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[Music] every new set of pokemon has a few common themes like there's a cat there's the dog there's fur bait you know things of that nature and today let's talk about the fan-made concept region we've been working on the cascade region and talk more about the various pokemon that can be found here huge thanks to today's sponsor the cove commuter 2. their support during this crummy year has been amazing it's a big part of why we're able to do such a higher budget series like this and now more than ever is a great time to pick these speakers up because they make a great gift and yes i said speakers there plural because they split bluetooth speakers like no other it's a two-in-one not only do they get loud but thanks to the whole dual speaker thing you can create the perfect stereo environment however you want plus they last seven straight hours on a single charge then when combined they create a 360 effect so you can hear it clearly anywhere in the room it's good stuff plus with the coupon code lock 70 you can get 67 percent off talk about a holiday deal check it out with the link in the description and big thanks again to cove for sponsoring this video mini refresher this is cascade take oregon and washington overlay them on top of each other and bring in border elements boom basically it's the real cascade mountain range but smooshed all into one square in the last pacific northwest pokemon video we focused a bit more on the oregon part so today let's focus a bit more on the washington side of things for example did you know that seattle is widely considered to be the epicenter of glass art it has several glassblowing studios and museums a big fancy bridge named after him and it's home to dale chihuly who is considered to be one of the greatest glassblowing artists in history so to reflect this somewhat niche aspect of seattle we need a glass-blowing pokemon and it'd be even better if it was based on a creature that happens to have glass properties and it also lives around here which brings us right to pram blow and glaciolimp now honestly i'm not 100 down with glashulem's name so suggestions in the comments are appreciated as it stands the name is a combination of glass shrimp and chihuly named after dale chihuly other pokemon are named after famous people too like hitmonchan and hitmonlee these two are fire ground type because that's how you make glass and let's start with the more obvious of the two clash shulimp is a land-dwelling mantis shrimp crossed with a ghost shrimp mantis shrimp are famous for their insanely vibrant variety of colors just like a lot of glass art and then ghost shrimp well their exoskeleton is clear like glass but back to the mantis shrimp some of them have typical claws while others have what are essentially long punching arms like they got little balls on the end of them so in the case of this bond it has both and the ball one is red hot glass just like the end of a glass blowing stick and look it even has the swirl that's super common in the art yeah and just to have a fun laugh here's the art that i drew there's a reason i commission others to finish the job so now what the heck is pramblo well it's a pram bug which live in the pacific ocean they are deep sea shrimp things uh they are almost completely clear and the reason they are called pram bugs is because they construct these clear barrels out of jellyfish jellyfish corpses they lay their eggs into them it's like a baby in a pram so in the case of these pokemon glossy limp blows up a protective glass suit of sorts for their baby pramblo to live in while it grows up it's cute now here's to seattle landmarks pike's place the world famous fish market and right next to it the gum wall which is actually an entire alleyway and it is as gross as it sounds and since it's so gross let's take a gross pokemon and combine these two landmarks into one it's cascadian bruxish so you know how in cartoons if someone's chewing on something like gum their cheek gets all big yeah it's that plus brux dish is already all about its mouth hence the brux in its name and chewing gum is all about the mouth too so we gave bruxish human teeth a reference to plenty of creepy human-toothed fish and to make it a little more generic looking we mixed it with the bubble-eyed goldfish and removed the psychic typing bubble-eyed goldfish are kind of sad to look at sometimes but it turns out their liquid-filled cheek pouches contain a liquid that promotes rapid cellular healing a few japanese scientists are looking into how it works because apparently the amount of rapid healing these things do is insane so basically that's gonna make this brexit not only good with all of the bubble moves but it's also going to be a healing tank of a pokemon 2. and since we're on regional variants here's cascadie and a zoo roll i'd imagine the previous evos would be like this too but i have a limited budget you see so just imagine this but the others so the azural line are already based on beach balls and flotation devices it's their whole thing and this is bladder kelp which is found along the entire west pacific coast it's super huge kelp that has these balls filled with gas along its stock to help it stay upright in the ocean current so these are quite literally natural flotation devices and this is a water grass type kelp rabbit that lives among