Daughter Don't Lose Hope

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[Music] we have an anointed woman of god and she is a teacher who can make you to apply the word of god in today's life the bible says that jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever and i believe that that's why when the anointing is upon you even when you take the old testament and you preach from it it's like today's message amen so we want to stand to our feet and we want with a clap offering welcome first lady lady pastor adelaide to the pulpit to preach to us one more time amen [Music] hallelujah shall we pray father once again here we are in your presence i pray that none of us will leave here the same i pray that your word will be at work in us both to will and to do of your good pleasure let your word change us for good let your word change us eternally let your word change us to be more like jesus let your word strengthen us o god let your word heal us and make us whole in jesus name amen hallelujah please take your seats i will be very brief in this section but i want to talk about daughter don't lose hope [Music] daughter don't lose hope proverbs chapter 13. proverbs chapter 13 are we there verse 12 hope defed makes the heart sick but desire fulfilled is a tree of life hope defed makes the heart sick but desire fulfilled is a tree of life amen um i think that many of us will have the experience of deferred hope and deferred hope on realized hope could also be described as disappointment amen and disappointness disappointment can lead to a feeling of despair and hopelessness and hopelessness leads to it's just like despair you give up you know so daughter don't lose hope now to be disappointed is to be let down to be cast down to be despondent to be discouraged disenchanted disgruntled down-hearted frustrated and to regret it also means frustration calamity setback misfortune disillusionment the bottom line is that it's it's fails when something fails to meet expectation then you experience disappointment you don't experience this appointment when you don't have any expectation and you don't experience disappointment when you don't have anything that you are looking forward to you don't experience this appointment when you don't have any hope but it is when you are expecting something looking forward to something or expecting things to work out in a certain way and they don't that is when you can be described as somebody who has experienced disappointment now you can be disappointed in your marriage at first you are disappointed that you are not finding anybody to marry you but before you find somebody to marry you you have a certain hope of what a spouse should be like you have a certain idea of what a spouse should be like and how the spouse should relate to you so that hope keeps you alive and that hopes that hope keeps you looking forward to that day when you meet that person who will meet your 20 points when you meet that person and then the person is not able to meet those 20 points you start to experience disappointment and so it's the reason why you are experiencing disappointment is because you had an appointment with marriage an appointment with destiny and you expected it to be met in a certain way and it has not worked out or it doesn't seem to be going in the direction you would love it too it is like when the unexpected happens if you like what you expect failed expectations and so you thought that you your husband would be very caring and very loving in fact you never knew he could raise his voice and now for even unnecessary things he raises his voice his own intentions and things that he cannot deal with then he is bringing it on you you say hey this one i didn't see it in the picture i didn't see it coming you thought that when you marry you have found your soul mate that when you share everything with the person will understand everything but now you share the person has a different view and judgment all together on the situation so the reason why it happened like that is because of the way you acted ah that's not the reason you experienced disappointment you also thought that you would live happily ever after in accordance with the fairy tales that you have read but those are fairy tales for fairies now you might a human being and so you experience disappointment sometimes you expect that at a certain age you'll be married and it's not happening or you have rather been brokenhearted you expected the person to take you to the altar and he has left you in front of ikea in front of david brydow you never got to that place where you thought you would get to you have experienced disappointment sometimes you get disappointed in people you have a certain expectation what's for this person she would treat me this way as for this person i don't expect her to offend me as for this person i expect to always have a flow with her as for this person i don't expect it to stab me in the back and when it happens like that you experience disappointment sometimes we also have financial disappointment you thought that when you put this here and then you do this investment and then you pass it to multiply by 10 in 10 days because that is what the advert said sometimes we experience disappointment when we look at a catalogue and we order the thing and it comes in reality it doesn't match what they showed on tv or what came into the catalog all that is disappointment sometimes we are disappointed in god the way we extend expected him to deal with us and where we expected him to bring us to he doesn't seem to have done that now this is a very short session so i'll cut what i'm going to say very short but when the when jesus died and those disciples were walking on the road to miles and they were talking and they were grieved the bible says and they were talking about the things that had been and they said and we expected him to be the one to save israel that was their expectation the bible says that they were sad because that had not happened it had not happened in the way they expected even the