The Strong Woman

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[Music] but the minute color gives you a promise the minute God gives you a calling you have to rise up and be strong [Music] Caesar is better to be a Christian oh c'mon you always did it this way but who you mean but when you have a child like you can be used in any way by the West you don't resist there's a land where everything is perfect and everything wakes there's a land where nobody will forsake you Alba training vessel and like that for they desire better country ladies it's time to lift our heads and our eyes I jesus said when you see that things happening around you look up for your redemption draws nigh most of you you don't look up you look around you look below you look at people you took that circumstance but look up [Music] holy spirit we invite you into a meeting like never before we pray that your anointing will break every yoke we pray that the teaching anointing and the power of your way to save will be present I pray in the name of Jesus that you would touch my lips Oh God and let us speak us of the Oracles of God and everything that raises itself above you be abased and Lord let us receive with readiness the engrafted word of God which is able to save our souls I pray for this vessel that you were cleansing I pray that your grace will be sufficient I pray that you will speak through me Lord not my will but yours be done this evening in Jesus name Amen hallelujah please take your seats this evening I want to speak to you about a strong woman hallelujah for verse chapter 31 reading from verse 17 it's talking about a virtuous woman that we all know about the Bible says she gets herself with strength and makes her arms strong hallelujah and then when you look at verse 25 it says that strength and dignity are her clothing and she smiles at the future amen now what we are we look at the life of the virtuous woman sometimes we don't feel that we measure up because we is this woman who a price is far above rubies the Hat of a husband trust in head you your husband doesn't tell you anything he will have no need of spoil or no lack of gain she does him good and not evil all the days of her life with no exception even when he forgets her birthday she does him good she looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight she's like measure and ship she brings her food from my farm she rises while it is still night and gives food to her household some of us we rise while it's a still night yours truly but we start sleeping in the morning and portions to have maidens she calls it as a field she buys it but the reason why she's able to do all that is because she gets her loins with strength if she doesn't have a certain kind of strength she cannot be the virtuous woman that God has called her to be if she doesn't have a certain kind of strength she cannot be talked about in this way and she has to get headlines with strength and make her arms strong it is something that she does for herself amen and the Bible says our strength and dignity are her clothing so before you even set out to be a virtuous woman there's a such a strength that you need that that dignity that comes with that strength and how do you become that strong how do you get that strength it is only way you are that strong that you can smile at the future because the future is very very very uncertain and if you start to think about the future usually your reaction will be panic uncertainty insecurity but this woman has a certain strength that makes her smile at the future when she looks oh the forecast is bleak inflation is not going down things are going to get worse unemployment is going higher immigration laws are changing things are not whatever but because strength and dignity I had clothing she just looks and then she smiles another way she says she smiles at things to come you cannot easily smile at things to come unless you have a certain strength hallelujah and I have come to see that we need a lot of strength to withstand the winds the turbulence and even to obey God or to do the things that God has called you to do you need strength many times I tell people and I tell God in my closet that if you had told me that this is what my life would be but I have to overcome this I have to withstand this after I would have looked and said Lord you know I don't have strength for something this you have called the wrong woman but God doesn't show you everything but is when you go through you would stand and when the storms have passed you look back I said how did I make it how did I survive that is because strength and dignity have become your clothing and you get your loins with strength and your outlook if your arms are not strong you can't weave the tapestry you can't wake up to stretch your hands to the needy the hands will just fall right this way you have strength you are able to stretch out your hand beyond your own issues and reach out to the needy it takes a certain strength hallelujah and it takes strength to even obey God Joshua chapter one Joshua chapter one now God comes to Joshua when Moses is dead and he says in verse two Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise cross this Jordan you and all these people to the land that I'm given to them to the sons of Israel verse three every place I the sole of your foot shall tread I have given to you verse four from the world and as God shows the expanse of the land that he is going to give him verse five no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life just as I've been with Moses I'll be with you I will not fail you or forsake you be strong and courageous for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them I mean God I said I'll be with you I will