Most Active Heal Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3. INSANE Buffs and Debuffs! Max Heal (Full 1-12 Guide)

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this is your only warning soon this city will know what fear is is I'm going to rob them of Hope and hope is the spread wings of a bat here makes you my scared it's okay to be afraid I will make them suffer until the only thing they know to be true is me their king of [Music] fear hey what's up guys Toby from the master box show and I hope you're having a wonderful day today active healer and controller crazy amount of bobst your allies that is the theme for today's build an active dedicated healer that provides maximum amount of healing while giving crazy amount of advantages for your allies while spreading this debuffs like no other spell Casters in the game dishing out DPS without burning through your spell slots and be the most reliable member of your party perfect for your honor mode play and be the ultimate companion for your dark urge I present to you the witch doctor and without further Ado let's get into it all right here we are now guys in the character creation screen this is where we will be building the foundation of our Witch Doctor it is the first time for me to introduce a build that is RA specific the reason is that we need the specific Proficiency in order for us to equip a certain weapon to make our build as powerful as possible the two races that I'm talking about is the elf and the gith yanki race for this reason is that the race feature of the githany provides us with the base racial speed as well as the Marshall py we gain Proficiency in our armor such as light and medium as well as Proficiency in short sword long sword and great sword we are looking for any proficiency pertaining to the long sword that will also be provided by the elf race which has this race feature of Base racial speed Elven weapon training such as Proficiency in long sword short sword short bow and long bow dark vision as well as pay ancestry which gives us Proficiency in Saving throws against Charmed and sleep for this build I'll be going with the elf R particularly the sub race of the wood half elf because we get the fleet of foot that will increase our move speed by 1.5 as for the classes we'll be taking the Warlock class as early as possible to provide that utility as well as helping out in dealing damage especially in the early game with the help of our luch blast which is one of the best offensive hand trips in the game as for the subass will be taking the arch Fay because of the action F presence we can either charm or frighten 10 foes in an AOE with our disturbing magic for two turns as for the can trips will be taking automatically alrich blast and the other one is maybe minor illusion or friendship if you want to be the face of the party for the Spells we be taking the armor of agathys to provide us with temporary hit points as well as a plus five full damage every time they hit us until long rest for the backgrounds there are two backgrounds that are interesting for the build starting with the noble and the soldier the soldier provides us with skills and Athletics and intimidation most likely you will be benefiting from intimidation due to your high Charisma as for the noble you get the history and persuasion persuasion will be the one that will benefit you the most for abilities it will most likely look like this we will be prioritizing Charisma Constitution dexterity and a little bit of wisdom Charisma will be the one that will influence our outside of combat dialogue as well as our damage that are scaling with our Charisma especially for our warlock class number two is the Constitution we need as much Constitution as we can in order for us to not break our concentration especially if we have a specific spell that we will be unlocking later on the build finally dexterity just for the initiative as well as additional AC right after character creation we'll be moving into level two of our character and level two of our warlock we just unlock few eldrich invocation and the most important things that we need here is the agonizing blast this will grant modiers to our Elish blast with our Charisma as for the second one you can take either beguiling influence or repelling blast depending on what the witch doctor is to your party as for the Spells you can take charm person for this level level three of our character this is the level that we will be introducing as early as possible our second multic class of the build in the form of the cleric this is the time that we will be focusing on our healing capabilities and becoming the support dedicated healer of our team as for the subass we will be taking the life domain we have have a few life domain spell and heals and a really cool subglass feature which is disciple of life our devotion empowers our healing spell when we cast The Healing Spell the target regains an additional hit points equals to two plus the spell level for the C trips you can take any can trips that you prefer I just go with resistance guidance and maybe light level four of our character and level two of our cleric we will just be focusing on this clerc class as much as possible so that we unlock a specific spell later on the levels to make our healing powers or capabilities as effective as possible as for this level we unlock turn and dead and this really useful preserve life plus action that invokes healing energy to restore every Ally in your AOE with just the cost of your channel Divinity level five of our character still sticking with our cleric class we unlock a few really interesting healing spells and support spells such as the aid that is a really nice abjuration spell that heals our allies and increases the hit points by five until long rest the other one is Prayer of Healing that you can use outside of combat and another one is a really useful spiritual weapon that can provide damage as well as meat shielding for your party level six of our character which is level four of our cleric we now unlock our first feat of the build and we will be focusing it on our ability Improvement and dumping it all on our Charisma just to increase the damage of our El blast capabilities as for the K chips I'll just go blade Ward for this level level seven is a really important level for us in our cleric class which is level five as we unlock the most important spell that we need for the build which is the Beacon of Hope This is a level three abjuration spell when we heal our allies they get the maximum hit points as possible as well as they gain advantages in their wisdom saving throws and de saving throws for 10 turns Beacon of Hope will eliminate