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hallelujah father we are grateful for the opportunity that we have in you in Jesus name Amen you may be seated now we continue on the prayers everything by prayer now I believe that you are going to have breakthroughs in your life when you go back to wherever you came from and the breakthroughs are going to be directly linked to the prayers that you are going to be praying now prayer as we are sharing is not possible until you find the real pattern that suits you in prayer you know you have to discover for yourself what works for you otherwise you will not be able to pray what do I mean by that some people can pray at night some can pray by day some kind of improv once a week you know but you need to find the best pattern of prayer for your life and ministry now you must know that in this camp meeting I am sharing a lot with you about ministry and I want you to be very happy to know about ministry ministry is more difficult than any other profession and has more blessings and is more eternal and almost anything that you do in the ministry has a bearing on any other thing you do it has a bearing on three things it has a bearing on school it has a bearing on marriage and it has a bearing on business because most of the principles that you use to do well in ministry are the same this always a parallel in these other areas so whatever area you find that's why when you come to church when you come for comedy you hear so much advice that you even wonder whether you came for a seminar on life or marriage or ministry all right now Genesis chapter 2 I'm sharing about the prayers of Jesus and the prayers for the Holy Spirit all right thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and the seventh day God ended his work that he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made and these are the generations of the F when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground now there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground verse seven and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul hallelujah now you can see here that the very first breakthrough for man came when God breathed his breath into man you see if you read that scripture it says God formed man out of the dust so the formation of man right was done by God out of the dust isn't it God formed man of the dust of the ground so God took the dust the mud and formed it into like a dog a mad dog so that was man lying there no life no movement no breakthrough nothing know anything then God breathed his breath his powerful breath does the Holy Spirit into man and man suddenly had his first breakthrough ever and became very different from how he was when he was formed so the Holy Spirit when he comes into your life in a certain way will bring about the very first important breakthrough in your life hallelujah now there are some people I know who are dead sometimes when I remember them I think about the grief and I think about them lying in the coffin and under the ground like this and I think about them and they have been forced into that casket and forced into the ground you see and there is nothing on earth that can bring them out of that box that we know yes and if you leave a coffin with a dead body in it after about 40 years you will have basically the hair and the meals they take a very long time to disappear the hair and the nails but the bones the bones would turn into a brownish powder is like coffee coffee it's like coffee yes that would be the best I've seen it before it's like coffee yeah like coffee like real Nescafe that that's what it does the color is not black soil yes you know that's dust that's what a man is but it's like us here I'm moving my heart is beating my kidneys out filtering the blood bringing out some watery urine my liver is clearing things some toxins my brain is covered with blood and there's oxygen in it passing into my brain my stomach is digesting some tea I just drank my rectum is absorbing water it's amazing all I happening on the same time it's like a human being is like a moving miracle very very amazing there are the eyes are waking and as I look I see there's a lens that changes the direction of the race and there are some small muscles that make the eye smaller bigger so that the lens changes in the size so I can see you amazing and then other back is the retina photographic screen that is connected by a thick nav like this straight into the brain is going straight into the eyes are connected straight to the brain between your nose here right on the back their eyes are connected directly and themed photographic vision the es also having vibrating that tympanic membrane is vibrated by hearing sounds and it's there are three little bones called ossicles that are connected in a particular way when you speak then they move in a way and then move in another way that the movie another way then you hear things all are happening our students do not understand this [Applause] now those of you who did ads you can understand this type of preaching amazing so what brought about this change what about this change Wow Wow unless you don't believe the Bible unless you don't believe it I mean like if you don't believe the Bible then why did you come to this committee why did you even think that I'm I'm a pastor you should think that I'm an orator it take me to be a motivational speaker or just a speaker a lecturer but if you believe the Bible you have faith you believe that I am a man of God I'm a pastor to you I'm a prophet and God is speaking to you through me these are things you believe and you must believe the Bible so I tell you one breathing of the Holy Spirit [Music] thousand miracles you see for a church to work you need a thousand miracles you need people to bring money you need people to love you you need people to believe you need a singer you need somebody who can pray you need a choir you need commitment you need people that can be sent you need people with buses you need oh you need a thousand things thousand miracles receive a thousand your life in Jesus name you need so I want to have more friends who are spiritual and spirituality starts from your relationship with God where you learn and you believe that everything is by prayer and nothingness without prayer and I have to be in prayer just for this I have to be in prayer and then you actually do go into prayer yes you know when we were sending a missionary to Mali somebody advised me said something to me he said do you know there's a man called so-and-so he mentioned his name he said he was there for twenty years thirty years he has just come back there is no church after he's been there for thirty years 20 years no parties believe because it's I mean another religion well I was excited to see the our Czech building that is being built in but Molly DeMarco they are getting to the roofing level of the church yes and they've built it all with their own nobody has sent them even one dollar before from yes but really it takes a lot of miracles I'm amazed as I speak we are building churches in Sweden in Banga in gonta in Hakata in Buchanan yes in Monrovia you know these are places I pray in the night you hear these names in my study when I'm praying I mention these places I don't know how to be possible say Lord was very foul just me thousand miracles are going to happen in your life [Applause] thousand miracles pray about it what ever breakthrough you need whatever is dead in your life pray about it pray about it and it will happen practical you see it practically happening amen amen practically you know there is no difficulty in your life I don't know what it is called that will not respond to prayer [Applause] [Music] if not because this is the greatest this is there is no greater than to be dust and God breathes on you thousands of miracles you know that's a black I didn't like at all America's was by chemistry that's my it was like I don't know why they have that subject but it's something that we have to learn but later on you know I began to understand it when I left what it is is that in your blood as your blood is going around you can put here to fill your pulse as your bad students the pulse is here show the ad students listen Shh are you still around us listen carefully as your blood is going round inside the blood in the blood there are chemical reactions that are taking place the goal this becomes this becomes this becomes this becomes as an enzyme comes and changes changes changes come several different different different if it there's a fat book like this like this you open page after page and they show you the chemical reactions that are taking place in your blood and in your tissues where there's any kind of water in your body liquid like in your mouth saliva and tissues in your body yeah you see like when you cut yourself and then it is getting healed then apart from that cross you see that some other whitish yeah there are a