not fail you everywhere the source of your fish out read I shall give unto you but after all his promises there's something that you need to come into his promises and that is strength and so he says to Joshua only be true and very courageous so that you'll be able to bring these people through now many of us think that when God gives you I promise I'll be with you I will not fail you I'll give you from this river from this river Euphrates to this other side Moses is dead you are going to take that people to the promised land we feel that when he tells us he himself we just let it materialize but the minute God gives you a promise the minute God gives you a responsibility the minute God gives you a calling you have to rise up and be strong to be able to make his promises come to pass in your life so he says to Joshua I have all these promises for you only be thou strong and very courageous there are certain times that we can pray for strength and at certain times that strength has to be an attitude that you develop strength has to be a posture that you take strength has to be a way of coming up against anything that comes up against you we have to decide to be strong the promises of God our tree the promises of God will come to pass but to possess them you need a certain strength hallelujah it takes strength to go on doing those how you can make it all the time it takes strength to say that yes good as a weight for me God has called me I have to preach I have to bring God's way to his people it takes a certain strength you can easily not find strength for what God calls you to do here you know just before I can somebody was talking to me and said that is it that as the years go by marriage becomes easier is that what happens I mean it becomes easier or because people look more mature more relaxed I said I don't think it becomes easier but you become stronger it does not become easier even sometimes it multiplies the issues multiply that difficulties can matter because there are different changing seasons of your life but what happens is that God gives you a certain divine strength that you are not even aware that you have and that strength takes you through so that things that you used to cry about in the air one of marriage today where you see you laugh at it's going to be alright and something the same thing that used to freak out about now it's like water off a duck's back you even sleep through it the things that cause you sleepless nights and that is because a certain strength has been given you by you are not even aware when I was growing up in the ministry I should be so concerned about what people would say why does she say such mean words oh why did they behave like this oh why don't they mind you I thought that if you don't cause trouble trouble not come to you you see that was my mind if you have peacemaker you stay your world things don't come to you you you just live your life but it's not true trouble will find you but when it finds you you will realize that the same reaction you used to have it's not the same reaction you have today because you have developed a certain tenacity without knowing as you go through examinations and tests when you is when you are in class one it's very difficult for you and you are trying to maneuver but later when you reach another class you look back it was very very easy I could even have done this and I've done that but I just didn't that is because a certain inner strength has been given to you and that is helping you to move on amen so God says they invest six be strong for it shall give this people possession of the land and then in verse seven only be strong and very courageous so that you may observe to do oh that is written even to do what God has written it's it's strength it is enough for the fifth order of the week so you need a certain strength to observe to do it is it to read but to be in two of the words when you don't see why you should obey the weight to be in two of the weight when you don't see any reward to be a 12 the weight when it doesn't make sense it takes a certain strength and the virtuous woman she gets her loins with strength and she makes her arms strong because if you are not strong in this world you go under very soon and the reason why many of us never walk in the wet or in the light of the wet is that we don't develop the strength and the tenacity to bigger we don't have that attitude we don't have that willingness that readiness of mind to be strong we don't have it that's not the thing I say hey God says I should do this is very difficult the author says I shouldn't sleep with this is that I can't God says I shouldn't do this with this man I can't God Himself understands so we are already coming from a place of weakness and therefore we don't come to that place where we can smile at things too amen one of the prayers of its I often pray about these days is for God to give me strength because I keep on recognizing my own weaknesses and my infirmities in the Bible says that the type of women who follow Jesus he had healed them of their sicknesses and their infirmities infirmities are weaknesses things that you see that this thing I look at this thing I can't do it it's not my natural make up something you greater but I can't take it anymore he doesn't mind you because he knows that you can take it and that the more you stretch your muscles the stronger you will become she gets with strength hallelujah now every time somebody was about to pass away or somebody else was about to take a new office the main admonition would be that you have to be strong amen because if you are not strong you cannot make it now when the Philistines came to Samson and I think we should read that Judges chapter 16 verse five first