The Life of Peter Parker (Spider-Man): Entire Timeline (MCU Explained/Recap)

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spider-man no way home just came out and after seeing this incredible movie i knew it was time to make another life of mcu video this time for peter parker i'm gonna break down peter's entire timeline in the mcu so all the movies all the tie-in comics that are canon to the marvel cinematic universe which is not the normal marvel comics these were comics made to fit into the marvel cinematic universe and anything else that peter might have appeared in before we start there are going to be major spoilers in this video especially for spider-man no way helm so there's your warning now that's out of the way let's get the video started peter benjamin parker was born in queens new york on august 10 2001. since his childhood he was raised by his loving aunt may and uncle ben ben eventually died though leaving ant made to raise peter all on her own the only thing that really showed ben's existence in the mcu was a briefcase with his initials bfp on it which peter eventually adopted as his own growing up as a kid peter was a huge fan of tony stark and his alter ego iron man he even bought a toy replica of his mask and glove he wore those at the stark expo in 2010 an event that was taken over by hammer drones one of which approached peter he raised his toy glove at the drone and his hero tony stark then landed next to him raised his real glove and blew the drone up iron man then said just to be clear that was not originally peter parker but those working on the mcu and spider-man homecoming in 2017 thought it would be a great idea to make him peter and they decided to make a canon that that was a young peter parker peter attended midtown high where he quickly became best friends with his classmate ned and he became the target of bullying from his classmate flash thompson peter also became acquainted with michelle jones who would later go by mj and she often teased him peter also developed the crush on his classmate liz and he saw her quite often as they were both part of the scholastic decathlon team peter was incredibly smart and reading books doing anything star wars related and building computers was what occupied most of peter's time but everything changed when he was 14. peter was bitten by a spider and he acquired superhuman powers including strength speed and the uncanny ability to add here to walls he decided to use his abilities to help those in need he made a sweat suit costume to hide his face he developed his own synthetic web fluid and web shooters and he went out to fight criminals in new york city and he became spider-man looking out for and defending the little guy in the world yeah yeah yeah just looking after the little guy to keep his identity a secret peter maintained an unassuming lifestyle refusing to join the football team or do anything he would not have done before getting his powers since the beginning of his vigilante and amateur superhero career spider-man caught the attention of various news organizations and reporters one day peter came to the rescue catching an out of control car before it hit a bus full of people after making sure everyone was alright he swung away to peter's shock this little stunt was caught on camera and went viral on the internet one day when peter was about to go fight crime in a suit he walked in on may who was watching the news about the un bombing which involved the avengers themselves seeing her concern peter told his aunt not to worry with so many videos of spider-man circulating online they eventually caught the attention of tony stark who then managed to discover peter's identity tony looked into his activities and he decided to bring the young kid into the fold of the avengers squad peter came home one day to his aunt may talking to his hero tony stark on their couch which shocked him tony made mae think peter applied for a grant but once they were alone stark recruited peter to his cause peter was hesitant at first but he eventually agreed to go to germany with stark stark left before he did so peter was escorted out of new york by happy he then took a private plane with happy and they arrived in germany at this point peter still had no idea why he was there no one has actually told me why i'm in berlin but he was loving every second of it while in his hotel room peter was presented with the suit tony made just for him which was a huge upgrade from his sweatsuit peter's introduction to the rest of the avengers was pretty epic as he flipped in stole captain america shield and said hello to everyone hey everyone good job however ant-man knocked him down and got the shield back while fighting for starkside in the avengers civil war peter went after bucky and falcon and he showed his strength by catching bucky's insanely strong metal arm with ease you have a metal arm that is awesome dude after a bit of fighting peter won the fight despite the fact that it was two avengers versus a high school kid with no training i don't know if that's a knock on bucky and falcon or a dub for peter as spider-man but peter eventually fought toe-to-toe with captain america and he held his own even knocking cap down a few times but the fight ended when cat made the loading dock fun on peter which again showed his true strength the two then had some banter about both being new yorkers where you from queens brooklyn when ant-man became a giant peter put his star wars knowledge to good use and wrapped scott's legs up however he was then smacked by ant-man and landed hard on the ground seeing this tony told him he was done with the fight and though peter tried to get up he ultimately agreed with him mrs dark wait i'm not done i'm not okay i'm not i'm not afterwards peter went back to his hotel room and recorded his excitement but happy knocked on the door and told him to keep it down