lot of what is in your body I'm saying it in a way for the ad students to be able to understand now I have to say this because the ad students become richer than the science students in the future and sometimes they don't respect us you know after they have and all the money then is like we who rather know more we are getting less the miracles the miracle of your body and the miracles that are happening continuously are too fantastic now I believe that when the Holy Spirit is poured out on your life miracles of the impossible will happen practical in the language allows it's not about that time if you are patient you will see that your prayers have been answered every one of them every single prayer will be answered by God now I respect my times of Prayer more than anything else yes when I'm speaking to God so you let me pray give me time to pray I rather go home to pray than to have certain meetings I prefer to go and pray and pray until you believe that you are not spiritually we preach I let us pray blessed blessed M&G so it's like prayer is something that you just it's like a formality that is part of life and that they are going to open Parliament let's pray cabinet is going to speak let's pray Oh the company's been dedicated come and dedicated you know let's have a prayer before we do this or we are traveling let's pray let's pray before all these are opportunities for prayer and so all people in the world have all these prayers oh people who are unspiritual or despair but you when you become a spiritual person and you have let about prayer these symbolic ones you even overlook them because then kind of press you pray before the IV sitting in the car it's not about listen we pray for the journey I mean you have been in the spirit for hours and hours is not about sit in the car so let us pray Oh your brain look at it your head the only part of your body which is fully covered by bone here this one fantastic and inside it's the brain which can be liking to do you know okay cuckoo you see I brought out the a students I'm trying to break things down you know cuckoo like the color of cuckoo is it a wrong word I'm saying cuckoo yeah how's that cuckoo cuckoo yes the whitish one cuckoo yeah it is a bit hard do you see that's how your brain is very soft and it's inside your head and it's so that when we touch it like that you just get sport so it is inside there and as your head is here it is surrounded by water so that if you hit the head like this it moves within the water so it doesn't hit the bone for Jesus if you want to [Applause] as fantastic yeah it has a shock absorber and it has a particular pressure to keep it balanced yes as amazing and sometimes when we want to check the water level and that your brain is connected to your spine so if you can imagine like a cockroach with a long tail so the brain is there and the spinal cord is going down in your spine long like that and align water and if I mention the name cyber spinal fluid you may be confused so I just just take it as water as its water and this water has a pressure in it pressure that balances everything not too much not too little cuz if the pressure goes out the brain would just drop down and come and sit down and that's it you get some other kind of problems amazing so I don't know what God when God breathed this pattern into KOCO inside I tell it to the whitish KOCO the heart yes with fluids around the heart turned into a very strong muscle that is never tired I mean do you like up and down like this dude keep on doing it keep on doing it let's see how long you can do it for keep doing it keep doing it are you feeling tired some people are tired keep going keep going pumping don't take that like the same leg that tired getting tired keep pumping is it getting tired but your heart is doing this since you were born 20-something years ago it does it's 1,800 times a minute it has never said I'm tired and it never gets something you if you start feeling pain in your yes never has been it's only when you are going to die from a heart attack that is not to feel pain yes when you go to sleep you just continues since you are not so active it Louis a bit let's go down 60 65 70 when you wake up if you see a snake since you were born are 70 years of no tiredness mr. Bergin it's a miracle it's a miracle thousand miracles all the time your testicles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] producing two important things [Applause] testosterone what makes you a male testicles testosterone and that the hormone comes it goes down then it comes up in the morning so you see you see the boys having erections in the morning and you see some people rebuking settin caps set up it is God's design God is greater receive a thousand miracles in your life a thousand different types of different types of miracles by the supply of the Spirit yes producing spends spends one ejaculation for those of you are married during ejaculation your heart knows it what's happening the Hat [Applause] yes the hot response the breathing your blood pressure goes up so many changes is this fantastic God is really well doing but why are you pushing me away [Applause] God is fantastical many miracles then he gives you seeds you form seeds in the testicles each one is a half of a human being each one amazing each one child and they are all different some have long hair some color sometimes you see somebody who is dark castle you have the same mother surface or semi-custom father this one had the darkest came right in there the face everything different you see people children some have long faces round faces where faces all the same parents amazing God is really really great God is really really great so I prophesied that out of nothing and out of deadness and out of nothing nothing nothing nothing shall cometh housing-related miracles into your life through the supply of the Holy Spirit Ezekiel 37 Ezekiel 37 the supply of the spirit through your prayers now the hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones that's - and cause me to pass round about and behold there were very many in the open Valley and lo they were very dry now we have dry bones and wet bones how many like chewing bones sometimes like the chicken whatever other dry bones and wet bones what's the difference which ones are nice the wet want bones are nice you can suck them isn't it chew them and that's it nothing will be left yes now why do bones become dry what is the cause of dry bones what makes some of the bones dry if the bone is there for some time does it become drier yes old isn't it he says they were very christ-like the deadness is not a new thing stead longtime vestry and he said unto me son of man can these bones live see is a question you know and I answered all Lord God try never to say negative things that you don't want to recant later I says all Lord called Tao lowest that's the answer down lowest you know that can this thing be alive again best 3 verse 3 verse 3 can these bones live can this church crew can this marriage work can my business prosper will I travel abroad one day with somebody like me will I ever marry can I have a child what's the answer to these questions Oh Lord down the ways I profess I listen you are listening to me something is good to happen in your life and you are going to say it is amazing God is going to do something it is amazing a couple of days I was oh I was I was looking at the Facebook and I saw our church in the Philippines Filipino why Filipinos because now we have over 100 people there I'm just thinking I was thinking [Music] mustardseed united denominations formerly of Lighthouse Church it's amazing to see this is amazing do you believe I say you will surf estate amazing amazing yes now listen to what this is your prophetic destiny verse 4 and again he said unto me prophesy upon these bones and see I'll be coming back to this scripture when we are talking about prophesying prayers yes prophesying prayers and say to the bones o ye I speak to every dry bone in your life every tribe bone in your church every tribe bone in your ministry every tribe bone of business in Jesus name hear the word of the Lord verse 5 thus saith the Lord God unto these bones I think behold I will I will cause breath see the Holy Spirit is here again I will cause breath to enter into you hallelujah so you see now the Holy Spirit entering you and entering us so me you know I mean I am a walking mere physically miracle and then spiritually a miracle anything that is working is the Holy Spirit in spite of my weaknesses in spite of the Albatross that I carry you may have only one Albatros your kind that you'll be surprised that I'm carrying two or three albatrosses of different types of albatraoz are not described discuss with you carrying them in spite of that what God has done can only be described as a series of related fantastic miracles interconnected miracles hallelujah I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live v6 and