eating it wait sure it actually fits to the hole you freaking actually oh my God why is it so cold it's cold outside it tastes amazing and disgusting at the same time don't go to bed without protecting your head because there's rocks and they could fall on us don't leave a trace protect your face we're gonna grab her a bunch of dirt and we're gonna bury them alive drop it on whoa whoa I'm loosening up the dirt so I can fall that's a huge Rockets go back to sleep boys how long am I supposed to go back to bed after you just dump dirt on us here we go this is not gonna make me give up oh my God you can't handle this come on dude there's just no room oh that's uh oh is that the pump oh that's the power cable oh what are you looking for oh wait oh my God why did I climb out the Wet Side oh oh this is I can't tell if this is safe or not hahaha I want to see what they're up to on the uh above the world here's what it looks like oh oh God I'm actually gonna feel this time being in a hole 15 feet underground for Content it is Steven and Jimmy there we go I had coffee technically still in the hole I kind of have to pee too all right you wanna film you it's night time and you wouldn't know what that means sleep all right Gamers we're getting sleep we'll see you when it's morning hey hey I was gonna say weather why are you spreading like that you got the frog legs good morning Preston oh look who's back how do you like your bacon turkey smokes Stephen your wife called and she's mad you know I hate purple smoke it's up to you now semen oh geez dude look at that's terrible oh my God oh my God Bless America get me out of here Steven what are you doing Stephen to tell me when I was asleep you're done oh you're passing it this is a cheap trick you just lost it 24 hours y'all are so stupid but this challenge isn't any ordinary challenge blisters throwing smelling challenge this is the last challenge of the day and you only have to smell sir Stroman the worst smell in the world this is like the most dank marinated fish in the entire world it is in fact illegal and an act of terrorism to open in specific places and we're about to ingest it ingest it genuinely Brienne is probably gonna vomit all right let's open her up oh this is so bad I smell it through the mask oh I'm done I'm done oh no I can feel the air all right look at him no movement it smells like somebody has diarrhea in your mouth it smells like a tuna farted on a cracker and then force fed into you everybody breathe in three two one breathe oh my God it's so bad like a time thing for how long we'll see what do you mean my mouth is watering like you know when you're going to throw up it's just like watering I'm just not the bleeding my decisions right now there's a good chance I'm gonna throw up in this this isn't fair and then it's gonna come back and you guys are gonna smell the shirt standing and then my vomit I'll pay you 20 bucks to take a big whiff oh well I did it too Larry you okay over there guys remove the helmet if the smell wasn't enough it's time for the next stage of the challenge getting up close [Music] oh no he's gonna vomit he's gonna vomit out of everything on this planet I think raw fish is my least favorite thing I cannot stand fish get away from me please honestly you break my neck is worse no freaking way it's so it's storm you know it's crazy too I just got food poisoning from Sushi and like this really doesn't impact me no no no no yeah yeah I bring it with my mouth it's worse oh God he's gonna puke no he's gonna puke try it try it try it okay I'll give it I'll give it I'm not ever kissing you again if you eat that oh wow that is the saltiest dankest thing I've ever put in my mouth oh wait what happened stop it oh oh please please please please those are my eyes I can't see anymore making a mustache making a mustache has to keep there oh no it's me it's just throwing you don't get this off of me right now I'm gonna punch you in the face you would have to move to punch I will punch him in the face Chase is dead so this is my personal shirt too but it's fine all right Stephen for what you've done I will happily restore your fire emerge from which we have a free Android and iOS app you can get right now oh what I remove it hey this is seriously burning it hurts look at my hand oh wait look at my hand all right guys I'm gonna call it all right gentlemen we are all hand tied and we have to find out a way to escape these lockers this is just like Middle School I was gonna say High School oh I hate places with no range of motion you might know how to dislocate their shoulder and relocate it open don't I literally I know I can't see anything oh my gosh what is this oh is this so hard to do with one hand oh my my boss cutter is broken yes yes you know what to do Josh goodbye Justice the average bull rider survives eight seconds on one of these bad boys so if we fall off we die let's go baby [Music] oh geez oh my god let's go that was about 23 seconds there we go finished it off at 14 seconds foreign something not even Dude Perfect had attempted but you can go onto the wing they call it the javelin but to get there you have to step perfectly on black dots on the wing otherwise you damage the wing meaning the plane crashes not to mention you're standing sideways at 100 mile per hour wind is hitting you in different places that you never imagined could even be possible oh but I wanted to do it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 7,595,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, funny, pranks, challenge, mrbeast, brianna, ssundee, unspeakable, jordanmatter, stokestwins, gametoons, aphmau, dhar man, sidemen
Id: gJKQmdV-J24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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