I Mapped Out 24,987,432 Blocks To Build This In Minecraft Hardcore (E5)

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i searched this place hi and i searched this place alone you know how many blocks i found here three there have been three blocks on the end island for 11 years and that that is not acceptable [Music] hi do i did what any reasonable person would do and i put my entire overworld in the end yes literally i'm not i'm not i wish i was kidding so if you want to see how i did it stick around to the end of the video i love how i literally have a mega portal but i'm still always starving okay so i think the first step is probably to take it down to this level here and then from there we can start transforming the pillars there are 10 pillars so i'm thinking nether jungle cave badlands end city ocean mushroom ice plains and desert i think okay now it's all on the same left oh did i just look at that guy i think i just definitely looked at that guy did i yep okay we'll start with this big one and we'll go easiest first which is probably the nether the issue is i have to take a layer off of every single tower otherwise they're going to be too thick so [Music] i hate obsidian already okie dokie let's make some space shove all of this and that's actually quite a lot okay we've got that layer off let's go get some materials oh hello there you go come with me yeah yeah oh all right okay welcome to the end of your life okay we have some materials let's begin on the first tower okay so basically here i've left the netherrack because we're going to use lava instead so and one there and one there for the top we're going to use warped nylium and then we'll bone meal it and then we'll bone meal this to get a um uh there's supposed to be a tree there so oh okay so okay so yeah but no no i need i need a bigger tree like uh not that one that's what we're talking about and i'll add some of my own leaves because i'm just that kind of guy yeah that's looking good that's looking good okay some fakery well it was worth a try uh yeah so purple stained glass and fake nether portal okay now i'm gonna try and i'm gonna try and put like a like a sort of nether fortress in here sort of thing so kind of like that but i'm feeling like it maybe should come out the other side as well like a like a sort of nether fortress crossroads can't forget the fences and some loot chests there we are tower one nether done next up desert tower this one's gonna be pretty easy i think i'm just gonna theme it off of the desert temple get some of this and some of this and that is literally all we need actually before we start i just realized pains are gonna be a lot better for this yeah that works better okay and i think i think we are done well like we're done with this one i mean we've got like eight more to do or something okie dokie jungle tower let's see how we get on with these materials oh and also if i remember rightly i'm pretty sure i have an unusual amount of spawners here uh yes there we are there's one and now i'm going to take some of this mossy stone and if only i had another one around oh okay let's take some of these spiderwebs too and just start placing some stuff in a random order like this you see like this [Applause] [Music] and here i'm going to make like a little jungle dungeon [Music] yeah jungle dungeon jungle dungeon ah okay brilliant okay cool nice uh now we got this big boy over here and this is gonna be the cave tower i don't have a better name for it [Music] put some diamonds in there put some lapis in there some iron in there some redstone in there put some kalani in there and cave tower all right now we're gonna make the bridges they're gonna connect to each other from about this height and they're all going to be themed from the tower that they're connected to it's going to be this height because um well these towers over here are tiny and we can't really go above them so that's the height this is actually very annoying to make look natural i'm just gonna i'm gonna use some slabs and then some walls put some on the bottoms and there we are desert bridge yeah it does ow desert bridge okay so yeah it's not the best to walk along but it does the job so we're gonna come through here and then we're going to go uh i'm pretty sure that's actually the wrong height i'm almost certain that it's definitely the wrong height i'm going to have to that's fine it's fine we just raise it hey just okay okay they're actually scaring me now okay that's now raised to the right height let's continue and put some of this uh black stuff hey that actually looks quite good okay i think i've figured out a pretty consistent bridge design so yeah we can carry on making towers now and to finish off the cave tower we're actually gonna put a geode in here that we can walk through and put some of these sparkly things and to finish this one off let's put a lush cave like right there digging through an obsidian tower takes way longer than you'd think [Music] lush cave yeah lush cave it's actually pretty good lush cave i'm i'm surprising myself quite a lot today anyways got next like a badlands or something okay badlands tower this is gonna be interesting because yep there we go just as i thought they're just gonna keep taking these blocks aren't they okay so i'm actually gonna have to replace all of these down here [Music] bad lands more like bad tower i did my best all right let's make a bridge i need an n tower so i'm gonna take yours say goodbye to your house i guess not that i can really make fun of them i i still don't even have a house