I Actually Climbed A Building Like Spiderman!

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- Now you might be wondering why I'm dressed as a five year old on Halloween. Well, today I'm gonna be climbing this building for the sake of revenge. You see, I actually made it to the final round of casting for the last Spiderman movie. Until- Here we go. - Hi. - How's it going? - Good. How are you? - I'm so good. I'm so excited to be here. - Yeah - It's great to talk to you, but I did wanna let you know that with No Way Home we did decide to go in a different direction. Um. - Um. Uh. I'm just gonna go. I was brutally rejected. So I used my giant genius brain to prove to Marvel that I'm literally the only option for the next Spiderman. For the past month and a half. I've been working with this guy. His office is inside of here. And basically he's been developing all the technology necessary for me to literally scale the side of a building. And I've had him working on some extra little things for my best friends. But they have no idea and should be showing up at any minute here. Those are my friends. Yeah. - Why you wearing a Spiderman costume? - Do you guys remember when I got brutally rejected by Marvel? - We did decide to go in a different direction. - I have a master plan of today to prove to Marvel that I am literally the only choice for the next Spiderman. - Sounds a little bit pathetic. - How, how can we even help you with that? - I've been working with this guy his name's Malcolm. (laughing) - Thank you gentlemen, for visiting. - Malcolm. This is the place of business? - It doesn't look like much, but my mind is at ease here. - How old are you? - Listen. What's you guys see what Malcolm and I have been working on for the last month, you're gonna lose your minds. - I'm gonna show you some of my new inventions - Inventions? - Here's my favorite here. This is the Grabo - The Grabo - For walking up walls Climbing up walls. - Show 'em how works Malcolm. They're gonna be impressed. - Put it on the wall. - Okay. - Push the button. - Oh, wow. It actually works. - He's a genius bro. He's literally a genius. - You made this by yourself? How many years it took your friend? (buzzing) - And you're going to use this to climb a building? - I'm literally gonna use this to climb a building. - [News Voiceover] Now at a downtown LA where a man was seen climbing a building. - What if it runs out a battery like halfway up the building? - The battery does what? (laughing) - We've actually got some other stuff that Malcolm can put together for you guys. - Oh, I don't know if I wanna do that. - We have a Wolverine here. These are real knives. - They're not for fixin' marshmallows on the fire. (laughing) - This is the flash. These are rocket skates - Literally a rocket in there. Are there any breaks on these at all? (explosion sound) - Here's an outfit for the Hulk since he's the Hulk is green. - Okay. Malcolm, this is going downhill fast. - Pick your costumes, whatever you want. And let's see what you guys look like changed out. Boys. Oh, what the? - I can't put my arms down. - So I'm thinking Fidias goes first with a rocket skates. Actually this guy right here put 'em together, right? - Yeah. So what we're actually gonna do is we're gonna take a solid state, a rocket fuel and we're gonna put those on- - Wait, wait, wait. You're like the YouTube science guy I've seen you before. - That's Nick. My son. - Yeah. Yeah. - It seems like a dangerous thing. Airrack right? - Malcolm. You safety checked this right? - Yes. - Okay. Right. We're good. - Malcolm guaranteed. (laughing) - Should I do it? - Count it down, baby. - Three Two One - Malcolm and Nick's rocket skates actually worked perfectly. However YouTube said they would delete this video if we included that part. So here's like a accurate representation of what happened. - Flash mode. (explosion) - I'm Flash. - After Fidias literally broke the sound barrier, we started heading towards the building. I was gonna scale with Malcolm's grabbos. But on the way I wanted to try out the boys' makeshifts superpowers. Tyler. I think we try your superpowers. - Anything to get you on that freaking movie, man. - There's an LA fitness right around the corner. So we're just gonna go in there and test that out. - Like this? - We're going right now. - This is fair enough, - Tyler you look so strong, man. - Oh he's gonna go for the 100 - There's no way. - What's up baby? How we doin? - Whoa. It's actually really easy. This is awesome. Yes. - I'm getting you all the weight. (cheering) - Do you need