Frozen Fury: The Ultimate Tank, Frost Maul Werebear Druid Last Epoch Build Guide

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hey what's up guys I am tranium and today I want to show you this last Epoch build that I've been playing I've been running with The Druids since released and I've tried nearly every build out there for the class but never found anything that really stuck and I really wanted to feature that white fur you get in your we bear form when you put on ker Mode's cage but I couldn't really find a guy that showcases that body armor after countless hours of research and days of trial and error I got to what you're looking at today we clear waves pretty quickly while being extremely tanky allowing us to clear most endgame content and push corruption I've taken this build past Wave of 200 in the arena and I'm currently working on pushing past 450 corruption in the monoliths but I've taken a break I'm pushing corruption to put together this guide for you all in hopes that you'll enjoy it as much as I do this build is very easy to play and doesn't require much to start but it does require specific gear to really Excel into the late game but that's for future you to worry about I'm just kidding it's it's pretty easy to farm so let's take a look at our gear uniques are not needed for this build to function but they are highly recommended if you want to push this build far the first unique or set items we're going to be taking a look at is The Shard of shattered Lance and the fragments of shattered Lance which will allow us to scale our coal damage when we stack health regen this set bonus gives us 15% increase melee coal damage per 10 health regen and so with upwards of 1,600 health regen we're looking at somewh above 2,000% increased coal damage from the set while keeping our HP topped off at all times you can Target Farm These by killing God hunter or Jus which is the boss of the stolen Lance monolith the next item we'll be going over is ker Mode's cage the body armor this gives us all these stats we want like Elemental resistance strength damage and white fur in our we bear form I use this armor without LP for the majority of my first playthrough starting at level 60 and recently got a lp3 to add four levels up a feval strength and health regen next we have our helmet the call of the tundra which much like ker Mode's cage gives us everything we want in an item health health regen damage as well as the added levels into war cry on top of that I added the four levels into warbear form and if you don't have this I'd recommend and exalt with similar stats you can Target farm this item from defeating the frost deer boss at the age of winter for our ulet we are running Aurora's time glass which will help protect us from being bursted down too fast before this I was running a lp3 tiers of the forest for the 20% increase in armor since since it's fairly cheap in the merchants Guild but if you don't have any of these uniques running an exalt amulet with crit track multiplier Health res or regen will do just fine in our main hand we're using a dagger with melee Critical Strike chance and melee attack speed along with a chance to apply Frailty and chance to shred armor so that we take less damage while our enemies take more our Rings fill our resistance gaps while providing strength crit chance health and health regen I also stack these onto quick silver coil Rings because they also give a little bit more attack speed and a little bit more Health regeneration as well we use stormhide paw for our gloves which gives us plus one level to swipe and increase coal damage while the rest of the stats are also very nice if you don't have storm height Paws you can use any gloves with similar stats our belt is legacy of The Quiet Forest which helps us cap our res and provides us with a lot of armor I stacked Health on top with some LP but you can use any defensive belt and for our boots we are using Cito boots which provide tons of armor and crit protection for the implicits and we have strength moving speed Health regeneration health and the experimental ethics for frenzy on there if you do not have the shattered Lance set or any of the other uniques you can just stack melee physical damage as well as the other defensive layers like Health endurance and armor since we'll be trying to Max those out anyways I'll be including a stats and AIX priority list in this video as well as in the written guide so you have something to refer back to for our Idols we're trying to cap out our Elemental resistance um as well as put in health regeneration wherever we can these first two Idols we have on top is melee Critical Strike multiply while transformed and increased health regen while transformed we have two of those and then at the bottom we have increased Health regeneration increased Health regeneration while transformed and we also have two of those as well on the left hand side we have two large idols which give us increased aspect of the Border duration and Elemental resistance while transformed two of those and over here we have our health regeneration and necrotic resistance and we have two of those as well and these are going to help us cap out our resistances and help us raise our health regeneration and give us a little bit more melee Critical Strike multiplier and here we have our blessings which we're using to fill in the gap of what we need at the top we have Critical Strike multiplier which is giving us a much needed crit strike multiplier increase um and then we have plus 18% to all resistances to help cap R res we have armor for much needed armor armor is always welcome in our build and since we have a maximum threshold of 60% which we already hit with passives and skills we are trying to find wherever we can to sneak in endurance threshold it's going