Hot Sauce Doesn't Hurt Me

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not too long ago I embarked on a holy crusade to improve my pathetic tolerance to spicy foods I made a video where I was biting into hot peppers and ever since then I'm constantly asked by people if I've kept up my training regimen my CrossFit for spice tolerance improvement those exercises and the answers been known for a while and I'm sorry to say this but I have completely reverted back to the tongue of a four year old boy I damn near blackout from pain if I eat something that even had a jalapeno on it at one point in its life jalapenos beat the [ __ ] out of my ass and I realized this is extremely [ __ ] ish so I've decided to once again get back to training and combat this [ __ ] Nassif or it spreads to other things like who knows soon maybe gluten will be spicy for me so luckily voiceover Pete invited me on to his show hot seat with Pete and it's like hot ones you know spicy sauces on really cold shitty wings and it was fun I enjoyed it and I did pretty well all things considered so I'm going to show you some of that if you want to see the full episode with me and Pete's sitting down and suffering you can find it on his youtube channel here let's get into this so I can show you how strong I am good see it hey everybody welcome to the next series of hot seat with Pete and today's guest critical also known as Charlie real name's Charlie a lot more casual also known as moist critic always critical as well yeah also known as big moist mister 6.5 inch wiener a lot of different names on the internet I didn't know that waiting let's go ahead and jump in with our first one here will go on the easy side sounds great I might not know this P but before coming out here I used the restroom to hide myself up in the mirror like a high school you're asking his prom date up this is a bro moment you know this is a big moment for me this is easy I'm sure it really is you're okay there's got a little little zing for me it's pretty [ __ ] hot I'm not gonna lie to you Pete Jesus got a little zing there but you're okay I'll be fine water we can pour half-and-half and when you want a mainline ahh so I'm curious we all have different origin stories YouTube twitch so you presumably got started on YouTube what when did you get started how many years ago 2006 I will kind of before then I used to kind of read well not kind of I used to blatantly rip and re-upload other people's content they still do that today oh yeah it's a timeless timeless passion I used to take popular videos from a site called that video site which was softcore porn and like shock things and I'd take that and I'd upload it onto my channel called football player for 20 and heard some numbers I think it was 420 and I reapplied them there until I got banned but that's that's my story I could tell from an early beginning you had destiny of greatness ahead of you oh yeah batter prison for sure I'm ready all right this is not bad yeah that's what everyone said about that one oh then Ned yeah no one's a lot easier than the first one for sure oh it's easy now got momentum on my side there you go so okay there you're you've been doing YouTube obviously for way longer you could teach this stuff what would you say are some for people out there that want to get into YouTube what kind of advice would you give to them if you go into in this not just YouTube but any type of like Internet content creation if you go in there with like an agenda or like a goal like I want this many views this many subscribers I'm gonna get this by this or else you're not gonna get very far you're not gonna have fun the main takeaway from doing internet stuff is to always make sure you're enjoying the ride because everything else boils down to luck you can make the best content in the world but if the algorithm doesn't pick it up or maybe no one's searching for the term no one's gonna see it so as long as you're having fun it's rewarding in and of itself it's fine okay I have no doubt it see the way it pours right out you're good go slow go slow dude that's not bad actually that's what they all say it's pretty bad for me well about a year ago I wanted to prep myself to have a better spice tolerance so I bought like a bunch of peppers at Publix like jalapeno is poblanos habaneros and stuff like that to try and like get my body adjusted to it you know like muy Thai fighters when they're [ __ ] kicking down banana trees song I'm in half with their kicks strengthening their bones I tried to do that with spices but I let go of the regimen and now I've really fallen behind people I'm real behind Pete this is rough I hate spicy food I hate it I'm embarrassed by my lack of spice tolerance I'm like a toddler yeah well at least we're in the same baby pen so not even close you're not tearing up you know don't try and relate to me down here good look we're gonna get up to ghostpepper level and then I think we'll both be crying like babies that'll be fun so you segue into twitch so how would you describe your experience as a as a twitch streamer and what is your twitch channel that's moist critical on twitch purely functional god damn Pete I'm good I can make it I love getting backseat game by like these twelve-year-old boys that are yelling at me to play the game how they want to play it though it's always good but playing the new games do you play them on it depends if I shred them on screen I engage it on their name if I'm getting backseat game by a guy it's like cool guy master I know it's probably like a nine year