the bladder kelp here's another one so seattle is home to loads of mega corporation hqs i mean nintendo microsoft starbucks costco nordstrom zillow and expedia facebook apple and google have expanded here as well and of course the biggest of all amazon how easy is it to make some corporate conglomerate play a big role in the plot of this game concept i'll get more into those details in the evil organization explained video of course but for our purposes here today here is cascadian driftblim ghost steel type it delivers amazon packages all around the region amazon essentially being if facebook google apple and amazon were all one company and also existed in a universe that was aimed at kids so you know we're going captain planet on this the big corporation's the bad guy who would've thought these drift blim are the products of human experimentation commissioned by amazon and they are used as package delivery drones inspired by the ones that amazon has actually been experimenting with the future is fully automated people amaze all also made a regional pseudowudo steel psychic type or rock steel i don't know yet it's a 5g cell tower disguised to look like a tree and yes these really exist cell towers can be ugly so in a lot of areas they are disguised to look like trees or even cactuses and pretending to be a tree is sudowoodo's entire thing it's in its name pseudo wood it's a phony now then i promised a cat a dog and a furbaitman so let's do those first the cat like most parts of the world the pacific northwest has a variety of folktale creatures bigfoot is clearly the most famous and i've already talked about the agropelter so today here's another somewhat more obscure one the splinter cat a legendary cat that runs fast and rams into trees with its heart as iron head knocking them over or splintering off its branches sometimes it leaves behind a ghostly visage of the tree too it's a bit on the obscure side but it is well known enough that it has a creek named after it splinter cat creek in the real cascade region of oregon so this along with the global issue of feral cats being terrible for the entire ecosystem is the inspiration for cataracts a mangy normal steel type cat that's losing its vision and has an axe for a tale so there's an obvious pun here cataracts is the most common cause of blindness it's the classic cloudy white eyes that you see in animals and people all the time and being a blind feral cat it runs into trees accidentally all the time so it eventually developed an axe tail to help it clear paths for itself to use even if it damages the ecosystem and as for its coloration we went with a calico fur pattern because there are no calico cat pokemon yet and also calico fur patterns are only found in domestic cats the genes that caused domestication also led to this pattern of fur and a feral cat is specifically a domestic cat that is now wild now the ghostly visage aspect of the splinter cat also inspired a sort of evolution to cataracts i say sort of because this could either be a related mod that doesn't directly evolve from it like cubone and kangaskhan or it could be a trade with an item evolution that doesn't make it inherently better just different like with scyther and sizor before gen 6. so this is catatom basically it's a cross between cataracts and spirit tomb you know how spiritual is 108 evil spirits trapped in a keystone well functionally speaking this is the same only instead of those 108 spirits it is all of a cataract's nine lives or nine spirits trapped in a key bone inspired by the tlingit soul catcher which were typically decorated bones and in the case of this mon the bone's got a little kitty face it's cute and the name not only relates to spirit tomb but like with cataracts it's a good pun it's a cat catacomb catacombs being where you store the bones of the dead yeah now it's dog time while i was looking through lists of various supposedly haunted locations of the pacific northwest i came upon one that inspired our dog of the day this is the fighting type padet a little puppy cadet it's got barbed wire fur and is a belgian turverine oh and it's fighting type for the same reason as the swords of justice but it doesn't seem very scary what's with the mentioning of the haunted bit well this is fort stevens a military fort built during the civil war to guard the mouth of the columbia river which is on the border of oregon and washington and a fun historical fact about it is that it is the first and one of the only parts of the united states mainland to be attacked in world war ii shot by a japanese submarine but then soon after the war it was decommissioned so it plays an important part in american history especially the american history of the pacific northwest so to honor that i wanted a military working dog pokemon but it turns out these days the fort and the state park around it are said to be haunted the spirit of an army man wanders across the coastline and uses this fort as a base of sorts it's dumb no one died during the attack who would this even be but you can't stop urban legends from being urban legends i guess but anyway let's give this puppy a grim fate america is all about honoring its soldiers after all so another america-based region should have something referencing its military and this is wound fighting ghost a wounded hound that hauntingly howls it was not ready to move on to the