Most PAINFUL Moments in Bikini Bottom ๐Ÿ˜ต | SpongeBob

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[screaming] Hey, a splinter! Okay, well, it's been nice knowing you, but you have got to go. Now. Okay, out we go. Ugh, well, that kind of hurts. Come on! Oh, that really hurts. Oh, barnacles, this hurts! [panting in pain] Conch-shelled manatees, this is painful! [panting] [crying] Okay, you're tough, you're smart, and you're charming, but you are still no match for me! Look! A bald eagle with a mustache! Okay fine, stay. But I hope you like making Krabby Patties! Wait a minute. Did you say you got that splinter injury at work? -Yeah. -Oh, that's not good. I know, it hurts so bad. Yeah, when Mr. Krabs finds out, oh man... -Finds out what? -Finds out about this injury. You mean my splinter? He'll be forced to send you home. Home? But I'm fine. Here, let me take this for you. Why? Hey wait, I'm fine! It was a good shift while it lasted. While it lasted? What are you doing? [whimpering] What are you-- I know It's hard to say good bye. But Squidward I'm fine! I'm fine. I'm okay, look at me nothing's wrong. See? See? See? See? Oh I believe you, SpongeBob. But unfortunately, the rules clearly state that you must be sent home. No, anything but that, please Squidward, you can't let this happen! [crying] You can't let them force me away! Sorry, the rules are the rules. [crying] Please pick up please pick up please pick up! -Patrick? -Yeah? Oh, thank goodness you're there. -I got a splinter in my thumb-- -Mm hmm. I see. Well, I'm pretty booked today, but I think I can fit you in. -Thanks Patrick. -No problem. You called the right person Mr. SpongeBob. [grunting] Now, let's see where the problem's at. Hmm. Interesting. [sniffing] Uh, Patrick? Hmm. Interesting, Patrick? [mumbling and gargling] Patrick, this isn't helping. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were a doctor. I'm not. Oh but I'm sure you can figure it out with your 12 years of med school. Patrick, you didn't go to med school. -So? -Patrick I'm sorry, I really need your help. Oh no it looks like you have things under control. Please Patrick! I don't want to go home early! [crying] Okay, but we play by my rules SquareBob! Well here's your problem. But don't you worry, buddy. We're gonna make it go away. Thanks Patrick, you're a lifesaver. [screaming] There appears to be a little bit of swelling. This garbage compress should help that go down. That doesn't look good, [beeping] Yeah, but my shift is over. Call me in the morning, if you can still dial the phone. All right boy, let's see it. [whimpering] Come on, SpongeBob. It's just a little splinter! I mean how bad could it-- [groaning] Oh merciful Neptune! Okay, no problem, no problem. Problem sol-- My leg! [screaming] My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg? My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! [chuckling] That last one put my daughter through college. All right, let's get this over with. My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! My leg! Hmm, feels great! Thanks, Doc! Hello Fred. Your leg! Looks great. Stay away from my leg! SpongeBob. Oh Fred, I'm so sorry I drove that freight train on your leg! [screaming] Heh, choo choo. My leg! [siren wailing] [laughing] Flashbacks tickle. Now please go away. Oh I know, I'll protect his leg! From harm incognito, [grunting] [yelling] [gasps] [groaning] [gasps] [screaming] [panting] [groaning] [screaming] [panting] Ouch! [groaning] [panting] Hey everybody, look who's back! My leg! [whistling] This is his job? Oh no, not safe, must think! [grunting] Welcome back Fred, nice leg work. But you know, it's a lot safer if you use a table leg instead. Wow, really? [chuckling] Now Fred, I wouldn't pull your leg! Watch this. [screaming] Well, at least Fred's leg! Is safe. [groaning] All quiet on the right side. All quiet on the left side. -Sorry sir. -Cute little-- Sorry ma'am. Hey, what's going on here? Would you like to buy some cookies? Mayday chicken leg! We got a situation on the griddle, hiya! I got the weapon! [screaming] [panting] SpongeBob! Why are you following my leg? Hank, you have to listen to me, your life is in constant danger! -Isn't that so Patrick? -I think I hurt my leg. -Your