The Craziest Transformations of the Smurfs!😱 β€’ Full Episodes β€’ The Smurfs

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[Music] ah all right smurfs gather around today we have work to do on the bridge so why don't you all get started and i'll be along in a few minutes [Music] where are you going oh uh i'll uh get back to work now like everyone else yes papa smurf oh he's purse hey wear me out hello hefty how's it going oh fine of a smurf uh could you test me a shovel here you go oh that's mine [Music] [Applause] you papa smurf don't you just love it i picked the color all by myself with your eyes open or closed very humorous papa smurf i always say that papa smurf is a very humorous birth indeed [Music] [Applause] my nerves can't take much more of this lazy smurf go out in the forest and cut some logs lots of logs and move it why aren't these smurfs easier to live with they're driving me star craving smurfy oh my first log [Music] shoot by always [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] that lazy smurf sure is taking his sweet time coming back he's probably loafing on the job office in fact never mind brady just go find him yes papa smirk lazy where are [Music] but he's all purple and all he says is good nap lazy's always talking about a nap like this yeah this is terrible they see must have been bitten by a purple fly a purple vine oh there he is good nap give me afternoon he's headed for the village catch him this way barely a hundred years old and i can't remember what the cure was [Music] i must find the proper formula to help poor lacey ow a purple smurf bit me he he you're ready [Music] before it's too late [Music] wake up smurfs i think i found the cure but to test it we must catch up purple smurf it will be dangerous the purples are contagious are there any volunteers okay let's split up and search every bush hey i found one [Music] oh [Music] hey i captured one single smart fiddly oh rainy i had no idea you were so brave ah it was the map nothing okay let's get started handy here's his tail [Music] he's still purple quickly untie him and put him in bed or smurf yeah it's not to ruin your appetite [Music] this is a disaster i must find another remedy smurfs i hope this ointment will do the trick but once again i'll need volunteers too oh so that's it you you and you are elected now smurf to it yes prophet smith [Music] good job smurfs now by the oil [Music] smurfs none of my remedies have worked and time is running out 15 smurfs are infected now ow and these are 16. 17 must be cured before we become extinct our last hope is to capture the dreaded purple fly perhaps we can learn from it while the cure is go and boot smurfy [Music] oh no another one oh we caught the purple fly we got it [Music] hey put me down [Music] i find everything and nothing works i'll just needed a two bros flower and go get some rest [Applause] [Music] eureka it turned blue that's the remedy food rose pollen quickly first gather all the two rose flowers you can find and smurf to it [Music] good works first the pollen is ready when you run out refill from this jar oh [Music] ready [Music] what happened [Music] don't give up smurfs [Music] [Music] spurfs where are you great smurf i'm the only one left and i'm out of pollen i must get more from the left [Music] [Music] oh no all is lost the spurs will be no more [Music] work yard [Music] oh what a welcome sight you all are never again i complain about my dear little smurfs i love you all just as you are [Music] i must find those miserable little smurfs as real find them and rid the forest of their nasty rotten wretched little blue hides once and for all [Music] [Applause] [Music] if this creation of my sheer genius works as it sure does real i'll be able to find those horrible little smurfs with no problem it's ready as real now i'll find out exactly where those smurfs are show me oh magic crystal ball where to find the most miserable creatures of all what's this no no no no i mean the smurfs their village but where are the smurfs [Music] [Music] i hate smurf days i wish i wish i could fly to a new world no smurf has ever seen [Music] anything in the whole wide world to be [Music] [Music] i'm not flying [Music] yeah well just keep on laughing because i'm gonna fly to the stores yet [Music] stop [Music] i hate rooms [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and another smurfy landing just wait don't see i'll swirl to the stars someday i think i can make a pair of wings oh no i don't smurf either oh boy oh boy oh boy at this rate i'll never get to the [Music] stars are you out of your smurf dreamy that mean terrible old asriel nearly had you for lunch as real where where say are you all right you look slightly bananas to me my smurf they wish a fly to the stars will never come true oh i'll never smurf to the stars never ever ever ever see i wish i could help dreamy [Music] i can feel it the smurfs are almost [Laughter] [Music] my crystal ball [Music] ah my crystal ball it's safe it's safe [Music] excuse me this is a smurf boy astro smurf announces the unveiling of his new flying ship all smurfs are invited to watch his smurfy wish come true when he smurfs off to the stars [Music] well it's a very smurfy flying ship astro smurf but how does it work metal power papa smurf pedals turn the propeller which lifts the ship into the air and smurfs me to the stars hey spakes wait i predict it will never work never never never oh smess up your face me no brainy well good luck castro smurf have a safe trip goodbye [Music] yep this is a real nice breeze yeah this is real wait a minute i hate nice creases [Music] [Music] his little blue heart is broken [Music] astro smurf has hits his wagon to a smurf and he'll never be happy until he can fly to the stars but alas that can never be but that was his smurf they wish oh yeah and all smurf day wishes come true don't they papa smurf yes that's been the way of the smurfs for as long as i can remember which is exactly 543 years right papa smurf up a smurf we have to do something to make his wish come true yes and i have an idea that might work you really think my shirt will work now papa smurf andy smurf checked it over and fixed everything that was wrong and i can smurf for the stars right now yes but first you must take the special raspberry that will give you strength on your long journey the propeller is turning quick stand up the small clouds and start rocking the ship tell me clumsy where were you when brains were handed out where was i uh gee uh i don't know maybe i was with you huh [Music] what's going on oh [Music] it stopped he's asleep the raspberry potion worked hurry get astral smith out of there and let's take the ship apart [Music] the flying ship is all apart baba smith what do we do with the pieces tomorrow we take them to a secret spot whose whereabouts only i smurf oh [Music] i love secret spots [Music] add four grains of euphoria with the boiling juice of the mandrake root now to try it out [Music] don't they look good enough to eat come on we won't lose them this time is it much further papa smurf not fall off oh my how much further about the smell [Music] is it much further papa smurf yes it is but there's nothing more volcano papa smurf and you always said volcano smurf fire and smoke and all kinds of terrible and nasty things true true but this volcano is extinct oh of course extinction come on let's get this smurf on the road we have work to do [Music] those miserable rotten disgusting smurfs crossed here as we all look at their revolting little footprints come on they're within a grasp now come on israel [Music] oh you miserable how dare you oh one of these days has rehearsed i'm i'm going to turn you into a cat for a pillow [Music] why do we have to smurf our brains up while sleeping astro smurf here sleeps this is for the smurfs [Music] wait a second roughly you know what's green red yellow with big eyes wrong teeth no what i don't know either but it's growing up your hair yeah i hate bugs show me your magic crystal ball where are the most disgusting