help with that? Yes he can help you. - Nice. - All a day's work. - Thank you so much. Of course. - All right, on the next one, boys. - Holy airrack. I watch your guy's videos all the time. What's up dude? - Thank you brother. We gotta go. We gotta go. - Before I prove to Marvel that I am the best Spiderman, we still had one more of my Avengers powers to try. - The last one that we have boys before I go. It's Wolverine. - Oh I actually see something we can Wolverine, follow me boys. - Oh - Our cameraman Max He actually has a couple of things for us. Thank you Max. - Yes sir. - You want to help us with this - Throw it. - Oh - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Cut this! - And after two hours of painful public interaction it was finally time to show Marvel what they were missing out on. This is the building right here that I'm literally going to climb to the top of. I mean, this was fun doing this with you guys but this is the whole point of the video. - So producers of Spiderman. We want the job. - And lastly, a huge thank you to Current. I like to think of Current as my eccentric uncle who just keeps wiring me money. - What does he look like? - Kinda looks like this. I mean, they're literally paying for me to climb this building. - Imagine like the manager like pitching this to the people at Current. - You can't tell me that's like a responsible investment. So thank you to Current for sponsoring this video. We love you. It was a beautiful moment. The sun was beginning to set. I was suited up, ready to climb. It was time to change this planet forever. Well boys it's been long day. You guys have entertained me all day. You didn't really contribute to anything, but you did entertain me. But now it's my turn to take a little risk. I have one job. Get the job in Marvel. All right, boys. - Good luck. - Good luck. - Marvel, This is literally for you. - That was a failure. - This is for Marvel right here. That one's for Marvel, right? We're off to a really strong start boys. I can't believe this is actually working. They're working. Malcolm this is revolutionary technology you developed. Are you not excited? - It's a great idea. - Oh - Okay. - All right. - Alright buddy be careful. - Stay calm. - Spiderman. Spiderman. - Oh my gosh. Okay I just have to stay calm. Just stay calm. I'm literally at somebody's apartment. Hey there. - What are you doing? - I'm trying to climb the building like Spiderman. - Holy. Oh my gosh. This is insane. This is insane. Oh my gosh. By fall, it's all over. That was horrifying. So I put one Grabo after the next and foot by foot I was getting closer becoming the next Spiderman and achieved everything I've ever wanted. Bro. Look at this view. Marvel. I don't see Tom Holland out here, bro. What's up buddy? Fist bump. Yes, sir. - He's making friends with the people in the apartment. - Look at him dude. - It was only halfway up the building, when a crowd of simple-minded people started gathering just staring at me. What up ladies? - Hi, how is it up there? - It's better now that I'm looking at you. Accompanied by a news helicopter in the sky. - [ News Voiceover] Now at a downtown LA where man was seen climbing a building. - It's not just a man. It's Spiderman. This is not condoned by anybody. LAPD's not on scene, but - Oh no. Now there's cops. Oh yeah, those are definitely police. - Eric, some homies just pulled up. - Some good friends. - Well he might be going to jail soon. - Oh no guys. By the way, this entire thing was under the supervision of safety professionals and all permits were applied for. Do not try this at home. Do you wanna tell him to pull me up? Once the cops arrived, it was clear. I needed to escape the area as fast as possible. So I had my safety team pull me up the last few floors over the edge, just in time. - Get me outta here. Oh my gosh. - Look at me. Look at me. You're safe. (laughs) - Finally I had made it to the top. Evaded the police and convinced you along with the entire world that I am in fact, a worthy Spiderman. And now I only have one more person to convince. - Micah. It's not just a man. It's Spiderman. See up here at the top level. I believe it's about the 12th floor a banner there that was placed by this person. Let's go to some tape that we shot. - Marvel. Call me. (outro music)
Channel: Airrack
Views: 9,721,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider man, spider man lego, lego spider man, spiderman, spider-man
Id: Oc396cy7k8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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