the RNG aspect of the healing spell and provide the maximum amount of healing possible for allies for as long as they are in that AOE Mass healing spell is also a really good spell to have it heals everybody in your vicinity and it goes well with one of the Rings that we'll be introducing later on the build now for level eight of our character we will now be introducing our final subass in the game in the form of The Bard The Bard is the most flexible class in the game also for this level we unlock this really good B expiration this will inspire Ally and add a plus one D6 bonus to our next attack roll ability check and next saving throw until long rest with the cost of our Bic inspiration charges for the Spells we already have the healing word and we will be replacing this with a utility spell that's going to be feather fall or maybe long Strider in my case I'll be taking featherfall for the cantrips we'll be taking vicious moery as it is unique to the board class and maybe the Friendship spell or depending on your your preference minor illusion if you haven't got it already level nine of our character and focusing on our Bard class we now unlock our really nice class action of the board which is the song of rest that will provide another short rest to our Arsenal that will be totaling up to three now as for the Spells we'll be taking any spells that you need I'll just go with long rider for additional utility level 10 and still sticking with our board class we now unlock our final subass that we need for the build in the form of the College of lore we also unlock the subclass feature cutting word which basically provides disadvantage to the attack roles of our enemies with the cost of our reaction charges as for the Spells you can take any utility spells that you need I'll just go with knock as it is a really nice translation spell that opens SL with just the cost of your level two spell slot but depending on the use you can take the version of the hold person here that you uses Charisma instead of wisdom level 11 is where we will be unlocking our final feat of the build and we are taking the Dual wielder feet dual wielder provides us with the ability to use two weapons even if they aren't lights and we gain plus one bonus to our AC while wielding a melee weapon in each hand as for the Spells just take any spells that are missing for your party I'll just take maybe visibility or enol for this level finally level 12 and level five of our board we now unlock our final class feature which is font of inspiration we regain our Bic inspiration after a long and short rest and improve Bic inspiration that will increase our Bic inspiration by 1d8 which is amazing for the Spells you can get maybe plant growth for this level to provide restriction to the move speed of the enemies in an AOE for 10 turns or maybe a hypnotic pattern if you need it I'll just go with plant growth just to provide the additional utility for my allies all right now we're going to be talking about the item setup that you will be needing to make the witch doctor as powerful as possible and I'll be presenting to you two builds for today one is for the early game and one is for the late game as for the early game that will be including the act one and act two builds as for the late game is for the act three what's amazing about this build is that it goes online really early and the item it needs to make it really power ful are found in act one and act two so most likely in act three you just need a few tweaks to make the build as powerful as possible that being said we're going to be starting with our headpiece which is the wapus crown this will provide us with the passive crowning Glory when healing another the wearer gains 1 to six hit points as for the cloak we need the derivation cloak that has the passive deadly derivation when you poison a foe you heal yourself for 1 D4 hit points as for the armor we just need to slap SP any sort of heavy armor that can provide as much AC as possible in my case I'll be taking the adamantine splint armor because of its high AC as well as a few really good passive such as the magical plate all incoming damage is reduced by two as well as the intense adenain backlash when melee attacks hits you it sends the enemy Reeling for three turns not to mention that attackers can't land any Critical Hits on us as for the gloves we'll be taking this gloves into the a re build which is the poison ER gloves this will provide us with the passive and Venom when you deal poison damage the target needs to succeed the Constitution saving throw or become poison or the boots is the evasive shoes or the additional acrobatics as well as the additional AC amlet is the Parry up of wood closure that has the passive wood closure when down we automatically stabilize in the start of a turn and the most important thing that we need in the amulet is the potent healing we maximize the number of hit points that are restored to us whenever we are healed for the Rings we will be taking the whispering promise this will provide us with the passive blessed Mercy when you heal a creature it gains an additional plus one D4 bonus to our attack roles as well as our saving throws for two turns basically it gives us a free bless spell on our first heal without the concentration requirement of the bless and finally for the Rings is the crustation ring that will provide us Arcane Radiance when the wear deals spell damage while eliminated by light source we also deal additional radiating orb stacks for two turns as for the weapons we'll be taking the failer Al that is very important for this build and that's why you need Proficiency in long sword in order for us to effectively use this long sword of a weapon failer Lube is a really nice sword that you can get really early in act one that has this failer Alo pass action failer Alo Melody that provides us with failer Alo SN and failer Alo shriek in particular with the failer Alo SN it provides Ides us with an AOE of 6 M that basically grants us an additional bless of 1 D4 bonus to attack roles Charisma wisdom saving throws and intelligence for five turns every short rest finally for the shield you can slap in any Shield that you have in your inventory just to add additional AC to our witch doctor now we're going to be talking about the act three build to make our witch doctor as powerful as possible as I mentioned earlier we just need a few tweaks in order for us to make the witch doctor as effective as it can be with just a few items starting with our headpiece we'll be taking the hood of the weave this will provide us with the Arcane enchantment we gain a plus two bonus to our spell save DC as well as our spell attack rolls for the