I will lay sinews upon you and bring up flesh and cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live and you shall know that i am the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] so that's your future that's your destiny that's your ministry the ministry is a ministry of the holy spirit and minister of spirituality I mean it's your prayer a ministry of calling on God more in the spirit yes look at books that I've written that people are reading in Sri Lanka maybe serious well you have something like huh it's it's it's it's a series of powerful miracles that are working and if you look carefully you see that many miracles are happening all miracles many miracles working beautiful verse seven so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold behold what a shaking and what happened the bones came together oh it's coming together it's coming together in your life it's coming together in your life hallelujah verse eight and what I beheld lo the sinews and the flesh came up upon them and the skin covered them but there was no breath in them then said he unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy Son of Man and say to the wind thus saith the Lord God come from the four winds o breath and breathe upon these slain that they may live whatever us being killed in battle in your life is coming alive in Jesus name so I prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and they stood up on their feet an exceeding great army you are great I mean I said you are a great army you are a great army amen I want you to never be ashamed of the work you are doing in the ministry do you know why few people are doing what you are doing very very few do you know of any ganyan Church which has started a church in this way drew do you know sway true or is there a curry or geeky - bang bang bang Gao gonta okay see do GU well my people from Botswana whatever house their local attorney do you have a church there you are the pastor de mujer designing pas Kalani pas Kalani is a pastor from pas Kalani borracho pakalana our boon Kling Kling you cannot even pronounce it is it not a miracle thousand miracles receive a thousand miracles in your life in Jesus name [Applause] receive the breath of God a thousand miracle in Jesus name I prefer twelve thousand churches I pray for thousands of check buildings I pray for many strange things I don't know how I only know that God knows how I discuss with him every day and I explained to him that I know that I'm as in difficult things I'm asked him big things that are difficult to do but this is the only reason I'm asking him because he's so great and I don't know how to do things I want to ask for something that is big for God to do a thousand miracles [Applause] hallelujah that's why I have Botswana onions here it's a thousand miracles amazing sit down so when Jesus was speaking he said in Luke 11 he said if you are evil you know how to give good things do you not think that I give you the spirit the best Holy Spirit to those who ask so as we go hmm be praying for the Holy See you think that or do you know what I need Holy Spirit is no stress very spiritual look telly what can be more fantastic and human than it has to be formed kidneys are form the lungs are breathing now it is going on separately like your breath rate so much the breath breathing rates about 40 14 per minute your breathing 14 times a minute and your heart is between 80 times per minute and you breathe 14 to 14 in a minute then this one should be 80 per minute and then I should be giving 30 mils of urine per hour I should be producing 30 mils of urine per hour and pumping five liters of blood around every how often per minute yes at the same time yes I not not be tired and I should have an inbuilt sister and I can go up or go down so I can respond I'm running ICS naked I'm runny and my heart needs to pump more so that the blood cause more then it is it is it is adjustable unlike your iPad a lot of things are not adjustable I cannot you know it's cannot adjust to certain circumstances but the heart can adjust and like the kidney should filter less when you are when you are fasting that's why when you are fasting you your urine becomes dark you see because they keep me as recognized that he's drinking less let me take less water out and the kidney is aware that drank two bottles of water if you are pregnant and you go to the hospital and they want to do a scan and they need you to drink so that your bladder is full you feel like we win then they can do the scan and we will tell you drink this and your body immediately says is too much water some of you should come out to let us filter more than 30 mils let's bring about hundred mils out me some senses that you should be attracted to a girl you see a girl in like hey you want to leave your father's house and you can join yourself to have boys like wow this mobile he doesn't have money doesn't have anything don't want to leave the house or Father's be looking after you all these years you want to leave the house and go into the into the wilderness to just be with this person without any good reason and change your name [Music] it's amazing it's fantastic received more than 1,000 American so when you pray for the Holy Spirit it's like it's always your frame for related and unrelated miracles which are sensitive to change to start flowing in your life amazing so how am I going to pray for the Holy Spirit so you understand why Jesus said you bad boy you can give good gifts to your children how much mommy I give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for the Holy Spirit so don't be worried if you spend the whole of your prayer time just pray for the Holy Spirit businessman you need money it's some context and you need advertisement then you want to pray about that but well forget about advancement and pray for the Holy Spirit [Music] stop praying about that latest man and stop praying for the Holy Spirit when I write a book I asked God to anoint a book my books are like crabs you see it lying on the floor as if he's dead then he gets up and walks by itself moves by itself yes the book moves through places by itself Isaiah 11 I'm talking about praying for the Holy Spirit now they shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse that's Jesus and a branch shall grow out of his roots remember Jesse who was Jesse father of David okay so he prophesied out of David so as I was after David but he prophesied that out of David's lineage it's gonna come a branch and a root root is gonna brew out and a branch shall grow out of his roots so that means well what is the branch of the root so like there's a tree and then you go all the way down and then one of the roots down there a branch of the roots so that's why Jesus need a long genealogy to find Jesus but if you trace from the branch of the root to the main route to go up all the way you come out you see David do you see so he's become a branch shall grow out of his roots okay that's Jesus Navas - and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him this is what we are praying for the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him that's all that I want you to have and I need you to put you see if you become spiritual you believe in the Holy Spirit you believe in prayer you spend time praying you pray to God and you pray for the Holy Spirit the spirit of wisdom Strait of wisdom we can stay there till next week now the Holy Spirit has seven branches the only Spirit is not as simple as you may think although God has goddess what do you call it three-in-one the Holy Spirit is seven and one yes the Holy Spirit is seven and one in revelations chapter 1 verse 4 and revelations chapter 16 sorry revelations of a one best for you see clearly it says in John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come from the seven spirits which are before his throne so in two different verses in the Book of Revelations he talks about the seven spirits of God so the seven spirits are real spirits and these theorists are mentioned throughout the Bible and as they are mentioned different names mentioned on these spirits different names are different places depending on what's happening and sometimes you can get confusing you think that the Holy Spirit are about 15 spirits do you see like because you hear Spirit of Truth spirit of Revelation spirit of the spirit of this period but if you look at it carefully you realize that it's basically seven branches and in Isaiah 11 from verse 2 it starts to actually list them separate of the Lord if you take the Spirit of the Lord to be the Spirit of God like what came on Jesus the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach it's like the spirit for ministry do you see you take it that way all you could take it that the Spirit of the Lord rest upon him that is to say the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding : there if there's a semicolon there then it would mean that is the Spirit