Mothers Who Pray

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[Music] today is a very special day somebody see especially say a specialty Wow it is Mother's Day amen Mother's Day and I tell you I'm so excited I'm so I'm so happy I can't wait for the service I can't wait for what is coming you know we are the holy hill we are so blessed you know that we have Mommy himself in the holy hill hallelujah we have mommy Azevedo she's somebody who is passed me a lot you know when I'm preaching and she takes a notepad and she writes and some loose I said wow I've said something very sensible I've said something very powerful and I become very encouraged I become very encouraged and today she's gonna minister to us powerfully she is bringing the Word of God to us there is no better person to bring the way to us on Mother's Day than our mommy herself so congregation are you ready I ready at home I will take in your notebook your iPad or whatever without wasting much more time I want to invite the puppies my mother your mother lady Reverend Utley he warned me mommy you are welcome you're welcome daddy thank you so much for sparing us mummy this morning on the special Mother's Day Familia welcome you're welcome please flow I think before I say anything I would like us to bow our heads for prayer shall we pray father we thank you for today we recognize that this is the day that you have made and you will cause us to rejoice and be glad in it we thank you Lord for today that has been set in the whole wide world to honor mothers your way tells us that we should honor our fathers and our mothers they may be well with us and that we may live long this morning we pray that you give us hearts of gratitude no matter where we are coming from open our eyes to see the blessings you have brought us through our mothers even if it has not been direct father we pray that you speak to us this morning speak to us as of the Oracles of God father anoint this vessel of clay and let it bring your hearts to your people transform our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit let your will be done thank you for your anointing and your grace to speak your word in Jesus name Amen amen well happy Mother's Day to all of us sometimes some fathers have been mothers because they've had to play a dual role and to all such fathers we see happy mother's day or as they say in the UK happy Mothering Sunday I want to take this opportunity to honor my own mother and my mother-in-law two great pillars in my life that God has used to nature me to counsel me comfort me and to strengthen me so I want to say to mrs. Georgina Baden and my dear mrs. Elizabeth he would mills you been in my life has brought great transformation you've been blessings in my life in untold ways may the Lord always remember you and may the Lord always bless you man well happy Mother's Day again to all of us I pray that today you take the opportunity to call your mother your mother figure your spiritual mother and honor them I don't want you to say oh you know leave with lady Raven it's covered 19 so I would have bought a hamper for my mother but because it's covered 19 I can't I don't believe in that I think that you can still honor the mothers in your life or lives that you want to honor the world says where there's a will there's a way I believe it is true and you know timely valuation is very very very important our parents don't live forever and let it not be that we honor them at funerals and then we go get cloth that we are all wearing the same thing to another dead but let them let us honor them when they are alive when they hear and when they can see to some of you I believe the Lord is saying honor your mother-in-law and you're saying oh lady Reverend she is so cantankerous when the midst of it all I just think it's a weight from the Lord honor your mother-in-law you know what the Bible says it says that you heap coals of fire on the head of your enemies when you do good to them so even doing good is a weapon so I pray that God will give you the grace to do that so happy Mother's Day to all of us to all those who have shaping our lives in one form or the other so all those who have made us who we are spiritually physically emotionally socially and in every way happy Mother's Day and may Jehovah honor you and may you the children who honor the honored by God may be well with you and may you live long because of this in Jesus name Amen well this morning I don't hope to be so long and it's exciting to be at a lockdown service some I just view you are all here maybe I can sense it in the realm of the Spirit but I want to talk about mothers who pray mothers will pray and in the Bible many people preach and I cannot say that it's only mothers who preach but today's Mother's Day so I thought that I would shine the spotlight on mothers who prayed many people in our lives say that when they were very wayward though hear their mothers praying some of them will be coming from a nightclub full of alcohol smelling of I don't know whether weed or smoke or and slipping through the door praying that their mothers will not meet them and it would be at dawn and they would hear their mothers praying Oh God remember this child of mine touch her had touch his heart bring her to the saving knowledge of Jesus and they would look on in amusement the who do they think this prayer is going to wake and yet there are many including a lot of our pastors who can testify that the prayer of mothers touched them somehow in some way in their walk and so I want to encourage us to be praying mothers now some of us was a old lady Reverend I'm just a teenager I'm not a mother but a teenager can mother sews a teenager can mother young converts I got to know Christ at a very young age and as it was in high school I could say that I had spiritual children so you too can be a mother to somebody even in secondary school some people used to say school mothers you know because a person showed you such maternal love and Kay that the person became a mother so I pray that God would speak to us today in Jesus name Amen the