after landing back in new york tony escorted peter home and he told him that he could keep the spider-man sued when peter asked when the next mission was tony said that they would call him later that night peter put tony's web shooter device to work and a holograph of spider-man's face lit up on the ceiling however he quickly hid this when aunt may came in with some ice as peter had told her that the bruises he had was from a fight at school after two months of not getting any calls peter began to get a bit antsy he did small things to spider-man like stop bike thieves give old ladies directions and other friendly neighborhood stuff one day though he found a real threat as some thugs were using chittari technology to rob atm machines while stopping them he blew up the atm room and his favorite deadly across the street he got the owner and his cat out of the fire but the criminals escaped after this he called happy but happy said he didn't have time as he was moving everything out of avengers tower in new york moving into the new avengers facility when he got home peter crawled in on the ceiling not knowing that ned was there and ned discovered his secret identity later on in school the two overheard liz talking about loving spider-man and ned told everyone in their gym class that peter knew spider-man flash and liz said he should come to liz's party that night with spider-man they went to the party planning to have spider-man come out but instead peter found some criminals selling the same tottari weapons that the atm robbers had and he tried to stop them instead of going to the party he ended up falling in the water courtesy of vulture where tony had to save him and tony lectured him about sticking the small neighborhood crime peter left with a bit of the tatari weapon and while analyzing it with ned at school vulture's crew tracked it down to midtown high fortunately they were not able to find it and before they left peter put a tracker on them seeing that they went to maryland maryland what's there ned and peter put together that their decathlon would be in dc which wasn't far from where these thugs were peter eventually tracked them down and fought the ringleader of the operation vulture but during the fight peter was knocked out in a truck when he woke up he was in a warehouse and while there he mastered the spider-man suit and webbing combinations he became frantic however as he realized the tatari technology that ned currently had was explosive so he used his intelligence to open the facility and escape he rushed to ned who was in the washington monument but he was too late the chitauri piece had exploded peter sprung into action though saving ned his other classmates and most of all liz the girl he liked when returning home peter tracked down aaron davis who led him to the staten island ferry there peter got into another fight with vulture and his gang but this one led to disaster as the ferry was cut in half peter tried his best to hold it together but just when he was about to lose it tony came to the rescue and fixed everything a furious tony confronted peter and reprimanded him what if somebody had died tonight different story right because that's on you and if you die i feel like that's on me tony took the suit he made for peter and he sent him home telling him it was over no no please please please what's happening you don't understand this is all i have i'm nothing without this suit if you're nothing without this suit then you shouldn't have it without the burden of spider-man peter s liz to the homecoming dance and she said yes that night he got all prepped and ready but when he got to liz's house he was shocked to find out that vulture was her father he dropped them off and once liz got out he told peter he would kill him and everyone he loved if he interfered again peter could not let it go though and he stood liz up at the dance to go after vulture he raced to get his sweatsuit but was stopped by one of vulture's men he fought him outside the high school and he took a pretty big beating but ned came to the rescue allowing peter to go after vulture when he got to him vulture revealed his plan to rob the avengers ship which was full of chittari and iron man technology then before he left he made the building collapse on peter peter was frantic at first hey please now i'm down here i'm down here i'm stuck but he then gathered the strength to lift the building off of him as vulture went in the air peter shot a web and grabbed on and the two fought in the sky while on the avengers ship during the fight they damaged the ship and a crash landed on the beach on the ground vulture beat the crap out of peter he then tried to escape with the chittari technology but as he took off peter tried to stop him knowing it was going to blow up he did not listen though and he fell into a fiery explosion peter ran in and pulled him out of the fire saving his life spider-man ended the night by webbing vulture up for the authorities later on in school peter apologized to liz who told him she was moving to oregon and the two said goodbye whatever's going on with you i hope you figure it out when the decathlon team celebrated their victory michelle said she went by mj my friends called me mj after defeating vulture tony had peter come to avengers tower presented him with a new suit and said he would become an official avenger however peter told him he just wanted to be a friendly neighborhood spider-man looking out for the little guy and he turned stark down as he was walking away he turned back and asked if this was a test and tony confirmed it was but moments later we find out that tony was for real he was really about to make spider-man an avenger where's the kid he left everybody's waiting you know what he actually made a really mature choice just surprised the heck out of us later on when peter entered his room he stole a brown paper