disciples they asked jesus when he was resurrected will you now restore the kingdom to israel because your way of doing things is not helping us to meet our expectations and then jesus said to them oh you are slow of understanding of understanding the scriptures don't you know that the son of man had to be killed for all these things moses are the prophets to be fulfilled and then for the end to come do you not know that you know and i just want us to look at ii corinthians chapter one you face disappointment and hopelessness when you go through things that are larger than you and you don't know how to cope that is when you also experience ooh the flies in north america are very big and slow because they eat well second corinthians chapter one verse eight for we do not want you to be unaware brethren of our affliction which came to us in asia that we were burdened excessively beyond our strength so that we despaired even of life indeed we have the sentence of death within ourselves in order that we should not trust in ourselves but in god who raises the dead amen king james says we do not want you to be ignorant brethren of the trouble that came upon us in asia and it says that we were stretched above measure beyond our strength that we despaired even of life this was our possible writing he said that we do not want you to be ignorant many of us christians we don't share the trouble that comes to us and many people are ignorant of the troubles that come to us but paul said i would not have you ignorant brethren of the trouble that came he did not walk to the problem trouble just came and if you are going to walk with god as a christian trouble will come you don't have to do something wrong for trouble to come your way trouble just comes because sometimes god allows it we would not have ignored of the trouble that came so if you are not expecting if you feel that oh if i do wanna i'll get one and if i add it i'll get two life does not work out that way so if i'm a very good spouse i will get a lot of excessive love in return it doesn't always work that way if i'm a very you know loving and caring husband my wife will also respond it does not work that way i will not have you ignorant brethren of the trouble that came to us of the trouble that came to us in asia and it says that we were stretched above measure everybody has a measurement the bible says no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man god is faith he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength so everybody has a jug you know the jag has markings a measuring jack and you are eight you are ten but paul says that here we were stretched we were pressed king james says above measure was paul not called by god was he not anointed how come we were pressed above measure that's stage one no stage one is trouble came and then artist was not enough the trouble pressed them beyond measure and then above strength i thought you needed strength to endure but here paul is saying that we were pressed above measure beyond strength these days when i pray i pray that god give me strength beyond my own strength give me strength give me ability beyond my own ability because it is a place that you can come to in god above measure beyond strength what was the what was the what did it give rise to so that we despaired when you despair you lose hope when you despair you lose expectation you suffer disappointment so all these three stages was to bring them to a place of despair and that's how satan works when you walk with god it's not just the affliction and the unexpected and the similarly hopeless situation no it is to bring you to a point that you would despair and paul said we despaired even of life when you have met god and he has taught you personally in the arabian desert for 14 years when your conversion was by little you met christ himself and says why are you kicking against the pricks you cannot and says rise up i have a ministry for you i mean audible can you come to the place where you despair even of life that's the apostle paul but the bible says that we have this treasure in ethan vessels so the ethness of the vessel responds to the pressures around us and as women we are precious as children of god we have precious and the pressures compress us to the place where we despair even of we life not share it when we come in other people may be ignorant of it but we know the points that we have come to that we despaired even of life even living we didn't want to live again even life we were wondering whether it was a good thing we wanted it all to end i mean life to end that possible who went to the third heavens met god had a revelation face to face who went through all sorts of things for god was beaten 39 times stoned shipwrecked now says that we came to the point where we despaired even of life we were pressed beyond measure i came to promise you that you come to a place where you will be pressed beyond measure beyond our strength when you get there it's not the end of the world amen it's beyond your strength but there's somebody who is stronger than you amen that we despaired even of life sometimes you despair in your relationship you despair in your mind you dispense something you are expecting god to do that he's not doing you get to that place of hopelessness it is not real but it's a feeling you have we despaired even of life but he says but we had the sentence of death in our own bodies sentence of death when something is dead you can't do anything about it when something is dead it's over usually we try to help people when even they have a terminal disease this as soon as a condition called death comes over them whether we like it or not we are forced to leave it and when paul says so that we are the centers of death in our own bodies you come to that place where your fasting doesn't do anything you're crying doesn't do anything whatever you are doing that you know to do does not seem to move the situation and at a point you sit back and say ah that is when you have the sentence of death in your own body hallelujah every