of the Lord that is to say the spirit of wisdom spirit of understanding so the thrill of the Lord on his own seems to be a spirit do you see yes that's what I said in Luke 4:18 the spirit of Lord is upon me he has anointed me to preach so it's like what comes on you to work for God you see so the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him that's the Spirit of the Lord is our level best to the Spirit of the Lord then the spirit of wisdom so number two is field of wisdom this is a spirit the spirit a spirit of understanding is a spirit understanding is the spirit the spirit of counsel how many is that four then the spirit of mites which is one of the only ones that is not related to the mind spirit of mind then the spirit of knowledge number six do you see then the spirit of the fear of the Lord is number seven so if you put it together that way is seven all right seven spirits you know but you see in the New Testament you have the Spirit of Truth revelations 117 a spirit of Revelation and spirit of different the spirit of holiness and different spirits they're all there but they can't fit in here you know but there are seven spirits in the book of Revelation clearly now these are what you really need again they are all related to success prosperity truthfulness and doing well on earth now whose ministry was more successful Jesus Christ whether you like it or not Christmas is Christmas and everybody in the world is forced to accept challenge it is Bruneian we are all celebrating Christmas a lot of Christian you don't believe in me but tally your anything spirit of wisdom spirit of understanding spirit of counsel these are what we need so pray for because that's what we lack that's what we like that's what you really need yeah and so prefer and the more you pray for this the more your life changes because that starts to come upon you but one day somebody was reading my book and he said one of the things that he listens to me it's like he said that he is thought of what I'm saying it's not thought of what I'm saying that how does my mind work on this verse in another way that he it has not occurred to him I with me yes because that is the work of the Holy Spirit that is why something would occur to me you do not occur to me the Holy Spirit was not to reveal it to me so as we are talking about praying you must make up your mind to become a prayerful person pray for the Holy Spirit and pray for the seven spirits of God pray for it pray for missionaries pray for pastors pray for workers pray for a businessman what the fight is to them pray for the spirit of wisdom understanding yes prefer it now when you have the Spirit of the Lord upon you ha you become a preacher so I believe the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and that's why I'm preaching what I'm preaching it must be spiritual when you have the eye look at it look 4:18 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me why because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor and 19 to preach he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted they sent me to preach deliverance so you can breathe deliverance to any captives if you don't have the Holy Spirit you are beasts and forthwith power power God is going to use you deliverance - captain captain captain captured by what captured by what what are they captured by Liberia for the case yeah I mean yeah I mean having babies with that for this and today miss Norma here if a guy is going to get married I mean the parents will find out so you see Mary I mean is she having a baby or something there is normal you see them in church I mean hardly do you see a normal family like married husband we call it point way that one is normal you see everyone in that church I mean I have a she she has two babies I mean Susan like 20 years and it's like that you can't understand its captivity drugs different countries Mozambique different all over people are captured people in Europe are captured by homosexuality the deception yes you meet somebody ins he believes he believes that his his is to marry him a man he believes it because he hears it that you are born that way the teachers would tell you in school yes yeah and they believe it I mean it's amazing that educated people will actually descend to such levels as a captivity and their prince said something he said that you know God often shows his attitude to things by certain things that he has shown in the past not that that will always be but he says that God's attitude to toward homosexuality is eternally revealed in what he did to Sodom and Gomorrah he said that shows his attitude towards it once and for all just like his attitude towards the lives of animals suffer by letting them die in the church know that everybody who tells a lie or die by it shows his attitude towards it and his judgment what is instant or its gradual that's his mind that's his attitude is final yes yeah so you gotta be careful so the Spirit of God is leading us to set captives free and to heal brokenhearted people you you you when you have the Spirit of the Lord and you'll be praying for the Spirit of the Lord brokenhearted people you tell them it to be okay and that's that's enough telling me to be okay that's all because the Spirit of the Lord one brother was telling was telling me he said you know something happened his family and one of his children died and he said when he saw me he spirit jumped in him I've I've got a child to give have I got anything I have nothing is the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Lord is there to heal the brokenhearted and to bring deliverance to the captives recovering of sight to the blind Wow to set at liberty them that are bruised I want to say to everyone here that is a mission I God is using God is good you never accept your ministry until you see all these things happening practicality blind my senior ministry captives must be set free gospel must be preached deliverance must come I mean Liberty must come to them that are bruised once you are anointed that's what you are carrying and that's what you are praying for yes a pray for this you think it's not that job what do you think I'm doing what do you think I'm doing you think this is not a job I'm doing it by preaching deliverance to the captives by setting people free by peeling the brokenhearted putting your hand on somebody who is brokenhearted huh by prayer that is the work that's I say to people that I in a lay minister I said look at time comes if you follow the ministry to its conclusion oh these people who you preach to brokenhearted deliver captives they are contribution their support to you will elevate you into full-time ministry oh yes to ministry yes people are being said welcome come on was that you see the problem with Kathryn Kuhlman was that people said look we were dying this room and prayed for us we are life I have all these diamonds gold this I don't know what to do with it she said I will Auto kathryn kuhlman the wills wills one of the income she had was wills people will their estates they are Deimos dia gold and dia you know precious things money or trying to get bad people I don't know what to do it I want to give it to this woman to do whatever she wants to do you'll be receiving will sense of part or ministry [Applause] [Music] I've never seen look I have never seen a man of God who stands to declare deliverance to captives till difference to people preaching the gospel healing to broker who just stands alone o people come we have to go to school if you have the Holy Spirit the world will gather at your doorstep receive the gathering of the world on your doorstep it's the greatest job that's why I'm asking you to pray these things don't come by going to school prayer everything by prayer ministry is by prayer pray for the fast of the seven spirits the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and there is nobody more ordinary than me in the ministry and the most ordinary I am ordinary than you you don't know you don't know me that's why you think I'm whatever who I'm the captain of the ordinary yes I don't I don't care about your beliefs the spirit of the law Spirit of the Lord Spirit of the Lord is upon me beautiful beautiful they will come they'll come your touch your prayer your preaching your words they'll be bringing healing and deliverance and solutions and answers and breakthroughs to thousands of people [Applause] you'll be in a small town by to become a big time because of you now the next spirit to pray for us which is part of the Holy Spirit the spirit of wisdom spirit of wisdom must be praying for the Holy Spirit every day every day there are some problems you can't go with power out of it you have to go out of it with wisdom almost every animal can be captured if you are wiser than it including very strong animals every animal can be that's why man has captured every animal put in cages that means that there is every demon every demonic wake because