first mother who prayed that I want to speak about is the hopeful mother the hopeful mother and that is Hannah I would like to read from 1st Samuel chapter 1 from verse 10 to 19 I think many of us will know the story of Hannah the Bible says she was deeply distressed and she prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly and she vowed a vow and said O Lord of Hosts if you indeed look on the affliction of your servant and remember me and not forget your servant but will give to your servant as son then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life and no razor shall touch his head as she continued praying before the Lord Eli the high priest observed him mouth Hannah was speaking in her heart only her lips moved and her voice was no head therefore Eli took care to be a drunken woman and in I said to her how long will you go on being drunk put your wine away from you but Hannah answered no my lord I'm a woman troubled in spirit I have drunk neither wine or strong drink but I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord do not regard your servant as a wet less woman for all along I've been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation amen now Hannah was not a mother yet so those of you who are willing to definition we say but is this a mother who prayed yes he was a hopeful mother I want you first of all to know that Hannah prayed without words the Bible says you could hear her voice her lips moved but you could not hear the words she was speaking and I think that she was so taken by her distress that even the high priest told her you know it's time to quit drinking and to become sober but when the issues of life move you you can become like a mad person and people may not understand but it is the extent of your anxiety and your pain and out of the abundance of that you speak so Hana had been barren for so long and the Bible says that her adversary who was called Penina was always at her the Bible says Hannah wept saw and she did not eat for so many days months years but a time came in her life when she decided enough is enough so went where she went to Shiloh the temple she separated herself and decided to meet her God one-on-one beloved when we go through the other mothers who prayed one common thread so all of them was that they came to a place where the way alone and often in your Christian walk even as a mother as a grandmother as even a father you come to a place where the only person who you can go to is Jehovah the only person you can call on is Jehovah Hannah had Elkanah the Bible says o connell of t whenever it was time for sacrifice he gave her a we're deep ocean he gave her not double than even pnina and he didn't even see what Hannah's problem was but as she was battling this problem of barrenness and childlessness and also provocation from your adversary even al cana could not comfort enough kana could not understand mothers get to a place where even their husbands may not understand even the child may not understand but the only place that you can run to is God because the Bible says he's our high tower he saw refuge he saw fortress and that's what Hannah did now in her prayer she didn't look at protocol she came to the temple to meet God because in those days God was in the temple God was not in man as the New Covenant brought about so she had to go to the house of God to meet God and when she got there she was herself she didn't care who thought what she didn't care how people were observing her in fact even for the high priest to make a mistake it was not her problem she wanted to be real with God the hopeful mother must be real with God the hopeful mother must remove all the frills and the things that make church people look like everything is alright there's no life where everything is alright but as the hopeful mother she prayed prayers of desperation and God did hear her we will read later to see that God did hear her now what was it about this one prayer that transformed Hannah's life so much she said out of the abundance of my grief have I spoken she didn't leave the presence of God halfway she prayed so she knew that she had emptied herself of every bed and she was back carrying and I want to encourage mothers I believe that because we we have a warm pan we carry so much I believe that spiritually also we carry so much and we must never give up praying for our children even when it doesn't look like that on the surface now this time that Hannah prayed the Bible says the next day she got up she ate she worshiped and she went home her countenance changed and she went away that is a very powerful thing she had so emptied herself unto God that there was nothing left the Bible says casting all your care upon him first Peter 5:8 7 because he cares about you it means that sometimes we don't tarry enough in his presence we cast some but not all but the bible admonishes us casting all your cares even the impossible ones even a child that looks like he can never be saved God says your prayers as a mother as a spiritual person who carries something in her womb God can hear that prayer hallelujah somebody that is the hopeful mother and God did hear her now Hannah said Oh Lord of Hosts sometimes we feel that our problems are so many that God is not even sufficient to help us vahana addressed God as all Lord of hosts he is the lord of a host of problems a host of challenges a host of difficulties a host of impossibilities that's the kind of God we serve and I pray talking to somebody I don't know maybe you may be having infertility problems the Bible is written for us that we may be admonished upon whom the end of the ages have come I want to encourage you that God is a God of the impossible find him pour yourself out and begin to lead lead a normal life and see what God's direction will be for your life the Bible says and Hannah preached it is then Hannah discussed in Hannah chatted and Hannah went to the phone and Hannah took to Facebook and Hannah went on Instagram and Hannah was on tick-tock my daughter says tick-tock is not for the ages like us no instead of going to