50 MINUTES Of SpongeBob's Krabby Patty INVENTIONS! | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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can you imagine if they had Frozen Krabby Patties at the supermarket oh that'd be so convenient everyone in the world could enjoy them [Music] yeah that I just had that you just said before me hello welcome to my commercial would you like the convenience of a Krabby Patty at home without the hassle of going to the Krusty Krab well now you can have delicious Krabby Patties anytime and one they're in your Grocer's freezer section buy them I want your money did you get that pretty girl yes daddy and stop babying me so Mr Cooper what do you think call me Don oh well okay done with this make me Rich Mr Krabs if you want to sell zero Krabby Patties and wind up in the poor house then I say go with your commercial oh but if you really want to be rich keep your mouth shut and listen to us sir okay take a look around it's your dream come true through the wonders of automation this Factory can make as many Krabby Patties in one minute as you used to in a week take away for the future grabs smell like money oh yeah hey why does that Barrel say sand [Music] well it's imported it spells sand but it's pronounced filler hey let's check in on our taste test area [Music] this tastes kind of bad would you buy it though oh yeah for the convenience and the face of that stupid guy though I have noticed a bit of a side effect [Applause] [Music] [Applause] s he loves it twinkles crabs sales are going all the way up to the surface of the ocean here's your first check Mr Krabs I'm rich boyo Rich great can we go back to the Krusty Krab now yes yes we can hooray finally spoiled again never happened now to make my Escape aren't you gonna try and stop me that'll be 199 please what do you mean 1.99 you're not gonna step on me I've got the secret formula you know anyone can have a secret formula we sell them in the gift shop see they're all just fakes everything here is a fake yeah forget it what's the world coming to all right just give me one Frozen Krabby Patty to go yes you false shouldn't we chase after him he didn't pay oh what's the point these Frozen Krabby Patties have ruined my life Squidward that was all my idea who am I to fight The Future [Music] sand it tastes like sand not good sand either of course it does what do you think crabs uses as filler the Krabby Patties aren't made with sand they're made with love that's the taste I remember it's strange Mr Squidward what is going on in here I am animatronics Squidward I cannot answer questions Squidward it was SpongeBob's idea him and Patrick are behind this they forced me to help SpongeBob did you do all this absolutely well Patrick helped a friend always helps it's called troping and I was very fruitful but how did you get these customers to eat Krabby Patties they know they're filled with sand the frozen ones are but these are made fresh go on have a bite all right that's winner tastes just like a Krabby Patty maybe we can add them to the menu I'm not impressed I made it with leftover ingredients now I'm impressed hmm I could have sworn that sign said open [Music] or the stench of my miserably failed life [Music] yes go on why what an interesting shape are those for sale why would you like to buy one well that would depend on the price would you pay the same as what a Krabby Patty costs huh sure I suppose so how about double now you're talking Krabby Patties again ah if only there were something else hey what you got there Frank it's new tastes just like a Krabby Patty but it's shaped like a weeder well that sounds very good shape hey I like your request a winner Mr Krabs Ahoy SpongeBob how goes the wieners I was kind of wondering could we just go back to selling Krabby Patties what on Earth four crusty Doug's was your best idea ever boy I know I well I guess I sort of just missed the Krabby Patties after all they're what gave this place its name yeah good point yeah I mean don't you think [Music] Rusty dog we have gotta get rid of these wieners and bring back the Krabby Patty SpongeBob I never thought I'd be saying this but Count Me In hi [Applause] I'm Harry terrible atom a little pain I think it was that that line weiner ladies and gentlemen allow me here to introduce myself I am not a simple old-timey gentleman I came here for one purpose today so I should it didn't smell so bad but it tastes so quiet granny I'm talking oh and that is to loudly decry these modern new Pango days of winners and to bed for return to a similar time a crabby patio time I'm not really concerned about possible ill health effects how about you guys how about Nostalgia never heard of them okay that didn't work at all it only seemed to increase their appetite