what? -My leg! [screaming] [siren wailing] [trumpet playing] Look out! [laughing] Someone help that little old lady! Help yourselves, nimrods! [screaming] Did you see that? What was that? Why those are the drastic radicals, the number one practitioners of extreme sports. [sipping] Extreme what? Extreme sports. Extreme spots? That's not fair! You're already covered in extreme spots. Hold on a sec. [buzzing] [screaming] Okay, let's go meet our new heroes. [laughing] We want to join your extreme spots team. As you can see, we're also covered head to toe in the most extreme of spots. Itchy spots! [laughing] Extreme spots! [laughing] It's extreme sports, not spots. So you want to be a drastical? Let's see what you got, little dude. No problemo, I guess you just hop up like this. Hey, come back! [screaming] [screaming] [laughing] Your turn, fat boy! Hey, how'd I get up here? [screaming] [screaming] Our sports are too extreme for you dudes. Maybe we should start you two on something easier. What games do you dudes like to play? I want a clean fight. I don't want to see any trash laying around [screaming] [screaming] We give up! Fling! That was close. Not so fast, that's not fighting! Stand aside. I'll show you how it's done. Nooo, it's dry clean only! Avenge me! -Oh. -Brutal. Ollie! [growling] -Oh! -Even more brutal! Now that was extreme dudes. [laughing] Hey, where are the dress-sicles? Here they come! Ha ha! [screaming Yeah! [laughing] -Wow. -Amazing. Jellyfishing, yeah! Dudes, now we get it. These spots are way extreme! And itchy! Krabby Patty! Krabby Patty! Krabby Patty! [grumbling] All right, I am gonna-- I don't know what I'm gonna do but-- <i> โ™ช She'll be comin' on a Krabby Patty when she comes โ™ช</i> [screaming] SpongeBob, you nincompoop! You broke my face! Don't just stand there, help me! I need a doctor! Yes. I have been practicing how to flop on my back. Hiya, Squidward! I've been practicing how to flop on my back. [muffled shouting] We can't really have you in here today. I'm going to be removing Squidward's bandages and he made me swear to keep you far away from him. It has been two weeks already? Don't worry doc, I promise to stay out of the way. Okay, as long as you stay on the other side of the... [sighing] Right. [gasps] I... I... I can't believe it. -SpongeBob? -Yeah? How does it look? Great Neptune... Come on, spit it out. I can take it. Time for your medicine, Mister... Mister... Mister... Handsome! Ohhh... -What did she call me? -Handsome. -But she spelled it wrong. -Quick, hand me that mirror! What the...? Wait a second. That nurse was right. I am handsome! Squidward, you're not handsome. You're a hunk! [sniffing] Ah, there's nothing a little foaming herbal bath can't cure. Hey, my grandmother gave me that soap! Well, no one ever said it'd be easy being so handsome, Squiddy. You'll just start getting used-- [screaming] Hi, Handsome. Handsome! Handsome! Handsome! Let's get him! [screaming] [yelling] SpongeBob! You gotta help me! They stole my bubble bath! Public life ain't all it's cracked up to be. I want my old life back! Hmmm... I know just what to do. [screaming] Squidward? What have you done? You know what the Krusty Krab means to me, don't ya? And you took it upon yourself to bring all these, these customers, to me. Hey, don't worry folks, there's plenty of Squidward to go around. So everybody just line up and get your pocketbooks out, first will be a small fee of $14.98 per person, everyone will get the opportunity to touch Squidward. We don't have much time! Take the door and change me back. And I'll even throw in a free soft drink for an extra $3. Come on, SpongeBob! Take the door and smash my face back. I can't! It was one thing doing it by accident, but I can't hurt you on purpose! You better hurt me or I'm really going to hurt you! Well, okay. Now, don't hold back, SpongeBob. Just really let me have it. Just remember, Squidward, this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you. Uh, okay, let me just memori-- [slamming door] [screaming] Hey, I wasn't ready! [slamming door] Would you mind waiting 'til I-- [slamming door] Hang on. You're starting to look like your old self again. [slamming door] Nope. Still too handsome. [slamming door] It's still not working. Maybe