great man of god came through a place came to a place of hopelessness because if we were self-sufficient perhaps we would not need god hallelujah in first psalm chapter 30 when david comes back to the village or the city of ziklak the bible says that everything was bent the women and children had been taken everything was over i think we should read it first time on chapter 30. we'll come back to first corinthians 8 but thank you jesus first time chapter 30 i hope you know where to find it then it happened when david and his men came to ziklag on the third day that the amalekites had made a raid on the negev and on ziklag and had overthrown ziklag and bent it with fire and they took captive the women and all who were in it both small and great without killing anyone and carried them off and went their way and when david and his men came to the city behold it was burnt with fire and their wives and their sons and their daughters had been taken captive then david and the people who were with him lifted their voices and wept until there was no strength in them to weep is it possible you whip so much that even the strength to continue weeping you lose it that means you are really heartbroken and that means you really reach the end of your your rope and men don't cry easily even when they want to cry they are told that men don't cry so they have to act apart the bible says these were warriors we had gone to raid somewhere else but they wept so there was no strength left in them it means that it doesn't matter how much you are you will come to a place where you will be tempted to feel that it's hopeless but daughter don't lose hope amen there was no strength in them to whip now david's two wives had been taken captive verse 8 moreover david was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him for all the people were embedded each one because of his son and his daughters but david encouraged himself in the lord his god and david said your birther the priest the son of abimele please bring me the effort verse eight and david inquired of the lord saying shall i pursue this ban shall i overtake them and he said to him pursue for you shall surely overtake them and you shall surely rescue all so david went he and the 600 men who were with him and came to the brook where those left behind remained verse 20. so david had captured all the sheep and the cattle which the people drove ahead of the other livestock and they said this is david novice night 18 so david recovered all that the americas had taken and rescued his two wives but nothing of this was missing whether small or great sons or daughters spoiled or anything that had been taken for themselves david brought it all back but he came to that place of despair just like the apostle paul he came to that place where he didn't have strength anymore in himself to even weep and he came to that place where all the men he was with turned against him it was no fault of his that their sons and their daughters had been taken away but when people are grieving they are not rational beings when people are sad they don't think logically when people are also overcome they also don't know what to do they don't follow logical behavior so they thought of stoning david the thought of putting him to death the very people he had been with thought of stoning him what do you do in a situation like that in the book of nehemiah the bible says that the people were so overwhelmed you see they were cleaning and cleaning up and trying to build the wall and bible says when they got somewhere and they looked at the heap of rubbish it was more than their strengths could take so they despaired sometimes as a christian as you walk with god walk with god what we you wonder what he's doing psalm 73 daughter don't lose hope psalm 73 but as for me my feet came close to stumbling my steps had almost slipped for i was envious of the arrogant as i saw the prosperity of the wicked for there are no pains in their death and their body is fat they are not in trouble as other men nor are they plagued like mankind therefore pride is their necklace the garment of violence covers them their eye bulges from fatness the imaginations of their heart run right out they mock and speak wickedly of oppression they speak from on high they have set their mouth against the heavens and their tongue parades through the earth therefore his people return to his place and waters of abundance and drink by them and they say how does god know and is their knowledge with the most high behold these are the wicked and always at ease they have increased in wealth surely in vain have i kept my heart pure and washed my hands in innocence but i have been stricken all day long and chastened every morning if i had said i was picked as behold i should have betrayed the generation of thy children when i pondered to understand this it was troublesome in my sight until i came into the sanctuary of god then i perceived their end sometimes when as a christian you look around it seems that the wicked are growing fats they are growing and they are saying they are growing in their arrogance and things are okay with them how come only you you are getting bad news and the psalmist said when i looked at them i was even envious of them that maybe if they had not become if i had not become a christian it would have been more peaceful for me maybe if i had not come to this church i would have had more free time on sunday afternoons every day visitation but shepard they are worrying me it's better to be a nominal christian or even an unbeliever who comes once in a while and to be so committed and then after you are committed to what does god do for you but the psalmist said it was only when i went into his presence into the sanctuary that i perceived their end and when i perceived their end it put everything to rest daughter don't lose hope i want us to look into our lives what are some of the situations that have come up to you where you have lost to you know we just had a program and then they called for ministers who had discouraged the