the demons are animal they are spiritual animals and clean spirits [Applause] there's not even one that you cannot do him Julia do you know Julia do you have cilia in Nigeria Aboudi woody Scott what kitchen chi boo boo boo boo there's a name for that in average in every language boo boo force is not going to overcome every problem but through wisdom you know anytime I have a problem my actually my first thought is what must I do can I do that will overcome it yes I feel that there's something I can do like God can give me the wisdom on this thing and I will know what to do are you there amazing so I don't know what what situation und yes a oh you got a chat it has only ten members 20 members how can it grow huh what I gonna do pray for the spirit of wisdom pray for the spirit of wisdom church to grow chest can grow money not coming money can't come overcoming parents issues can happen no baby baby can come marriage problems you'll be surprised only this section of the Holy Spirit can solve most of the issues you see Ecclesiastes 7 verse 19 I believe it says wisdom strengthening the wise more than 10 mighty men strengthen a city so wisdom strengtheneth a man strengthens you wisdom strengthens you more than 10 mighty men strengthen a city amen so wisdom makes you like more than 10 power is ten forces ak-47 guns grenade 10 Rambo's just wisdom can make you Rambo James Bond transporter Chuck Norris Batman Jet Li Bruce Lee Jackie Chan van Damme have we gotten and Arnold Schwarzenegger wisdom can neutralize ten mighty men ten mighty been wisdom just thinking and God's wisdom can neutralize all these guys so that's why you know everything by prayer go into prayer and pray for it but if anyone lacks wisdom James 1:3 it says if anyone lacks wisdom let you fall James Wan I think that's for if anyone lacks wisdom let him ask verse 5 yes if you lack wisdom let him ask so wisdom is something that we can ask for what is weakening you what is weakening you how many have some problems that are some way everything by prayer nothing without prayer go into the spirits and start follow me here today about the spirit of wisdom wisdom strength Allah the wise more than 10 mighty men 10 Rambo's 10 Jackie Chan's Justina wisdom will make you stronger than 10 mighty opportunities to make yourself beautiful yes time Beauty therapies ten Brazilian hair ten perfumes ten high heels ten nails all these things that are making you stronger as a woman think that you are attracting men wisdom is these are my day nobody is proposing to you one word of wisdom come make somebody propose to you [Music] one day a sister came see the pasta she just had a word of wisdom and the word of Eden was very simple go and tell the pasta to help me to have a husband yes that was the way that she had she went see the pasta pasta I need to have I wanted to marry help me to choose somebody gets can you get somebody for me that was it that was the spirit of wisdom but she could have gone to do her head she could have shaken up she could have increased the size of her breasts she could have joined the choir for people to see her singing she could have joined the dancing stars so that she could shake the bottles all over the place she would have become a soloist but the word of wisdom that came was when dr. pasta pasta I need a beloved please help me together beloved choose somebody for me do something for me and the pasta was moved and he said I will help you know the end wisdom's strengtheneth wise more than 10 mighty men so I need you to be free like this is your prayer it's 9 o clock you say father I pray for the spirit of wisdom in Jesus name I don't know what else to say ba-ba-ba-ba 10 o clock for the thank you for the spirit of wisdom amen yeah yeah that's all travel the spirit of wisdom from nine o'clock to ten o'clock your mind will be tell you what is it people will start asking how do these things or care to you when you get these ideas from you know with our different denominations we are really blessed because you see if this was homecoming what we used to call home can you see that people from Dhaka people from God we have a lot of church members in Senegal in people from Guinea we have a large church in Guinea I mean ambassador goes to the church there we have I mean churches in Congo Brazzaville a chat about the Congo this we would not even see them we don't know who they are yeah we have all that people we have French speaker we have Portuguese speaking people everybody's mixed up you can see the people and their young people are also different from the of some of the old people when you even give certain examples pornography and so on they're just in Arizona when will this man finish talking about this this topic it's as if the preaching is I mean is not a minis below your mouth like is below me while they are watching it in the houses [Applause] yeah watching it in the houses gonna but is watching it now but God gave us the wisdom do this do this we are moving United denominations it's working God is about to pour his wisdom on you to do the work to do ministry to do your school to do your marriage to do everything you have to do the spirit of wisdom a spirit of wisdom spirit of wisdom spirit of wisdom spirit of wisdom never be tired of praying of his people also the spirit of wisdom then they will call for you they will say there is a man in like Daniel 5:11 there's a man it's a man there's a man they'll call for you they call for me in the Philippines they've asked me they've asked me to come it's not cheap for them to invite me to come they're so cheap at all from West Africa in many places call for me yes I was invited to Trinidad I told them the pastor's come fastest conference of the dough they are holding up nation I just do not coincide with I can't come so coinciding but I can't it's too tight now if it was you you'd have many papa I've made it five no problem at all I'll be there I'll be there but soon the spirit of wisdom is gonna be upon you and I tell you they be calling for you everywhere in Jesus name do you believe it my favorite preacher [Applause] preacher yesterday somebody told me you are my favorite preacher I know I was so touched you hear such words my favorite preacher means that when you speak to hear nice things there is a man in the kingdom in whom is the spirit of the Holy Ghost and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom even like unto the width of the cords in Kenya as a man in Mozambique there's a man in Zimbabwe there's a man in Zambia the Seban in Cana there's a man in London there is a man somewhere [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so don't go out there with natural force wisdom strength emit the wise ten mighty men in the city more you're outta your water because of your wisdom yeah prick know what should I do what's your wisdom what's your guy that's what shall I do what shall I see now I'm talking about the prayers of Jesus and I'm still on the first one about how Jesus asked to pray for the Holy Spirit yes and I'm showing you about the prayers for the Holy Spirit why it's so amazing now in Isaiah 11 verse 2 we see the next of the third spirit of understanding pray for the spirit of understanding because if you don't have the spirit of understanding hmm you never be deep because the Bible says that they saw us so what the seed look 11 he said the power of now the parable is this the socialist soothes the seed okay but now when he's when he sews the seed all right and it falls on the wayside ground on the rocky ground all right look eight is that it okay all right look 811 all right parable is this seed is the word of God so the the Bible says that the soy sauce the seed but these are they that fell on the rocky ground on the wayside and then be understandeth if not understand they understand that it not and because they don't understand do you get it when they don't understand the enemy is able to come into their lives and take things away from them so when you don't understand what you are claiming to be following you are a prey to the enemy now you know I used to be worried about something you know the first time for instance that we had about Benny Hinn was like 1995-96 everybody seemed to understand Benny Hinn except me I didn't understand damn T and all the topics he was preaching about and I always felt to myself that I was slow and everybody seems to understand and then they all started preaching what Benny Hinn was preaching you see the scripture that Matthew 13 he says and they understand that it not the evil one comes this is he which received seed by the way side waist side ground there are three types of ground west side rocky Tony and then way side stony and I used to feel that just now they're all oh yeah this what it means Hanina the message called the steps to the anointing I used to listen to it understand what he was saying I listened I'd understand even Rick Joyner I read his books I give it to my wife so read it