for winners we need stronger tactics right something that would make Mr Krab's whole wiener thing blow right up in his face yeah blow up that's it [Music] thank you beautiful your crusty dog Sir with extra mustard thanks can I bring you something else [Music] okay I guess not thank you sir [Music] yeah remember that that was oh my Neptune the Crusty dog is about to explode whoops where Wow [Music] have a nice day what's your toy oh it doesn't come with a toy what that's a rip-off I want my money back money back that's the problem here my kitty meals didn't come with a toy hmm you'd like to upgrade to the toy package is that right back and honey toys oh really then what do you call an official Krusty Krab license toy [Music] that's my purpose in life is to have you as my toy disgusting yep it's pretty special all right and it can be yours for only [Music] hey good looking [Music] thank you I love you officially licensed Krabby Patty toy no two formals I think I'll call you oh pattypal s am I interrupting oh hey Patrick have you met my new toy don't you our new toy our new toy it came from the meal that we're sharing sharing remember silly is the most wonderful feeling in the world like dead sea with a magical seahorse through an enchanted kelp Garden remember those words SpongeBob I didn't say that but I guess we can share Patty pal now can I see it again Patrick I thought we were sharing it when's my turn aren't you supposed to be working [Music] [Music] gotta go on buster hand over the toy it's my turn again [Music] Mercury said that you're off my friend list Gary [Applause] hand it over Patrick I get to play with the Paddy pal today you take it it's unfair half a day every half hour five minutes five minutes okay my final offer we trade off every second one [Music] thank you it's my turn no it's mine ladies what's all this record is about now it's our Krabby Patty toy Mr Krabs and Patrick gave it so that I couldn't play with it SpongeBob won't let me play with it only because you [Music] you should be ashamed of yourselves if I gave each of you another toy would that make you happy yes well you're in luck you two seem so thrilled with the toy I had an entire case of a maid they've been selling like hotcakes that'll be 1350 each this time it's on me Patrick that's my money have you learned nothing about sharing hey Mr Krabs what's a good word we're actually SpongeBob [Music] greetings purveyor of elongated sausage products I would love to work at your establishment well you do look enthusiastic all right kid let's see what you got so this is the kitchen this Grill is not in very good shape oh we don't use the grill we cook everything on the roller [Music] good luck kid [Music] there's something not quite right about this food but I'm not sure what it is hey where are those weenies you are weenies sir [Music] are you some kind of nut you've ruined my weenies you're fired but Mr Krabs why Mr who I mean Mr wiener just go well that was a setback [Music] hello pizza pie hole pizza man you need a fried Coke oh boy do I can you make pizza okay you probably oh that's amazing congratulations you're hired cool foreign [Music] Patty but perhaps I'll find contentment hey buddy how's the pizza coming almost gone but I did change the recipe a bit yeah no problem a few extra toppings never hurt anyone huh what if you've done you turned an innocent pizza into a pizza Patty it's an Abomination yeah of deliciousness they're fired taco man may I have a job por favor all right let's see what you can do with a burrito interesting it's some sort of burrito Patty I would like to taste it I'll give it a go [Music] [Applause] you're fired hello hmm that's odd I could have sworn I heard a knock at the door thank you Mr weenie congratulations SpongeBob you've been promoted but you just fired me that ass mustard under the bun my boy the important thing is my customers love your little sliders now get to work [Music] yes please that wiener has me chained to the grill and he really seems to be relishing it I have something to free you sauce [Music] I'm free great now you can get to micro what parmesan crusted breadstick where you going with my fry cook on hand that sponge [Music] [Music] Krabby Patty you saved me foreign [Music] yes Squidward you know I hate you right yes yes I do well I hate the smell of burning Krabby Patties even more please come back and be the fry cook again well if it's okay with you Mr Krabs oh lady I should have never let you go the Krusty Krab is falling apart without you you're a rehired boy all right now my life has purpose again you think this is mad oh wait do you see this SpongeBob Sandy what are you doing down here ah Moonlighting as a molecular gastronomist what I'm all ladder in the gasket Eugene here is paying me to