Looney Tunes 1941-1955 | Classic Compilation 1 | Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Porky Pig | Chuck Jones

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[Music] eighth man DVD here two classics [Music] [Music] [Music] yup [Music] it saw the sign of the old-world Alva its suppor what gets the blame a while Larissa has all the gravy now ain't that herbal I can shine [Music] autonomously when you hear return it will be exactly 6:45 on one quarter may I present you with this little token of our esteem for me not you Shane don't you see Oh going-away present [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's all your fun Liberty [Music] hello I want you to oh is that you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mr. Smith a whole mess of Messerschmitts [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] this one you duck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my hometown dad everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I guess I'll drift down to the old sugar ball and scout the old gang okay okay [Music] Oh all drowsy [Music] hello amazing hello hazel what hello Jerry what's wrong anyway everybody everything seems different Oh wonder what my old GI buddies are doing it if I wanna really don't say it don't even think it you're too smart Ralphy boy gotta light and besides I'm here to help you you ain't got no more troubles your oldest now I just happen to have [Music] let's get some sense into that boyish head of yours now well first thing you gotta do is ignore this joker he's in the pain of you know who all we want is the facts man facts a affects you buster the average civilian in your age bracket owns a month you may fire when ready grizzly [Music] need i say more that's over a hundred bucks difference [Music] plus family allowances of course and automatic raises and foreign service pay and promotions sure sure but look what you gotta do for all that go slosh around in a mud all day and you can pick your career before you reenlist reenlist are you nuts we ain't really listening nothing yeah we don't want to look like no toy soldier look at these civilian clothes shopping [Music] we gotta work our way through school nights study be a big shot [Music] while in service of course don't be taken in kid we'll get ourselves a good job two weeks vacation every year it could all like mossy log [Music] in the army that is so what who wants to live in a barracks all your life [Music] stick with me kid we'll live in luxury [Music] government-insured course okay wise guy retirement [Music] in the Army or don't listen to us will spike uranium in your backyard we can invent something dehydrated water just add water and with that fat bonus to [Music] [Music] [Music] this is John McGraw Jew airman first class at blissful smile on John's face is because John has reached the end of his first hitch and John is getting up he is now contemplating the advantages that all civilians take for granted like a solid-gold jaga lakh a penthouse overlooking the river a good job and a beautiful life [Music] and um that's the signal to me wife wife no cares have I to grieve me no pretty little coil to deceive me oh here it comes the message as we go rollin iMac rollin Oh name is Grogan technical gremlin voice class yeah yeah I know and you're here to show me why I should reenlist about all the multitudinous advantages accruing to the reenlist II look Buster I don't know what all a trick sarcasm is about but I'm getting out of this pants Air Force capital o capital u capital T oh hey you gettin out too wait that's different let's pick up our discharge papers together buddy are you kidding why the minute they start talking to you you'll go all soft and sign up again but I shan't sit out honest I've been dreaming about getting out ever since I got in all these guys are the same push all this while blue yonder pushovers I don't know why I'm so soft headed but I guess I gotta breathe this character so he won't be a patsy and get talked back in these GI magic wands always fouled up [Music] Leyna later [Music] now in the voice thing they're gonna try to do they're gonna try to tell you how much better off you'll be staying in the Air Force okay just for the record let's take a look that's you and that's your reenlistment paycheck Airmen voice blasts four years service 137 bucks and 59 cents a month and this is what the average veteran of your age is owning in civilian life two hundred and fifty three bucks and forty seven cents that's a hundred and fifteen dollars and eighty eight cents more than you make Mac why that's an outrage that's of course to be perfectly fair and a civilian does have to make certain minor deductions from his paycheck that you don't like food lodging clothes higher income taxes medical and dental bills and life insurance they're minor deductions like that there well it's only a hundred and ninety-seven bucks a month only another thing I forgot to mention was that idea man can increase the size of his check by us in your aney advancement in rank allowances overseas duty and flying duty and as much as six times your monthly base pay for your first re-enlistment but the civilian still makes more money sure sure in any way the money isn't the important thing is it Grogan it's the job that counts brother you are so right there today we find John McGraw to apprentice Belfast winder happily at work hey Magda you are hey they are again okay so you're a little lonely that's natural too bad they don't have service clubs for civilians but Wow look at him fancy duds not like pride in your appearance oh yeah I don't know Grogan it just doesn't seem quite what I want to do look pal you can't back out now right well now where do you take a retirement do you realize that as a civilian you can look forward to retiring at the age of 65 with a cool 85 bucks coming in from Social Security every month yeah well in the Air Force I can retire when I'm 38 you draw down a hundred and thirty-seven bucks a month for the rest of my life what are you a has-been asutton where do they get off retiring you at 38 it's an imposition some imposition okay I decide I don't want to be imposed on I decide I'm gonna stay in another 10 years till I'm 48 then they really impose on you 229 dollars a month and in Grogan I've already got four years done well you can retire on that kind of dough as a civilian - oh absolutely all I gotta do is I gotta save up about 90,000 bucks and put it out at 3% interest a cinch all right yeah I know I know you save 60 bucks a week for 30 years okay okay so it's ridiculous I'll admit there's a few good things about the Air Force like 30-day paid vacations and medical expenses and a 10,000 buck insurance policy thrown in and family allowances and housing you know something else Mack us guys in the airforce know more than anybody else in a whole world how to keep these beautiful crates flying okay okay I've been briefed enough let's get going yeah I guess we both know what you want to do now right right look Buster if you think you can get by in the air force without Lee you got yourself another thing coming [Music] you [Music] get a load of this folks this is here a constant menace to pilots are the gremlins who wrecked planes with their diable Oh Sabbath teddy gremlins Oh murder gremlin what a fairy tale little man oh brother [Music] watch are the hub of these blockbuster dongs don't go off unless you hit them just right yeah yeah hey Mac let me take a whack [Music] hey do you think [Music] [Music] [Music] which way did he go charge which way did he go that way well gee thanks a lot George thanks a lot what's the letter bunny rabbit speak to me why don't you say something Oh mommy train a half years old [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] sorry folks we ran out of gas yeah you know how it is with easy god you [Music] [Music] Hey Joe Joe yes Sam take a look at today's timetable only one of these trains can get through to Washington 44 is a single track you know yeah but Sam aren't the American people on board to win the war special well all of it a few records you see that's which Joe you've got the side track to the fetus limited I'm just the guy that can do it Sam look Joe you can if you don't fall asleep at the switch like you did in November of 1942 asleep don't worry about me they'll have to knock me out [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened who are you not at all let her talk glad you dropped him a boy fans you dropped it Big D control s a driver Sam's been overworking go right down high production pressure relax now relax [Music] let's talk this over according to the papers you're on the wrong track judge here that they'll win the war special is our own strike that's a lie we're out to win the war [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gonna show everybody [Music] Joe this allows you to sleep again [Music] any party after long Joe business is entitled to a fair profit during this war but wages have to be frozen Joe the workers are making too much money for their own board and prices very much [Music] wait so there's a better way [Music] [Music] mind if I smoke down suppose you watch my smoke for a change oh wait Florence in Washington [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] soldier all aboard for severance pay disability insurance free training and education reemployment with no delays got your ticket for crop insurance lower than the prices elephant credit decent marketing facilities fair price for what a man grows production world train but no pushing and no crowd [Music] social insurance security [Music] they're growing big red apples that Hoover is from Moses if you don't want to sell those apples [Music] you [Music] wanna place what up please well it is pretty as a picture but if I ever told my favorite wife the awful truth I'm layin right on the front page yes every Bobby cigars cigarettes box oh hello Jamie my show I'll buy some of your cigarettes you got a white kid hello Anne how's the earth girls and I [Music] [Music] good evening mr. wise mower good evening miss Rand a few mugs this job is plenty risky gimme it gotta be tough guys to go true in it because if you get caught it takes your Apple on see all right now let's try it oh joy [Music] oh good evening ladies and gentlemen hope you're all enjoying this little hoedown come stop it uh get away from me boy should bother me comes now bit of a danced if you'll all gather around brother Stachowski will give out with the helping of that South American jive Lacan could it be exact so naked Mela fella Oh Jimmy that rhythm does something to me let's dance will you please all no sir it's not that I don't wanna understand it on account of that Oh Shay was I don't know any of these modern steps here oh come on Jimmy please for me oh heck I guess I might as well try [Music] it's me again [Music] fifty dollars yes Andy I'd like to have a heart-to-heart talk with you don't go away folks this ought to be good comes now the feature attraction of the evening keep moving boys I see at the track comes now the feature attraction of the evening miss Sally strand and her bubble dance now if you boys have put away your beam shooters we'll get on with the show [Music] I haven't seen such a beautiful bubble since I was a child [Music] coming mother [Music] Gee Gee Gee Gee you boys having a good time yes guess who now listen babe I'm a bad a few words see I've been chasing you all night now how about a little kiss baby well fancy meeting you here you [Music] [Applause] [Music] broken arms bill rumors $55 a big bath around jamming them naturally via telemedicine and tape their total one hundred and fifty two dollars and I'm every their fifties you will of course pay the bill now before you leave no enemy no I mean yes My partner Daffy Duck we'll be right back Oh snake eyes too bad you're a dead duck duck [Music] it's don't worry and he'll be here in money salting my integrity Oh insinuating I sleep hey nighttime stone with your finance or hey look a character we only field honor my card you had your cultivation for this week Robespierre you haven't stopped me we meet on the field of onion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my card [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] my card please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me see now how much [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'm so wasted [Music] [Music] [Music] bring me stir crazy Bastille Betty toner Tocco look at my prison pallor I must black as a sheet gosh if Bugs Bunny was only here yeah Bugs Bunny my hero what I saw no slash your cartoon was the holder have covered the gun by the hunter cell why not guy nothing can hold him you get us out of