explaining to me I do you understand why and at a point I felt there's something wrong with me even in class it was like that when I asked question how many I've ever asked a question people shout at you that forest you are slowing us down taking us back what is this he's just explaining it what are you talking me have you explained that before hmm now notice notice what I'm saying what I'm saying is that I used to feel that there's something wrong with me but what I realized was that when I don't understand something it does not settle in my mind in my heart and in my soul and I'm unable to share it I can't share things I don't understand you see so there's a difference of knowing something and understanding it really understanding it deeply and that is what people don't have and that is when you don't have that you are not solid on the ground do you see because I have a pretty something are a lot of things I'll be sharing even about marriage and you want to marry but you don't take time to say what is the meaning of this sentence this one you said you said something something something what does it mean you don't care what it means then you go ahead and you marry then later on you see this word Bishop we'll see you see you've understood it the hard way when you are trapped you have got another condom as a partner is a lifelong something that is for your life is anaconda because it's long so it will take a long time to take your whole life to remove the coils around you take a lot as I'm an anaconda spirit but God showed it to me in a vision sure it's anaconda it's take your life to remove it you are skipping from a mass so when I talk about anaconda instead of finding out what is anaconda it just passes by those one of the jokes it's just one of the things yes your waist size ground so you need to go deep a lot of process of try to follow loyalty the main book on loyalty I have not written it yet and when I write it I will tell you this is it yes the main book you have not written it is not even in one of my active books projects that I'm on yes I need and it shows that you do although you may think you understand loyalty you don't understand it in a certain way you can't just tell people be loyal balaiah in Jesus name be loyal it's not like that receive loyalty so the understanding of things is something you must pray for condors I talk to people I realize they don't understand what I'm saying sometimes when I finish preach and I say to myself look there is nothing I've not talked about if if if you have yes you hear everything one day I spoke to somebody the president has even live in Ghana and this place has some understanding so this fellow whoever it was said when you're talking about I know what you were talking about this I said do you know is it I say yeah they don't know what I was saying because when your understanding is deep you'll be understanding things this is this this is why this wise thing this this is connected to this disconnect and without that understanding you are not solid you are easy free the enemy looks as I said this one it doesn't understand it understand so let's go for him it can be removed it can be uprooted we can't enemy to a Judas and Judas is somebody who leaves every important thing suddenly I pray you'll never be one like like like you've been around for as long as everybody else then one day you just change you wake up and you say all that I've known I live for a small thing that's a Judas Judas is the one who walks away from and they hold up you don't see the pastors again doesn't want to see Jesus doesn't listen to Jesus doesn't listen to God only something else money or some other thing that is valuable to you you leave everything for that one day after three years of faithfulness well after all the life of ministry of fitfully it's wrong how can you become a Judas if you don't have deep roots one day Satan can come to you and show you something very important that is very important before I realize you are giving up what you've known Judas is not just like he betrayed Christ but he gave up everything suddenly one day for a small thing he gave up he didn't want to know you anymore I don't care if I don't know you I've been with all of you I don't carry with all of you but we are all together it doesn't matter it doesn't matter anymore you've not seen one before pray about it I've seen it sudden I'm off I don't need you I don't want you I don't have any more meetings don't call me for any meetings again don't call my phone though I don't want to be part of your group again you didn't watch the film you showed on Friday I don't care whether you call me don't call me don't call me don't call me I'm not part of you again I don't match you something I've changed my numbers don't call me I'm not your Facebook I'm gone of Facebook I'm not part of that I'm not on anything don't call me don't what's up me Hey I'm out of here hey after all we've been through we were in school together we did this we went here we did this we talk without meetings we do this I don't care all the meetings with I say I don't want to be in your group anymore that's Judas you never be a Judas [Applause] so one of the things that routes you down huh it's understanding yeah it makes you deep even if I shout at you you understand it he starting at me because of this even if I'm starting a G for the wrong reason you understand you know Mika I deserve slaps even the Sultan is even better yes maybe the Sultan that I got I should have even had it on another occasion it wasn't given and it came for this tank it's like playing golf sometimes the ball that should have actually gonna didn't going then another lucky one rather goes it balances things out are you still around understanding pray for the spirit of understand I'm pray for everybody I run into a bear I understand that's when you marry you see that you struggle nothing will make you understand anything deeper yeah I prefer to be with somebody was understanding than to be with somebody who doesn't understand yeah now forest as if you prosper my prosperity is only revealed to people who have understanding if you don't have a deep understand you never know you never know if God process maybe I would never show it to you understanding your lack of understanding makes you dangerous but if you understanding is deep if even looks as if I'm prospect you may even be stained to yourself look at you you should have had a hundred million times more of all this small one that you eat you always complain me when we're eating that's how you'd be thinking the way do I understand mommy is being useful monkey the word baboon the chop you understand it it's not deep because we don't even know you don't you don't have a deep understanding of what maybe you understand you only be deep when I'm dead and you see that and I'm not around they said if he was here he would have said if he was here you know if it was here you have said this but no it'd be pretty we would have known what to do you said you would have said this and this and everything would have been yes but then that's why people's value goes high when they die because a lack of understanding of what the person is doing true so I pray for you you know that no I'm not praying for you know I say pray for the spirit of our society you pray for the spirit of honesty I'm giving you the prayer topic I said well pray for the spirit of understanding and I'll show you the sign of another the most secrets you are let in - they're my shoes that you understand is true because you are safe to be around so this person is safe oh yes oh yes the most secrets are shown to you more revelations given the safer you are it means that you are you are you are you are you are received as a person of understanding one day I brought my car to church as usual I think it was then a brother came and he came to look at the car this is this is a I said I said no look at it look at someone yes pictures with where is my curved consent to you if it is cuz I wanted would have not have lined up you would have seen my convoy might over would have been packing black seven of them and a castle one Anna castle to Anika's or three anitha's Oh Papa I'm not as Alsace and acaso serving with my body Gaza my drivers wearing gloves white gloves you are worrying yourself yonder Stan is not advanced so pray pray I tell you you see you you are you do you don't know that you are unstable you don't know that you are stable because you lack understand you lack depth and latitude yes one day I was in an operation somebody was being operated on I was I was there you know then you know when you're operating usually you when you have not done an operation before you imagine that now when they cut you see all the things organs this will be here this repair then you just hold this one and you cut it off it's not like that it's like you see like meat different like if you can imagine like different meat still acts like a kind of soup