creatures of all so they're inside your volcano that's not far from here and it's the perfect spot to finally put an end to those miserable little creatures [Laughter] when astral smurf weakens you'll think he's on another planet and we want to be ready so that's why i smurf this magical potion that will turn us all into spoofs swoons uh what's this roof papa smurf i'll show you come see [Music] where am i oh i'm on another planet this is [Music] oh yeah and look at him he really thinks he's on another planet yeah boy is he dumb i wonder where he was when the beans were handed out that means clumsy brains oh yeah well that's what i meant green brain yeah yeah i wonder if anyone lives here [Applause] [Music] say uh could you unlock my shorts first that would be nice where are you coming from from a planet called earth grandparents swoop your friend or fall oh big friend then we have council meeting and consider this stay here oh i wonder what you're gonna do to me [Music] excuse me we're almost there as all we're almost there [Music] we better kill papa yeah and is he gonna be mad smurf we have reached a decision we decide you are friend welcome to planet swoof thanks grandpa's wolf repair feast to other astro smurf yay [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you sleep soon need plenty strength to fly back to home planet tomorrow oh but i'm never gonna fly back to earth i want to stay here forever forever but you must go [Music] mustn't see him or he'll know he's still on earth but that's only half our worries astro smurf likes that planet so much he wants to stay here forever i must think of a plan i know they're nearby austria i can smell them i can feel them let me see what's this those aren't smurfs but i think he's about to feel a bit under the weather [Music] my crystal ball it's destroyed now i'll never find the swift [Music] slimy lizard tongues my seat is burnt to a crisp i'm soaking wet and my crystal ball is shattered what else can go wrong [Applause] get off my face who you mangy bag of fur let's get out of here [Music] now to become spoof you must prove courage and skill okay but what do i have to swerve after we spin you around you must move spear right into that bull's eye white bull's eye i can't see a thing it is the way of this woof [Music] [Applause] [Music] test astrid smurf you must climb pool i'm smart taller in my time [Music] uh yeah that's right a zillion years i hate greased poles here i am huh he's a smurf hello this bowl isn't even greased it's a grease [Music] lazy was gonna do it you must know swim across me okay i'm a good swimmer carrying that rock that rock but that's not so smartly impossible [Music] [Music] no i was just i'm wasting you want to be swoof you swim across the lake with rock huh oh this is gonna be easy it's floaty no wonder [Music] it's pumice stone there is one final test after smurf i'm ready you must prove you can live horse life of swoofs you must cook all meals wash dishes sweet clean and scrub and you must kneel and respect before every swoof you meet and kiss this beautiful thing but and all you can eat is wild grassy no matter how happy you are and no holidays including smooth moss and saints wolfenstein's day so you must do all these things to be spoof well on second thought uh maybe i better be surfing back to earth [Music] [Music] he's asleep a raspberry potion's working again we'd better smurf to it oh goody there is nothing like a smurf nothing in the world i hate this how much farther pop smurf oh smurf up [Music] three cheers [Music] [Music] i was feeling homesick so i came back you're not thinking of going away again are you well the thought of flying to other planets is tempting but i'll never be as happy as i am here there's no place like home [Music] this is papa smurf's handiwork but he'll pay for it he'll play double [Music] ah look at my little smurfs work once a year the juicy green scene there is sprout and today's the day oh i just love zing berries don't you vanity frankly smurfette the green clashes with my eyes if only i had a few more hands all you need is a few more muscles see oh gosh this is really exciting huh my wildest dream come true a giant sing berry i saw it first it's mine it's mine [Music] [Music] this frog is asking for our help huh [Music] he says that beneath this pile of warts [Music] lies a prince [Music] an evil wizard turned him into a frog and he has been wandering the forest ever since looking for a cure to make matters worse the spell becomes irreversible after three days and today is the third day come come my friend we must go to toadstool ravine and through a rare wart loss potus then you'll be a prince again smurf good care of the village while we're gone rub it rub it rub it river [Music] papa smurf he can solve any problem hey this one back to the village is a rotten smurf [Music] oh if only i was papa smurf i'd set those smurfs straight i'd cure hefty of his rudeness clumsy in his clumsiness i'd make every smurf perfect like me that's it that's exactly what i'll do [Music] [Applause] while papa smurfs away i'll just use his lab when papa smurf comes back and sees what i've done he'll make me a hero [Music] now just two pinches of rare stinkweed powder and i'll be finished oh smurf it's empty oh well i'll just use some of this instead [Music] oh so noble of course to die for lack of stinkweed i'll bet gargamel has plenty of stinkweed but i can't borrow from him or can i hey [Music] oh you're always in the way i'm sorry brainy let me help you up these smurfs will never change unless i change them [Music] duty calls and i brainy smurf must answer even if it means going to dark mill [Music] thank you [Music] wouldn't you know gargamel would have plenty of stinkweed yeah yeah i'll get you rid of smith are we i'll get all of you i will i will [Music] hey i smell smurfs [Music] what's this dear gargamel i needed stinkweed powder to cure the smurfs of what ails them i'm leaving smurf berries as payment signed brainy smurf smurf berries yeah [Music] this should lead me straight to the smurf village this is so easy otherwise i almost feel guilty it's just like falling off a lot oh no i know smurfs will pay for this and pay dearly [Music] you see austria the difference between smurfs and us is we use our heads ouch your step these smurfs leave tricky trails [Music] he thought he could escape through that sumac sumac but but i'm allergic to sumac [Music] the smurf village can't be much farther asleep it's it's simply gone oh we're almost there i i can feel it oh curses he must have run out i hate smurfs i hate them i hate them wait if he's lost all the stinkweed he'll need more and that means the thieving little smurf will be back again come i have a plan well if it's a cure for smurf's brain he wants then that's what we live in yes something to cure them is everything including breathing [Music] [Music] we won't have a chance audrey hey [Music] with a potion that sticks in their craw i'm the slyest horniest downright orniest wizard you ever saw i mean sour crafty and cruel and make them sick in the wink of an eye and sneeze in your cough and you'll really cry [Music] why i'll give upset tummies to those blue little dummies with a potion that sticks in their craw i'm the slyest thorniest downright orniest wizard you ever saw i mean sour crafty and cruel and make them sick in the wink of an eye can you cough and you'll really cry [Music] hey brady what you cutting the funny bag only the cure for all your problems see papa smurf will be proud of what i'm about to do for all spur of kind uh but brainy there's nothing in there huh go ahead and laugh i'll prove what a great smurf i am you just wait and see [Music] here he comes real here he comes just as i knew he would [Music] pure for all illnesses why this is worth a ton of nasty old stink weed but it smells even worse [Music] all right who's going to be the first just one spoonful of greenies cure-all and you'll feel like a new smurf but guys brainy i never felt better in my life and i never smelled anything worse