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what is up everybody my name is tots and welcome back to the binding of issac afterbirth Plus lost and forgotten should we spice it up today and do one of the new characters fine divided I don't know what that means but we'll hopefully find out the colors don't sweat when you shoot down but they switch when you go left and right why 8 fire rate that's good health is bad though and he's got nothing but soul hearts is this supposed to be a blue baby thing it's just the worst room possible then oh my god oh no it didn't take any damage no he did it's so hard to turn to red I think I don't know what happened now they're back to so large yeah item room reset bloodshot eye is just so bad like I don't even sure why that would even be they were to go he ate it he ate the item is divided like no item run thing going on here or its back he's keeps switching between two different forms so it would seem like maybe one is red health one is soul hearts and the items are split between the two which is troublesome so yeah this is gonna be interesting not sure I really feel about this this kind of just seems like some sort of weird wet dream that someone had that doesn't really make sense at the game but you know it's here we are that this is you know it's new yes and he's dead I'll take Duke any day oh you got meat put it on the guy that doesn't have the yeah okay so now one it's got a damage upgrade and the other one has bloodshot eye amazing are we collecting those papers again to fight the loss the bony boy boss not feeling terribly confident right now top secret room give me the goods that's pretty good let's put it on the other guy maybe if I can switch and you can switch is the only such an active rooms does he switch out to our certain number of shots okay so he's not gonna switch needs there we go I guess this is gonna be terrible this is like having a balance it's twice as hard man I could just give all my good items to one but then as soon as I slept the other one that doesn't have any defense he's gonna get run train on and I'm assuming that once one of them dies they both die oh yeah bloodshot eye he's gonna say it the day super secret tinted rock mama so if I want to get this atom room on the bloodshot eye I got a weight extra long right calleman on blood shouting wait now go now kill now going to the I don't have a key I thought I had a key when I went to this floor way to have a key now we're gonna get this key switching between characters they have unique consumables you're [ __ ] me in the neck I got split my consumables up are you [ __ ] on my face all right let's fight the boss and just see if we can't switch forms by the time this is done at the mentioned deal with devil chance say the guy can't even afford it because he says well I got one red heart yeah that'll be fun give me a health upgrade give me a not die that be a success in my opinion yeah you're dead bloodshot eye quick dude there we go there we go there we go health upgrade it's close enough and take the two harder you need it you need it as a risky's [ __ ] dull purple skull damage up evil curse plus curse up I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know but it seems awesome hey you got some health okay I'm not gonna take that other one gonna be good could be bad all right let's take this other item as well this guy's gonna be beefs now daddy long yes yes top Seagram my super secret indie rock I forgot oh no that's good that's fine gotta go gotta go all right spiciness let's do it got trade soul hearts to this guy and we're gonna get the the piece of paper and I'm gonna do it it was to last time please some it's - yes good good all right what do you got what is this cursed [ __ ] huh what do you what'd he do it's like the fires hurt him a little bit bad and I can just sit here and wait for dad to take care of it what was that he just jumped into the poop and he spawned little poop buddies awesome it make more sense for a fly landed Pope and spawn more maggots but yeah I'll take it a walker guys all they shoot stuff doin a hit wall okay okay that's a little bit more intense a little bit more scary now either that's a different version or the moderator was like ah [ __ ] Hut screws past that that was embarrassing let's beef these cakes how do I handle this situation dad will handle the situation thank you item Roma max fire rates let's split that on the other guy I can get to it before dad kills him yes Go Go Go Go Go don't no don't poop knock it off I need to kill him quick ah got it range down like whatever could be bad but I'm fine for fire is amazing see if I get this guy to blow up the top secret room thanks dad thanks dad you just read my [ __ ] mind yep that's it it was there yet [Music] black black black algae's Burke Burke's really nice for the boss algae's I could use that in the boss as well Oh perfect use for algae's don't such characters though it's gonna gnaw nalgas me because the other character didn't have it now okay we're good we're cool we're cool but this guy's gotta take the item now shoot well this guy doesn't need some deal the Devils to spice them up even more now so okay let's see if I can't kill a black or into both of them Oh looks like black ruins just go across the map they each have their own consumables but they don't each have their own card slot Wow okay we don't split money though remember maybe I should just leave some of the money then for the other guy like an evil genius would know the other guy the other guy needs health to genius now shop me no trinket no what are you jumpy host I don't like that broken hourglass 0.5 shot speed enemies are slowed when player isn't moving interesting black run it I gotta take the new items I gotta see if I can find some way to use them give them to this guy that's what I was waiting for because maybe I get to sit here and fire and then have them like move really slow through my my fiery doom around me right guys Oh where's my parking shop Bill Curtis there she blows out so when I'm shooting a countess movie ah [ __ ] chop refresh that that sounds nice the schoolbag but I don't have any freaking active item [ __ ] up help what am i justwhen health health health health health health health health do we share that no we don't weak there's no way we share the school bag go for something III sheezus or some more yeah the other guy really needs the stuff though but we have split money so that you spend your money however however you want to buddy deeper pockets maybe no use n I'll just end up dropping whatever I'm holding half the time both