armor we just need an armor that has the highest AC that we can get and in my case I'll just take the hell dust armor this will provide us with our infernal retribution whenever we succeed a saving throw the Caster receives a burning status for three turns as well as the Primal ages of fire we have resistance to fire damage and cannot be burned and we take three less damage from all sources as well as a free fly if ever you want to reposition to any location that you prefer as for the boots you can actually stick with the evasive shoes if you want but you can also replace with the hell dust boots if you want to remove or disregard any difficulty terrain as for the amulets we'll be taking the amulet to Devout this will provide us with the passive High spell casting we gain an additional plus two bonus sour spell save DC and the most important thing that we need about the amulet is the God's will we gain additional charge of our Channel Divinity every long rest and finally for the weapons will be dual wielding the Marco hesar this provides us with Arcane enchantment will gain us a plus one bonus to our spell save DC as well as our spell attack rols Arcane battery that provides basically a free spell slot and the most important thing here here is the kushka favor that will provide us with an Attunement to any element that we need in my case we'll be attuning to the deadlier than arsenic we're going to be starting a battle with our witch doctor and showcase how powerful this build can be as I mentioned earlier this build is the one that's going to be control and also our dedicated healer of our party before starting a battle or after a long rest we just need to use first our Aid spell to increase the amount of HP we our allies have and up past it into a level five to provide 20 hp of all our allies in the vicinity until long rest right after that is we will be activating kushka favor and we will be selecting deadlier and arsenic to provide our Attunement with poison as well as resistances to poison damage not to mention the additional spells that we'll be taking for free now we are now tuned to poison now we are basically ready to battle with our witch do doctor now for turn one or whenever we can we just need to activate our Beacon of Hope to remove the RNG aspect of our healing spells and to provide the maximum healing that we can have and we'll be finishing up with Sanctuary so the enemies don't accidentally hit us we're going to be starting a battle with our witch doctor and this is going to be a really nice pair with our dark lord if you want to go the route of evil we just proc our cutting action word this will provide disadvantage Vantage of 1d8 penalty to attack rolls and ability checks with just the cause of our Bic inspiration if you want but in my case I'll just let it slide now we'll just use our damage dealer to deal some damage to our opponents in this turn now it's time for us to use our witch doctor for this turn we will be starting to buff our allies as much as possible we're going to be starting with our Melody that's going to be our failer Alo sing and provide additional advantage to attack RS for our allies for five turns now we have this really nice AOE here and our Ally just got the buff right after that is we will be healing our allies to provide the bless spell for two turns now we just have the bless as well as the singing sword buff the bless spell is included we can just stand directly in the battlefield in order for us to have the buff active at all times now we're going to be using our Dark Lord for this turn it will just deal some damage to our [Music] enemies now it's time for us to use our witch doctor again and we will be providing Bic inspiration added to the Buffs that we already have for allies as you see here we now have three Buffs for allies and we'll be repositioning this to provide now debuffs to our enemies using our alwi blasts using alwi blast here up to here maybe we can reach the target the back no we just leave it there now enemies now have the debuffs poison this will provide this advantages to attack rolls on ability checks as well as a minus to their attack rolls with the radiating orb charges and we can end our turn here now we will be showcasing the power of healing I'll just showcase the power of the preserved life and this will Pro additional bless charges to both of us with the power of the whispering promise ring so we'll just going to be using this as you see we just got blessed we can end our turn by just playing this just the sake of just you know providing Ambience to the battle I we'll just finish up this Archer here she's dead now we'll just showcase the power of the El blast to provide as much debuffs as we can but unfortunately we are blinded we will be using the Lesser restoration to remove that blindness status finally just going to be attacking for dark lord and maybe let the witch doctor finish the fight and focus our spell with our El blast to the buff and provide radiating orb charges to our enemies now we just got poison there as well as some radiating orb debuffs ending our turn now finishing the battle They're All Dead all right guys thank you for watching the build I hope you see how powerful the witch doctor can be can provide an amazing array of Buffs and debuffs your opponents and AOE utility that it can offer to your team goes really well with a powerful frontliner or a powerful Striker for that additional DPS and advantages yeah would love to know about your thoughts about the build as well as your questions and clarifications in the comment down below don't forget to hit that like button if you guys like the build it really lets me know that you guys are enjoying the videos shout outs for all the people who subscribe and keep supporting the channel I really appreciate you guys for all of the amazing support and for all the people who haven't subscribed yet I hope I earn your subscriptions in the future but if I earn it today please don't hesitate to hit that subscribe button it really helps me out a lot if you want to support me directly please consider joining our D20 rurals club by hitting the join button join our Discord with the guys I mainly post my build Concepts and the build videos there and if you have any questions for me directly you can reach me in Discord as well and before I forget I also have patreon if you want to support me that way and finally that's it for me I hope to see you soon on the next Master Buck show peace out bye guys hey [Music] what
Channel: MasterBok
Views: 4,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TeKwRdMmPi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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