the throne we go to the phone but God is asking you to come to the throne and Hannah prayed I pray that we can say of you and Janet prayed and Philomena prayed and Lucy prayed may that be your story in Jesus name Amen somebody the parent mother is the next mother Matthew chapter 15 reading from verse 22 please take your Bibles and read your Bibles and underline whatever God is telling you so that you go back and study and meditate on it it is only when we meditate on the word that it digests into our spirit and we become strong and behold a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord thou son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil but he answered her not a word and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she cries after us but he answered and said I'm not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Esau then she came and worshiped him saying lord help me Lord help me but he answered and said it's not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs and she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table then jesus answered and said unto her o woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt and her daughter was made whole from that very hour man now this woman did not really belong she was coming out of the coasts of Tyre and Sidon and they were now considered as part of Israel that's why Jesus said to him I can't take bread that's meant for my children to give it to hangers-on loafers people just drifting around I can't but she came to Jesus with the confidence that he was the only one who could answer her prayers now what was her problem she said my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil this morning some of us have children that we want to say in our hearts they are grievously vexed with a devil some of us want to say lady Reverend they are possessed lady Reverend we they grew up in a Christian home but I don't recognize them lady Reverend I dedicated him O'Hare to God I dedicated them to God but the I far cry from what I ask God to do lady Reverend I taught them the marriage was between a man and a woman but lady Reverend today they are in a relationship a woman to a woman lady Reverend who can help me only Jesus can and this is the parents mother with issues we have taught about the poor mother who was infertile if you like but now the parent mother beloved parenting is not easy James Dobson wrote a book he said parenting is not for cowards and I agree with him a thousand percent I was brought up if you like in a Christian home I was the youngest girl or I am the youngest girl and then I have four younger brothers after me we went to church every Sunday we had morning devotion and devotion in our home we always had priests in our home but at the time majority of my home was not saved and when I got born again the Lord put it on my heart to pray for their salvation but they were still not again and my parents especially my dad thought that by being very strict he would help us to be on the street and now but what he doesn't know is that as he was locking his doors my siblings were also learning the combination for the padlock as he was locking his doors my siblings were bribing the watchman and sometimes they'll climb the gates and though fall down you will know that it's a thud from a nightclub and when my husband asked the watchman watch man what is that you say oh oh yeah bro phone Katzie is the idiot almond that has fallen but I knew that the tad was greater than a brothel Cathy and they were far they were far from God half of the things they did my parents didn't know behalf of the things they did I knew you know I knew and I always was like a stranger you know you don't go for night to night clubs when your beloved comes you don't go to the bed what you are not normal you know but my mother and my father they kept praying praying all the time especially my mother since I should come and sit to the city room and your Bishop chakra would stagger in and once I remember my mother called me and at a point she just sank into the sofa and she began to cry my daughter is grievously vexed with a demon with a devil but with God nothing is impossible and having seen my brother's come to the Lord I often tell people and myself that look nobody's beyond redemption and you should never stop praying for your child now as this woman was coming to the Lord about her problem there were also a hundred and one reasons why she should be pushed back why she should not meet Jesus and why Jesus should not even listen to have prayer it is the same prayer takes persistence prayer takes force prayer takes push in the same door for some time and beloved often we give up easily Jesus spoke about the widow and the unjust judge there was a judge and this Widow kept coming and saying that avenge me of my adversary's advantage me of my adversary's and the judge the Bible says it even fear God nor regard man can you imagine and so he didn't bother about the woman but a point he said that this woman she keeps coming here she wear me out so he he listened to the woman not because he wanted to help her but because he was tired of Hey and then God says here were the unjust judge sees how will your heavenly father not avenge you speedily amen somebody when you call so God wants us to be persistent in our prayers and Parenthood can be heartbreaking I know I mean I've counseled people who say they are children come and say well when I was in the home Christ was forced down my throat now I think I can choose and I don't believe in God anymore what I going to do today whoever and have greater continued to walk by faith continue to walk by faith and continue whenever you feel impressed to mention them to God but come to the place where you leave it to God because there are certain things I accept God changes you cannot I always say that when I used to pray for my brothers I mean I used to pray that it would be born again but I used to have a list of who I thought would get born again fest and on that list the first I said I saw will be born again was not Bishop Cochran at