bag on his bed that had a suit in it as tony decided to return it to him peter put it on and may walked in discovering a secret identity peter was the friendly neighborhood spider-man for two years but one day on the bus peter's spider senses kicked in and seeing what was going on outside ned distracted everyone so we could get out and go help the avengers during the fight peter was beamed up to a ship that was taking off into space and just as peter was having trouble breathing tony shot the iron spider suit up to him and peter donned the new spider-man costume for the first time tony sent peter back to the ground but peter was able to latch onto the ship and make his way on board when he revealed himself tony was angry at first but the two teamed up to save doctor strange and take the ship over from ebony maw they successfully took the ship over but then crash landed on titan and not long after that the guardians of the galaxy presented themselves after realizing they were on the same side they teamed up thanos showed up on titan to get the time stone from doctor strange and together peter tony strange and the guardians of the galaxy fought him and nearly stopped the mad titan but they were beaten when star-lord found out he killed gamora strange gave thanos the time stone and the mad titan left to go to earth where he got the mine stone and now having all of the infinity stones he snapped his fingers to wipe out half the universe peter felt himself starting to fade and he collapsed in tony's arms i don't want to go i don't want to go please peter apologized to tony and then he vanished peter was gone for five years but when the remaining avengers got all of the infinity stones and reversed thanos snap peter along with everyone else who would turn to dust returned he awoke on titan and dr strange who had also just reappeared told peter that they had missed five years and had to go help in the battle peter arrived to fight thanos in his army and he stood with captain america as he told the avengers to assemble avengers assemble peter was reunited with tony on the battleground and tony so happy to see him alive just embraced him oh this is nice during the fight peter was past the infinity gauntlet and he activated instant kill mode in a suit he got blasted backwards however and the women of the avengers took the gauntlet for him at the end of the battle tony gave his life to defeat thanos peter was by stark's side as the life drained out of him and he told his mentor and hero that he did it they had won one you did it peter burst into tears as he apologized i'm sorry and shortly after tony moved no more now that the battle was over and everyone that blipped was back peter returned to school where he was reunited with his best friend ned peter alongside aunt may attended tony's funeral and peter paid his respects to the man that changed his life for the better over the next eight months a lot happened with tony gone people started to think that spider-man would be the new iron man and the new head of the avengers are you the head of danger now uh no i'm not which only made peter's grief for tony even more pronounced during those eight months on top of being spider-man peter went back to his normal life as a high school student and he developed feelings for mj he decided to use the upcoming school trip to confess his feelings to her before going on his trip there was a short film that was only released on blu-ray but it is canon so i'm going to add it in it peter went through his to-do list one thing he did was sell a bunch of his things to save up for a necklace which he planned to buy for mj while completing his to-do list he had to suit up a spider-man and take down a bunch of thugs in a restaurant you gonna be the next iron man now well no i don't have time i'm too busy doing your jobs oh i'm kidding i'm kidding look keep up the good work because i am going on vacation before going on the trip peter decided to leave his spider-man suit at home but may packed it anyway while in europe peter got mj a black dahlia necklace moments later though a giant water monster attacked and peter jumped into action he was eventually joined by mysterio and together they took the monster down that night nick fury showed up in peter's bedroom although it wasn't actually nick fury it was the scroll named talos but anyway the fig fury presented peter with glasses given to him by tony which basically gave peter access to all of tony's technology peter was then brought down to meet mysterio who claimed to be from another earth and together they all talked about the threat of the elementals the next day while on the bus with his class peter used tony's glasses and almost killed everyone on board but luckily he saved them and he learned a valuable lesson not to mess with tony's technology that night mysterio convinced peter to fight with them and peter agreed he went to the opera with his class and mj asked if he wanted to sit next to her but he knew he could not follow through as he had to leave for the mission he had ned tell mj that he was sick and he went to fight alongside mysterio wearing the night monkey suit they defeated the thread and afterwards mysterio manipulated peter convincing peter to give him tony's glasses afterwards peter not thinking anything of handing the glasses over asked mj to hang out with them and while walking mj revealed that she knew he was spider-man mj i am spider-man they then discovered a drone that mysterio had used and peter realized that everything mysterio had done was fake and simulated and he was not from another earth he eventually told fury about this but it turned out that was a simulation as well and mysterio was able to make peter get hit by a train he survived but he was hurt pretty badly he woke up in a jail cell left and called happy who picked him up the two then had a heart-to-heart about missing tony everywhere