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i'm here with stupid again i'm gonna win this time hi stupid i'm blitz nice to meet you so we're gonna do this all again uh we got 15 rounds to go through we're going to lose one life each so we can go as far as 30 rounds which means again we can have some really stupid builds potentially but what about if we draw then we can go over 30 rounds that's true yeah we can go well over 30. you see that i did the big brain the big brain yeah that's right i did i was thinking yikes what a team name are you thinking names yeah mine was like i'm the overpowered hedges i'm the misty nuts the misty nuts uh yeah that that fits i could see that oh why do you have two mosquitoes why uh because i like the mosquitoes is this gonna be a duplicate of the last time we played where i just win 15 straight uh probably i have to come over to your house and console you because you're crying uh if i was gonna yeah there's a reasonable chance that would happen actually i'm not getting a super great start here so not that i i'm still fully confident i'm just i'm just trying to uh say that by the time i win it's going to be all the more impressive you just had coffee for breakfast i've had coffee all day long is that pretty much your blood type at this point just coffee yup how did i feel your favorite that was i feel bad oh no he's just a beaver he's a he's a placeholder i mean my entire team's a placeholder but yikes well it's a better place holder than mine i'll concede you that that's okay things are about to ramp up i promise you that i'm getting rid of my my mosquitoes excellent i like the sound of that so we're gonna go there i'm gonna apologize that i only have four animals oh i don't need to apologize i know i'm just trying to give you a little bit of a handicap here well now the pressure's on for me if i lose this isn't going to be very pretty for me so for animals okay interesting okay you're going for a buffing build i don't like that why does that thing have nine hit points uh because i put them there so there we go can we end it here game over came over i will get one do i want to buy you no do it this is what i want okay i want to do should i do that or should i wait i'm gonna wait a turn yeah i probably would too i've mismanaged my money again you know what yeah this might work this isn't gonna work but i think it's funny i almost didn't do anything this round i realized i basically had the exact same lineup he just rolled over and over again very mosquitoes too they're just dumb good i wish i had more of them now so you're gonna take you out but then oh the elephant kick that's gonna spawn forward and it's gonna give two damage to my crab which is about 20 of its health but i found the problem in my my the flaw in my problem i'm your problem now you know what i just turned up my whole team we got a totally different team right now i'm looking forward to that your last one wasn't working very well the look of my friend in the front oh an ox no no no no no i'm confused what am i looking at my bison it's not at all oh i get them confused a lot animals are hard okay is it furry it's a fluffy cow my dude oh it's got camel's way too strong already yeah he's kind of buffing the rest of my team in a big way this is not i'm i'm digging a hole here so i know you said you don't like my mosquitoes but you actually want to get to him at some point because i feel like he can't be annoying you that bad he's not dying or anything ouch i have no idea what i'm doing anymore i'm gonna put that there i don't really either my team cohesion is broken because i didn't get the thing i really wanted that's okay i'll get we got tons of turns we'll get there eventually oh the shrimp yeah i i there you go take shrimp so yeah in hindsight i don't really know what i've just done i've made the team a lot worse i just i can't even register my brain why i just did this you've the turns have definitely tabled right now uh yes so but you know killed my blowfish i killed the blowfish okay i don't mind that we'll keep it even yeah you know i'm just i just don't want to get too far ahead of you to make you feel bad whoops okay well we're gonna go like that i got a pet that i don't really ever use because i don't like it okay stupid dolphins dolphins i like the dolphin like this these rounds because they can usually one shot something annoying uh this one however didn't because he's stupid but oh this works out though because i don't know am i behind you that's a draw it's a drop it pushes us further in now and we'll get perfect like round 35 now oh here we go now we're getting somewhere i don't know what i'm doing df that's okay neither do i you just go with it and when it doesn't work you just do it again it won't work either but you just you just keep mashing your head against the wall and eventually it won't work stupid dumb this is gone i ran out of time oh perfect that sounds like it'll work out to my advantage slightly but i got a flipper uh flipper good his name is sharky boy see why you killed me i thought the blowfish would blow up after it died but it's stupid it does not yeah there's a weird turn of order there i don't know how that goes but it's you know you say turn of order yeah we don't need to talk about that too much well there's the stupid hedgehogs after i purge my blowfish the hedgehogs and blowfish yep now you can't synergize them but i do know what you're up to now at least so there's always that you don't know what i'm up to but uh i also supercharged a camel for some reason so you know there's always no that's dangerous the skunk you see a lot of skunks well he did a little bit you gotta get him to level two or three before they're really gonna do much that shark's gonna be bad for business though well actually by the time i get to him though he's uh because he goes that goes where the monkey goes yeah you're still back to being a little bit ahead i've got a honey badger honey badgers are illegal any badgers should be illegal oh okay that's not at all what i wanted but that's okay you know what this will be fine it is fine i agree i think i waste that entire turn so i gave you a bit of time to catch up oh good i like catching up uh yes you've done a lot of that in your life haven't you shut up okay so the camels are gonna have a little exchange they are but yours is stronger i don't know you got two monkeys why the crap do you have two monkeys because again they both give best three plus three it's equivalent of a plus two monkey okay but i got a little closer this time you did you did i'll give you that so oh okay well while we're at it we'll just go like that then if it makes you i'll put the monkeys together to make you feel better if it helps no it doesn't