Can Gordon Ramsay Even Cook

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there's no chef more famous than gordon ramsay he's worshipped as a culinary god a superhero in the kitchen the tony stark of starch but i've never been lucky enough to try one of his delectable cuisines so i'm only going by word of mouth and how revered he is as a chef i'm assuming with all the shows that he's had and how much fun i've had watching those shows he's got to at least know what he's doing to some degree but i've never actually tried one of his meals and then he posted a video on youtube last year almost a year ago exactly today that was a recipe for his special grilled cheese sandwich and this immediately made me discredit everything he's ever done in his life all his accolades all that prestige i i think he wiped his ass with it when he posted that video he posted that [ __ ] grilled cheese video and it showed that even superman can bleed most people it was met with a negative response and then people just kind of roasting ramsay for it i imagine he still is a good chef but there's one thing he struggles with and it's grilled cheese clearly but i didn't want to just judge a book by its cover i've watched plenty of dharman videos i know that that's not the way to do things so i decided i was going to cook this grilled cheese and try it for myself cheesies a romano with pepper berry and asiago i'll tell you what i've had many a grilled cheese in my life and never once did i think of trying either of these two cheeses in there and i've never even heard of a romano with pepper berry that sounds like some forbidden cheese ramsay himself whipped up in a laboratory like frankenstein i also couldn't find this playful little cheese anywhere at the grocery stores i'd ask for the [ __ ] corky romanos and they'd look at me like i was a lunatic they'd never even heard of romano cheese and their goddamn life they seemed like revolted that it even asked like as if i was asking for propane to put on my sandwich so i had to settle with the closest thing i could find which is grated romano slices so i can take off the rind easily i mean so beautiful and then with the asiago again down and literally with the precision of a surgeon i was easily able to cleave through the asiago and get a nice big strip just like in the video and since i'm basically speed running a shitty grilled cheese i use the any percent romano skip since mine's grated i didn't have to bother cutting it like ramsay does the thing about a great grilled cheese is make sure the bread is not too thin a beautiful locally baked country bread i was able to find the exact giant chode bread that gordon ramsay uses for his grilled cheese and let me just say it's not really a great idea to use this kind of bread for a grilled cheese i've never had it on this bread in theory i think it could work but i think it'd take a lot more time and care to make a good grilled cheese using this bread typically just use some [ __ ] wonder bread or some [ __ ] you don't need to reinvent the condom here from there a little bit butter okay and always butter heavily on the outside you'll see why especially when you get that nice crispy texture now i'm a classically trained chef so i'm employing a technique called the ruby scrubby with the butter here gordon uses just spreadable melted butter but i took it a step further i really wanted to make this shine also i didn't have any like actual spreadable butter i just had sticks so i just i just really laid it on there i slathered it there i even tried to wrap it like a little blanket on the outside of the bread made sure it was a good distribution it's a pretty advanced technique maybe even gordon ramsay isn't familiar with it so making in a way that it becomes somewhat almost fitted to the bread this is where the grated romano really came to bite me in the ass i couldn't get that good fit in there so i just kind of have [ __ ] sawdust of romano here next to some chunks of asiago you know just the way mom used to make here it's kind of hard to follow the recipe to a tea because i couldn't find one of the crucial cheeses but we're gonna make do the flavors should still be about the same i would imagine the secret behind this grilled cheese is a little bit of kimchi homemade kimchi which is going to give a nice spicy texture to that incredible cheese when i first got to this point in the video i had to check what date it was posted because i thought it was an april fool's joke [ __ ] kimchi on a grilled cheese just coming out of nowhere just seems like that was the first thing he saw when he walked into the kitchen said [ __ ] it you know i imagine if he had seen anything he would have thrown it in there like oh that that flower pot's looking kind of odd let me dump some of the soil on the grilled cheese and try and convince people it's a good idea but regardless i'm following it along i got kimchi which i've never had before in my life and we're just gonna pile it on just like gordon ramsay does he does specify homemade kimchi but i not making kimchi don't know how so i just got it from this can here but hey maybe whoever produces this made it at their house and then just sells it at the store so i mean it still counts i'd say we're gonna stick that in the oven look a beautiful fireplace over there [Applause] nice and warm touch of olive oil in beautiful yeah so this pioneer actually uses the fireplace to cook the grilled cheese i'm over here like a real idiot sandwich just using 21st century technology with the stovetop i don't have a fireplace so i couldn't do this step as he does either but i have to wonder why the [ __ ] is he using the fireplace to cook it anyway i can't imagine that adds much to it i mean maybe like if some of the wood in the fireplace ends up in this sandwich maybe that's cool like we like like some wood chips in there i'd be cool yeah i couldn't do it and i wasn't gonna go out back and start a campfire just to follow along push that down and push down that helps to get the cheese nicely melted turn that over beautiful the cheese is melted yeah gordon the man who calls half the chefs he ever encounters a [ __ ] donkey somehow burns the grilled cheese he just burns the bread and doesn't even manage to melt the cheese if this is how it's done then everyone's been [ __ ] up you know if your cheese melts you've ruined the grilled cheese by gordon standards it seems it's really confusing because this is a video we can all see the cheese is not melted it's still blocky it still looks cold but he's saying that it's melted i don't know if gordon thought he was on a podcast or something where we weren't able to actually look at his work so he could just like lie about it but it's pretty laughable that he's just going against what your eyes are clearly telling you but anyway i didn't want to burn mine so i actually did a better job of cooking this than gordon does but everything else is still a disaster that sound means it's time for a flip oh yeah the cheese is starting to melt [ __ ] i ruined it you just pulled it off the heat entirely i'm trying to save the cheese before it starts melting that's blasphemous in the house of gordon ramsay grilled cheese i want to reach in there and grab it but i know my survival instincts just won't let it happen saved oh my goodness oh my god that's incredible if someone served this to gordon on one of his shows he'd flip a table and piss his pants you can't even melt cheese you [ __ ] donut the cheese hasn't even melted and yet here it's like oh my god this is one of the best cheeses oh my god this is incredible amazing uh remarkable what the pepper berry does with the acidity of the kimchi like it's just crazy i don't understand what happened here there's no chance gordon actually thought he made something good here because the cheese isn't even melted you failed the only step in grilled cheese which is melting the cheese the final product isn't even a grilled cheese he ended up making a lunchable it's just some cold cheese with like some meat in the middle there but hey i followed the steps so maybe it tastes better than it looks now that's a grilled cheese man gordon ramsay gets it done somehow he came up with the worst grilled cheese recipe ever and i made it worse all right see if it lives up to the hype yep that tastes about as awful as i expected it to be let's try the more kimchi heavy side maybe that gordon ramsay likes to say the acidity is going to bring out the flavor of the pepper berry we don't have you really look like you're enjoying that one oh it's real good and the kimchi on the grilled cheese that's that's the krabby patty secret formula maybe it's because we got a cabbage based kimchi what so bad oh my god makes me want more biting into [ __ ] hard cheese in kimchi
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,543,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MJzBeJ2lXxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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