ministry there were so many of them because you felt that if you come and labor for god the ministry will work things will be a certain way because god will have respect unto your sacrifice of giving yourself but you came and rather the wahala is something else mahala is a ghanaian word you can look in the dictionary but there's a lot of hopelessness despondency and things around and it is a spirit and it is to bring us to that place where we either give up we backslide or we cool off in our love and walk with god but we are still doing the motions and we are still doing all the things that we know to do but in our hearts we are far and there's a separation between us and god and the realities are there because paul said we were stretched above measure beyond our strength that we despaired even of life now lady pastor when we get to a place like that a gate like that what is the way out the bible says god is faithful he will not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength but that with every temptation he will provide a way of escape nowadays when i get into situations that are larger than me you know when you have uncontrollable things that you don't know what to do and and charismatics have been taught to bind and lose name and claim and so we don't know that part about god's sovereignty and it's not easy to accept god's sovereignty but god is sovereign and i realized that if i were god a lot of the ways in which he solved problems that is not how i'll go about it if i have five loaves and two fish and i want more food for the people i'll take an offering send one person to the nearby village buy more food and bring it but i will not think of a little boy's lunch it's not part of my thinking that's i i take it i say let them sit in 50 then i give thanks then i start to share what if it doesn't it doesn't reach what if it's not why should i take such a risk hungry people who are three days you know and if i'm leading israelis or jews out of egypt i will bring a jet you know and fly them across the season i will not let them go to some red sea then the city is there then now before you have to party what are all these inconveniences but that is why i'm not god because if you fly them out you still leave the egyptians and the pharaohs there but if you walk through the red sea they get drowned in the red sea that is god he does a finished product but me i'm not god so my ideas are different and if i want my son to die for the sins of the world i'll just give him a lethal injection i will not do this nakedness slapping spitting on him giving vinegar crown of thorns going before herod pharaoh you see i don't like people to suffer naturally that's my makeup i don't like to feel that people are in pain so my son i will not let him suffer such things you know so every easter is to ask god why did you choose this way why even criminals die with clothes on why did you choose this way to let your son die it's too gruesome and then the holy spirit said to me he had to be sparred upon to take your rejection your nakedness your wounds that's all it had to be if he had died by chloroform or lethal injection he would never have been able to take all those things again i said i now see why i'm not god i now understand why i'm not god and in your work with god you have to come to a place where you surrender and you lift your hands and you say i just know that my redeemer lives because the complexities of the situations i don't understand it but i just know because job was attacked not because he was a sinful man but because he was a man of integrity it does not make sense you don't attack things of integrity you don't give satan permission over somebody who has walked with you but god knew that he would pass the test and job said though he slay me yet will i trust him hey it's a divine thing you can't conjure it i've come to see that god can supernaturally help you and god does supernaturally help you beyond your strength but we are used to the christian formula cast it out pray do this all those things are good but there are many points in our lives where we just need the supernatural things that are beyond us you know in accra when the church was attacked bent and government at a point i didn't know how we would get out of it because when the head of state is against you can you imagine the whole state machinery your whole wall has been mowed down your office has been bombed and then when you take the case to court it's withdrawn by some supernatural how can you fight and win and we went to the castle we saw all the people that mattered we explained our issues we took documents because we felt that our course was right and it was you know if you look at the document you can see that the church is rather trying to help the people the church has not done anything wrong why why why why at a point i didn't even understand it and then on the day that we have an easter program where you let you allow people to come and attack us fetish people to shed blood bring broken bottles all sorts of mayhem mayhem then the ministers have said come to we don't know anything about it hey god i mean one work that we came to do for you why all these problems but it was that day when the blood was spilt that bishop called an emergency meeting so we need to move out of here does anybody know of any property in our crowd we are so pressed that we need to move and then one pastor put up a saying i know a property but we cannot afford it the price at which it's going for we cannot afford it and it's even priced in dollars we can't but i know of it and the bishop says okay go and show me at least i can see and when he goes there's this warehouse hey he comes and says mommy if i tell you the price you collapse when he tells me the price i say so how are we going to find such money i don't know but it was so much under intense pressure said we cannot continue to be in california something bad may happen to innocent people we just cannot so we have to take this property he was going to see the lebanese man to say we buy but how