Pokemon for the Pacific Northwest! | Gnoggin - Kaskade Region

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hello hello we've been making a fake mon region so far we've covered the base inspiration and lore behind the region itself and how the four box legendaries and mythic pokemon tie into it and we've also covered the starters as well as a bunch of new pokemon that fill the gaps of unused type combos and today let's go over some more of my ideas for new pokemon such as the regional bird the pikachu clone the pseudo legendary and more and this time they are all extremely specific to the region and being so specific to the region here's the context you'll need to know this is the cascade region based on the pacific northwest which is where i live if you take oregon and washington overlay them on top of each other and bring in a little inspiration from the nearby bordering areas you get this region really it's just like if you took the cascade mountain range in the land surrounding it and scrunched it all up into one rectangle now i'm a big fan of what game freak's been doing lately with their pokemon design that being that every pokemon truly fits and are inspired by the region they originate in gen 7 is when they really started hitting the nail on the head with this idea and gen 8 is just wow every gen 8 pokemon is british and so as a guy who's been breaking down and explaining pokemon design and lore origins for the last few years i figured i'd try my hand at making some pikmin by which i mean doing the research and concepts and having fake mon artists actually draw it because i'm bad at drawing so let's get going new pokemon that fit this region just about perfectly in the last video i explained the regional bug so let's do the regional bird next the pidgey pidev fletchling equivalent this is quail yes its name is just quail but spelled wrong so is seal and dugong get over it quail here is a baby quail quail are all over the west particularly the california quail and the mountain quail i wanted to reference both in this line but what concept is it mixed with well the other definition of quail is to feel or show fear or apprehension so we gave quail here a nervous expression a stiff march and it's using its eggshell as a protective helmet quail eggs are very tasty by the way quite noteworthy also when it comes to misspelling quail to make this name by spelling it this way specifically it also contains whale as in two cry so it's good oh and it's currently mono flying type maybe normal flying but it changes once it evolves into quay alert wait a minute that pose the salute the feathers resembling a buzzed head so yeah remember that definition quail means to feel or show fear or apprehension so we're basing this bird on the east oregon militia it is now flying ground type quay alert is always on the lookout it wants to protect its family from any and all danger even if that danger actually poses no physical threat it often keeps one of its eyes covered with its head feather for maximum focus and when it detects the possibility of danger it rapidly digs into the ground so here's a fun thing compared to most birds quail don't actually fly that much they can fly but they prefer not to and also they dig little holes into the ground to sit and sleep it's cute look at this that's how you know a quail slept here and that's also what inspired the ground type here quill alert is always alert and always a quail mainly the california coil with its iconic head feather but when it evolves the head feather splits in two and now it is much more resembling of the mountain quail this is quelstin a quail bastion that questions everything the highly reflective feathers on top of its head protect it from mind readers and thus its ability reduces the damage done from psychic moves its feathers are caked in clay and dirt forming a protective barrier when laying on its eggs its wings will even merge with the ground a bit forming a bunker it is the most defensive regional bird by far so yeah this line is based on quails and tin foil hat conspiracy theorists hiding in their off the grid bunkers always on the lookout for danger and joining their militia oregon actually has a very sizable bunch of people like this out east oregon is considered one of the best states for this kind of thing thanks to its resources and the sheer number of like-minded folks out here so many anti-government self-sufficient doomsday prepper types out here there are whole preparedness conventions out here man it's crazy so i wanted to reference that and get an odd type combo figured out and i also wanted a quail because there hasn't been a pokemon and also it's they're unique they're here they're iconic i mean it's called the california quail and then also the mountain quail it's perfect it's perfectly fitting especially of the second definition of quail this is honestly an amazing connection and i am way too proud of it now then when i think classic tourist interpretation of the pacific northwest i think about all of the bigfoot merch found here sasquatches so there's just got to be a bigfoot pokemon right but i don't want just a sasquatch it's gotta do something interesting with those huge feet i've got it the valleys in oregon are huge on their vineyards grapes and wine all over and classically speaking how do you make wine well you pick all of the grapes and you squish them like this with your feet in a huge barrel a bigfoot pokemon would be perfect for this so here is vitta squash orvidis squish which of those names do you prefer for the rest of this video we're going to go