science up this menu look at me in a hurry you have this special project well it's a work in progress thank you there it is your new Patty wait no you can't improve the Krabby Patty it's perfect Perfection that cannot be perfected upon yeah right maybe 200 of these Pronto there you go gentlemen two brand new patties hmm [Music] get right up and get your new improved patties I'm leaving a good review saw tasting a little bit different but they taste familiar [Music] well that wasn't familiar are you feeling okay cause there's sesame seeds growing out of your back [Music] [Music] oh what's going on oh I never should have eaten four foreign [Music] Krabby Patty zombies I'll believe it when I see it [Music] I assume hey oh so no wait I don't want me foreign [Music] [Applause] trash I'll eat Chums what happened yes yes foreign [Music] [Music] trap cleaned out what do you think we should do with all this excess Grease right behind there all right let's get out of here Mr Krabs are you sure that was legal legal yeah illegal hmm this is the most bizarre precipitation I have ever slipped and fallen in it reached but it tastes delicious darn it I almost had an idea oh I do I do have an idea [Laughter] coming dear something is terribly wrong Squidward and it's taken you this long to figure that out Plankton has had a line of customers all morning so so I'm gonna go find out what that Rascal's up to excuse me excuse me coming through what the very Plankton's new delicious chummy patties now with edible flavor clearly something crappy is going on here SpongeBob stop what you're doing I'm Mr Krabs I'm not doing anything never mind that now I got some new directions for you now from now on I want you to fry up two patties for every Krabby Patty we sell one for the Patty itself and the second just for the grease then slatter the grease from the second Patty on to the first one and for whatever I it's a deluxy Krabby Patty with extra flavor hey Mr Krabs do you think it might be kind of unhealthy to be feeding people all this green fun heavy boy didn't anyone ever tell you tell me what questions are a danger to you and a burden to [Applause] add it just what the world needed next chumster in line please [Music] delicious you're right I can't imagine what makes them taste so good [Music] oh no did somebody call the head of Inspector oh no did somebody call the health inspector did somebody call up health inspector that was me sir I just wanted to tell you that well for the past two weeks Pike then and Mr Krabs have been they've been feeding people what's going on here nothing Mr inspector I've been feeling people just a friendly competition between old for friends wow I thought I recognized this horrible stench but I thought that maybe just one of you two hadn't showered in a while um officer officer I would just like to State for the record that um this was all his idea all of it oh really well in that case you'll be happy to know I'll be ordering both your restaurants to be closed down until the two of you slime balls can clean up your act good day well I'm taking a bath I guess this is it boy the end of an era no it's not the end Mr Krabs it is unless I can find a way to get this grease soaked up wait a minute did you say soaked up oh what difference does it make you'll see [Music] thank you oh it was all a dream no it wasn't Mr Krabs I soaked up all the offending substances from the surrounding area and I'm gonna go dispose of them properly that Krusty Krab is grease free [Music] [Music] okay Mr Krabs prepare yourself don't bother sitting down cause you'll just stand up when you see this Great Barrier Reef that Penny spoiled Mr Krabs it's not tainted meat it's painted meat pretty patties available in six designer colors Mr Squidward come look don't that look appetizing good sir wait give me an orange Patty with extra purple what's next sequined milkshakes bowtie french fries foreign [Applause] behind me is screaming for bikini Bottom's newest culinary sensation let's take a listen [Applause] pretty patties it's easy to see that pretty Patty's so popular but just what is it about them that drives Bikini Bottom Feeders wild how can you make money with such a stupid idea and how can you not make money with such a brilliant idea at first we didn't know what to do with all the money we tried burying it shredding it and burning it but in the end we decided to just give it all away in line I don't believe it I gotta see this for myself hey watch it buddy I don't care how much you want your pretty Patty you're gonna have to wait in the line like the rest of us I never had a line who's number 46 853 [Music] I never had 46 853 customers here you go sir you'll stay pretty all right Mr Krabs is that you is it this great Mr Krabs the pretty patties are