in my life yeah you can keep it right [Applause] [Music] you look awfully hungry yeah well why don't you ring the lunch bell and i'll stir the soup for you geez thanks brainy someday don't thank me for this hey save some for me they're gonna thank me for this oh all of a sudden i don't feel so good yeah neither do i [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] i guess smurfs of a feather flock together oh if only papa smurf was here but if he was he'd never forgive me oh smurf is me there's no one to turn to except gargamel [Music] what is it a smurf keep out go away you're sickly i'm not sickly i'm brainy and i need your help my help he's delirious azrael the disease has affected his mind oh i know i shouldn't have taken your cure all but i was desperate now all the smurfs are sick only my sick must not have been strong enough oh you poor little smurf come in come in and i'll see what i can do for you i might have a patient which could cure your smile oh that's wonderful that's the butt on one condition it will only work if i go to the smurf village and administer it personally you come to the village oh i i could never allow that well then goodbye and good luck and try to make your smurfs last few hours comfortable way way if i took you to the village would you promise not to do anything bad i may do some despicable rotten things from time to time but even i would never kick a smurf when he's down and to prove it i'll go blindfolded that way the location of your village will remain a secret well okay oh i hope none of my fellow wizards see me like this but in the end i'll get everything i so richly deserve ouch [Music] is it much farther not far now get off me this instant is it much farther now uh no we'll take a shortcut through this sumac sumac but i'm allergic to sumac is it much farther now [Music] here we are oh thank heaven for small famers see they all think they're bird no not birds are more like sitting ducks [Music] [Music] you little acorn brain [Music] come chicago my little bird lane homecome where are you papa i haven't tried this formula in over 100 years so keep your fingers crossed [Music] oh [Music] again [Music] like i always say if at first you don't succeed it's smurf smurf again all magical powers and trust your face and soon you'll return to your natural state [Music] like i always say if at first you don't succeed smurf spurf again and again and again rainy what's wrong oh papa smurf it's terrible it's horrible oh [Music] it's all right rainy this is the prince who used to be a frog and if there's ever any way i can repay you smurfs oh there is there is get gargamel out of our village gargamel i'll handle the nave which way to your village straight ahead prince [Music] run austria [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm stop you scoundrel no no no stay away from me [Music] get ready rainy here he comes [Music] [Music] [Music] i won't leave empty-handed [Music] okay i'm going i'm going and never show your face here at again i got some of you rotten smurfs and in a moment your healthy worries will be over get away from me you're sick sick sick [Music] why me [Music] [Applause] the remedy is nearly finished i'm sorry i caused so much trouble papa smurf but i wanted to be a great problem solver like you greeny you can't become a great anything overnight it takes time and hard work to smurf how to do things right here this should have you all first will help in no time [Music] hey i'm blue again i feel smurfy [Applause] in this time of celebration let us remember those less fortunate than ourselves with this get well poem to gargamel and asriel sorry you aren't feeling well accept this get well wish we sinned and enjoy the taste of your own medicine [Music] oh um [Music] oh my oh my so much to do it's a woman's work is never done true yes yes i know oh neo my i must hurry all the leaves in the forest must be red by halloween and there's hardly time time time time where does it go spent too much of it already on summer yes yes i know oh well can't you see i'm hurrying well [Music] that's right that's right now place it 90 degrees to center right that's right [Music] imagine having a birthday on halloween oh wow what is it it's a surprise yeah yeah yeah oh boy oh i wonder what i should have noticed smurf me ah jokey isn't it wonderful that your birthday is on halloween [Music] not many smurfs are as lucky as i am papa smurf i bet there's nobody else in the whole forest nobody else in the whole world that has a birthday on halloween will jokey there is at least one person birthdays who needs birthdays having a birthday on halloween is stupid stupid can't imagine what mummy was thinking of well there'll be no party here never has been never will be halloween birthdays and you think those rotten smurfs will be having a party ouch stupid fly to think those little blue beasts will be celebrating and giving thanks for a good harvest it's enough to make me throw up i'll harvest them i'll harvest the little blue heads right off [Music] stop all that happiness out there do you hear stop it oh well perhaps mummy will send some hard raisins she did last year and one for gravy [Music] [Laughter] oh i just love halloween don't you harold i'm so looking forward to frightening the little children maybe they'll cry oh they get such a good scare sometimes it takes years for the little deers to get over it some of them never get over it yes my pets soon soon we shall fly across the hallowed moon and swoop down on the sleeping villages let them hand out their garlic let them say their prayers let them do what they like but there is no warding off hunger for the witch [Music] lazy smurf take jokey's card out into the forest and see if you can find some red leaves for decorations yes papa smurf hurry soon it will be time for jokey's birthday party yes papa smurf as i have been saying papa smurf lazy's lack of a sense of social responsibility is appalling i was telling smurfette just the other day that papa smurf goodbye save journey [Music] oh i do hate to see them go oh well they'll be back [Music] lovely there [Music] oh my darlings you look so lovely just the way you are but time matches on you know sleep my little one sleep until next year oh these miserable corns now what some imbecile child looking for a halloween treat i'll give them a treat i'll give them a good wrap on the knuckles with my stick [Music] well what have we here someone remembered my birthday after all let's see now who could it be from uh mummy godfather perhaps ah i wonder happy birthday [Applause] humiliate me will they i'll give you a halloween i'll give you a present oh gosh there isn't a red leaf in sight [Music] all this work has made me sleepy wow maybe a little nap maybe when i wake up the leaves will be red you worthless cat letting him get away you'll go without for that failure ah here we are i'll show those rotten scuffs mark my birthday will they i'll show them they'll never forget this halloween they'll never forget it [Music] oh i love this spot [Music] what hey hey what's going on here i'm all red oh dear oh dear what happened where i had that what will you see i oh look at me look at me oh i'm so sorry really do something can you do something well i'd like to but you see autumn cannot wait you know oh change me back to blue well i can't make you blue with a red wand oh my i don't even own a blue wand what color have you got well there's a red obviously as white as yellow is green how about green blue oh you poor dear you've got to do something right now well i can't do anything now i have work to do autumn cannot wait for the time lights things just so you can't undo me a red wand is a red one do you know and perhaps when i'm finished perhaps this winter and maybe next spring at the latest you just run along home and wait for me i shall be too long but first things first you know this is horrible look at me i can't go home again they'll laugh at me we wish you a happy birthday we wish you a happy birthday we wish you a happy birthday and halloween too