with different meats intestines and all all line there and when you touch this one in black starts to come them black covers the whole place red and the blood is coming from spots I say something so I was standing there is this operation and I saw this surgeon very steady nothing moved him any passing that seemed to be happening blood is cover it's like his understanding was broad like what was happening this meets the different meats today he was very much in control you standing by the hands are steady your hands will be steady understanding yes I thought you see certain crisis setting this hour you are not bored so don't worry one day my brother sent me a message he said this is the trouble that have brought this big one he was amazed at my response it was like the blood that was coming I sent him as I said our problems can be solved I'll be there you wait for me I'm coming we solve it because when you have a wider understanding when things are happening they seem to be shaking you know that no this one can be stabilized it must be stabilized and it will be stabilized in the name of Jesus it's when you are inexperienced and you don't have a wide understanding when you see some ah you join your shot maybe louder than the person who's bringing the problem you shout louder amazing you understand and is getting deeper in Jesus name now the next one you must pray for the spirit of counsel if you will get spirit of cars when you when God answers this prayer for the spirit of counsel people start giving you good advice yes counsel is advice pray in your life that you may never have somebody to say something about something you know one of the most amazing things that I've found people who are not looking nice who are told that they are looking nice is one of the commonest difficulties and problems that I feel people who are not looking nice what tool that they are looking nice how many have seen one before you you think somebody's not looking nice and people tell the person telly you are looking nice or have you seen it before many times many so you see people are seeing it and I think in it but they are not saying it so when someone says you are looking nice the people around don't think so meanwhile they are saying that your trouser is nice but not that you are nice in the trousers listen one piece of advice can change your whole life so pray Lord spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of council spirit of advice advice that's what I don't know show me sense somebody to speak to advice to speak away let somebody advise me give me a word give me a speak aware of council spirit of counsel pray for it pray for one hour for the spirit of counsel the spirit of house only the spirit of counsel you know sometimes when I look at people what I realize that I wish I could give them it's not money but advice which are not qualified to give them because I'm not close enough to them to advise them one of the things you should ask people that already like your postures ask them please will you advise me if there is something we do tell me the truth nobody's Eliab I would he speak you'd be surprised at the answers for instance in marriage many people don't advise couples when they are having beasts problems like they're having problems they sit down and listen to them mm-hmm special fish you come up with and you know why they don't say anything because from experience after you finished quarreling and then you make up then you discuss a mouthful so that was even suggested I wish you divorce when you went there he said that this and that and that now see God himself as God himself has blessed might the God has lifted us up so black people don't say we've come for constant they look at you [Music] what he said Jesus Jesus all these the others had any videos Jesus Jesus father thank you thank you for solution thank you for answers thank you for breakthrough but it's not saying anything to me no counsel the afraid of you that's why they are not speaking tell me if I should matter I should in my I should say when I say you should in my gran tell the president he said I shouldn't marry you but God's power has better not married you another Amira he's surprised that our marriage is working then she will gradually bend your neck to leave the church yes because in Jesus name it's kind of let me pray for you Father I thank you for brick doing this man shed your power and your angels send your grace supply of the Spirit now in Jesus name Amen bless you next couple next couple come [Music] everybody pray for the spirit of counsel God is gonna give you wisdom to somebody speaking to you ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ba ba ba ba ba ba thank you Thank You Holy Spirit for your blessing in the name of Jesus amen you may be seated and then we are going to pray for the spirit of might now might is your strength to do things all right now we are stronger than we used to be God is going to make you stronger in the same thing when we were buying our church colleague oh no we did fundraising for about two years buying it two years pain pain pain 1/2 actually it was 18 months and some delays extra delays it was about 2 years but as we become stronger you know at that time almost anything even a car for the pasta will become a big thing they become a very fundraising but as God has made us stronger instead of all these things coming up as fundraising 90% of the things big things we do we don't mention them I don't mention most of the things are you helping me with the sound here guys help me with sound man glory to God now most of the things we don't we don't mention we don't even mention I can mention huge I don't say all I say is just a pad something I want you to give out just give me maybe 10% for you to understand if you it will even help you but the rest I don't say I don't even like to mention the things because I don't like Phil as I feel that maybe you also don't understand why something will cost so much you get what I'm saying yeah why would it cost so much understanding makes me not so strength has come so many things we are building buildings buildings we don't ask anybody we just use most friend more might have a crusade it's a matter of sparking class we talk about 30 trucks and cars and vans different parts of the world [Music] and we are going no fundraising occasionally like I did some fundraising this weekend occasionally I ask most of it I can explain to you we will eat this we need to buy meat we need some curry we need your strength is going to be greater than it is today for everything you see one of the things you can see as a pasta your strength is when it rains the number of people that come to check it shows your strength the strength of your church is seen by rainy day attendance yes it's raining before church and during church first love test your strength is also seen during vacation and you see that the church is finished so shows that the church is at a certain level yeah we struggled during this holiday and we rose up from the dead yes coming back alive are you there so now your strength what I think your beloved out you have to save a lot of money for some four months dear beloved we are going somewhere I have a surprise for you after four months six months at a time will come when it occurs to you sir what about today let's go already receive it today your strength may be very small you propose to my sister she says no you propose to another she says I have to pray about it you propose to another sister she says somebody else has proposed to me you propose to another sister now you are a staff sergeant you have got 4 stripes [Applause] nobody's saying yes but a day will come when more than 200 sisters will be saying Oh God has given you the spirit of mites amen amen I see you getting stronger and more powerful in everything that you are doing to travel abroad I don't pray for a visa I don't pray about it you see but for you you may fast and pray for the visa you may bring your passport for laying on of hands before you go but a day is coming when you decide to go to Singapore you just go so when you pray for the spirit of might you get stronger in every area you become stronger in your body the body stronger spirit of might makes you strong receive it in Jesus instead of saying that no brother is coming you say a lot of brothers I'm confused now [Applause] [Music] receive it in Jesus name now Lord open the eyes of the people that are this company may they find their partners around some way supply their needs and give them help meets for them in Jesus name Amen God is giving you the right person for your life those are the back one less than the other ones out in home and then the spirit of knowledge you see I'm showing about praying spirit of knowledge what don't you know that you need to know plenty isn't it Lord show me what I need to know you know I never used to think so but now I think so you know what I think you cannot be a good wife