five and the Lords of the Philistines came up to and said to her entice him and see where his great strength lies and how we may overpower him that we may bind him to afflict him then we will each give you 1,100 pieces of silver what the enemy wants is to see where your strength lies because he knows that if he gets our strength then he has gotten us so when the West send in Delilah as an agent they said you know the way Samson lives we don't know his strength we know he's strong but we don't know where it lies we don't know the secret of his strength we don't know the things that we should know about us that we just know that he is strong but for us to know where his strength lies well we know where his strength lies we come break him in that place so they said to me and ties him and all brothers how easy you are to entice and ties him because in his normal mind you will not tell you where strength lies but usually the mind does not work normally you see I have been very saddened recently by certain revelations of our brothers Kadesh become we are talk with Amy come and then they call brothers I know they are on pop they are on pop and they all suck then cheb sake ask them ooh we street your brothers when they are praying here to be like a locomotive so what is it about a woman that really moves you like if you are thinking of somebody to my words it's worse than in front of all of us we show sake the shape ties him and see where his strength lies this then they covered another one a pasta and they also said oh yes they say but I mean I was a server but I was so stunned shocked then somebody by him said oh it's not the shape you want to see is the backside and he said all truly true and it ties him and see where his strength lies I went to another country I met two missionaries they came to mysterious meeting lady Reverend we are looking for wives we are away on the mission field we are not in Ghana we need help it's really me I'm not a good matchmaker I look like I'm not by anyway since you have told me what exactly are you looking for two brothers grown-up men lady Reverend first of all she must have his 45 [Applause] and then I said you know I'm feeling sick and what you are telling me if I say it somewhere people will not believe it because your mission has you've given everything to go to the mission field set but look look then I said let me call my two assistants so I called lady pastor Shelly it was a beard two or three witnesses a word would be established 20 I said what you told me tell that wasn't like last thing was a serious matter we were telling me that that's why he tells 44 but 38 is very important to us entice him and see where his strength lies join in that drama I never say that knew this woman I don't know where you took that things that you brothers can take and the things that can entice you only God knows and ties him and see where his great strength his great strength his great strength weight lies and then when you know it just tell us and we'll give you money for it you don't need to do anything just reveal to us where his strength lies because when you are strong the enemy cannot overcome it so for the enemy to be able to penetrate your life he would like to see where your strength lies so that we say he wants to see your weakness but sometimes he also wants to see where your strength lies because when he sees what your strength is he can break it and those are the Bible says let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall because usually your place of strength is also the place of failure and vino acum enticing see--we his great strength lies hallelujah now in 1st Kings 2 verse 2 also David is talking to Solomon 1st Kings 2 verse 2 so want you to consider this evening where does my strengths lie and when you see where your strength lies know that that is a very place that you can be broken because usually that is the place where you will be of God because if you over this area I've conquered this area I'm okay this area I'm strong that's what jealousy envy it's not part of me at all this area never and then you will be surprised first Kings chapter 2 verse 2 David is talking to Solomon he's saying I'm going the way of all the earth be strong therefore insure yourself a man and keep that charge of the Lord your God to walk in his ways to keep his statutes his commandments his ordinances and his testimonies according to what is written in the law of Moses that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you 10 so that the Lord may carry out his promise which he spoke concerning me hallelujah God told Joshua Moses is dead be strong David is telling Solomon I'm about to die be strong and show yourself a man and keep the Church of the Lord your God the Lord said be strong so that you may be careful to do all the things that I've said and now David is talking to says be strong and keep all the commandments the ordinances the statutes and the Testament you it's not easy to work with God it's not easy to walk in the word it takes a certain strength of character and they set us strength of mind and readiness of mine I set a strengthened attitude to continue to work in the things that God has talked about it's not easy be strong and be a man when it comes to these things you are allowed as a woman to be as strong like a man and that was David's death wish everybody was leaving knew that the only thing you need there was not that God's promises he will fulfill it was not that God's whether he said he would do it but if you don't say strong you will never come into all the things I guess it so be strong and then after like it tells him kill Joe kill this person killed up it takes strength because you say oh but Joe has not done anything to me