all he was at the bottom of the list because I felt that he was harder and the Holy Spirit will have a tough nut to crack but on a day when my husband came to visit me long story short and presented Christ to him I'd been talking to him praying for him that at that instant he gave his life to Christ his things were rapid results as soon as he gave his life to Christ God called him that night he had prophetic encounters he had fire chasing him he ran downstairs he entered the Wardrobe God said you if you don't preach I'll kill you how many of us have just been converted and then God is telling us if we don't preach you kill us so man's views are not god's views what you see is not what God sees and sometimes when we think that it's all sports is all destroyed that's when God steps in it was like that with the syrophoenician woman and Jesus who no even listen to him and not only that the disciple said you know something sent he away she's crying after us and it's just Christ you see it seems like people are no even appreciating your problem and also it looks like everybody else around doesn't have the problem you have the disciples don't have children vexed with demons Jesus doesn't have children vexed with demons then you are bringing your issue so that's the devil said to you or this issue is only you everybody's life is perfect except you so you do well to shut up but the woman did not give up she continued to follow she continued to persist and even when Jesus told a I'm not called except to the house of Asia and I cannot give the bread to the two of the children two dogs in spite of the insults in spite of the potential offense she rose above that what was driving this woman a mother's love maternal instincts and loved I will not let you go yes the Bible says can a woman ever forget her child yes she may forgetful be but God says I will remember you so if this is a mother's love then God's love is greater but I think that we all can testify that a mother's love is phenomenal I mean you are vexed with a demon somebody would say you can go to hell some fathers who say look you can leave the house crap with you and your demons but a mother's love often persists and this parent mother with issues she was able to break through because of her persistence and finally when Jesus spoke to her she said that my daughter is grievously vexed with a demon some of us parents we use idiomatic expressions while our children's problems we say oh he's having self-esteem issues oh he's having childhood infancy psychological hey call it what it is it is a demon it's as evil spirits and when you call it what it is the Great Physician can bring healing to our lives I know that it's not easy but may we never stop praying you see Billy Graham had a son called Franklin Graham and he was so rebellious that when his mother came to his room he would smoke to the mother he said you think I'm a Christian I'm not and blow it and leave all the cigarette bloods around but the mother was not a soft mother so sometimes she also been bring buckets of what I am pouring him and he will be angry by he was a rebel and you know I wanted everybody to know yes I'm Billy Graham son and so what I don't want to be really great home son and and be seen as religious I want you to know that I can do the extreme and then one day the father went on crusade and went with him he was a grown up quite a grown up man in Paris I think and the father witness to him said that look one day I will not be here and I just want to give you Christ just for the last you know on that note he accepted Christ today he is the success of Billy Graham ministries he's the one who goes around doing Crusades but if you had looked at him maybe you would not have chosen him but the parent mother with issues should never stop being on her knees because God hears us when we cry hallelujah mothers who prayed mothers who prayed hmm now the next mother is the single mother a single mother when that is Hagar Genesis chapter 21 verse 14 to 27 and Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar putted it on her shoulder and the child and sent her away and she departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba and the water was spent in the bottle and she cast the child and the one of the shrubs and she went and sat down sat head down over against him a good way off as it were a bowl shot for she said let me not see the death of the child and she sat over against him and lifted up her voice and wept and God heard the voice of the lad and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her what aileth thee Hagar fear not for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is arise lift up the lad and hold him in thine hand for I will make him a great nation and God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water and she went and filled the bottle with water and gave the large drink and God was with the lad and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness and became an arch ax men this is the single mother through no fault of his although sometimes it's our fault but if we repent God hears through no fault of hers she finds herself with child because Sarah just decided that she will use you as a guinea pig and then when all is said and done Ishmael is 13 years old and Sarah says when Isaac was being weaned and we're having a party I saw Ishmael standing afar off and looking at my child in a certain way step home issues and then Sarah says to Abraham and Ishmael away and the Bible says it was Grievous and Abraham sites because Ishmael was his seed part of his seed then God comes to Abraham privately and says listen to Sarah your wife listen to the voice of Sarah your wife I wonder why God would say that the voice I thought the voice in Eden was bad but the voice here God said listen so Abraham being the godly man that he was listened and sent Hagar away now takes Bible says the reason why she was given just a water bottle and bread was because Hagar was amongst her people I beg to differ because why did she cry so much if it was that she lived amongst a people