afterlife it has a nation to defend and it remained here though not without its losses it quite literally has a phantom limb phantom limbs are a phenomenon that some people who have lost their limbs have experienced they can sometimes still feel the limb even though it is lost it is most common in those who lose their limbs traumatically such as through warfare and this phantom limb along with its ghostly abilities are all powered by its strong will and purple heart which references the purple heart metals given to veterans who have suffered wounds in combat sometimes fatally this may be a bit dark for pokemon but have you seen some of the other edgelord fan concepts geez so now on a much lighter note we get to the fur bait to clarify what that means it's basically like zoroark lucario brazian and incineroar and zeraora you know pokemon that you don't really even need to change like at all to turn into a fursuit so i'ma show you these mon first and then explain here is kit tough and beat em up fighting and fighting steel and yes it is just a counterpart to lucario shush so first i had to have a cougar or mountain lion pokemon because like they live here they are one of the only big predators so very important and how easy is it to turn this into a furry right so first the names then the origins kit tuff is simply a kid kitten that is tough both of these pokemon are very girls can be strong too you know archetype girl power and feminism are stereotypically a big part of the culture in the pacific northwest so ketuf is the tough school bully or bully fighter that happens to be a girl i can be tough too that whole thing and then beat him up the name is actually pretty deep i mean the end of it is puma backwards puma being another name for the cougar or the mountain lion it has a lot of names then it uses bead as in welding beads steel beads which it uses to fight more on that in a bit but there's also baidama japanese marbles madame referencing usually older women and altogether it sounds like beat-em-up a genre of fighting games and you know what the other definition of cougar is an older woman especially one that preys upon or goes after younger men so there's the madam in the name and you know what group of women especially tough women especially tough older women happens to fit all of this roller derby players roller derby is a mainly american sport primarily played by women which reached its peak popularity a few decades ago making it more popular with slightly older women these days but even still the pacific northwest has quite the roller derby scene i had no idea until i started researching this in short roller derby is a sport where one person the jammer scores points by lapping around members of the opposing team all the while that opposing team tries to tackle them knock them over to the ground and all of the other members of her team are there to defend her it can get violent at times though movies and media do tend to exaggerate how violent it actually is but media has that power and these days if you walk up to someone and tell them to think of a pro roller derby player they'll usually think of someone like uh like phil and lill's mom from rugrats big tough aggressive slightly older woman who may or may not be a closeted lesbian and that's another thing the pacific northwest is also very pro lgbtq plus maybe not as stereotypically heavy as say california but still i bring it up because roller derby is very important to many queer women and it's easy to see why article below if you're interested but anyway both of these mod have steel bits on their heads resembling the design of mini helmets worn by derby goers and on beat em up there's even elbow and knee pads and you can't really see it in the art but they're kitty toe beans on the feet they're also steel balls and they shadow the hedgehog along here's what i mean by that you know how lucario is fighting steel type but it also has that whole aura ability that's kinda psychic similar idea here only extreme magnetism like shadow the hedgehog with his hover shoes beat him up hovers just above the ground thanks to its probopass levels of magnetism control it allows them to essentially skate around anywhere and even float these steel beads around launching them to deliver punches and things from a distance as they approach with a huge tackle or claw strike they are quite the tough fighters also um in the wild they tend to prey upon much younger pokemon just thought i'd mention that it's actually a really common big cat tactic to go after the younger animals but but yeah i love it it's literally a roller derby cougar cougar and there you have it even more pacific northwest pokemon and we ain't even done yet so stick around subscribe and never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 663,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon region, pacific northwest pokemon, kaskade region, furry pokemon, furbait pokemon, pokemon design, fakemon region, fakemon design, my pokemon region, my pokemon team, pokemon pokemon evil, sudowoodo, azumarill, cougar pokemon, lucario, vs lucario, lucario vs, washington pokemon, pokemon region based on, pacific northwest, seattle pokemon, amazon pokemon team, amazon pokemon, cat pokemon, dog pokemon, new pokemon, pokemon news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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