here come on Sandro give me Bugs Bunny Oh bums this is Jack the palooka manager has got us locked up in the broken arms hotel we thought you could help us yes swing across on the ropes yes we tried all those ways don't work do they [Music] you to mental university Demento you good older pu e mentor you sweet you thy fragrant water says the air a pox on ya fufufu he meant for you my college mountain and away the most popular fellows at out and away the most popular fellows at old p you are the three dopeboyz Tom the fun-loving member of the trio dick a serious lad of eighteen summers plus a winter in Florida as related the Dover boys in the Everglades and Larry the youngest of the three jerk brothers a gay outing at the park has been planned by the merry trio and they are off to fetch their fiance dainty Dora standpipe at miss Cheddar's female Academy close by with her usual punctuality the boys arrive at the pointed hour of 3:00 [Music] and are soon on the rollicking way first to pass a certain public house a tavern of unsavory repute our young friends beat the distressing situation with our usual uncompromising moral fortitude little Glade all that even now within this very tavern Dan backslide the former sneak of Roquefort Paul coward bleak hadn't thief and arch enemy of the Dover boys wonders is misspent life mark the Dover boys tread them double drat them they are escorting Dora standpipe dear rich Dora standpipe how I love father's money Kyle found those Dover boys oh how I hate them I hate Tom I'm a dick and I hate Larry they drive me to drink [Music] but let us draw the curtain on this sordid scene and turn to more pleasant surroundings where we find our young friends engaged in a spirited game of hide go and the seeker know up here up here no no over here over here in here no no in here no in here over here no the Dover boys then Dora must be alone and unprotected a runabout I'll steal it no one will ever know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] poor daughter will no one save her from this predicament will no one come to assistance hold on what's this it looks like an alert young scout and that's just what it is you'll not fail her I'll better telegram for the Deauville boys mrs. Tom Dick and Larry caraway with tapping up a bottleneck New York says quote unquote sign Dora 35 cents collect [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Larry [Music] Oh Dora dear sweet Dora do keep courage attention have I the stall sons of hope you are here at hand to do it i pu pu will offer you yay unhand her Dan backslide unhand her Dan backslide unhand her Dan backslide hey we're getting in a rut stand up and fight you coward bully Karen thief oh you haven't been flashed enough yet Hey and now it is time to say goodbye goodbye you [Music] in a happy barnyard some years ago a seemingly unimportant event occurred which was destined to vitally affect the future that little world mr. and mrs. duck were expecting [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and so time pass but not so fast all right but time does fly donut Johnny time pass the bar a grew tumor to duck hood and with artistic aspirations dreamed of brush and palette but ended up with only the brush did you know art his artistic effort smile he soon turned to other endeavors [Music] [Music] especially one goose more gullible than gooses goose geese mice miss go geese usually go that's all right that's the real stuff Aikido these are smarter following brains huh nikka me [Music] [Music] kinds of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh what has come - so erase all thoughts of peace from off this place and they forgot his love that's right and not is game my show of night [Music] then from out of the West came another partner to make a silly axis of himself I do I just thought you up on he's a SAP I'm a little crazy [Music] or apologizing oh just a minute appraised at Swanage a police on the ganas and I mock turtle soup with spreading clouds of war once more the axis marched or dreamed of further Congress grateful side o branch of peace post on this fight [Music] kind sirs change your warlike [Music] now where were we oh yes [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] I hate war but once begun well I just didn't choose to run so I can point with pride and say there's three that didn't get away [Music] yah-yah-yah dude where is to win so let's begin to know the job wisdom where is to win turn in your chin and lets us to win we to our nation's call every rubber ball goes to conquer freedoms oh we didn't mean to fall we're into no.2 victory my snow wisdom hast a voltage as pelé of MPL rubber mat missing wife's kitchen slates garbage cans electric fence rubber boots bathing suit Rio's wheels run downhill bed springs better reach the Middle's years old in years tires chains water makes the chase plays furnace rates picking forth rubber courts attach the railroad tracks almost middle most bugs looks better runs to cover he only needs two rubber bands to forget middle sister Beverly and that's why we're in join in well how do you like that rubber [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Laughter] my moose Horace I you criminals are all alike I can see your eyes why it's just a poor little sick billy goat hey William it's all fixed up a sodium acetals [Music] ballast is destroyed inner discomfort in Logan hey hinter my doesn't see a wolf in sheep's clothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm through Oh all right give her a hand of spinach now see Daffy sang Cree Cree Cree Cree Cree uncle Dillingham duck if I cry spinach when I stood a duck kawan la siroque dinner in Washington give up with LM fortune her tailbone and me quite quits when engines eat our scalp you don't hold up give up the ship forever holler help Americans don't give up that's right and now I'm an American [Music] [Applause] [Music] got a dream it was all a dream [Music] out [Music] eighth man DVD here two classics
Channel: 8thManDVD.com™ Cartoon Channel
Views: 1,543,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Chuck Jones, Friz Freleng, Vintage, Classic TV Series, Classic TV Animation, Classic TV Cartoons, WB, Classic TV Show
Id: 2T1gBvjWVnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 23sec (5183 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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