yay open your presents i will i will but first everybody open your presents yeah i have the wall in alphabetical order start i cannot believe that a group of perfectly sane smurfs can be such fools [Music] oh gee jokey it sure is nice of you to give me a present on your birthday yep it sure is [Music] gee boy what a day this is my second present [Music] i'll share mine with you baby smurf [Music] that's me [Music] has anybody seen racing i sent him together autumn leaves hours ago it's not like lazy to miss a party hmm [Music] weenie winnie give smurfs pain weenie winnie let it rain rain oh well who cares maybe it'll wash the red off one thing for sure i'm not going home looking like this [Music] i'm never going home looking like this [Music] curses it's not supposed to rain on halloween none of my charts predicted rain something is wrong something is very wrong i hate rain it never rains on halloween it never rains on a smurf's birthday oh papa smurf do you think lazy's all right out this storm i suppose you think i overdid it harder you fool bird can't you see we're losing altitude i knew i should have taken the broom [Music] well i guess i overdid it asriel yeah [Music] don't laugh it's bad enough oh i'm so embarrassed [Music] what's going on up there who is that it's me oh come out what are you doing up there you ugly old crone [Music] crown nice weather we're having a fine example of my superior magic don't you think oh you did this you're the reason i'm missing halloween you spoiled all hallows eve why why just despite those stupid smurfs don't you realize i spent an entire year getting ready for this one night don't you realize if i don't make my rounds the little children might even be disappointed that they like being frightened so you see father time the poor little creature is all red i just don't know what to do he's so ashamed you'll probably miss jokie's birthday party you are well aware time cannot be turned back the idea is unthinkable my own fault really i should have looked before i zapped oh there must be something we can do nothing now father the least you can do is try to go back in time mother this is a serious matter more than serious it just isn't done perhaps you could go back and get my other ones mother i have more important things to do than fetch ones there's a jar of snuff berry jam in the cupboard there it is [Music] well well well what have we here a red smurf a red smurf well what have you got to say for yourself eh i wonder how it happened i wonder if this condition changes the chemical composition he's mine anyway do you suppose one red smurf is the equivalent of six blue ones i saw him first no no no no he's mine mine hefty you take a group to gargamel's and see if he's there yes papa smurf smurfette organize a group and go with me we'll search the forest yes papa smurf and the rest of you yes put away those umbrellas yes mama smurf [Music] my dear hoga why don't we work this out like reasonable people if you don't give him to me i'll turn you into a toad we could share what's cher we could each make use of him oh let's cut him in half good uh i think where will we do it your place are mine well obviously your bird is in no condition to fly and it's too far to walk besides my corns are acting up i don't trust you just kidding me i found him i have him i'll turn you into a toad you don't have your wand lazy lazy lazy [Music] he's not here ah mother you do make fine jam [Music] there it's done how beautiful now i must hurry and tell dear papa smurf about poor little lazy who i do wish by the time would reconsider [Music] oh hurry up i can't stand it [Music] what do we do i don't know i hate i don't know and lazy smurf is red [Music] amazing hurry my smurfs time is short please he's in great danger [Music] oh papa smurf here's the wagon i can't believe it can you believe he's asleep what's going on they're going to saw lazy in half oh no they're not this idea is ridiculous what's ridiculous about it well i've been thinking uh a red smurf is such a rarity i can think of so many possibilities dried for instance he might make a wonderful chili powder and how do we know that he's a smurf at all i've never seen a red smurf oh get on with it [Music] we must do something empty the blanket [Music] i tell you how that this is a mistake if nothing else we can hold him for ransom it is only a matter of time before the blue smurfs show up get on with it [Music] gargamel give me that song listen to me you old crone this smurf whatever his color is worth more as one than he is do i refuse to carry out your imbecilic idea look a smurf oh another [Music] gotcha [Laughter] hurry hurry oh will you [Music] listen lazy don't feel so bad red green purple who cares it's being a smurf that counts as i said to papa smart brainy please mother nature meant no heart lazy she ruined my halloween no she didn't look at it this way now you don't need a costume maybe being red has some compensations you haven't even considered yet like brainy but you must help him mother there's nothing i can do but one little smurf surely you can do something really father you make the simplest thing sound so are you sure you have enough to eat there's a lot more jam more jam yes more jam mother you are very persuasive um just this once i'll do it oh father you are a wonder red one white wand green and yellow change not the world just one little fellow look at it this way maybe it's a blessing in disguise i mean papa smurf what's going on here oh i don't know papa smurf he was just sitting there when suddenly i hate surgery me again i'm blue yay thank you mother nature wherever you are and happy halloween just in time for the party [Music] we wish you a happy birthday we wish you a happy birthday we wish you a happy birthday and halloween [Music] oh are we all done jeffy because if we are i sure could use a nap [Music] hey farmer see if you can get any work out of that swerve for nothing lazy smurf [Music] hello farmer you start gathering nuts lazy meanwhile i'll be pinned in my fields work work work how will it ever [Music] always lying down on the job lazy slutter come back with my wash [Music] getting so a smurf can't get any sleep around here a pinch of this and a dash of fat brainy i have to step out for a minute and i'm trusting you to make sure my potion doesn't burn oh you can count on me papa smurf no job is too difficult for brainy smurf no ocean watching requires great concentration so here you go [Music] yeah how can i concentrate with that going on [Music] lazy smurf oh he's dozing off you'll never get ahead that way i for instance am watching papa's first potion to make sure it doesn't burn oh no thank goodness papa didn't see this oh oh um uh uh sorry papa smurf it wasn't my fault see lady was never find the excuses you just burned up the last of my elmwood leaves now i'll have to get more and i'll help no thanks brady you've helped enough for one day my little smurfs i am off to smurf swamp to gather elmwood leaves stay out of trouble while i'm gone [Applause] [Music] how do you like that lazy smurf while we work he sleeps yeah and causes trouble i hate trouble say how'd you like to smurf lazy a lesson you'll never forget i'm listening yeah weightless yeah okay first thing we do is [Music] then it's almost time for supper huh what a mess and where is every smurf my bad it's my face what's going on [Music] what happened to you how are you i'm lazy lazy smurf no no impossible while lazy smurf disappeared over 300 years ago 300 years boy that was some nap who's the youngster smurfette why it's lazy smurf and where might you've been all these years lazy oh uh asleep i guess here lazy a welcome back surprise oh i guess we're just too old to work yeah too all like us that's why we're glad you're here lazy yeah now you can do the chores we can't do anymore like chop wood and work the fields and make lots of goodies well i can't do all that with papa smurf above his mouth didn't we tell you papa smurf is gone [Music] oh how awful but don't worry smurfs i'll help you all i can oh