but who needs a house when you have pointless minecraft builds that you'll never use am i right i went to the ocean to collect some ocean blocks for an ocean tower but the guardian said nah sorry and gave me mining fatigue instead side note why a spoon anyway i realized i'd have to defeat them if i wanted those blocks so i went fishing which was way more dangerous than fishing ever should be but anyways introducing a puffer fish i divided this guy equally into thirds and drank him to give me underwater breathing the logic here is they can only give me mining fatigue if they're alive ocean blocks check next up i needed materials for a mooshroom and an ice tower i found a small island and took everything spoiler alert the ice tower is going to be embarrassingly simple because ice is embarrassingly simple ocean mooshroom an ice tower done now this big boy planes by him i left the biggest tower for the easiest biome i'm lazy but first something needs to happen with this tower it's just so boring it's just something like a little ice cave in here or something okay so to finish this one off i'm actually going to grab some quartz and make some quartz stairs and i think we can do something with that yeah words go words love words yeah kinda kinda looks like snow and then if we do a sort of thing like this sort of thing it kind of looks like snow cut kind of see how it kind of looks like snow no no me neither i mean there's only so much you can do with ice really okay so in here i'm gonna add like a little mine shaft and um i actually don't think that's positioned very well ah yeah now i'm gonna change the position yeah that's better [Music] okay so to finish this off i think we just need some flowers and a beehive probably i'm gonna put a beehive in there because uh apparently flowers don't grow with bone meal in the end well there's a bee where's your hive that's it just go into your hive yes no oh beehive will you behave but like but but like yes yes okay we have some flowers up here now and we're gonna put this dude right here hello are you alive i think i can hear him well listen i wish you all the best uh living in a completely different dimension okay now we've got the basic design of all of them let's build the bridges between yep all right let's do this uh uh firstly how secondly how did they do that dude these guys are up there thinking they could take some of these blocks as well but they can't it's enderman proof case you don't know enderman can only pick up the side blocks so if you make a side block a block they can't pick up they can't get them uh so but yeah bridges so i'm gonna be lazy and just put another mine shaft in here but it has a twist because it's in a different tower and it has spider webs yeah you see completely original completely original [Music] okay we've got mushroom ice and plains biome left let's speed run some bridges [Music] hey that looks kind of nice okay one more left ah these bridge haters just won't leave me alone [Music] another mine shaft [Music] there we are do you need to cut these vines down though because that looks weird moment of truth is it a perfect circle hey that's a pretty good circle that's a pretty good circle okay speaking of circles now we've got to make a circle all the way around and i'm thinking i'm thinking we'll make it out of obsidian since we have so much obsidian now it's ridiculous okay circle's looking good now we've got to uh blow this all up yeah we're gonna blow it all up that's it we're blowing everything out but we're only blowing up everything inside the circle once we've done that we can place black concrete inside it to make it look like it's deeper than it actually is and then we're gonna um uh put my whole world in the middle um yep okay i need more gunpowder because this farm's just not enough so basically what we're gonna do is just um extend it just like this yeah you see i it looks impressive but half of it doesn't work because i hate working with cats but that's okay we'll just afk for longer okay as much as i love blowing things up i don't want to block my beacon so we're going to move it up here and then start blowing up things if you're wondering why i didn't make a tnt machine it's because i am not that good at this game this is about the best i can do with redstone i only lit two of them no okay no no that's definitely blowing out okay well we've made like a dent we just need to make like 25 more dents and then i'm just really hoping it doesn't go near my towers in hindsight probably should have done this before i made those towers they're tough on the inside but on the yeah please don't on the outside they're very fragile i can't hear myself think yeah you know what from here on out i'm going to mine it by hand okay so i'm going to go down in twos like this just like that i think why do endermen always have to hang around wherever you're building okay nice that's looking good back to blowing stuff up i guess tell you what mining end stone is not easy even with haste it's just so slow so slow [Music] okay now we just gotta get rid of these loose blocks the tnt didn't explode and we're done i desperately need food okay now we're going to be replacing all of the end stone with black concrete inside of that hole we just dug and the hole's not perfect but trust me it doesn't need to be because black concrete is so black that it doesn't even you can't even see the shape it all just blends into one color the only issue i have is the recipe for black concrete is sand gravel and an ink sac so i'm gonna need a lot of squid and i'm hoping