I'm not doing it hard enough. [slamming door] Hang on a sec-- [slamming door] Let me... [slamming door] [groaning] [Heavenly music] [scream] Squidward, you're even more handsome now! [crowd cheering] And the crowd is in a frenzy. Well, SpongeBob, it was you who got me into this mess. Now you have to get me out again. I know, Squidward! I'll think of something! Huh! I just need, I just need... [In slow motion] Got me into... Squidward! Look out for that falling shoe! [screaming] [panting] [screaming] Squidward... SpongeBob? You're back! Oh, Squidward... I love you no matter how many times we smash your face. I almost wish that meant something. Babysitting! Skinny or chunky! Clean or funky! We won't get paid if your kid's mislaid! Oh, boys, right here! Oh, I could use a babysitter! Yay! [yelling] While you go out, and dance, and revel... ...We will watch your little devil! Yes! Oh, thank you! Thank you! Wait! Where's the baby? She's inside! I'm free! I'm free! [laughing] Baby! Baby? Is this the baby? Hmm? No, I- I don't think so. Huh, oh, this looks like a nice baby girl. She's nice, but she's not a baby. Wait a minute. Aww, I found the baby. [shrieking] Eek! That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen! Patrick, all babies are beautiful, even the ugly ones. And we don't know what the baby's name is. She looks like she's been in the tub too long. Let's call her Baby Prunes. What a pretty name! Little Baby Prunes. [laughing] [screaming] Who are you?! Where's lazy Mary?! The baby can talk! Help! Help! It's a robbery! Hmm, strange... There don't seem to be any baby items in here. Hmm... Okay, pills, pills, dentures, more pills, hemorrhoid cream. Happy birthday to mother on her 137th birthday. Aww. [gasps] 137th birthday?! [hyperventilating] Oh Baby Prunes isn't a baby, she's an old lady! Come on, come on! Uh, is that a puppy I hear? I didn't know they had a puppy. What is it, puppy? You wanna go out? [screaming] Oh. [barking] There you go, puppy. So long sucker! [maniacal laughing] Uh... [barking] Huh, the puppy knows baby talk too. Patrick! She's not a baby! [screaming] Where's Baby Prunes? I dunno, I just let the puppy out. That was no puppy that was an old lady! And old lady that we're responsible for! [screaming] [yelling] Cowabunga! [screaming] I'm okay! [laughing] [screaming] What are you doing? You don't have a parachute. Oh, parachutes are for babies! [maniacal laughing] Oh yeah! [groaning] [maniacal laughing] -Prunes! -Old lady prunes! Old lady baby Prune! [bell ringing] [yelling] Huh? Well, if it isn't my two babysitters! You humiliated me! -Prunes, you're alive. -And still talking baby talk. Why I oughta... [yelling] [screaming] Aww, Prunie wants to play. Nice old lady! [snoring] Aww, her boxing tuckered her out. [groaning] [humming] Aww! Shh! Ahh, another job well done. [laughing] Just what are you two ignorami doing out here? We're trying to hurt each other. Ooh! [angered mumbles] You got a sea spider on your head. It's not a sea spider, you dope! It's... my hair! Hmm... Wait a second. Hurt each other? Oh, I'm gonna enjoy seeing this. Oh-oh, no, Patrick, I'm slipping...and falling! [screaming] I didn't even break a bone! My turn! 'm losing my footing! [screaming] I've survived a deadly fall unhurt! Life insurance! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! What? I can't hear you! Hi-ya! Turn the volume up inside of your voice! I said... [screaming] Squidward, what were you yelling? I was trying to say you gotta fall from something higher. Sea spider! [screaming] Ah! My baby! [groaning] Once again, I'm asking, what are you doing? It's our final test. We're trying to get jellyfish to sting us to prove we can't get hurt. What? [gasps] Oh! Me! Me! Sting me, over here! Blast me your venom! Zap me with your pain juice! Sting me! They're the ones asking-- [screaming] Gee, Squidward. Maybe you should get some life insurance. What are you yammering about? I bought some life insurance for Patrick and myself and now we can never be hurt. Yeah! To test out the life insurance, we even built a super dangerous obstacle course across the street! We call it, "The Sushi Maker." Squidward, I think you need this more than I. I would like to present you with my life insurance