with vitisquash but this is a normal grass-type sasquatch pokemon that has grapevines growing in and around its fur it helps out farmers and wineries alike super friendly and lively its name comes from squash because it's a sasquatch and also it squashes things and vitis is latin for grapevine and is also close to veda meaning life because they've found their purpose in life and are very lively about it this dude's so cute and it's sure to uh attract some folks now then the second biggest thing besides bigfoot is paul bunyan and his trusty sidekick babe the blue bull and also of course the oregon trail is super famous wagons pulled by oxen and all so how about a blue bull ox especially one that has an outfit fitting of the time period this is auditar a baby blue ox they have a hard time walking because they are babies with their baby bonnets shaped like an auditorium this is basically a baby minotaur and also the name auditore is italian and means listener so there's that if you couldn't gather it's a very sound based pokemon its cries can be heard for miles and then it evolves into the normal electric type auxiliary easy name right aux and auxiliary refers to audio cables but the other definition of auxiliary means to provide supplementary or additional help and support which is exactly what babe did for paul bunyan and also what all of the oxen did for the travelers on the oregon trail so these oxen love music but their own vocal range is low and limited really good bass though when it charges and then screeches to a halt it sounds like a record scratching because they have vinyl like hooves and its horns which look a bit like auxiliary cables also function like a taser electricity surges through anything that touches both horns it's neat now here's a little monster it's monster a grass-type moss hamster roof moss is a huge problem here i mean here's my roof i just cleaned this last year but at least it's more manageable than the roof problem i had growing up shingles melting but but the moss roots get into the shingles and tear them up it's butts so here's just a little moss hamster just a cute little one-off now then beavers beavers are a huge deal in this part of the world really all of northern north america but oregon likes them so much that we have a beaver on the state flag and it's blue and yellow so maybe a blue and yellow beaver pikachu clone that would work out perfectly since beavers build dams and this part of the world has so many hydroelectric dams look at how much of our power is from it one of these dams is also the second largest dam in america only behind hoover so this is guruchi all pikachu clones are named in japanese and in japanese this pulls from the word bite and the sound of a spinning turbine which is how hydroelectric dams work and it's obviously water electric type its signature move hydro charge makes it so that from this point on all of its water and electric type moves count as both types it functions similarly to how flying press functions where it picks whichever type would deal the most damage and does that one for example water gun would now be super effective on flying types because it would function as an electric type attack and the other way around works too in the wild water passes over its tail which spins these little turbine-esque spots its cheeks do this too and the spots are laid out like how beaver tails are decorated which is a style of donut oh and it shoots water from between its teeth hence the gap makes it higher pressure by damming up the water gun from its throat uh it shoots out at a higher pressure now then beavers are super important to this region and there already is a beaver pokemon too so we wanted to have another here is a regional badoof and barrel normal steel and then steel psychic type so the reason beaver teeth are often orange is because they have a lot of iron in them good for biting down and chomping down trees all the time and then there are some cases especially back in the day of people getting metal fillings in their teeth and then they would actually pick up on radio waves in their heads it made quite the news story forever ago so these guys do that they have so much metal in their teeth that they pick up on radio waves which has made baberal no longer a doofus it's like slow king levels of smart now it's picking up on all of the news and talk shows it's getting an education and by this point it's gotten even more sensitive to various types of waves now like mind waves hence the psychic type fun fact did you know that oregon is the grass pollen capital of the world yeah if you happen to have allergies to grass pollen do not come here it is bad which is what inspired this guy histamine it's literally a grass-type pokemon because it is literally a ball of grass and its yellow feet and face look like pollen under a microscope it's a little meanie making people around it sneeze constantly hence also the histamine part of the name histamine is the reason we have allergies but anyway this design is pretty straightforward but rovr is a bit more complex the name comes from river roe and caviar it's a salmon egg salmon are huge in this part i was taught so many salmon facts in school oh my word why else would i have like five billion videos about this single kind of fish in this case specifically it is a chinook salmon with a chinookan style ore or a fin cute and it evolves into senuk the name of course coming from salmon and chinook as well as canoe and thus its canoe-like shape and design and again the shinookan style of ore these fishmon are huge as they are based not