old and I'm not exactly to go in there without like as bad okay his name's not penguins right yeah okay if it's a name that I think he's probably an older man with a stronger chin maybe I'll lay into it a little bit for being a bit of an [ __ ] but although overall I'll just let it say oh should we move on yeah these bottles I already know that's this is the [ __ ] that's really spicy whenever I see these I know it's rough I thought this would be easier over here but it was okay we're we're we're fine dude feeling good poured right out this was like molasses this is like water but I'm sure it's gonna taste look just like what I'm fine okay that's the easiest one you know it really is oh there we go a nice little respite I'm feeling good now Pete I was like a palate cleanser Shh seems like Jesse's got you rattled though maintenance like yesterday I was hitting my friends with flashlights rubber vaginas and that didn't even get demonetised a what light flesh light their rubber vaginas stop there yeah okay that's pretty much the gist of it but they stretch really far it's like Indiana Jones is laughs oh I don't want a picture of that am i that did not even get demonetised people yeah no I did put a healthy amount on there I'm really in it to win it now Pete I've got confidence you see that this is a confident quarterback now and play go I won't tell you what that means but something about death the chickens worse than the sauce take the milk oh my god peep what the [ __ ] yep yep that makes this so much more appetizing for me right now yep but I'm stalling as long as I can oh my god Pete piece of cake dude dude super [ __ ] easy Pete oh my god I find I don't need to use my my vocal cords anyway so it's okay Jesus Pete Pete Pete I want to fire a question at you while I'm still able to I know this may be a sore spot but I'm gonna mention Voldemort he who wishes to not be named yes even far too kind of fiber for what they did to you mmm would you like to insult them mm-hmm it's worth a try now and this is the ice cream it's a it's a plastic table two pieces yeah whip creams a close second I'm so glad we've had this bro moment oh yeah robot we're bonding over this one I'm not gonna deny it yeah it's a it's a big moment for me Pete that's probably the hottest thing I've ever tried well I'm afraid of the next one I mean I imagine they use the same same ingredients yes god knows what poison rat poison scorpion poison Python poison I mean I'm taking it real slow I'll follow your lead this time you don't mind I won't be offended I don't care what rights gummy bear says you're a great guy in my book that's okay I'm gonna get you if this this kills me how's it feel on the old gullet okay which was worse though this one that's good yep you know that's easy that's that's super easy I'm not gonna lie to you now I feel good again yeah that's like a dead stick that's the order but it's not bad it's not as bad and Fuego is the the killer geez she's coming on a little strong there don't you think no Pete they're just me you know you have feeling anything well not like you good what about you any big 2020 plans any big for me you said it's presidency of course yes well everybody seems to enjoy jumping in the race maybe I got a shot I don't know but no this year I want to continue to grow the twitch channel it's been so much fun to get on there to be with other I'm a weak man and your dojo of masculinity oh my god you really lied to me though you message charlie you're gonna look so good in comparison to me breaking down oh my little petal on it yeah 2020 you're right some I'd like to still attend a twitchcon a minecon maybe that sort of thing usually a pretty stoic this is kind of broken me down a little bit to like my bare primordial sense to cry out for mama's teat or something like I I'm going full infancy here like I'm tearing up snot-nosed I don't think anybody notices that well you want to go for round two honestly I kind of do I want to see you break down I don't know what I'll do it to me but something's got to give maybe like a Frankenstein's creation of every sauce on one wing or something I would that be god-awful I mean I'm up for it if you are I can I'd have to cast out demons for a long time but no thankfully we're done oh what a pity yeah that's a shame you continued is what I'm hearing it sounds about right yeah why I do want to thank you sincerely for being here having some fun today thanks for letting me come on and embarrass myself man it's not just anybody I'd ask to do that and now I also know that you're strong man to be able to handle the el fuego and such you know there's always got to be an alpha in that pack oh absolutely you've definitely submitted you submitted your position on that here no doubt look right do you want to go ahead share anything with your friends and fans oh thanks for watching I wasn't kidding I suck at spices for sure but I'm getting better I'll pick up my training again one day probably won't be soon thanks I don't like doing this but it's worth it to get stronger in the end like an anime character powering up to his like max level and [ __ ] like that I'll get there soon iguana man it's not gonna do anything to me I promise I won't even make me sweat yeah it's about it it's kind of like a wrestling promo to like hot sauces out there I'm coming for him
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,565,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9qFQLyb9nMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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