can we get such money from where god we have to provide we will call on all our churches everywhere and everybody could see that we're under pressure everybody could see that this is what had happened but that's the pressure that pushed us to where we are today we'd respect even of life we were stretched above measure beyond our strength so when he came to a point you can't do anything but to move away and the moving away you know so some black americans about 32 of them came with bishop charles blake the head now head of church of god in christ last year and when they came they came to the qudesh they came to ali chapel i think the jesus cathedral wasn't finished then and you know they were saying that when they look at the properties i mean bishop is really a man of vision that god has led and he has accomplished so much and all that those are introductions so when my husband came up to response ah the introduction was very nice that i'm a man of vision a brother changed this far but i want to say that it was beatings it wasn't vision it was beatings that brought me here it was stones it was pain i was driven into it and so when people said i have a vision you know when they see the place oh he had fallside for the future so he planned and then he moved nothing like that i am a witness nothing like that but we need to come to the place where we say jesus even when i don't understand it jesus is lord even when it doesn't make sense jesus is lord when i don't have answers jesus is lord you just have to tell yourself i know my redeemer living you may be looking at ashes he said left to me alone nothing good can come out of here but he said that beauty can come out of it it's up to him it's not up to me it's up to him he said beauty conquer so far as i can see that's why you should even tell god i can't see anything but because of your weight nevertheless at thy word like peter said we have told all night you see you jesus you just came we have been here all night and caught nothing but because you say so we will do as you say just because you say so hallelujah so how do we find hope [Music] how do we find hope romans 15 verse 4 i'm ending soon romans 15 verse 4. are we there for whatever was written in earlier times was written for instructions that through patience and the comfort of the scriptures we might have hope amen the things that were written in earlier times were written for you and i they were not written for the people before the people before have lived that life and gone that putting down was for a generation like you and i and the bible says whatever was written not some of it whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction upon whom the end of the age has come that we through patience and comforts of the scriptures might have hope they wrote hannah's story so that you could identify with it the road harness story so that you could have hope in spite of a penalty on your life the rotary story so that when things happen to you and you are like mad you are like a drunken woman because of your problems you will be able to find comfort and hope and identify hallelujah they wrote sarah story so that you will know what it is like to be barren for so many years and to tell you that god works even beyond medical things hallelujah they wrote eve story so that when you make a mistake you will be able to have a set after the fall because seth means appointment god can have another appointment with you the things that were written are full time were written for our instruction that we through patience the scripture will teach you patience the bible says remember the patience of job look at the patience of sarah look at the patience of abraham there's nobody who did not need patience in dealing with god look at moses 40 years in the wilderness and they said you are called to be a ruler and a judge and you are with few sheep and jethro how can that come to pass look at joseph you are told that the sun and moon will bow before you and your people are in canaan you are in prison how can the two come together a hopeless situation that was written so that through the patience of the scriptures and the comfort because you need comfortable you need comfort when you get so broken you need comfort from the scriptures and these are the very scriptures you will not consult that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures not of the newspaper not of cnn not of sky tv but of the scriptures might have hope because the word of god gives hope it will show you that all these great men and women of god made mistakes and therefore when you make a mistake it's not the end it will teach you patience it will teach you comfort when you fall you won't be so disgusting and falling in the spirit have you slept with your mate 7 before and yet god does not remove the title he says you are a father of faith a father of faith who tries to get an ishmael he should have become a boy of faith but god's way is not our way hallelujah even lot is called in the book of peter that righteous man lot the bible says that righteous man in sin and in hearing vexed his righteous soul that righteous man the patience and the comfort so many things to identify with you know when the unexpected happens you look at thomas stories look things can happen to you you'll be abused molested things you didn't expect but even beyond that there is life when you suffer shame reproach you look at jesus have you been crucified naked before say i would take my own like that patience and comfort of the scriptures we need to go to the scriptures and we need to apply it to our lives hallelujah [Music] daughter don't lose hope [Applause] amen second corinthians 7 verse 5 that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures is one of my favorite verses might have hope might have hope amen when moses comes to the red sea and there's no way out you too when you come to your red sea you say oh god moses lifted up his voice and cried out to god what shall i do and god showed him what to do you two must lift up your voice david asked