a big hit they sure are boy you're doing pretty well for yourself I guess you've completely forgotten the Krusty Krab no sir I haven't in fact sometimes I really miss the old days at the Krusty Krab I bet you miss Squidward and the grill and the Crow's Nest yeah yeah and you know what I miss the most Mr Krabs that tiny squeaky sound you get when you rub two pickles together you know what I mean Mr Krabs uh no yeah yes yes I do that well the Krusty Krab is only a short walk away why don't you head on down for Old Times Sake well I can't leave Mr Krabs what about the stand oh don't worry lad I'll watch the stand for you you will no I've got a better idea I'll take this old roadside stand off your hands for Keeps and in exchange I'll give you the Krusty Crab with Squidward the grill and all those squeaky pickles what did you say Mr Krabs here's the key to the Krusty Krab she's yours now thank you what should I do now Mr Krabs run to our boy she's waiting for you [Music] I can't feel my legs Mr Krabs don't worry lad I'll fix it get this to the Krusty Krab on the devil good luck dreams do come true welcome to pretty patties may I take your money we want to refund crabs you're dumped dumped God under my chairs what's wrong with you we want our money back all 46 853 of us hey where'd he go wait where's my key s [Applause] Mr Krabs never mentioned we had a night shift all right hi guys you sure are popular I come here every night come over here SpongeBob I want you to meet someone SpongeBob Krabby Patty please a crabby what we ain't got none of those hon you don't serve Krabby Patties if we got lots of other tasty beetles howling Rings sucker shakes boogers crawly fries one Great Pacific Garbage Patch you gotta try a sucker Shake Draco buddy [Applause] the hell [Applause] yeah a little different but I like it give the chef my compliments why tell them yourself sweetie come on back hey there night feeders please Berry blob fish good to know yeah I'm SpongeBob sorry dispatch alarm s oh no the midnight Rush what am I gonna do oh if only there was a fry cook in the house oh I'm a certified fry cook a sample from the daytime menu thank you quit fooling around and Coke up something edible that's impossible Krabby Patties what kind of a weird upside down place is this and no more than daytime sloth Krabby Patties aren't slobs [Music] gotta be somebody like in here no no no no no oh no oh now look at here Mac patties now you're getting the swing of it [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] ERS are loyal they won't leave for some nasty flabby Patty [Music] oh the Fabby Patty Shack is stolen on me customers get used to it crabs your Krabby Patty is old news and once I steal the flabby patty recipe your customers will be eating at the Chum Bucket who knows they won't because I I'll steal the flabby patty recipe first hey stealing recipes is my stick you haven't got a chance against me I better get that recipe way before you bet you don't then I will well now instead of competing why don't you cooperate and steal the recipe together same to you oh yeah perfect we look ridiculous nobody's gonna buy this disguise I agree this is a horrible idea see you guys are agreeing already that's the first step to cooperation [Music] okay what's your stupid plan anyway look over there a little more a little more the flabby Patty is hiring if you can get the job the recipe is yours why am I on the bottom stop whining yes hello I'm here to steal no darn I mean apply for a job [Music] your heart your first assignment memorize this recipe well I'm going on break keep an eye on the place yes the recipe is mine not so fast crabs no you don't break it give it here [Music] yeah you like that the recipe we did it we cooperated now let's see what's the flemmy that didn't miss Patty four pounds grade a love one tablespoon listening two tablespoons understanding mix ingredients thoroughly fold in warm heart sounds like a recipe for cannibalism wait a minute this isn't a recipe for patties it's a recipe for friendship you see boys this recipe is no secret but I do have a surprise I started the flabby Patty restaurant just to get you two Rascals to team up and sell the power of friendship triumphs again what you mean all the one of your new review now now crab SpongeBob has taught us important life lessons such as oh how to fall out of an airplane for instance yeah and had a comic he bludgeoned myself in fact I think it's time we repay him don't you great idea pal we're gonna teach you about teamwork get back here you should do this more often crabs be on the lookout for a man who's been passing himself off as a health inspector in order to obtain free food that's all for now maybe we ought to tell our guy about the phony imposter he is the Imposter if