personally what you experienced I didn't experience why are you telling me now to kill Joe up it takes strength to take even counsel that you don't see how is it very related to you be strong be strong be strong you and I have to be strong some of you have a little thing you are crying be strong when you first married my mother said when before she got married my father was always speaking to her so softly so the first day he bellowed she was holding a tray with glasses they just failed because she couldn't believe it that somebody so sweet and so soft would shout at him that tray just gave way and all the glasses just fell on the ground you know and then these days as my father is 89 going on to 19 and my mother is seven to one of my father I'll be saying that you know you should not the woman I married my mother was that wide stream my mother said because I've been in your school for 47 years you have trained me it has made me strong the school of life is supposed to make you strong and my father's a very strong but now he says you know mommy if I was not soft like this I couldn't have married your mother [Music] yes in the olden days when you shall then I'll be crying begging you that now have got ph.d do school I don't cry easily and is the same with the school of life as to endure the blows and things and overcome you get to a place of strength that you don't even know that you have be strong too strong hallelujah she gets a loins with strength and she makes her arms strong second chronicles 15 17 15 7 sorry you see Israel went into problems they had many problems numbers verse 6 the nation was crushed by a nation and city by city for God troubled them with every kind of distress but this was a new king that was coming ASSA and he wanted to do what God wanted him to do and the Prophet said to him but you be strong and do not lose courage for this reward for your way sometimes are you are seven gold you can get tired when you are seven God you can lose your strength when you're a seventh chord you can lose your zeal when you can yeah you can lose your enthusiasm you don't have anything to live for to look forward to and sometimes you know you get so discouraged because when you saw something the harvest you think that will come it becomes Wild Oats Wow yeah consider when such contradiction only you have sown wild or to do even know what it's all about sometimes they are people they call you in the middle of the night you go you are counseling with them praying with them loving them and when they are going they don't even give you a phone call they just means nothing it's nothing and the Prophet is saying to us be strong and don't lose courage because this reward for your wake the reason why sometimes we lose carriages we don't see the reward of what we are doing what I'm giving to you all the time I'm serving you all the time I'm loving you all the time and what is happening is things are rather getting harder and I don't even have the strength to stand the things that I'm going through but it's allowed it is allowed sometimes to lose your strength because the Bible says his strength is made perfect in our weakness hallelujah so sometimes you don't have to feel so bad about feeling weak sometimes it is allowed we'll come to it and we see that God allows us sometimes not to be so strong hallelujah but don't lose you because there's reward for your work amen first summer chapter 30 collage read from verse 4 then David and the people were with him lifted their voices and wept until there was no strength in them to weep one of the things that SAP our strength is unexpected things difficult situations and things that we don't have solutions for and things that we cannot control because you've got to fight when you come they've taken your wife your children they've bent the whole village what else can you do it's very frustrating distressing you don't know what to do and the Bible says a men not women they wept till there was no more strength even that crime the strength to cry left them there was no more strength in them to keep on weeping hmm verse 6 moreover David was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him for all the people were embittered each one because of his sons and his daughters but David strengthened himself in the Lord his goal the responsibility of being strong sometimes lies with us David was with the men he wept so there was no more strength to even weep and then I said that was not enough his children had been taken his two wives had been taken it wasn't that he was in a more advantageous situation but the people just said let's stone him because adversity doesn't make you think correctly and sorrow doesn't make you rational you begin to blame people see people in lighter and that's why she said that's how they've always been don't take decisions in that state but you are not normal you're a mental patient Amen because a very person you are going to stone is the person who is going to recover your own and bring it back to you but because of adversity you are irrational Norma but David had to rise up above the good feeling and strengthen himself in the Lord his goal we too must learn how to strengthen ourselves in the midst of opposing situations in the midst of situations when no one stands with you no one understands and not only that they even want to stone you how do you get through such a thing it takes a certain strength because if you walk in weakness you go under but if you rise up and strengthen yourself you will not only help yourself but you you will lead the people that God has called you to and David he strengthened himself in the Lord his God amen when things come your way is allowed to weep like David and their men and it's allowed to weep - you