policy. [screaming] Actually you better take two, since you're kind of a klutz. Better take two? Life insurance? Oh, you giblet heads! No piece of paper can protect a person from getting hurt! Yay! It works! You're untouchable! Oh, that was a coincidence! Driving's hard! [screaming] Yay! Life insurance! You are magically protected. -Woo hoo! -Woo! Oh, it was just luck! Dumb luck! Look, I'll prove it. You stand here. [groaning] Huh? Hmm? Oh. You see, Squidward? You're immune! You can't be hurt! Yeah! You are a cast-iron Squidward. Life insurance! Life insurance! Wow, I can't believe it, but you two sub-geniuses were right somehow. I can't be broken. I'm indestructible! I am shatterproof! Watch this. What goes on, boyos? Squidward is gonna try out The Sushi Maker. Why does he want to do that? Oh, don't worry, Mr. Krabs. He's got life insurance. He can't be hurt. That's not how life insurance works. It's not? Course not! Life insurance is money the beneficiary gets when a person dies. Squidward, come down! You're not invincible! Life insurance is not what you think! You were right! Oh, it was just dumb luck! Now I'm yelling too! Oh, what are those ninnies going on about now? I can't hear you! Just shut up and watch me! Nahโ”hey! Come back, Squidward! Don't do this! Would you stop shaking it?! [screaming] [screaming] [groaning] No. No. No. No! [mumbling] [grunting] [groaning] [groaning] [screaming] [grunting] [screaming] [groaning] [yelling] [groaning] Hey, guess what I learned today. Apparently a life insurance policy doesn't protect a person from injury. How about that? [groaning] [sipping] Oh yeah, this is the life. And best of all, there's no SpongeBob here to ruin it. Oh boy, surgery! And on my first day too. SpongeBob, no! What are you doing here? Nighty night Mr. Tentacles. Wait no no no! [snoring] Oh hi everybody. Hi SpongeBob! Doctor, the patient's over here, he's ready for you to begin. We're most eager to see which tool you select first. Hmm... let me see... Whoa, whoa whoa, phew. Here we go. [yawning] [ooo-ing] [ooo-ing] Okay SpongeBob, this can't be too hard, just make an incision here... oh! Son of a gun! Oh, my bad! I'll take that. A-ha! Mmm, sushi! Eww. He's really going to pieces over this nose job! [laughing] Oh... thank you! Let's try again shall we? [whistling] Order up! [applause] Whoa, that shouldn't be in there! Ooo! Hmm. [grunting] What? Oh! Ta-da! [applause] Nurse, sponge. [shrieking] Thank you, nurse. I can't see! I can't see! I wanna see! [grunting] I still can't see! [shrieking] Ta-da! [cheering] [humming] There we go, you can wake him up now, nurse. [groaning] What happened? I finished your nose job, you silly goose. Take a look. SpongeBob, you idiot! This isn't even close to what I wanted! Why didn't you say so? Oh, nurse! Wait. No, no, no, no. I want a different doctor. I- No. No. [trumpeting] No. No. No. No. No! No! No! No! No-o-o! Stop! I don't want to change my nose anymore! SpongeBob, I'll do anything, anything at- How's about the Squidward Classic? Hey, not bad. This looks even better than my old nose. Well, I did have to use a few of your other body parts to resculpt it. Oh, look at the time. I have to go to work. But you're a doctor. You're at work. No, I am just a fry cook. But it was fun playing with you guys, bye! Fry cook? [groaning] Don't be afraid, ladies. This sinus-Adonis is on the market. [shrieking] [gasps] Look what's in Sandy's bed! Looks like an over-inflated Sandy doll! I think this thing is Sandy... Hibernation must mean the opposite of beauty sleep. [snoring] I've had enough of your dastardly deeds, Dirty Dan. I'm gonna get you and your partner, Pinhead Larry or my name ain't Sheriff... Sandy... [snores] She must be dreaming about Texas outlaws. [giggling] Look out, Sandy, I'm Dirty Dan. I'm gonna catch you and throw you in jail at taxpayers' expense.' [laughing] -Uh, SpongeBob? -Huh? [growling] [roaring] [screaming] Faster, SpongeBob! She's gaining on us! Sandy! No! Stop! I warned ya, Dirty Dan, now, you've just crossed the border into Hurtville. Sandy, it's us, your friends, SpongeBob and Patrick! Please, Sandy, I can't afford dry cleaning! Gonna skin y'all and make a pair of size six... boots... [snoring] -Fun's over. -Whew. All right, pinhead, your time is up. Who are you calling pinhead? I wanna be Dirty Dan! What makes you think you can be Dirty Dan? Dirty D! I'd say I'm Dirty Dan. I'd say I'm Dirty Dan! -No! -Yes! I'd say I'm Dirty Dan, ow! I'm Dirty Dan! I'm Dirty Dan! I'm Dirty Dan! I'm Dirty Dan, uff! I'm Dirty Dan! I'm Dirty Dan, ow! <i> I'm Dirty Dan!