god when he wept and there was no more she said what shall i do pursue them overtake and possess everything you know he didn't just say i know what god feels i know god wants no he consulted god the patience and the comfort of the scriptures second corinthians 7 is five for even when we came into macedonia our flesh had no rest but we were afflicted on every side conflicts without fears within but god who comforts the depressed comforted us by the coming of titus hallelujah and not only by his coming but also by the comfort with which he was comforted in you as he reported to us your longing your mourning your zeal for me so that i rejoiced even more hallelujah paul was saying that look we had been through some rough times and it wasn't easy but god who comforts those who are discouraged sent us titles god sends people into your lives so that they will bring comfort to you hallelujah may you not miss out on it sometimes you send somebody to speak a word somebody to bring a counsel somebody to make you laugh somebody to to say it's gonna be all right somebody to just take your mind off by the coming of titus just the coming of titus he said when titus came he shared with us your zeal how you are getting on in the lord and then i rejoiced i became okay because i realized that all is not lost i realize that my labor is not in vain i realize that something is working after all because when you get to that hopeless place you see only gloom but when you are reminded of another side that you are not looking at you are encouraged by the coming of titus some of you you are also sent to comfort others but you are not going we are supposed to be writing about you that by the coming of sarah i was comforted but if sarah doesn't come how would that verse be written it's comforted by the coming of titus hallelujah daughter don't lose hope don't lose hope luke chapter 21 verse 28 and i'm ending luke chapter 21 verse 28. okay let's read from 25. it's a much lengthier sermon but god will provide one day 25 amen and there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars and upon the earth dismay among nations in perplexity are the roaring of the sea and the waves men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world for the powers of the heavens will be shaken and then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory but when these things begin to take place straighten up congested lift up your your eyes before your redemption is drawing near another version says look up for your redemption draweth nigh he said that there'll be perplexity upon the earth the sea will rot there'll be waves of everything will be in disorder in chaos and what does jesus say says that when you see these things coming upon the earth look up you see so first we begin to look at our problem to look at the insurmountable insurmountable problems to look at the things you can't do anything about to look at the things that are beyond you beyond measure about strength your strength will go more but when you see perplexity and things around you look up look up don't look at yourself don't look at the person don't look at the circumstance don't look at the situation look up because it's only looking after you find hope everything around you is hopeless everything around you is bent everything around you has been taken captive everything around you has been carried away look up why for your redemption is joy nine the bible says when jesus took the five loves and two fish looking up to heaven he gave thanks that was why he was able to multiply because it was a complex problem but the bible says looking up to heaven he gave thanks and the same person says when you see perplexity these things around you look up say to the person next to you look up look up don't look down don't look to your side don't look to yourself but look up why because your redemption your freedom is drawing nine but the freedom draws now only when we look up now when we look down so daughter when you lose heart let the scriptures comfort you let the scriptures teach you patience the bible says you have need of patience so that after you have done the will of god you may inherit the promises so between the will of god and the promises is patience hallelujah but since you've done the will of god said now as i've done your will you to do your part now but between the will of god and the promises patience he says you have need it means it's something you don't have naturally you have need of patience it's a need you have because you have instant coffee instantly you want to microwave every situation in your life it does not happen like that [Music] you have need of patience so that after you have done the will of god you've done his will but after that you may inherit the promises jesus came on earth for 30 years he was almost doing nothing about the ministry and then the last three years that's when he started to walk why because god prepares you before he releases if the son of god had to work 30 years before he's going to why is it that you when you just started you want your ministry to [Music] you have need of patience so that after you have done the will now that you don't do the will then you say i have need of it no after you have done the will you may inherit the promises you need the comfort of the scriptures because when you are not comforted you you are hopeless you are in despair you give up you you are broken you can't get up again but the comfort of the scriptures will teach you that you know we are the world they say as god taught us by turning stones to bread it's not true god never turned stones to bed satan asked him to do that but he didn't do it but they don't read their we bibles by turning stones to bread we are the world it's not true he did not tend the stones to bread but we all sing it and we think it's so because the scriptures have been turned round by the comfort of the scripture when the angel came to mary said that what is impossible with man is possible with god so when you look at that situation you come across such a vest you