thanks lazy yeah thanks uh you're welcome i think is the life handy i'll say oh lazy that could you bring me another drink yeah it's not coming as long as you're up lazy could you turn my face they're all so heavy [Music] and bring me another fly supply i have a backache you know and clean my mirror and switch my floor and sharpen and fix this wheel if i'd known i'd be smurfing this hard i'd have slept another 100 years i can't do this another day if only papa smurf was still around he'd have a spell to fix everything of course that's it let's see uh you spell a young younger youngest perfect if i can just be awake long enough i'm so tired no if i don't get these smurfs back to normal i'll never get [Music] now for the last ingredient i sure hope it works i'm so tired it worked it worked and just in time i'm hungry [Applause] where is our breakfast crazy here you are smurfs dig in i don't know what they are but anything blue can't be all bad [Applause] any second now they'll change back to their normal young self weird but good you're not smurfing yeah weird but good for the mind i hate weird eat it all or no dessert any second now yes real good but not as good as the old days you don't mind if we rest our old bones while you clean up do you uh no of course not oh i give up maybe i'll wake up in the lobby a bad dream hey can a so that's it it was all a trick they weren't really old but now they're really young [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold it this is no time to play we have big problems uh you old party smurfer you're no fun come on smurfs we'll find someone else to play with [Applause] [Music] this time i will not fail i am creating a spell to bring those vile little smurfs right to my doorstep this is very delicate work i must have absolute silence it's ruined you whoever you are out there you'll pay for this hi mister [Music] wanna play with us play why of course come right in [Music] oh this is awful but wait if they weren't really old to begin with then papa smurf still alive hello my little smurfs i'm back little smurfs what's this hmm something strange is going on great something very strange is going on some smurf has made a youth potion oh this could be very dangerous i'd better prepare an antidote and go find him [Music] you find him anywhere lazy smurf what's going on [Music] the most terrible thing has happened to all the smurfs and gargamels gargamels i was afraid of this hurry feathers as fast as you can [Music] we want to play something else now yeah it's getting warm in here that's because it's almost time for dinner my dinner rock-a-bye little smurfs in my favorite stew pot as soon you'll all be blue fondue and then i'll serve you all up a heart we're too late papa smurf not yet if i can get inside with this aging potion we can still save them but i'll need your help my help ah-ha by doing what you do best [Applause] quiet smurfs should be steamed not heard what's that another smurf and bigger than the rest oh this must be my lucky day you're just in time to join us for dinner smurf watch closely now the secret is in the seasoning wait what is this stuff [Applause] what's happening to me look at me asriel i i've grown old before my time clear ooh i hate smurfs oh how i hate them and i hope this has been a lesson to you all we're sorry papa smear no more tricks for us and no more being lazy for me after all if we're gonna smurf the better world we all have to smurf together right [Music] i don't like the look of this vanity the river's rising much too fast i've never seen the river this early i can barely see myself in it spring is very early this year the dam can't hold the early runoff what was that papa smurf it's just what i was afraid of run in flank handy and hurry the dam must be strengthened at once yes papa smurf i hope the news from mount surf is good otherwise the entire smurf village may be under water [Music] my cold is worse i should be home with my nice warm bed what about me what if something important happens while i'm gone papa smurf may need my expert help will you two stop complaining papa smurf sent us to check on how deep the snow is and that's just what we're gonna do [Music] yes perfect you need we have to go up there yes here brainy you can check the snow depth when we reach the top well this should be the place if we can find the marker rock we'll know we're in the right place to measure the depth of the snow really yes that's it that's marker rock why is it so tiny this year it's usually six bursts tall go ahead brainy see if the snow is deep but then the red mark on the marking sticks very well i can assure you the snow is exactly as deep as it's supposed to be for this time of year oh brainy are you all right pal get me out of here sickly i need your help ladies thank you but actually i never really needed any brady assistance you all right well actually i could use a little assistance this is awful you're telling me i forgot my hot water bottle no i mean there's too much snow for this time of year if it all melts under this hot sun the river will overflow the dam will break and the village will be destroyed the first thing you must do in a situation like this is to remain calm it is only by remaining calm hey wait for me i call it a greenhouse it'll grow food even when the weather's cold outside where there's fine handy handy leaves you with a damn right away he said it was an emergency coming papa smurf coming i brainy smurf a most accomplished skier past sickly smurf as if you were standing still right here i for one am sorry to see spring come so early this year i hardly had time to show off my unsurpassed skills as a mountaineer what's happening we should come to the bottom of the hill soon oh the first flowers of spring oh i've never seen flowers like these before or have i we don't have time to pick flowers smurfette papa smurf is fragrant [Music] who is papa smurf i don't know come on youtube papa smurf is waiting there's that name again let's go i wonder who that who i is hurry my little smurfs the water's rising fast that's the last one papa smurf very good handy open the skate [Music] even with a gate open the dam can't take much more weight i don't understand it without the snow report i can't decide if the village needs to be evacuated they should be back by now [Music] my cold is getting worse hey this way the village is this way do you know what he's talking about no but whatever it is it seems to be important i wonder who he is kabob are you sure you wouldn't like some of these beautiful flowers no flowers i'm allergic to flowers [Music] i think he likes us hey [Music] faster faster the water rises much higher the dam will go there you are what about the snowpack well snowpack i forget what the snowpack that's no pack the one you were supposed to check well the cell pack is but papa smurf needs to know thanks needs to know who needs to know and what does he need to know [Music] it's the snowpack but the smurf needs to know about that and one for you and one for you and one for you what a smurfy thing i wonder what it's for i know boy i sure am hungry i wonder what i like to eat me too let's see what's in this box was it good i think so who are all these little blue creatures oh i don't know who you are but you sure are a handsome devil papa smurf purple [Music] i wonder what's wrong with that little fella with a coal who cares let's sing just as i feared if this made the dam will collapse in exactly one hour i must evacuate the village at once [Music] sickly the snowpack how deep was it there's something wrong with that [Music] the other smurfs [Music] amazing why have you smurf stop work on the dam oh what damn what smurfs oh papa's birth i was trying to smurfette maybe you can tell me what's going on i don't know i forget would you like a flower now what did mother nature say about this flower [Music] what was it who was it who am i it's papa smurf the snow packets it's too deep [Music] what village what what danger smurf said mother nature ward where how [Music] oh my that sounds