i go i see his face and i just really miss him yeah i miss him too while on the plane peter created a new suit for himself and he showed up to stop mysteria once and for all the two eventually came face to face and no mysterio was putting up fake projections peter was able to use his spider senses to know where he was and where the drones were and he got through them and beat them he found mysterio on the ground and injured but again his spider senses kicked in and he realized that was a simulation as well as the real mysterio was holding a gun to his head peter stopped him took the glasses and shut all of the drones down after the fight peter found mj and they embraced and kissed for the first time peter then gave her the necklace he had gotten her but unfortunately it was broken in the fight nevertheless she still wore the broken piece around her neck the two held hands as they got on the plane home showing that they were an official couple now well back in new york peter donned the spider-man costume and he took mj for a ride through new york which she wasn't a big fan of a video then emerged on the big screen and it showed mysterio revealing spider-man's true identity as well as saying that peter tried to kill him peter rushed himself and mj out of there and went back home to may their apartment was eventually surrounded however and himself may happy mj and ned were all taken into custody luckily the lawyer matt murdock who undenounced to them was daredevil got peter out of trouble however the world numbing a secret did not bode well for peter as he was plastered all over as a criminal and a killer even liz the girl he stood up at homecoming spoke out saying that peter was a liar to be safe peter and may went to happy's very secure condo but he eventually had to go back to school where it was a media frenzy he walked into the school hand-in-hand with mj and even inside the school everyone was watching him and taking pictures of him he and mj escaped by going up on the roof but just as they were about to kiss ned interrupted them they began to talk about the three of them going to mit together and a few days later they all got their letter they went to the coffee shop where mj worked and opened them at the same time but they were all very bummed as the letter said they were unable to consider their application due to the whole spider-man controversy peter felt terrible and he decided to go to doctor strange for help he asked him to make everyone forget he was spider-man and strange agreed mid-spell however peter asked strange to make mj ned meg and happy remember and changing the spell so many times made it get out of control strange contained it but not before it opened their earth to other earths and people who knew who spider-man was in other universes arrived moments later strange gave peter the idea to talk to a representative from mit and finding out that the woman he had to talk to was on her way to the airport peter tracked her down on the highway however once he got to where he was interrupted by dokgok who was after him peter eventually took control of the nanites and his tentacles and he defeated doc ock while also saving the woman representative from mit which made her say she would try to get himself and his friends admitted strange then trapped doc ock in the dungeon of the new york sanctum where he had already trapped the lizard who was actually dr connors from another universe while there peter called ned and mj and the three of them set out to find other people that did not belong on this earth this led peter to electro as well as sandman sandman helped him take down electro and peter put them both in the sanctum dungeon as well when peter found out that another villain was with may he ran to find her but when he got there he realized that norman osborne was harmless he was only bad when the green goblin took his mind over may convinced peter to help this man and a reluctant peter agreed like all the other villains peter took him down to the sanctum dungeon and while down there they discovered that all of these villains fates was to die strange then came forth with a device that helped reverse the spell sending all of these villains home but peter said they couldn't do that because they would all just go to die in their universe peter stole the device but strange called him back and knocked peter out of his physical form to strange's shock however peter was able to evade him even out of his body and peter was actually able to push himself back into his physical form strange then put peter in the mirror dimension where he said he was in control however peter's intelligence allowed him to see that this dimension was just basic geometry and he was able to trap strange there and take the device from him peter told the villains that he was going to fix them so they wouldn't die he left the device with mj and ned and took doc ock osbourne the lizard who was connors and electro to happy's place he started with doc ock and recreated the chip that allowed him to control his arms and dr octavius was back to normal he then started to work on electro and osborne but before he could finish osborne became the green goblin again peter's spider senses warned him of the danger but he didn't know where the danger was he walked around the condo trying to figure it out and when he realized what it was he shot a web to hold osborne down however osborne convinced electro to take the device they would fix him off and both of them went after peter eventually it became a fight between just spider-man and the green goblin as elektra left and at the end of the fight goblin made his glider slice may in her stomach osborne escaped and peter was left to find his aunt may he didn't realize she was hurt at first and she told peter that with great power there must also come great responsibility as they began to leave though she collapsed and