say anyway when i look at the situation what is impossible with man that's where i'm at now but with god not some not a few but all things are possible immediately you get a certain strength you must speak the word of god to yourself you must fight with the word because that's the sword of the spirit you must fight with the word because everything is against it but everything will wither but the word of god will stun you and allow your titus to bring you comforts allow your titus to bring you hope allow your titles to help you to overcome despair and when titus came he told paul about the other side what is happening on the other side sometimes you yourself have to look at your life on the other side you are too embroiled with this part and my husband doesn't care and my husband is not loving him but there are 32 other things he does that make him great and anytime you say we need to talk it's about problems why is it never about how great he is how loving he is how sweet he is but it's always about such how i think that i think that many christian wives have too high expectations too high you have very good husbands they may not be perfect but they are very good hallelujah and the bible says that as refining pot to silver so it's a man to his praise but we have all been fashioned negatively so we feel that the only time you talk is when there's a problem the only time you call a roundtable conference even the u.n it's about iraq but not about the peace the places of peace but it's time to celebrate the places of peace and it's time to celebrate the places of blessing hallelujah so titus came and showed another side you too you have another side hallelujah look at the other side you will see how good god has been to you look at the other side it will bring gratitude and then you will remember that yeah the last time i was in this situation and i thought that was this you know when i look at the other side i remember how god brought me through and that same god will keep me allow your titles to come to you your title brings news when you see these things around you lift up your eyes look up look up because god is up god is sovereign he's above every situation he's above the heavens the earth is his footstool the earth is something that god puts you he rests his foot on it and you are so much internal of a portion of the earth your small life but the whole life is his foot so when you look up you say ah there he is enthroned and here i am oh this situation is even below him look up for your redemption draws nine daughter don't lose hope because he is the god of all hope god bless you stand to your futures i want us to look up now i want us to just fix our eyes on jesus [Music] i fix my eyes on you an author of [Music] i fix my [Music] fade away may oh in your house all the days of my life all the days of my life and all the days of my life i want to gaze upon your beauty i want us to pray i want to say lord help us in our times of despair help us to be people who avail ourselves of the scriptures to find patience and comfort in there help us to recognize our titus and the stories from the other side and help us of god to have the presence of mind to look up we want to fix our eyes on you just speak to him from the bottom of your heart speak to him in such a way that it is meaningful to you speak to god in these few seconds and if you are here facing a frustration situation i have a word from the lord for you he's saying that all hope is not lost and that he has an appointment of destiny with you and the lord will fulfill his promise concerning you receive the word of the lord god is not man that he should lie not the son of man that he should repent has he not said it and will he not do it god and his word as a one and what he has said concerning you he will do oh kebab [Music] indelibly father i lift up your people before you i cast out every spirit of hopelessness disappointment despair everything of god that weakens your sins and makes our hands grow weak i cast it out in jesus name i pray for your people i pray that hope will come alive in our lives again i pray that our hope shall be in you for you are the god of all hope of god i pray in the name of jesus that you will send the appropriate scriptures oh god we will know where to look to find the patience and the comfort that the scriptures have followed i pray oh god that we will recognize the tituses that you bring who will recognize stories from the other side of our lives in spite of our problems and i pray o god that will continually have the presence of mind to look up to look up lord not down not to anybody but to look up so that your redemption that you have prepared for us will come our way we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus name amen amen now every head bowed every eye closed you are here tonight and you don't know the lord as your personal savior i want to give you the opportunity to give your life to jesus you want to say pastor pray for me i don't know whether i'll go to heaven or hell when i die but i want to go to heaven i want to be sure pastor pray for me i want to go to heaven i want to be a born-again christian if you are here like that lift up your hands and i'll pray with you if you are here you sense god saying you need to rededicate your life you need to mean business with god the lord has touched you in this meeting you want to say pastor pray for me i want to start all over again with jesus you are here like that just lift up your hands and i'll pray with you come to jesus the fountain of life the one that will make you fast no more if you are here like that just put up your hand and i'll pray with you father thank you so much for your word i pray that your word will help us and fight for us in the days and in seasons ahead bless your people in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills Official Videos
Views: 3,232
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Id: Tp6e3y-Gmow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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