like one of the little smurfs of nature oh dear what is it little one oh oh mother nature oh you've gotta help them there tell mother nature all about it well it all started with papa smurf sent me to mount smurf to check the snowpack because the river was rising too fast and the dam was about to break and then smurf it and brady felt these yellow flowers that made them forget yellow flowers forget oh dear me i forgot all about those terrible little forget-me flowers well they've caused me trouble for the last time a sudden cold spell will cure our woes freeze the river and chill our toes [Music] thank you mother nature oh i better hurry back to the village i told father time that spring was coming too early this year maybe next time he listened to me [Music] what's going on i hate snow greeny how did we get here i don't know smurfette but let me take a calculated guess now as i recall forget it brainy where am i oh there i am oh the first flowers of spring and now they're gone i have a feeling mother nature thinks it's for a better smurfette now i better check the dam maybe this cold weather will freeze the water and save the village the water has stopped rising the village is saved [Music] i think i am catching cold i see uh thank you sickly here here yeah here's the smurf noodle soup yeah time for you to get it bet too greedy mustn't let your coal get any birth take it from a smurf that knows oh sickly could you bring me some smurf noodle soup please [Music] well i'll sure be glad with everyone else as well then it'll be my turn to be sick again all right smurfs make sure you pick just the right ones well there's only one way to be really sure happy [Music] that's good but not perfect a few more weeks maybe really more picking and less tasting see clumsy and grouchy have the right idea i hate going up and going down no at this rate we'll never get out of here [Music] we're surfing this is our last bush hey we missed these two better see if they're right [Music] yo [Music] [Applause] miserable cat [Applause] [Music] gonna be surprised i'll turn you into fur lined earmuffs keep going they're still after us faster austrian faster i think [Music] [Music] if i were 10 years younger i could catch those little blue wretches [Music] smurfs what happened oh gargamel and azrael chases papa smurf but we escaped lucky for them too i want to flatten them but unlucky for us we lost all our smurf berries service you right carelessness causes accidents to the victor belongs to smurf berries i was only trying to cheer you up i have just the thing to cheer you all up [Music] is more fun besides i [Music] enjoy yourselves i have errands to run bye bye hmm that papa smurf sure is nice he does so much for us i wish we could smurf something nice for him yes i wonder what he'd like i know i've seen a list of his favorite things oh yeah where in one of papa smurf's book come on i'll show you i hate lists but i love papa smurf this is it no no wait uh it's this one no maybe it's that one oh i knew this was a waste of time uh yeah a waste of time i'm not so smurfly positive this is it my favorite thing it's papa smurf's handwriting all right good work clumsy you found the list well i was just getting to it let's see simple song poetry pretty pictures fragrant flowers and fresh for salad with tea mushrooms oh i'll pick some salad and i'll make a salad we'll help pretty and i'll supervise because papa smurf always says a troop without a leader is like a ship without a rudder and leaders are hey wait for me [Music] well we have everything but cave mushrooms and we've smurfed every cave there must be another cave around here no no papa smurf always says that fools rush in with smurfs fear to tread and you can fool some of the smurfs some of the time but not all of them [Music] well i i guess papa smurf was wow look at all these mushrooms and look over here oh what a smurfy bomb and that's pretty flowers [Music] did you see that he drank that water and made him young again oh what a wonderful present for papa smurf [Music] this is my pond and you are trespassers it's a troll hey put a puppy down down how is that [Laughter] [Music] no one takes water from my pond without leaving a nice present well that's perfectly understandable so we'll just be moving along and uh this is a good present no that's papa smurf it is mine now give it back you you now take your water right the water but not too much hurry it up hefty what do you want i wanted to give you a surprise [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right pass it on [Music] what are you trying to do wake up papa smurf now get this stuff put away here let me smurf you a hand empty oh thanks papa smurf papa smurf isn't it late to be working so hard my little smurfs will take those papa smurf no no no every smurf must pull his old weight by the way what's in these sacks it's a surprise he means supplies papa smurf phew i'm a bit thirsty oh here pops oh never mind this old stuff papa smurf we'll get you some fresh water no no this is fine [Music] well i'm going back to bed i'm not as young as i used to be you soon will be oh goodness the water didn't work that troll cheated us and now he has papa smurf's book too why is papa smurf going to be mad when he finds out well let's give him all his surprises then he can't be mad no i wouldn't bet on that everybody ready [Music] here he comes one two three [Music] [Applause] oh my the water did work but he drank too much oh dear what have we done we're in big trouble without papa smurf to lead us [Music] wow what a great way to play smurf ball oh boy that's all papa smurf wants to do i'm sure that if i talk to papa smurf hey why the long faces we have a big problem papa smurf and you're okay stand on one foot and go like this come on smurfs it's fun let's humor them until we can think of what to do [Music] back to normal i could find a formula in papa smurf's lab well anything's worth a try i told you i'd find it youth reversing formula c volume 29 hey it's gone uh oh that's the one that your troll took then we'll just have to get it back go can i come too huh can i can i sorry papa smurf you're too young exactly my feelings young papa's first year needs to be watched and i'm just the smurf for the job oh i don't know what's worse brainy leaving you here or taking you with us but taking me with you is much worse does this mean i can stay yeah but clumsy's gonna keep an eye on you keeping an eye on papa smurf [Music] looking after young papa smurf can't be as dangerous as facing that terrible troll [Music] when i grow up i'm really gonna learn to smurf magic [Music] you should stay outside papa smurf because young smurf shouldn't okay okay let's move [Music] a thousand why can't you count to a thousand um uh of course no you can't yes i can i'll show you you young whipper smurfer one two three four five six seven [Music] now to find the other smurfs 58 59 60. uh brainy a little pop of smurfs running off into no fair helping me clumsy 61 62. a brainy uh what if papa smurf gets lost he's supposed to get lost and i'm supposed to find him we're playing hide and seek and now you've made me lose my account oh gee sorry one two three four 5 6 7. [Music] [Applause] [Music] there he is he's asleep ah he doesn't scare me oh dear it must be around you somewhere is this what you're looking for that book belongs to me now and soon you will belong to me [Music] you can't escape oh my right oh please let us go mr troll no one leaves unless i get a gift but we didn't bring anything i did no you can't pull a troll twice would i and it's such a smurfy surprise too but if you don't want it give me the president i love surprises [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no don't look at me it's gonna take real magic to outsmurf that troll again pop is the only one who smurfs magic or dead we don't know any other magicians but we do know a wizard how good to be on the briny surf away from forest and stinking smurf i hope i catch a big fat fish for it will make a tasty dish [Music] hmm any smurfs pass by