unless you know a lot of things yeah you can't I think so now I used to think that all you just flow and just be yourself once you get married just beautiful pray about it if you receive a roll one it's like somebody who doesn't do her hair she looked like a boy do you understand if you if you don't know a lot of things you can never do well yeah how to behave how to be and there's a lot of video here in the preaching you can know you have to know a lady was listening to me other company and I come she said if I had know what I'm hearing in the night and the Makani on the radio I would still be married now but I didn't know so I took him on her husband I took him on I sorted him out and he's left so many but I didn't know and I was like we didn't receive a spirit of counsel anybody would speak to me I will give me a backhand yeah I didn't know I've met many lonely ladies who told me me me if I had known I wouldn't have treated in that way and he went away but I didn't know they follow after after show after show what I have to show what I know after how to point out have to make that point yes I have to train him what did you is it better to train him one lady told me she said I was at work my husband was in another country and he came anywhere to see me at work when he came to the reception he sent I was upstairs I should come myself let him wait he waited and waited and waited and with I don't know if she even came to see him but he was this is a job I was talking to her she was all alone at home all alone all alone she said oh she confessed to say that that we had behaved but who can counsel him in those things wind was strong just training him another lady her she said she's training her husband a sane man you have to know how so when she laid the food on the table and he was sitting down to eat and she left me they know all my stories are true the one time so tell you this is a parable okay she lifted from said the place that you went to eat go back to him and eat like like he's eating somebody's food already before he came or go back and that you ask why sorrow that's why man that is how you have to you have to train him what a training [Music] pray know pray for the spirit of knowledge that lot I will know what to do how to behave what is right what is the best way one day a lady asked me a question and I'll tell you the questions questions I'll tell the question I don't know if I'll tell you the answer she said I'm not sure whether my husband is sleeping with somebody what shall I do how should i what should I do about it and I will not tell you that sir but the answer is classic if you follow that as your marriage would be beautiful but I will not tell you that handsome [Music] there are many ways yeah I said private things a private interview pray for spirit of knowledge yeah there's a way you behave you do and to be Wes times hundreds and there's another way that way is a way of wisdom you can never never tell you you see you think not I'll never tell you about I'm not going to say in this micrograph and the last period is the spirit of the fear of the Lord [Laughter] spirit of the fear of the Lord you must fear God all that you have must be afraid of God God now it's the fear the Lord in that spirit is the spirit of holiness why because it's only when you fear God that you would be afraid to do something wrong in a secret place it's only when you feel good and if you read the Bible there's a spirit of holiness Bible talks about the spirit of holiness spirit of holiness spirit of holiness if you don't fear God what is romance one for God has declared with power according to the spirit of holiness holiness is to be special to God I don't do this I've keep myself this way I keep why who is seen who knows and who cares God cares God knows oh let me just take this small part of the offering let me just think of it let me just let me just keep part of the tides now let me just do this let me just take this let me just steal this let me just behave like who cares God cares nobody may care so I mean I don't need to be I don't need be a badger when I'm getting married or the boys they don't even like virgins they like an Espeon who cares bab'aziz are not true you don't like veggies or you like veggies you prefer Belgian or non-veg imagined by you yourself are you virgins [Applause] Shh quiet who cares what are you telling little lie only God cares so it is when you don't have the spirit that favor you're not afraid of God in the secret place the spirit of holiness is in the spirit of the fear no spirit of truth it you never care about telling lies unless you have the spirit of the field below when I said this and it's not true I said this is not true if you don't have the fear of the Lord you tell lies easily when ask you oh did you come I said yes I was there you went there oh yes I've been around so you don't feel good that's why you tell lies you don't feel good that is why you would tell lies when you are preaching all the aspects of an holiness it's because you don't feel good that is why you because it's only between you and God there's nobody there only you and you get what I'm saying we are going to be doing it for the rest of our lives let's let up now because after we are getting married in four months time even don't worry even if you get pregnant we just flow with it it's like a premature baby yes when we give over the baby's premature three months [Music] it's only when you fear go that you behave try to be a good wife try to smile when you come home you should see them without smell because nobody sees that you've removed your hair you look like that whatever move your hair remove this remove everything you are changed completely your face has changed your attitude the nice flowing that you were looking in the church totally transformed into a ghost hairless boost Hellas ghost after you've given birth you have this we have this all that I'm saying I really believe what I'm saying it's only the fear of God don't do this because it's my duty I'm a Christian is the natural use of the woman and natural use of don't manage to be nice to be cheerful to be happy to be flowing deciding to be fresh the beautiful shabbiha [Applause] what am its mother [Applause] it's only when you fear God a man has picked you in his car a condition car with a man with a potbelly somebody who is far older than you and is taking you to his house at airport and you are going and so I don't know it's an uncle they don't answer and you go and you can you go and you come you go and you come it's only if you feel good that you stop those two [Music] fearing God will make you marry any that's why I married early I married was I need to marry I need it I saw that I needed I say hey Jesus I need it now in the name of Jesus sure you are not true [Music] spirit of the fear white people they don't fear God that is why they discovered Shh that's why they discover the Sun the moon and the stars and they say there's no God they find more things they want us to even change the Bible and and preach that lies our sin this is st. this is same but this one we shouldn't say anything about it how can that be it was a human right is to have a religion and to have a faith and be able to preach is a human right they go to preach what we believe in the Bible it's not it's not something we are creating I've been there for four years all of Europe and so on have propounded this gospel and have sent it to us everywhere and now you are saying that all right we should change the Bible she didn't say it let's be serious stand to your feet [Applause] [Music] now how many of y'all gonna pray for the Holy Spirit from now hey have you started praying already beautiful and you see this all from Jesus in Luke 11 verse 13 if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him the Holy Spirit your first breakthrough is from the Holy Spirit breathe into the dust and a thousand miracles how many miracles thousand related and unrelated miracles will start happening in your life every dry boon of your existence when the Holy Spirit comes on you you shall see a change every dry thing that is not working God's power gives you a great blessing and breakthrough in the name of Jesus lift your hands and thank God for His blessing father thanks thanks a million thanks for your blessing thanks for your great power we give you thanks we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we give you thanks hallowed be thy name alone hallowed be thy name hallowed be thy name o yes thank you lord thank you for your blessing thanks for your power are grateful we are glad in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen you may be seated
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 60,478
Rating: 4.8499279 out of 5
Id: qZRLL7zxo1k
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Length: 132min 33sec (7953 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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