only on the chinook salmon but also the now extinct saber-toothed salmon yeah everything had saber teeth in the ice age saber-toothed salmon were basically gigantic salmon that were basically fished out of existence that's what they get for being so tasty now hey check this out this is the obsidian flow it is aftermath of volcanic activity here and it is also what inspired this part of the region and here you will find obsidius an insidious rock dark type pokemon made of obsidian it's like if geodude and bishark were mixed and it's got obsidian arrowheads for arms and its whole body is shaped like one too now then the redwoods are a big famous part of the pacific northwest i love these massive trees oh man so to reference them here is a cascadian tropius it's a redwood tree and it's swapped flying for ground type its ability essentially automatically causes it to ingrain for free upon coming out of its ball but he can still return to the ball redwoods got crazy roots i mean they have to be crazy to be as big as they are and the redwoods are also home to the banana slug and i'm sure you know where this is going here's an annot it's a banana slug that looks even more like a banana and it's covered in extra goopy snot-like slime hence the name and it does the doug trio magnamite thing when it evolves now it's a troop of banana slug goop it's a nanoop a banana bunch starting to brown a bit and also if you combine this part with this part it's two separate parts of a shotgun slug is that dumb i think that might be dumb now i love how misty and foggy the redwoods get so i had to have a missed pokemon like a literal fog pokemon so water ghost for sure why not a regional gengar line these pokemon have been cleansed of their poison by the ultra-fresh air of this forest and in its place they absorbed the moisture on foggy days they are literally undetectable even to the most advanced of silph scopes and the most sensitive mediums they're literal fog pokemon i love them gengar drips more moisture from his tongue now here's a concept i don't think gamefreak has done with regional variants yet and may never do but it's an idea a single alternate evolution instead of two here's what i mean this is cascading in bellsprout it's based on the cobra lily which grow all around mount shasta which is what the southernmost mountain of the cascade region is based on this is important because people think this is one of the few psychic power spots on earth like like in real life so we play with that concept a lot in the lore of this region but anyway it's mono grass type it moves like a snake now and instead of evolving into weepinbell than victory bell it has only a single alternate evolution and it's a new one this is drozabel it is based on the drazera another carnivorous plant and living on this magical mountain has awakened the psychic potential in this plant and it uses that power to persuade its prey to come near and get stuck in its sticky grip it's just like how dryzera bring their prey closer with nice smells and sticky liquids and then the final new mod for this video let's end off with the pseudo legendary this is the woof it's so cute and i love it it's just water type for now they are super fast swimmers but often get too playful and excited and bump into things they evolve into woz growl and are now water dragon type the fur on their chest is sharp when pet at some angles but super soft at others just be careful pet it the wrong way and they are known to explode and then it evolves into warcane one of the most intelligent pokemon of the sea and notoriously difficult to train but very rewarding if you succeed some trainers can ride them like jet skis as they are incredibly fast as well so if you haven't gathered they are orca whales but also wolves so what the heck is that connection well long story short it's a wasgo also known as the gon cadet quite literally it is a wolf orca hybrid creature that lives in the oceans of the pacific northwest a totem animal to many locals most notably the haida they use their arcane powers as well as their fins with claws to maintain their position as the local ocean's top predator and by the time they're fully evolved they no longer hunt in a pack but rather are all lone wolves as for their names bouw is a wolf that makes bow waves and it's super cute so it goes the woo no really was growl is simple it's just was go and growl and then warcane is an arcane orca whale wolf which is a fierce warrior and man oh geez oh i just love how the art on these ones turned out especially but what do you think of these and all of the rest in this video favorites least favorites which ones make you say game freak should hire you guys and which ones do you only like because it wasn't made by game freak let me know down below and until next time never stop using your noggin and links to all of the artists accounts are down in the description
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 962,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, fakemon, pacific northwest pokemon, pokemon region, kaskade region, fakemon region, pacific northwest, oregon pokemon, orca pokemon, bigfoot pokemon, wasgo, banana slug, gengar, pokemon sword and shield, beaver pokemon, pikachu clone, psudo legendary, mr. buddy, hoopsandhiphop, Washington pokemon, canadian pokemon, quail pokemon, best fakemon, unique type combo, lockstin, pokemon design, designing pokemon, pacific northwest region, PNW Pokemon, PNW Pokemon region
Id: e_F-1cs_DKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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