here hmm maybe i won't go hungry after all smurfs did you say yes hey are you a troll a troll oh no no no no i'm a nice friendly wizard really boy you're sure ugly enough to be a troll why you austria get him [Music] don't let him escape go hey you're not a nice wizard stop you miserable smurf i gotcha come back here don't let him get away stop him there he goes oh i hope i never see another smurf again yeah [Music] oh gargamel oh more smurfs go away i'm getting too old to chase you vile little pests anymore but gargamel we've found just what you need and what might that be we know where there's a pond of water that makes you young yeah you you found the fountain of youth yes and we'll show you where it is if you promise to get our book back from the troll who lives there but how do i know that there's a fountain of youth where's your proof proof well hi guys one time no smurf [Music] hey that's the middle wizard who chased me [Music] this is papa smurf and your story is true hey what do you think you're looking at put me down next time smurf on someone your own side all right i'll get your precious book back just lead me to that fountain of youth [Music] palms right through bear and so's the troll well he's no match for my wizardry wait here i'll get your book back but he didn't even ask where the book was hidden you can't trust him any smurf can see that you're right papa smurf but he might help us in spite of himself come on [Music] no sign of the file troll this is going to be easy [Applause] no one takes my water without giving me a gift about a gift oh yeah of course of course i have one some place uh in here ah here it is [Music] soon vile troll you will be a harmless toad [Music] [Applause] if something went wrong i'll turn you into a gentle butterfly [Music] boy what a dumb wizard he is that's why we ask for his help come on let's get the [Music] okay you asked for it [Music] there that showed him [Applause] oh dear we're still not tall enough maybe a puppet smurf stands on your shoulder smurfette papa's [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he's gaining [Music] one as we go one [Music] quickly quickly one one [Music] so you see papa smurf we only wanted to make you a little younger yeah it was a surprise but now you're so young that you can't lead us anymore you mean when i get older i'll be leader of the smurfs the one and only up a smurf well then what are we waiting for [Music] hmm he's sure been in there a long time i just hope he knows what he's doing oh dear papa smurf are you all right papa smurf hello my my little smurfs oh papa smurf it's so good to have you old again [Applause] well uh [Music] 999 1000 ready or not here i come uh brainy uh papa smurfs right over i told you not to give me any hints where he's hiding might as well give up papa smurf no smurf outsmarts brainy voila these new smurf traps should snare those miserable little vile blue boobs as we head [Music] come on let's check the other traps [Music] that's a high one [Music] oh thanks gargamel gargamel [Music] sometimes berries [Music] don't worry azrael i have traps everywhere they can't escape [Music] don't just sit there you idiot get me down gargamel stepped into one of his own traps he really stuck his foot in it this time yeah yeah come on let's get back to the village and tell papa smurf oh this is mortifying mortifying how will i ever get down those miserable smurfs they'll pay for this [Music] no i can't stand it hasn't yet i can't i can't i can't oh i hate those snaps [Music] i must seek the advice of madame trilby she detests me she hates me she loathes me think gargamel flee i've got it oh i'm brilliant brilliant brilliant i know it's in here somewhere [Music] ah here it is my genuine cut glass imitation ruby i'll buy madame trilby services with this fake ruby she'll never know the difference as we head faster we're still a long long way from madame trilby's onward onward [Music] there it is austria madame trilbys keep your fingers crossed [Music] gargamel you wretched wizard what are you doing here you know i load and despise everything you stand for but madame trilby i need [Music] madame trilby i have come to ask you the very sight of you makes me ill now go away this will make her change her mind [Music] now that i have your attention i perhaps oh the pain oh the humiliation oh madame trilby i have a proposition you may find very interesting i'm listening if you help me catch those miserable smurfs the ruby is yours smurfs hmm very well gargamel i'll help you this magic flute will bring you the smurfs that's amazing absorb [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see when you play these magic flutes tonight the smurfs will sleepwalk out of their village into the forest and into your grimy little hands ah tonight the smurfs will pay the piper [Music] oh my all that harvesting certainly is hard on my peaches and smurfberry complexion i'm so tired i could sleep for a week well i always say brains over brawn is the never mind i'm too tired i'm even too tired to eat good night sloppy nighty night vanity good night rainy night smurfette good night papa smurf this flute better live up to expectations asriel or madame trilby will pay dearly ah look smurf berries that means smurfs can't be too far away well we shall see [Music] [Music] that must be those miserable smurfs come as well at last we can find their rotten village what in smurf [Music] clumsy oh papa smurf what are you doing out here in the smurf of the night huh i don't know what are you doing out here what happened here the village my lad oh my beautiful flowers they're all ruined who could have done such a terrible thing yay my beautiful pants oh there are ruined ruined oh no how can this be who is responsible for this savage attack upon my art peter what did you do to my foot and my head me what did you do to my masterpiece i didn't do anything to your masterpiece i just woke up and found my foot yellow and my head red wait wait my little smurfs there must be a reasonable explanation for all of tonight's strange events i think we're getting closer as we all i can feel it i can smell it smurf berries we're right back where we started no village and no smurfs i've been swindled this flute is magical it's a fake a fake a fake a fake are you suggesting that i traded you a fake flutes oh no oh well actually this flute works perfectly you just needed practice oh well of course then i'll practice until it's perfect say wretched wizard but painter i didn't put my foot in your paint and i didn't soak my head in it either you did too did not i'll do the two there two three [Music] a miserable smurf i think my black is changing motherhood at least here in the beauty and the quiet of the forest i can be alone i'm not quite alone there miserable smurf you'll have plenty of company it works asriel the flute works i'm going to smurf painter a piece of my mind when i find him me too oh what a horrible music that must have been harmony even harmony doesn't play that bad i've got you wild smurfs so my rotten little smurfs we meet again you're mean and nasty and terrible and horrible guy you know well you say the nicest thing smurfette but tonight i shall have all the smurfs under my power yeah good night sloppy good night vanity good night greedy good night papa smurf perhaps tonight i can smurf to the bottom of these strange events [Music] what is that awful music huh greedy where are you going and where are you going jokey jokey smurf why aren't you asleep i smurf he is asleep jokey wake up wake up he's sleepwalking it must be that music and i think i know who the musician is i must wait my little spurs [Music] this should wake them up from their trances [Music] what's this well i can't let it go to waste hey what's smurfing on what am i doing here listen my little smurfs you have all been sleepwalking to the tune of a magic flute hater andy and smurfette have already disappeared i suspect gargamel's behind this but we must make sure hefty lazy and jokey come with me we'll follow the music and whatever