</i> <i> I'm Dirty Dan!</i> <i> I'm Dirty Dan!</i> I'm Dirty Dan, ow! I'm Dirty Dan! [screaming] Screaming will get you-- [growling] Which one of you fellers is the real Dirty Dan? Uh, I am. [screaming] Patrick! Hot wings. Okay, pinhead Larry, now you get yours. [screaming] Pinhead! [growling] [whimpering] [growling] [whimpering] [screaming] Now you're going to pay for those crimes pinhead! Sandy, stand back! I'm warning ya. [roaring] Okay, I warned ya! Did you win? [yelling] Hi SpongeBob! [roaring] [screaming] [snoring] Okay SpongeBob, you can be Dirty Dan, I just want to be Patrick. Let's get out of here before Sandy wakes up again! Maybe we should build a fire. I got it! We'll burn the bark from Sandy's tree! <i> You're gonna be wearing an iron lung</i> <i> when I'm through with you, Pinhead!</i> The fire's not gonna happen, Patrick. I don't get it! How does Sandy survive these intense conditions every year? Maybe she just ignores it. Maybe... Maybe... Maybe it's her fur! [squeaking] Yeah! Oh, look, it's SpongeBob and Patrick! [screaming] Hey, guys! [screaming] [screaming] It's okay Sandy, squirrel pattern baldness is quite common in small mammals! SpongeBob! Patrick! Don't worry, Sandy, we've got you covered, heh. [giggles] More lemonade, boys? Thanks, Sandy. Spring sure is lovely. The Krusty Krushers! [growling] [burps] Oh, excuse me. You can do it! <i> And on the opposite side of the ring,</i> we have the undefeated champions! [grunting] [roaring burp] Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts... Did it just get dark in here? Dark?! I'm afraid of the dark. Oh, don't be afraid. It's just them. Oh, right, it's just those guys we're gonna wrestle. Hello, fellow competitors. [roaring] What was that? Hmm, that's wrestle-eese for you're dead meat. I don't get it. Hey look Patrick, it's Mr. Krabs cheering us on! Whoa! Oh, hey SpongeBob. Hey Patrick, look Patrick it's a fist. Fist? Where? Oh yeah, that's definitely a-- [cheering] [gargling] [grunting] Show them what Short Order Boy and Pink Patty can really do! Right! C'mon, Patrick, let's show these two what they're messing with. With pleasure. Let's do this! That's the million dollar winning spirit. Alright, you two, no more messing around. You see this? It's just a spatula, right? Wrong! Actually, this represents your face after I get through mangling it! [grunting] There, you see that? It's not gonna be pretty when I get done with ya. -Hey, good one, SpongeBob. -Thanks, Patrick. Now you try saying something intimidating as well. Okay, and if you think this is bad, wait till I get my hands on ya. I'm gonna, uh... I'm gonna tear ya to shreds! Like a... [grunting] [grunting] C'mon! Ah! I got a paper cut! Paper cut! Patrick, are you okay? Huh? Oh, I'm fine. I just like to suck on my hand. Really? Me too. [whimpering] Oh no, not the-- [gasps] Wow, now that's a serious Sleeper Hold. Oh, hello, Mr. Fluffy. [gibberish] [aww-ing] And it looks like the champs are ready to end it. End it?! [crowd chanting "end it!"] C'mon, c'mon, wake up! One and two and squeeze...! Oh, who am I kidding? Goodbye, money. Squeeze... Goodbye, money. [sobbing] Squeeze... -[gasps] Oh no! - The Iron Butt! [ooo-ing] [whistling] [bell ringing] Ladies and gentlemen, here are your new champions! Goodbye, mon- ... new champions?! That's right, Skip, and the winner of one million dollars! Hello, money! Woo-hoo! Money, sweet money! -Or... -Or?! You can take what's behind Curtain #2. Curtain Number 2? Make all your dreams come true with one week at Wrestle Camp! Like we're really gonna turn all this money for... Wrestle Camp! Wrestle Camp, Wrestle Camp, Wrestle Camp! Wrestle Camp it is! [vacuuming]
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 945,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus, ytao_sbsp, painful moments
Id: hI5e6yOuCew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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