peter soon saw the blood coming from her stomach he desperately called out for help but when mae asked what happened he realized she did not know she was dying he consoled her telling her she was okay and he held back tears not wanting her to know the truth about what was happening moments later may died in peter's arms when the authorities closed in peter made his escape leaving his aunt's lifeless body there peter looked up at the big screen in new york absolutely heartbroken and on the screen jameson said that this was spider-man's fault wherever spider-man goes chaos follows which made peter think his aunt's death was his fault peter went to the roof where he and mj were earlier and when ned and mj came to embrace him he broke down crying his friends then drew his attention to two other peter parkers from two other earths when the mcu peter said mae's death was his fault the two other peters consoled him and they brought up their own heartbreaks in their own world one saying he lost his girlfriend gwen and the other saying he lost his uncle ben they both told him that they did some questionable things afterward and they didn't want to see that happen to him they all then teamed up the plan being to fix the rest of the villains just as mae wanted after whipping up what they had to in the lab the mcu peter announced to the world that he was at the statue of liberty and when the villains showed up they sprang into action the three peters did not do well though as they all fought in their own way they clashed with one another this made the mcu peter step up saying he was used to fighting alongside people like the avengers and he led the way as the three spider-mans fought in unison with the help of doc ock they fixed electro sandman and the lizard connors dr strange then showed up after being trapped and just as he was about to use the device to send the villains home green goblin showed up and blew the device up this made the universe open up huge splits which strange did his best to contain meanwhile mj fell off the ledge and as the mcu peter went to save her his heart sank when goblin pulled him away luckily the peter who had lost gwen in his world called mj saving her life the mcu peter took down green goblin's glider and he decided to get revenge for him killing aunt may peter got the upper hand in the fight and began pounding on osborne after a truly vicious beating peter picked up his glider and was about to stab the man that killed may but before he could the peter from the other earth stepped in front of him caught the glider and stopped him the third beater then threw the antidote to the mcu peter and instead of killing osborne he cured him peter then went to help doctor strange and strange said they're starting to come through but i can't stop him at this peter suggested they redo the original spell however strange said that if they did that everyone in the world would not only forget spider-man's identity but would fully forget peter parker as well a very brave peter said that that was alright as it was the only way strange gave him a moment and the mcu peter first thanked the other two peters for their help after hugging them both he went to say goodbye to ned and mj telling them that they were going to forget him he did his handshake with ned and kissed mj goodbye mj then told peter that she loved him and peter was about to say it back but she stopped him telling him to wait strange sent all of the off-worlders back home and moments later made everyone forget who peter parker was the world now only knowing spider-man a little while later peter went to the diner where mj worked ready to tell her everything including the fact that he loved her but when he saw the band-aid on her head which covered a cut she had gotten during the battle he realized she would be safer without ever knowing him peter did notice that she was still wearing the necklace he bought her though meaning a part of her might still remember him peter then went to ant-may's grave and was soon joined by happy who did not recognize peter when happy asked how he knew where he said through spider-man and happy said the same was true for him peter was optimistic however saying that spider-man would keep the good work mae was doing alive taking her last words to heart he would be a responsible hero peter dropped out of high school got himself a crappy apartment in the city and he began studying for his ged school having no use to him anymore he also made himself a new spider-man suit using a sewing machine and he lived the life of the true friendly neighborhood spider-man obviously this is not the end of peter's story but i cannot wait to see where they go from here but for now that's all i have for you so i'll see you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on instagram to see more of my personal life like my cute dog loki and some behind the scenes movie flame stuff i also do similar content on take talk and twitter that i do here on this channel so if you like what i do here check them out all the handles are right below me and links are in the description over here my wonderful patrons if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a few other 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Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 1,500,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Disney, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, no way home, far from home, homecoming, iron man, tony, stark, gwen, spiderverse, spider-verse, spider verse, tom holland, Andrew Garfield, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, breakdown, avengers, amazing spider man, amazing spiderman, timeline, review, tv show, explain, may, ben, mj, zendaya, doctor strange, web, webs, spider, tobey maguire
Id: Qpm1hsHSObY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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