Worst Dating Show on Youtube

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today i got recommended a youtube dating show and i thought to myself well doesn't that just sound jolly i used to love watching goofy dating shows back in the day and it's been a while since i've indulged so why not give it a whirl how bad could it be why not watch two people fall in love and have a happily ever after how naive i was turns out i'm just a big stupid fool because this isn't really a dating show it's more like a combat sport but with words instead of fists it feels like i'm watching a bunch of people get into a twitter argument or like a bunch of redditers fighting over karma passive aggressively it is so hard to watch i think this is probably the worst dating show i've seen welcome to the button a speed dating show when the button lights up red either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person get out of here if two people can last on a date for 10 minutes they win an all expenses paid second date this comes from cut who puts out a lot of wacky content and the concept of the game i don't even think is bad it lends itself to be really silly right away because you're just right to their face saying i don't like you get out of my face i want someone else here asap just like a [ __ ] ejector seat out of johnny english just kicks them right out like that's that's very silly but it's also really uncomfortable in practice and it also sucks that the button talks because the button is probably the most annoying character in the whole show you two have similar vibes do we what's this vibe yeah what's the similar vibe like aesthetic okay okay do you find each other attractive oh you're waiting for me to go [Music] damn it off to a fantastic start here a date out of your worst nightmare this is like the number one fear for people that have never been on a date this is how they think it's gonna go and then it actually happened on camera here [ __ ] terrifying my heart broke for this guy immediately yeah i don't really like guys with long hair how dare you nicole nice to meet you ryan was in the army you're in the army i was in the army yeah from 2012 to 2016. she's going for the 80 speed run world record here don't exactly know what went wrong here she just said she doesn't really like people from the army saying that they're too masculine hi i'm nicole nicole omari cool so what do you what do you do for fun what do i do for fun video games mostly video games what kind of video games the big um so the last one i put got me all right why did you reject him because there's more to life than video games we're dealing with a final boss of standards here what the [ __ ] do you mean there's more to life than video games this guy didn't come in here wearing like a a super mario hat and also like assless chaps designed straight out of xenoblade or anything the guy just came in here you asked what his hobbies were and he said video games mostly and then you asked him what game he plays and right before he could even answer you buzz him out he didn't even get to finish his [ __ ] sentence then you have the audacity to say there's more to life than video games what the [ __ ] do you mean he's not saying that video game's the only thing in the world that matter it's not like he's brought in his waifu body pillow or anything you asked this hobby and he told you his hobby and then you buzzed him for it it would have been fine if you just said like you don't like gamers just be like hey buzz them because gamers are yucky cringe and then spit on the floor i'd have more respect for that than saying that there's more to life than video games would you have said that for every hobby if he answered by saying i like to skateboard while smoking cigarettes and eating [ __ ] would you have then buzzed him and said there's more to life than being extremely [ __ ] cool or was this just a trick question from the start where he's not supposed to have any hobbies at all is it your mission to get me out is everyone like angry well i don't know i don't know about that i've heard about you though what have they said yeah like i said this isn't even really dating it's just straight up war though i do think by instantly buzzing her he saved himself about 15 seconds before she could ask him a question and immediately buzz him while answering it good how are you uh i'm you know i'm doing all right it's i'm not really a morning person by this time i usually have had like two red bulls or something like that oh okay um what do you do uh i i tried to get a guy sorry why did you impress me because i said he's not my type next date please i mean fair enough i suppose she came in here locked and loaded just get him the [ __ ] out of here instantly just slamming that red button down like she was about to launch a nuclear missile with it i i mean i i don't really get the point of this show at all because we haven't even come close to a single actual interaction between two people it's just absolute pandemonium here you'd get better results if you just threw soccer boppers on their hands and just let them duke it out just like actually throw some haymakers at each other and interview like this is just is it coming out here so wrong aggressively just sits down and instantly says he's not my type like what alive like what do you mean you didn't even get to know him you could say you don't find him attractive and that's fine i suppose but i like at least ask a question i don't think she got her it got his name or anything why even sign up to a dating show at that point my name is taylor nice to meet you i didn't get the memo about are we dressing up or yeah what's going on yeah so i am what do you call a furry and i just dress up and i put smiles on people's faces so do you have like multiple or is it i only have one i did it first careful careful oh yeah i mean you know she she wasn't feeling that she slammed that button like she was trying to answer in a question on jeopardy uh it's just one of those things you know yeah patty are you a virgin a virgin no i'm not are you a virgin yes i am oh okay do you usually have to tell people that first off the bat on a date oh you usually just catch it this button is the worst wingman of all time if this was a friend of mine i would have beaten their ass oh hey i see you're talking to charles are you a virgin no oh i mean he is did you know that like what the [ __ ] luckily the guy was able to press the button first because i think he knew instantly the second that question came up it was going to be a deal breaker so he tried to get out ahead of it and hit the button and beat her to the finish there so very smart play right there the tactics out of this world excellent execution so he lives to see another day and charges triumphantly into the next round hopefully the next athlete wasn't paying attention and didn't hear the last question and hopefully the button doesn't [ __ ] him in the face again you know bring up something even more er not appropriate hey did you know that this dude's dad is a cuck which led to a really weird family dynamic i mean ask him about his dad's cuckoldry you know just something off the wall my day is gone i'm scared but i'm i'm excited why are you scared uh first time doing these can you tell me more about yourself uh i'm a student how are you i'm 23. okay what's your dating age range above 25 and then stopping at like 36. it was a good run from our boy here but unfortunately he just wasn't tall enough to ride this ride here i guess he was just a little too young i suppose do you like to dance i like to dance what about you no i just was having fun i cannot dance at all everybody can dance no [Music] everybody this is fun i appreciate you you are fun now we could be friends where did it all go wrong why is the lord forsaken us i thought for sure this one had a chance of lasting longer than 30 seconds they even stood up and danced together [ __ ] throwing their ass in a circle going crazy you know getting wild on the dance floor and then the second they sit down she buzzes him doesn't even say why and then just friend zones him in front of the whole [ __ ] world here like how did this how did this happen nice to meet you you too oh sorry oh it didn't turn red yet no i'm so sorry i'm so sorry yeah this is just [ __ ] cruel at this point this is just mean this isn't this isn't dating this is just how to make someone feel like [ __ ] as quickly as possible on video yeah are you nervous yeah like my hands were like freezing earlier just like yeah so i like ice cold because i was just nervous but um sorry i won't make you suffer through any more of this it is so awful at the very end two people do have like a normal conversation that lasts for longer than like five sentences and they deem them the winners they might or might not go on another date probably not it's like they just gathered like the most awful ai together and then had them fight each other like you know how when you need to confirm you're not a robot on those websites and you have to verify like click all the pictures of a boat this is that but in human form click all the pictures of an insult and then do it right to their face on video for us it's so wild to me like none of these conversations even remotely seemed like either party wanted to even try they just wanted to like [ __ ] on each other but anyway i had to watch this so figured why not you too and uh that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,144,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: waquW49YOKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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