you do do not fall asleep yes papa smurf [Music] the music is smurfing from just up ahead be careful my little smurfs [Music] there they are paint your handy and smurf that must be in that sack even great musicians need to rest asriel so you give me a fake movie will you [Music] perhaps this will teach you not to give imitation rubies to madame grilby well now that is music to my ears [Music] at last my invention is complete only one thing remains the final test [Music] not to worry not to worry first the violet [Music] ah so far so good now the green excellent excellent now just a little drop of blue and i'm the richest wizard in the world come on come on don't just sit there do something yes yes yes yes [Music] yes do you know what this means austrian do you know what this means i'm rich rich do you hear me now i don't have to catch six months to make gold i only have to catch one and run him through my duplicating machine [Music] as fast as you can oh let's play a game i hate games i think that's an excellent idea smurfette as papa smurf always says playing games is a smurfy way to exercise the mind i hate exercise i suggest a rousing game of pin the tail on the smurf not bad that's no fun uh i always lose how about bobbing for smurf berries i know a smurfy game we haven't played in weeks hide and go smurf yes murphy rainey you're it i'm always it smurf tag i'm it ring around the smurf berry bush ain't it hide and go smurf i'm it hmm i must be particularly talented in that area smurf 1000 suburb 2000 smurf 3000 smurf 4 thousand summer 5000 smurfs 6 000 for 7 000. i hope you didn't find me till bedtime smurf 9000 smurf 10 000. oh gosh where can i hide alley halley's person free she thanks him this shouldn't take long uh since i have uh no idea where i am i think it would be safe to assume i'm lost you're not lost i found you don't worry my little blue gold mine after my treatment you will be as good as ever six times as good now comes magic time first the purple now for the green [Music] and now my babbling blue friend in just a second or two my gargamel the great will be able to take base metal and turn it into gold gold gold oh gargamel you are so foolish everyone knows you have to have six smurfs to make gold quite right and thanks to my little invention here in a few moments there will be six smurfs six why that's plain impossible if there's one thing i know i know it can't be done at least i didn't think so [Music] yes what's all the excitement about oh papa smurf i'm so worried we can't smurf raining anywhere he might be lost in the forest or hurt no no my little smurfs i'm sure there's nothing to worry about he's probably still out smurfing for you but papa smurf we've been hiding for so long even brainy could have found us well we'll simply have to look for him oh i'll fry a few and pickle a few and serve a few real code then i'll toast a few and roast the few and boil the rest for gold hey well we better try to escape papa smurf always says i know what papa smurf always says i know better than you do quiet quiet you little monsters or i might feed five of you to us please and make six more of you oh now where was i oh yes yes a dash of ground toenail troll a touch of pre-digested bats milk just a pinch of powdered unicorn hoof let me see how much was it of the sea serpent slime a jug fall a junk food good job a jackfarm you despicable little blue loud mouths look what you made me do it's supposed to be a thimble full now i'll have to get more we were only trying to help well i wasn't neither was i silence you insects asriel keep an eye on these smurfs and if you so much as touch one of them i'll turn you into a doormat i suggest we try to bend the bars after all i think a more scientific approach is called for as handy smurf always says with a keen mind and the right tool anything is possible let's make a run for it this way now that way anyway rainy where are you rainy hmm rainey has been gone so long even i'm beginning to get worried here he is papa smurf oh thank goodness brainy where have oh bubba i smurf rainy [Music] oh my so gargamel is going to get some more sea serpent slime yes papa smurf well it's a smurfy thing for you that you escaped now you'll just have to see what my book has to say about this situation i suggest you separate go stay with six different smurfs while i work on this smurf application problem i think you should be more careful you are really doing it all wrong oh if i could make one small suggestion you really should let me do it after all i am an expert and one should always accept really good advice as papa smurf always says we can't go on meeting like this [Music] i have gone over all my books and i still cannot solve the problem of the six brainies [Music] i know how you all feel we have too many brainies i hate too many bradys i will have to study gargamel's formula and since i know the smurf application machine is there i'm going to have to take all six brainies with me hey we believe immediately there is no time to lose oh blast those horrible little smurfs i always get so seasick out here ah what a stroke of luck good luck in fact usually whatever you find sea serpent slime there's sure to be a sea serpent i must read gargamel's list of ingredients to find the antidote well that shouldn't be too as we are [Music] cargino certainly is a sloppy fellow i'm not sure i can read the whole formula hmm there is no missing ingredient the secret to reversing the process is to multiply the ingredients by six and run you through the machine backwards i should have known one must not overlook the obvious we're ready papa smurf say when whenever you're oh wait just a minute my little uh brainies there may be a slight draw back to my plan running the machine backwards may also cause it to blow up [Music] but it will only explode if too much dragon's breath is added i wasn't scared oh i knew it all the time me too i quiet now babies i'm starting the machine maybe we should get off and help papa smurf no britney i think i have a better idea get ready ah we're starting to like each other i don't know if we can [Music] it's nice to see you in one piece again and serve your real code and i'll toast a few and roast the view and boil the rest for gold hey i have a dazzliel see soap and slime it's papa smurf oh nice of you to visit papa smurf now i can make 12 smurfs and have twice as much gold [Music] what have you done you stupid excuse for a cat we let them escape oh i could kick myself oh one second thought or should i say third thought with six of me it would be six times easier to catch smurfs we would only have to catch one a piece why not make a hundred of me a thousand [Laughter] just think of it a world full of me what a world it would be if you don't foul it up if i don't foul it up you've never done anything right yet well that will all change now you have to be very careful with this dragon's breath i know that you minnie who do you think invented this you have to add exactly the right amount one measure teaspoon exactly [Music] i'll never dabble in duplication again one explosion like this is enough oh no and as i said to papa smurf there is a great lesson to be learned from all of this yes brady being faced by several brainies must have taught you a great deal about yourself oh indeed papa smurf it has taught me that one brainy smurf is not nearly enough to go around while with more of me alone again [Music]
Channel: The Smurfs β€’ Official Channel!
Views: 857,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smurfs, smurf, peyo, 3D Smurf movie, Johan, Pirlouit, Les Schtroumpfs, official, episodes, The Smurfs, Official, Video, Episode, King Smurf, Jokey Smurf, Smurfette, Sorcerer, Magical, Meanie, Couloured, Glasses, medecine, king, jokey, sorcerer, gargamel, animation, children, entertainment, smurfen, imps, child, baby, cartoon, movie, violetta
Id: kFUliCyBjEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 16sec (8476 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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