have no strength but beyond that like Hannah you have to get up with a certain strength and move on because the issues of life and the difficulties and the trials and the temptations they can get you under a you know a cover look there are many many many ladies in mental hospital because they did not develop strength I am NOT saying anything to put them down but unless you become like David in the midst of this you can easily cross the line and go to the other side because so many things are overwhelming and when overwhelming happens if you do strengthen yourself in the Lord your God you don't get strength from outside oh it comes from within and you have to say no I'm going to be strong I want to I went to visit a lady she said I woke up in the morning and I stood before my husband I said I just went to visit a drug addict and I saw a lot of mad woman day and they were all calling their husband's name I want to tell you something I'm not going to give you the privilege of sending me to the mental hospital I said oh but in the morning today was very surprised but because of what I'd seen I came with some strange no one I believe me he was asleep so in the month I woke up I dress and I stood before myself you would never ever have the privilege of sending me to the mental hospital a man lady she gets herself with strength she gets itself with strength you are going to the mental hospital so that we look after your children you will not come - but why strengthen yourself in the Lord your God hallelujah Amen brothers the brothers IUD [Applause] david strengthened himself in the lord yogurt is gone another way that we can strengthen ourselves is by faith Hebrews chapter 11 verse 33 who by faith conquered kingdoms performed acts of righteousness obtained promises shut the mouths of lions quenched the power of fire escaped the edge of the sword from weakness were made strong became mighty in war put foreign armies to flight women received but they are dead by resurrection and others were tortured not accepting their release what I want to dwell on is verse 34 he says by faith they did this the obtained promises they shut the mouths of lions but by faith also from weakness they were made strong became mighty in war and put armies to flight by faith so it doesn't matter where you are coming from from weakness through faith we can be made strong hallelujah so you may be down like Moses you've Webb David you've whipped there's no strength there's nothing left but faith can Kindle a certain strength in you okay faith can make you have a warlike spirit I don't mean a warlike character I mean spirit amen and that faith will translate us from weakness into strength and we the same people will be able to put a flight armies because we have moved from a place of weakness into strength be strong be strong she gets up her loins with strength one of the ways is to encourage yourself in the Lord you strengthen yourself in the Lord your God that brings strength one of the other ways is to do it by faith that even though I'm in this position from a place of we I can be made strong by God to face anything to overcome anything to fulfill whatever chorus on my life and to do whatever God sees you see the fact that you are strong doesn't mean you don't cry you are crying but you are strong you see some people one way young don't be crying but then don't be so to you so you are crying but you are still coming from a place of strength hallelujah from weakness they were made strong and the book of Nehemiah says that the joy of the Lord is our strength one of the things that steals your strength is depression and discouragement and the Hamas says that when they saw the beddin and the scope of the work they had to do that people just became discouraged and their hands were weakened but then the joy of the Lord is your strength so when you find yourself in a place of weakness discouragement evil thoughts depression is not the time to sit in it but the way to get out of it is to cultivate the joy of the Lord as soon as there's joy the strength when there's depression there's no strength for anything you lose everything for life you don't have any desire what am I going to do this for me and then when I wake then what so what's his life about so when I do this then what then but when you remind yourself how do I get out of this rat hole so the joy of the Lord it's my strength the joy of the Lord is my strength why don't you put on some joyful music in the presence of you will be surprised how your body will be turned into dancing because I join of the Lord is our strength is our strength it means that depression and sadness is your weakness but the joy of the Lord is your strength but many of you you see where you get depressed you also become lazy with reality as it was at the beginning it's now you sit in the same place you sit in the same thing you lose the edge for anything anybody would cost you they say even the fly becomes a burden everything is a burden to you but the joy of the Lord will bring us a strength that we have never known you see sometimes when I get discouraged or sad I'll be sitting very sad why did this happen what am I going to do I'm sure that's a blessing from the Lord after a few minutes I said but why people are happy even the best what they did to me is they did in their lives be happy the joy of the Lord is your strength and that joy will bring us strength so if we want to be like the virtuous woman we want strength and dignity to be out clothing there are times when we must move out of depression we must move out of discouragement we must move out of things our weakness and come into the joy of the Lord and then the joy of the Lord will be translated into strength hallelujah now it's