there are enough squid around here to where i don't need to make a squid farm aha our first victims okay so that's that's six six i just got six from one squid oh this is gonna be easy oh there are so many of them it's only when you stop to realize how many squids are in this game that you actually realize how many squids are in this game there are an abundance of squids in minecraft three minutes i've been looking for squid and we've almost got two sacks stacks two stacks but we've got more than two sacks okay nearly two stacks of sacks let's see how much concrete we can make out of this [Applause] let's see now i'm a man that really appreciates the sheer quantity of squids in this game and you really open your eyes to it they are everywhere so i guess the best place to get gravel is the nether right there's usually a whole bunch of yeah there we go hey gravel sand sack no okay so sand gravel sack no ah ah wait sack black died black die first sand gravel black concrete powder uh that's not no no that's not that's not what i want it's not what i need don't you aren't gonna do this are you don't do this don't okay okay so apparently we place it in water or something like this aha okay black concrete there we go look look how black that is that is black also i gotta do that with every block can i just no okay but can't i just do this no okay not gonna lie didn't foresee this as something i'd have to do hang on a second i can just place all of the black concrete powder and then just run water over it when i'm finished oh this is going to be easy catastrophe avoided okay let's see the dent that i can make with the concrete powder that we've got so far it is just so unbelievably black i mean look at this you can't even see where one block ends and another begins which is exactly what we want because then it will give the illusion that the hole is a lot deeper than it actually is i love me some fakery all right first layer done this is uh it's gonna take a while isn't it [Music] okay we placed a load of powder now let's um let's see if my water theory will work all that works like a charm and of course of course i would run out of materials there wouldn't i [Music] it's basically the plan is here that we're going to build a sphere in the center cover it with glowing item frames map out my entire world and place those maps in the item frames to literally make my entire world the kalani you can't place a 2d topographical map of minecraft on a 3d sphere that technically has four sides since they're made out of blocks that would mean that only one side would look normal and the rest would look listen i never said it was gonna be easy okay i never said it was gonna be easy [Music] all right let's let's get some item frames yeah okay so i actually already have a ton of item frames from my last video so that's good so i guess i'll just i'll just take these yeah i'm actually just gonna leave those there to despawn i have literally not even used one yet i am that good at this game okay so for a glowing item frame which by the way we need so that it doesn't glitch out because sometimes when you put maps into an item frame there's a weird lighting glitch so a glow behind that fixes that issue so sadly more squids are gonna have to die for this build and i have calculated that we are gonna need the precise amount of a whole load whole load of ghost grid sacks where are they usually a couple here i'm not seeing any okay so now i think yeah glowing item frames okay we have 14. uh that's not enough okay so my plan is to just keep flying away until more spawn and then oh man squids have got to be honestly one of the easiest uh things to farm in this game okay we have 45 let's just see how far that gets us because i'm still not entirely sure this is physically possible so let's just double check that this is possible before i really commit to this and commit mass genocide among the glowing squid community a community i would rather be on good terms with considering the fact that i have already killed a lot of other squids but the ghast community i i don't care okay we got a three by three area okay total of nine let's get nine maps put them down and work from there now as far as maps go maps are kind of expensive one compass is one map and one compass is like a whole load of iron anyways too much is the point and i'm not that rich so instead uh yeah we're gonna trap a couple cartographers and uh make them sell me maps on the cheap okay all right guys you ready for this you just hop in there there we are and okay so i'm pretty good for emeralds right now i think what uh sorry sorry what oh i see right he's picking up the uh the totems okay and he also had my lighter on okay dudes just straight up stealing from me okay this is actually not going to plan um please don't burn quite yet okay moment of truth there we are one map for one emerald brilliant now we'll just buy a whole bunch of these [Music] okay so we're gonna start from the portal as a reference point and okay this is gonna be annoying okay yeah the portal's gonna be a reference point and we're gonna work out from there so basically from the portal in every direction it's gonna be about 35 maps which is a lot um of maps okay let's start from here we're just going to go in a straight line in this direction for about 30 to 35 maps [Music] oh this is going to be complicated isn't it at least they're numbered at least at least we got that going for us [Music] all right let's see how far that gets us [Music] just placing that one row of maps took 15 minutes that is not okay