i know they're very intimidating throw a poop at me and i don't like that this is um yeah that'll they'll be fine i'm ready to go i have changed strategy excellent i still have a camel that's strangely overpowered oh that was stupid oh why was it stupid because i changed up my order oh yeah he's going to be a problem for a while yep your monkey's dead oh you killed my monkey that's fine monkey doesn't matter no he's just a placeholder by that point you know what second thought i'm just gonna let you uh i'm just gonna give you this one we'll pretend this was a practice one okay wow yep so we're actually going to do something weird here i'm gonna do that you're gonna just for now i don't i'm gonna i'm gonna not use the boar just out of mercy for you just so you don't have to i don't want to beat you too badly oh your bison got really strong he did how did you do that the cat is oh when you get two of the uh what are they called two two cows sure yes okay i see your strategy we're going we're going in food mode we're gonna over feed everything oh a food build interesting because i i've gotta catch up and i'm not catching up you're not catching up uh oh oh i'm getting too many good pieces here i'm not i don't know what i'm doing anymore i don't know what this is i'm with you what am i supposed to do here i know i don't what did i why did i get why did i do that well actually that could be funny there that's also funny yeah actually this could be fun anyway i i i don't regret this at all i see after 13. oh i did that wrong first swan oh yeah see swans are like the best thing ever early game because that investment moving forward is is irreplaceable okay so this will work out fun because you're gonna take out those two oh shoot and then you're gonna take off buses buses galore but you're dead already we killed that but i killed that and then it's a kitty cat i can't catch up df uh yeah which is strange because i'm not at all planning this out i'm just kind of winging it out there i can get rid of my camo if it helps you want me to remove the camel i got rid of my camel but it's not helping the problem is you've got that the dumb you've got the dump i i do have the dumb i don't sound just like my parents oh that melon are kind of annoying so yeah wow there goes the melon armor so that's fine yes stripping of the melon armor is important well to be fair though actually look at this though you're an all-star ow right that's not good yeah but inside i thought it was gonna be closer to me there i did too oh this just got so much worse for you again but now what do i do i don't have very i don't have very long i can catch up anymore yeah yeah i don't know what to tell you this is only going to get worse but take your time you know take your time you know i i just i'm just crying slightly that leopard not i've never get the leopard so big so fast there it goes most of your team yeah leopard's kind of fun i've never used it before yeah but i think i i think i might be a fan thanks you can subscribe there's a little button down below i will thank you hey i killed your snake this time you did get the snake you're making progress you've dominated me worse than i dominated you last time yes well so far it's not over yet though where's the optimism it went away i don't have optimism anymore okay so i don't know we're gonna go with this what when am i on uh you are on 12 i have four 12. so we've got a few turns left to turn it around or i can completely grenade this would you like me to tell you my lineup i can explain it to you oh sure thank you leopard then a tiger and then a camel then a snake and then a monkey oh i mean that's pretty much the same as it's been yes i can look at that inspect thing and i can see that you have a leopard tiger well i'm trying to help you you can't seem to overcome it i'm just trying to help you uh yeah that leopard's gonna really suck for your team why does he have 50 hit points where did my team go df why are you doing this uh i don't know it just kind of happened the thing is i'm not getting any duplicates of anything so i can't get the scaling to work yeah that's also tough if you can't i buy food i don't think there's anything i can really do i i doubt it i was thinking about swapping something out uh just to kind of make it more balanced but i think if i remove one of my pieces my team is going to get that much weaker that you're going to steamroll it suddenly it's a very careful balance i don't know my team's pretty weak well i'm going to do this for now and yeah that might work anyway i'm confident i did get melon armor good melon armory is very good for those high-end builds wait until your leopard just destroys it double snake yep the bar is a good choice though the bar is very good once you get him going yeah i can't get him going though that's the problem the monkey without the monkeys it's very hard i feel like do you have two leopards now no oh you put the camel in the front okay yes yes i did but if i if i manage to crack through your line you're in trouble if you manage to crack through my line i will be incredibly impressed i will actually subscribe to you at that point you've earned it you become a channel member that's right you buy merch you're just gonna only work yeah i'm gonna do everything i can oh scorpion interesting oh a double scorpion very smart cause it cracks the thing comes back to life and it's like hey girl how you is yes yeah scorpion's actually a pretty good counter to all this i do enjoy that i mean yeah the depth of the lineup is a little bit much still okay i got one more this is one more this is what separates the men from the boys oh i just realized that my tiger in a different spot too i should have had him behind the leopard i should have it behind the scorpion does that work yeah it's on death so so in all fairness the game was giving me like everything i could ever want to make this work so and in all fairness i'm getting nothing pretend i'm i'm just gonna put up a white flag and be like hey [Music] practice round practice round yeah this was our warm-up well to be fair last game you steamrolled me so it it's you know once a team gets ahead it's very hard if they keep going with that particular build i have a level three up right now that's good it's hard that is incredibly awesome i'm not gonna lie yeah it's uh wildly effective wow well done well done i like that though yes it was yes it was all right thanks for playing dude that was good yes thank you we'll play again some time we're one and one still
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 446,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vDL3fg2cMf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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