to make us a lot tankier and we don't need to add into our gear which we want to focus on for damage and health and health regen and then we also have the important increased Health regeneration blessing from ending the storm and we are taking this for obvious reasons we are focusing on health regeneration also at the top here I have an increase in experience I am level 100 but I am constantly selling and buying in the merchant Guild so I need need a lot of favor to keep upgrading my gear to to keep pushing corruption and then to keep getting stronger for all of us so I got that and if you didn't know increases to experience gain is increases to favor gain um as for the others take whatever you need take whatever you are lacking I just have shards and then maybe scepter because I am looking for Frozen IR lp4 um preferably but you know a frozen IR in her main hand would definitely be a big um a big boost in damage so that's what I'm looking for next we have our passive skill trees and here's the snapshot of the primalist tree we just take the bare minimum here but we want to be focusing on Primal strength it's plus eight strength and 32% increase health regeneration which we are stacking following up with Hunter's restoration for a little HP and then Harmony of blades for the ability to dual wield we then want to top it off with survival of the pack for a bit more melee damage increase moving on to our Druid passive tree we take five points into chitus plating to help cap our endurance and Five Points into primordial resonance for added damage we then grab Thicket of thorn for the 20% armor increase and this is a permanent wear bear form build so we will be taking focused wrath and ranker to keep our rage up um and then maxing out focused wrath for another added damage bonus this build relies on attack speed to sustain stack so we will take win in the leaves for the attack speed bonus then we're taking at least eight points into aspect of the might because it gives us 1% increased melee damage per strength while we're in we bear form going all the way up to 10 for a little bit more strength then eight points into overgrowth for that juicy plus 10 Health regeneration and the 64% increased health regen 8 into rageborn to increase our Critical Strike chance and give us rage on crit to help sustain our resources then finally we will be taking hid skin and impervious hikin gives us 150 HP while G also giving us 10% of our health as endurance and impervious is just another strong defensive layer and then we have the Beast Master passive tree where we get a lot of our defense passives since there's a lot of damage reduction to be found here we're going to be taking Earth sign strength which reduces damage taken from nearby enemies by 16% then we're taking four points into Bor heart to enable aspect of the bore which gives us another 15% damage reduction when aspect B is active Five Points into poror kind Constitution for yet another 15% increase in damage reduction as well as 75% increase in health regeneration then we take one point into bore heart to allow us to proc aspect of the boar on melee attacks we're getting savagery and Ambush to help us proc aspect of the shark which gives us a little more damage and attack speed and then call of the pack for a little bit of HP and build up towards porine Constitution and finally we have the Shaman passive tree where we only have five points in Sky Warrior which will reduce the cool down of our main damage skill mall by 10% Maul takes on all the modifiers of fairy leap because we took the skull crusher node in the we bear skill tree okay let's take a look at our skills we're running we bear form upheaval Fury leap swipe and war cry first we have our we bear form skill tree to start off this build we want to make our way towards Tremor slam and then skull crusher this will improve our damage considerably and allow us to utilize the upheaval and fairy leap skill trees while in our we bear form scaling up our Maul next we want to make sure we don't fall out of transformation so we are focusing on rage upkeep for that we'll be taking four points into invigoration and two points into frenzy strikes then we want to make sure that our crit chance is high so we'll be making our way towards insatiable finally we want to make sure we're maxing out Earth sign heart and instable but if you do not have the extra four points into we bear form you can just focus on in insatable first unless you don't have a roros time glass and need to be a little bit more tanky then I'd recommend maxing out Earth sign heart first next we're going to be taking a look at upheaval and this is where we're going to be converting our physical damage into coal damage to synergize with our shattered land set so we are going straight over to glacial Cascade to turn up heal's base damage into cold then moving over to Quarry maker which allows us to clear large waves and packs and then making sure we get crust rupture for that added Critical Strike multiplier we're topping this skill tree off with putting the rest of our points into Unstoppable strength and Frozen collision and if you don't have that extra four points then you can hold off on maxing out frozen collision and putting the rest into Unstoppable strength moving on we have Fury leap first we head straight to violin upheaval and this will be the second time we cast upheaval and if we go back over here to Tremor slam and read both skills interaction with each other we see that instead of casting twice this will increase our Maul damage by 30% next we want to be able to spam Maul as much as possible since it is our primary DPS ability so we take aspect of the Mantis to reset our coold down on kill and Max points into Panther strike to increase coold down recovery then we'll be capping out this tree by