but I think that she felt that all hope was gone she had she had relied on Sarah for everything and then now suddenly everything was gone the Bible says she wandered in the wilderness somebody who knows where she's going who knows where her people are well no wonder I'm speaking to you the single mother and I'm telling you you are wandering the wilderness I don't mean wandering us in your mind but wandering us in moving in second chest movements going round and round and not knowing where you are going not knowing the future of the child and of yourself and asking yourself my goodness how did I get here I know of people as a pastor who lived a few doors away from the apology now fathers and the a biological fathers had their nuclear family and the children are not allowed to even darken the gateway of the biological family I was thinking about it yesterday and I said Lord it may be difficult by also understand because the man feels he's already made a mistake and the more you come to the gates the more unstable his marriage is becoming and so because of that he leaves you and your child in the wilderness sometimes he doesn't provide at all in fact as a lawyer when I would practice in the Family Court there were lots of big men who were not looking after their children a lot of that sometimes they come in Benzes with the estiga but they don't care about the children because they feel that the children bring them Society out disgrace or it shows that you know I didn't really keep to what I know sometimes too you don't want to have issues with your madam in the house so Abraham sends Hagar and the lad away the Bible says he got leaves the baby and that she goes to sit a bull shut away and she lifts up her voice and she cries I think the baby also was crying hmm the water got finished in the bottle the Bible says that what I was spent and she caused the child under one of the shrubs and then when she went to sit a good way of she said let me not see the death of the child because she didn't know how will this child be sustained how will this job be educated I don't come from a ritual I don't have any heritance I don't have anybody to help me I'm in a wilderness situation I'm not even seen any human being it's between the child and I she's lifting up her voice but she's also praying in her anguish she's lifting up her voice and then God remembers the way that he gave to a so God comes the Bible says God had the voice of the child single mother God he has the voice of your child God hears the voice of your children God he has the voice of the children that you wish were not born out of wedlock sometimes it's even that they have lost their dad and sometimes it's not that they've lost their dad their dad is still alive but as they say it's you he's alive but he's dead but God can come through for that matter mother and what did God say he mentioned his name what hey aileth thee Hagar what is worrying you Hagar single mother God knows you by name God knows you personally God has not formed a club that he has added you to if he knows the number of hairs on your head God knows you he meant somebody and what does God see fear not the angel says for God has heard the voice of the lad hmm arise it says to Hagar lift up the lad hold him in thine hand for I will make him a great nation you see you have never lifted up that lad or those children you have always just been morning thinking anxious but God says arise and God says lift up the light in your hand and when you lift up the child to him he begins to give you a prophetic word because God cares about us more than any man can care about us the mothers will preach one of them was a single mother without who Amen and I want to encourage you that you would have hope because God would take care we have many pastors whose fathers did not look after them but today they are the ones who look after their fathers amen now the next one perhaps the final is the prophetic mother and that prophetic mother is Rebekah when she's pregnant she sees that her stomach goes left right up down some of us who say the baby is very active by Rebecca was a prophetic mother and she said let me go and ask God why there's war in my stomach let me go ahead ask God why there's such movement in my stomach Genesis 25 verses 21 to 24 what does it say an Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived and the children struggled together within her and she said if it be so why am i dust and she went to inquire of the Lord verse 23 and the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one shall be stronger than the other people and the elder shall serve the younger and when had days to be delivered were fulfilled there were twins in her womb hallelujah the prophetic mother when you see things that are unusual when you see things that you don't understand do you go ahead and cross the Lord or you just lean on wealthy oh let me go in as the Midwife the Midwife can never tell you that two nations who say to human beings and your stomach the Midwife could never tell you that the elder will serve the younger the Midwife could never tell you that there'll be a struggle between them and that they'll come out as two nations the Midwife could never have told Rebecca that but because she was a prophetic mother she had a prophetic eye sometimes as we watch over our children God would have us have a prophetic eye such as you see a prophetic eye that this someone who become a priests such as you see a prophetic either who become a priest but when he got to his teenage Satan is trying to do something Rebecca's mistake was that because God had given you the prophetic word she believe that she must bring it to pass but beloved when God gives you a prophetic word you must leave him to make it come to pass hallelujah that is why when Joseph was told by God the yeah your brother your brothers will come and bow down to you Joseph did not say I must make it happen so as these lives are taking me I don't have to go because God said about you and this is where we are if God takes me far the bowing will not come to pass beloved