already Raven so how do we get this strength I've told you through joy by faith you strengthen yourself and then also knowing that all strength comes from God when you read some 46 verse once is that God is our refuge and no strength if it were your own strength it will give up at a points but if God is your strength it introduces a supernatural elements and that strength never dies so God is our refuge and Our Strength is one of my favorite songs a very present help in time of trouble some people their hope is in the future in the past but as for God whatever is happening in that now he's involved in the now and he's the strength of our lives the psalmist said in Psalm 27 says that the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I fear the strength that you have the confidence the courage is Bonnard it's not you so when you feel oh I can't do it oh I'm not up to it there's nothing wrong with that just tend to the Lord and begin to say to yourself the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid it's as God is our refuge and strength a very present therefore we will not fear though the mountains be removed look where mountains are moved and tested to this you go we go but for you to be strong is to know that the Lord is your refuge and your strength it says when my enemies even my fools came against me they stumbled and live there why because the Lord is the strength of your life amen another message that the Lord is the strength of my land has become my salvation some of us our strength in terms of our thinking is in other things our strength is in our wake our strength is in our money or what we get our strength is in our plans our strength is in what we have been over and gotten for ourselves but when your strength is the Lord it is not subject to time and space and all these things it's a certain type of strength hallelujah and inefficient six verse 10 the Bible says finally my brethren be strong be strong be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and you need strength to even put on that ammo look some of us we don't like carry heavy things if you wouldn't bring this breastplate of righteousness you have worried us sure I don't like carrying heavy things even when I was in the law faculty big big books rear ticket then my friends was athlete we even feel sorry for you let's carry them don't share this one takes to this one too and I'm free I'm just walking but they feel sorry for me because I don't like certain things so when is this put on the whole armour we are not going to carry a helmet after that you're putting rest you need strength and that's why Paul said finally my brethren be strong destroy destroy you need strength to put on the helmets you not strange put on the breastplate of righteousness your feet shod with the preparation of the call it takes strength and it is an attitude it is a mind it is a decision and that's why Paul said finally my brethren be strong be strong amen and I came to tell you this evening woman be strong be a strong woman don't be somebody who just goes under told me someone who just gives it be strong because the Lord is the strength of your life hallelujah revelations chapter 3 finally chapter verse to wake up and strengthen the things that remain which were about to die for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my god sometimes you don't have strength but something is remaining amen so that you don't have strength for everything you are not complete but something remains there's something that some vestiges of a little strength here and there and the Bible is saying when you see those things don't let them die but strengthen its strengthen the things that remain it's true you have lost your zeal for evangelism you've lost your zeal for so many things but there are other things that remain strengthen those ones because when they are strong other things will follow amen she says oh yes it's true there are so many things wrong but there are a few things that are remaining strengthen them maybe you are not able to pray but you're able to read your Bible strengthen it's such as you are unable to pray for now [Music] that's the way to build up your strength by many time when we look at what remains it's real small I've lost it all it's all gone it's almost dying it's the way we've seen it what remains is about to die but doesn't matter strengthen it amen and then verse eight says Revelation chapter 3 verse 8 I know your deeds behold I have put before you an open door which no man can shut because you have a little strength and have kept my weight and have not denied my name God it's not a God who is just mocking you if you don't get hundred percent you are out you do getting at night see you are out if you don't get straight is you are out he says that no the little strength that you have you have used it to keep my weight that little strength and I appreciate it and because of that I said before you an open door which no man can shut if God rewards you for little strength how much more when you rise up and you become strong if a little strength can set before you an open door what kind of great strength do but let usually we look you see a little strength because better I give it up I'm good for nothing I'm not trying I don't try my walk with God I don't try in the ministry I don't try but your little that remains may be your love work your little that remains may be your forgiveness your little that remains may be the visions that you see strengthen it for when you have a little strength and you still use that little strength then God steps in and sets before you an open door [Music] and then he says when I said that dog before you no man can shut it Ephesians chapter 3 be strong be strong verse 14 for this