that imposter wants a Krabby Patty then by Neptune we'll give him one why that's the most diabolical Krabby Patty ever spawned I call it the Nasty Patty hey hurry up with that Patty hello delicious Come to Papa listen he ate it oh look at him joke did you see that boy [Music] we interrupt your laughter and other people's expense to bring you this news flash the fake inspector has been captured here is his picture if a health inspector comes to your restaurant and he's not this guy he's real that's a relief ain't Mr Krabs I'm sure our guy will understand if we just explain the situation then we can all have a good laugh about it I don't think he'll be laughing boy why sir and I mean no one can ever know about this it'll be the end of you it'll be the end of me and worst of all it'll be the end of me stop right where you are I'm afraid we're gonna have to arrest the two of you Mr Krabs I'm too young to go to jail and what would be the charges for not being at the Krusty Krab to whip us up a couple of delicious Krabby Patties hahaha put that muddy shovel in the trunk and we'll give you a ride back SpongeBob listen carefully we're just getting a lift back to the Krusty Krab I need you to stay calm and don't lose your cool understand can I lose my cool now why [Music] [Music] ha 86 those patties crabs we just got a call about two ghouls bearing a stiff over by Shallow Grave Road I want a soda here's your soda always a pleasure to serve the folks in blue well goodbye now hey there's no ice I'll get it myself ice is in the freezer there is no ice there's never been any ice ice it's just a mess step aside you people act like you've committed a murder okay I confess SpongeBob killed him what you can't pin this whole rap on me he was insane out of control he would have killed me too if you hadn't come along put him down now is that what you think what are you two talking about squiggs killed the health inspector buried him and then stuffed his body in the freezer you mean in here [Music] it's empty is this some kind of a joke hey maybe he turned into a zombie and walked out hey you guys not you zombie I'll take it from here here hey zombie good police work officer Nancy not a zombie he's just an ordinary health inspector you're being hit again I'd like to present you with this hey Mr Krabs look we passed the inspection oh sorry sir we're closing Krusty Krab how can I help you pizza of course we have pizza ah Mr delivery squid will bring it right over Mr Krab we don't serve pizza [Music] we don't deliver we don't deliver but you do can't you just get SpongeBob to do it great idea take him with you that's not what I had in mind backing up wow you're backed up and you know what I think we're out of gas and you know what else we're in the middle of nowhere and you know what else else I think the pizza's getting cold and the pizza's cold oh the pizza's cold not the pizza oh how can it get any worse well we can still deliver it on foot me [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] I heard in times of hardship the Pioneers would eat coral all right no maybe it wasn't Coral maybe it was sand no no mud give me the pizza wait I remember now it was Coral give it to me no we promised it's for the customer you're right it's for the customer yeah maybe we better check on it make sure it's okay well just a peek okay a time no I think I saw something nope I was wrong looks okay sure is a fine looking pizza yeah what's that is yeah [Music] foreign wait a second I know what you're trying to do Squidward I'm not letting you eat the pizza give me that pizza no come here SpongeBob get away get back here SpongeBob give me that pizza I can't wait to see the look on our customers face thank you congratulations sir your Krabby Patty pizza is here wow wow thanks I've been dying for one of these where's my drink what drink my drink my diet Dr kelp don't tell me you forgot my drink you didn't order anything how am I supposed to eat this pizza without my drink didn't you ever one stick of the customer you call yourself a delivery boy well I ain't buying sponge [Music] sponge it's okay sponge foreign [Music] look I told your little friend I ain't paying for that wow this one's on the did he change his mind he shorted ate the whole thing in one bite take me home are you kidding we have just enough time to make it back to work [Applause]
Channel: Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe
Views: 9,330,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, NCU, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Star Trek, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Jimmy Neutron, inventions, krabby patty, ytao_sbsp
Id: pbL0e1LEwgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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