there's a major power there's a greater God there's a greater force and we should not work out things with our own strength whatever God has said he's able to do I pray that God will visits us with some prophet ISM God will visit us like that evangelist says every gift a bit of every gift is in everybody so even as a mother you can be so spiritual that you are prophetic and so you can tell or see things and then begin to align yourself and your children accordingly may that be your story in Jesus name finally I will put together two mothers than willing mother who is Mary the mother and willing and unprepared mother and yet she preached when the angel said to her you see pray is a conversation between you and God Mary said how that shall this be knowing that I don't know a man and the angel answered and said the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee therefore that thing we shall be born of thee shall be called holy and the Son of God and Mary said the Pope Levesque behold I am the handmaid of the Lord be it unto me according to your weight according to your weight that I am willing and prepared and not seen mother was able to see in the realm of the Spirit because it was God's weight I'm talking to the mother who cannot see I'm talking to the mother who is unprepared I'm talking to the mother who shot that God should even bring you such a word and I'm telling you this morning you may be an unwilling unprepared mother but what he has said he's able also to perform and you must come to that place where you say behold I am the handmaid of the Lord let it be to me according to your weight and finally the postmenopausal mother the postmenopausal mother that is Elizabeth she said it was past age it was past the time when she should have children beloved there's nothing impossible with God Elizabeth did not let her service to God change because she didn't have a child but beyond menopause she was able to have a child and she was so filled with the Holy Spirit that she could even minister to Mary I want to talk to the postmenopausal mother that God has his own way of doing things I have a friend who gave birth at 50 51 just last year and I saw the pictures I saw the video and she said that nobody can do this except God she had been waiting for many years nothing had worked nothing but finally God showed up the postman opposed our mother you may not be a mother even biologically but post-menopause you can still mother somebody Elizabeth mothered Mary Elizabeth Short married away so you too you can pray and speak things that as a postmenopausal woman will give you leverage and a setting blessing in the lives of other people now we have talked about mothers who prayed altar soon it's time to go there are so many mothers I could have gone on to talk about but I just want to say that each of these women gave praise to God Hannah gave praise to God which is a whole song Mary spoke the Magnificat Elizabeth said God has taken away my reproach they didn't just way they also had thankful prayers you too must develop a heart of gratitude don't say lady Reverend my mother didn't do anything for me just say Lord in spite of my mother not doing anything for me you are a mother and a father to me and for that I give you praise I pray that today you rise up and be a prayerful woman I pray that today you rise up and be a prayerful mother it's night club it's not an association prayer our meetings are not only when they are called where our meetings one-on-one with God and without that we cannot go far mothering is very difficult and it will take the grace of God I want to encourage you this Mother's Day will you become a praying mother and me you see heaven come down and make a difference in your life in Jesus name men shall we pray father thank you for your weather has come to us I pray the spirit of prayer will be invoked in us I pray that we will have our own personal encounters with you and I pray that when we have our struggles Lord we will find you and we will know you and we will wrestle with you so you come through for us teach us how to pray like your disciples prayed and let a spirit of prayer come over every mother every type of mother that has been talked about this morning let there come a divine grace to connect with you and to be led by you in Jesus name Amen now before I take my seat you are here this morning you don't know Jesus as your Savior although we are talking about a prophetic mother and I'm willing and unprepared mother a postman opposed our mother one thing they had in common was that the old knew God you this morning you don't know God say lady where is Mother's Day that is why God must give birth to you this morning you are listening to me this morning you've been playing games with God I want you to bow your head and lift your hands you want to give your life to Christ you want to say lady Reverend pray for me I'm not sure whether I'll go to heaven or hell when I die but I want to be sure lady Reverend have not been serious but this Mother's Day I want to start all out with God if you are like that here it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman just lift up you hunts and say this prayer after me dear Jesus I come to you just as I am I recognize that I'm a sinner please wash me from my sins and come into my life and become the Lord and the master of my life Jesus thank you for dying on the cross to save me and thank you for rising from the dead so that I may have eternal life and thank you that by this prayer I'm born again I'm a child of God my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and from today I will grow in the things of God because this is only the beginning in Jesus name Amen god bless you and Happy Mother's Day once again god bless you [Music]
Channel: Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills Official Videos
Views: 2,421
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: P8unrRo8rUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 23sec (2963 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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