reason I bow my knees before the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his spirit in the inner man King James says that that he may strengthen you in the inner man by his spirit and if the inner man is strong it doesn't matter what happens to the outer man and Paul is saying that this is the prayer that I pray for you that you will be strengthened in the inner man by God's Spirit inner strength gives birth to outer strength amen and it is a prayer to Peter you and I should pray that we will be strengthened with might by his mightest ability strength we will be strengthened with my by his spirit in the inner man who you are strengthened like that Christ to be able to drain your hearts by faith you'll be able to understand what the love of God is because of that inner strength it's a good prayer to pick to pray amen that will give me this give me that pray for inner strength for inner strength we'll get you everything else hallelujah that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory God never runs out to be strengthened with mites in the inner man by his Spirit who were Colossians 1:11 collusions this is also Paul's prayer topic again he says I pray for you since of colossi I pray for you then he starts all the prayer best nicest I've not ceased to pray for you that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will and all that then verse 11 strengthened with all might according to his glorious power for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience joyously strengthened and his SBC strengthened with all power according to his glorious might for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience joyous when you are strengthened you will have a certain steadfastness and to be steadfast is to be a moveable to stay on track to forge on to have the forehead of what a flint and pulses I pray that for you that you will be so strengthened you will attend to steadfastness and you in patience you see the Bible says you have need of patience so that after you have done the will of God you may have it the promises this is the will of God and this is your prayer the bridge between them is patience which you don't have but says that when you are strong you can get a certain steadfastness and patience that comes from the strength of the enemy amen now he says if you faint at that time of adversity your strength is your strength is small so in order to be strong and not to faint in adversity but rather to exercise our muscles and become stronger then we need to pray such prayers so that will be strengthened with our minds by his spirit in the inner man you need strength to obey God you need strength to even do his will you need strength we've been going to his presence and stay there without looking at your mobile phone it takes strength you need strength not to feel that you have to be texting and all that and that's why a woman is different as your brain they are not yet what are we eating hey you need strength in the bedroom and everywhere strength amen my prayer for you is that we will be strengthened in the inner man by his spirit when we are strengthened it will be seen a strength and dignity including when it's like that you will smile at the future and are things to come be strong be strong that you may enter the promises be strong that you may become what God wants you to become be strong that you may prevail and fight your battles be strong in Jesus name stand to your feet please oh he will come and say hey if you say to the weary what your God will sure he will come and sit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even said [Music] your garden show come and see say to also a broken-hearted do not be afraid the Lord your God [Music] we [Music] the Lord is my strength my [Music] strengthen skully not just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Lord is our refuge and Our Strength a very present help time of trouble receive supernatural stress [Music] it's not you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like you change [Music] Nastia people use their little strength of God that does be opened the door my conscience that does reopen that no man can show let's pick up the pieces [Music] thank you lord strengthen with all minds by your spirit every people need every touch Whitney has made strewed thank you for divine strength our refuge and Our Strength thank you thank you Jesus FBI closed every hit bus now here tonight you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior you've been playing game so the Lord you want to say lady Reverend I wonder strengthen what remains I want to start all over with God I'm not sure without go to heaven or hell when I die I want to mean business with God this evening I like that here this evening you want to make a commitment to Jesus Christ you want to start all over again just forget about waste on your left and wish on your right just let your hands go up I want to pray with you want to reach out to you I want to be given the opportunity to lead you to Christ you are yelling like that this evening just lift up your hands wherever you are and I'll pray with you he will come what is a lady Reverend pray for me I need [Music] [Music] my strength has been sucked up your Holy Spirit's touch any wherever you are [Music] until things are naked cease where you are and it's reaching out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen [Music]
Channel: Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills Official Videos
Views: 5,718
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Id: 8iCs-CEzVAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 20sec (3860 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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