okey dokey so now we're going one map to the right and doing the same thing uh i think it's this way right [Music] okay so does this see this is the hard part i don't think that's a match is it no no it's definitely not a match um and neither is that oh wait hang on a second okay all right okay i get it i understand oh this is just one massive puzzle that i should never have started what okay all right okay all right yes that works that also works okay it's you know we're getting there yeah to be honest i am getting that that feeling of massive regret right now i can i can feel the regret building i'm not sure i should have done this and there may have been a reason no one else has oh but then i see how cool it looks and then i think no definitely continue well i sure did continue that's right i continued for another six days yes six whole days of mapping and you know what getting all the materials and actually mapping out the world was the easy part the hard part was making all of the maps meet up on a 3d surface i'm not going to bore you with the details about why that doesn't work but it just doesn't all right try it for yourself and you'll see what i mean actually don't try it don't save six days of your life i mean even outside of map making i was having a hard time but i was getting there slowly but surely day by day map by map i was getting there i was actually doing it my pc was literally dying in my render distance on two chunks but i was doing it i don't understand how they even do that how to get inside the towers but it makes no sense it was at this point i had to make up my own part of the world by cloning other maps and i think i did a pretty good job considering actually i mean sure the coastline is basically a straight line but it's better than nothing right just don't look at it too hard my leather collecting strategy for the item frames was basically flying around taking it from horses because i have an unusual amount of horses where i live and i was averaging about a stack of leather every seven minutes and averaging about five frames per second but was it worth it uh yeah it was worth it look at that beauty okay so i i genuinely think that if i if i fill in this last part out my pc will actually die so my plan is i mean you ever seen those globes at school where like you know one-fourth of the globe is cut out and you can see the different layers in the center of the earth kind of kind of something like that these frames are something else yeah like that okay let's finish mapping so basically at the bottom i'm just placing like the second like the same two maps everywhere i'm just cloning the same i mean who's gonna see it it's down at the bottom okay don't judge me okay so yeah cool but also really boring let's add some oars around here and different things and then in the center i think uh maybe a geode i think that would look pretty cool like the center of the earth wow these frames are absolutely unbearable what what how did i not know that was a thing okay nice now i just need some more crystals but i'm pretty sure i took them all so we're gonna have to wait for them to grow [Music] okay cool let's add some more texture on the sides [Applause] prepare yourself for satisfaction and lag oh boy that was worth it okay there are literally just a few random maps left okay all the maps are done i don't know whether to celebrate or cry maybe a bit of both okay since we can't place any more item frames in case my pc explodes i'm gonna play some blue concrete down here and hopefully that'll blend in yeah not too bad i mean just don't look at it again don't look at it okay final touches last stretch okay we're gonna put some clouds ah fine okay i'm forced to release these sheep from captivity because there's physically not enough grass in their pen [Music] those clouds though am i right my hopes were not high with the clouds but i think they actually turned out pretty well okay i think the final thing we need to do is uh just texture the sides here because it looks a bit too clean this circle's a bit too clean for my liking and we have a load of obsidian so we might as well besides the fact we're getting two frames per second it looks pretty good okay final touches uh cleaning up everything that the enderman destroyed i really don't like enderman now that all that's left is uh to spawn the ender dragon so um yeah you seriously took the flowers okay just pop that there and uh [Music] hold up hold up whoa what's happening why why the towers by the da that's not good no okay so i'm guessing most of the map yeah yeah most of the maps are gone um stupid dragon can't even probably perch silly that's not how you put oh okay right uh it still works so i'm kidding that was a backup world i am never spawning the end of dragon ever again well we did it we literally put a world in the end and sure haters are going to say all right clint sure it looks cool but it's a bit over the top wouldn't you say i mean what practical use does it actually serve in the real world beyond mere aesthetics and i'll say back beyond mere aesthetics there is nothing beyond mere aesthetics pal yeah yeah that's what i'll say back [Music] all right see ya [Music]
Channel: Kolanii
Views: 9,131,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kolanii, hardcore, I transformed, e5, kolanii hardcore, minecraft world, Minecraft, I Put The Entire Overworld In The End In Minecraft Hardcore Mode, I transformed the end
Id: ELhflmMtq1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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