putting Max points into brutal impact for critical shrike multiplier and the rest into your Ambush Predator to instantly delete mobs un impact here we have swipe which will be our main spam ability swipe will help us generate and sustain our Stacks while applying constant single Target damage so our first Focus will be taking all of the aspect of the panther nodes and maxing those out like feline Hunter lion strength saberes endurance and twin fangs which all will give us a ton of Buffs on Max Stacks then we can go straight over to the culling node on the other side and since this build does lack a little little bit of single Target damage having the 14% kill threshold definitely makes killing bosses easier and last but not least we are using war cry to buff us up even further we're taking shallow breath first to make sure we can spam war cry then making sure we take all the Berserker nodes to increase our damage output even further by increasing our attack speed and melee damage since we are not running a companion we do not want to take blood thirst then finally taking the cold damage nodes up here along with bringer of winter to help us cap our crit so what aexes should we focus on since we're scaling our damage and defense with both strength and health regeneration we want to make sure each piece of our gear has at least one of those armor and Health Region alone won't protect us from massive on shot so we will also need to stack HP where we can when we're able to we will want to find pieces of gear that give plus levels to we bear form and upheaval since those skills are the primary focus of this build and of course we want to cap out our resistances so add those wherever you see fit so our armor AIX priority list is as follows strength Health regeneration Health armor resistance levels to where per form and upheaval now this can vary between builds and and what you currently have too much of but this is what I prioritize when I am looking for my gear um typically strength and health regeneration are at the top because they give me both defense and offense for our offensive fast fixes we want to Stack crit and melee attack speed wherever we can so we make sure we have melee attack speed on our gloves and weapon and then crit on gloves weapons amulets and Rings our damage rotation for large waves and mobs is simply just running and jumping on them with Maul and upheaval should destroy whatever is underneath your feet and with aspect of the Mantis you can cast it again if you kill an enemy allowing you to just jump around and smash the whole map for our bosses we want to build up and sustain Max Stacks with swipe and use Maul whenever it is off cool down you can face tank a lot of bosses in this game with this build so just stay there and keep swinging and smashing but be careful of the shade of orabis since they do have a lot of one- shot abilities so I'd recommend just dodging the big attacks from them if you feel like you're still lacking in Boss damage I recommend using the Throne of ambition unique Endor Idol I was using this Idol for most of my progression but it's been quite hard fitting a 2X two idle into my setup currently let's go over all of our defensive layers I like to use this tool here to calculate my ehp effective HP pool and see how much defense I actually have half another useful piece of information we get here is the ehp verse one shots since we are stacking so much health regeneration we strug off a lot of abuse but we can definitely get one shot by big bosses so by checking our ehp versus one shot we can see how well we'll fare against most of those enemies our endurance caps out naturally at 58% from all of our passives and skills alone and our amulet tops it off at 60% but if you do not have a or's time glass max out chit his plating to get that 58% endurance endurance is one of the best one- shot protection mechanics in the game so we want to make sure we get as much of that as we can without sacrificing too much damage and thankfully we get a good amount passively we also get a lot of armor since we stack strength for damage our HP is lower than I would like but that's due to my LP gear not taking the HP AIX that I want so if I had to choose I would stack as much HP as I can on my body armor helmet then hybrid Health on gloves boots and belt as well as our Idols but Health Idols are also very expensive also we have 75% to all our resistances which may seem like the cap but we would prefer to be at 100% since there are enemies that shred resistance by 25 in the game so in total we have 2,347 HP 4,791 armor 1,2 endurance threshold 75% to all resistance and 60% endurance which gives us an ehp of 10,37 against physical damage and 6,774 against non-physical and with 1,636 health regeneration we don't need any health potions so overall we tank pretty well well that covers just about everything I could think of about this build so I've also included a written guide in the description below so if you wanted to take a deeper dive into the build or just need a reference you can take a look at that there's also a loot filter build planner and whatever else I can think of down there so go ahead and take a look anyways I appreciate you taking the time to watch this video and I would love to hear what you think about it so please comment down below it's also the first YouTube video I ever made and I had such a blast making it I think I'll be making more um anyways thanks for watching thank you for being you I'm off and hopefully see you back soon [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: tridanium
Views: 40,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lastepoch, lastepochguide, lastepochbuild, arpg, druid, primalist, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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