maybe Diplo three double deals and then you get a coupon more free devil do you know what switch characters and give the other guy the coupon yeah both get free devil deals they're both good look at how happy he is now it was happy crying yes three miles I just ruined up good moment this guy needs to kill you need a murder faster there we go there we go there we go good speed of murder friend murder speeds average speed of murdering average velocity of murder this joke has gone on too far one of them's always on sale right so maybe we should just soak up this sale pedestal and a little bit of health you need health but ah no health over that all right I think we did a good job just needed those wait for chests so this guy can open them Roger Roger okay you [ __ ] that up big time this guy can get into this challenge room though okay come on get mom's key just expecting an absolute [ __ ] bountiful harvest from from golden chests and just kiss just balls it's like the ability to hold multiple cards is shared between characters so some items are overarching watch this play you're ready to be impressed 5 cent bomb get into this voila use my two bombs to get over here No what the hell is up with all these trinkets touch that it's your penance [ __ ] I wonder if BFF would have increased the size of his purple fires the toss-up for who should get the devil room so let's just let's just go see what happens okay nice damage alright looks like it's this guy belly button well that helps the trinket play and meeting gonna deal with the devil at seven percent sweets some good please that's pretty good got our consumables back push this over here voila use the batteries on this shop I just wanted to buy this first then battery the next one but yeah I'm super smart it's true which gives me another charge like this and box of trinkets would be good with a belly button hello or if that's a good card though oh that's not what I wanted three batteries left we can get in three batteries box of trinkets to be nice better than a free double deal here and there maybe because we share trinkets that it's gonna help both the characters Boop I think it's guaranteed that we get it by this point is even if I get the battery I just get another charge I've calculated it I'm a genius and I will have this bonk anything but the red heart okay one battery left there okay I forgot there was a red heart we might not get it but I will because I'm awesome I can buy the battery I will cuz I'm special this guy needs some help bad as far as aren't gonna cut it for too long it's just not you know he's very short ranged so as my other character though okay blink you're gonna make me buy it son of a [ __ ] mom's box I got it give me something good tapeworm all right hey range that's me so nice for our other guy good plays good plays we're singing so long and this just be thankful it's edited thank taps one let's go oh my dad's stomp of glory okay dying touch it with mom's key probably worth it but maybe not I should have bumped that over to hit one of the blue fires greed you know what to do give me my Steam sale please I could implode the Steam sale and then I got shopping fresh that yes Steam sale now just fine this is fine this is fine I'm fine the client is I feel fine I'm fine even with double range that's it box trinkets that's pretty good yeah oh yeah that's okay with this character you know it'd be an interesting item item called the healthy boy gives you a 1 damage up for every full red heart you got Steam sale was the correct answer here game Steam sale was the correct answer how two percent chance for a deal with the devil we both need it we both suck give it to me I would dip blow I think in the devil deal if it was just hot if it was bangin yes you're going down son alright look at the dead yes good Book of the Dead is super good it allowed me to get super close with my fires I have to do it sorry box black are in the box for a luck upgrade good we're not getting our pieces of the the thing and maybe that's fine because we suck right now from peels like garbage knowing my luck knowing how everything goes for me literally I'm gonna end this episode and then someone's gonna be like huh don't you know that you can press Q to switch between characters or some [ __ ] okay that's that was okay we're dying dude this could be hot and happening but I don't know how good some of us still do it they'll switch Oh golden bomb perfect this guy's got 28 keys okay open these let the other guy soak up what are these bloody shooters all right just back to the other guy though no this is the guy look that's good that's good he continues to hear how he of the bones stay the bones stay with them within the from the book good this cross-pollination is exactly what we need and the golden bomb stays I needed a health bad whoa what the hell [Music] that's a reasonable speed yeah health play take that to next floor steam sale shop now doom card what is it Monster Cod oh that's right a chance to fight monsters or bosses undone for a free boss nope vagina Oh elf upgrade job I'm ready I'm so FLARP and ready for my Steam sale go saw the chance I don't know what that at Gong upon use teleports player to a challenge room the challenge room are a challenge room I'll take one maybe a maximize our chance of finding out we should buy everything first since it's a half off pedestal it's like really good even come back as the other character to buy you this stuff maybe even you know what drop the dip low so whoever gets it gets it doesn't matter which character smart smart Steam sale Steam sale seems alias all Reyes this box of friends double my bones get out of here you're dumb to your detonator a sea bow mystery gifts battery buddy car battery that sounds pretty good for what I got box come on go farm up some more money with my money Brent we should totally be using the gong to here we are gong time oh you took the box of friends you dum-dum gong for more money okay a little risky not risky for you I wonder if guppy gets shared between the two and read some more money please or batteries for more Gong that's what I'm talking about let's get the moms key though I see it in our items lists so maybe we share that too pyro Oh needs it maybe it's shared I don't know good though nine lives is shared this is worth yep pyro does not look like it's shared thought that was steam sale super greed give me money I don't have all state but insurance gave me money I got you a quarter all right come on give me this thing no no I'm running out time is running out for dreams to come true that's it I need the range I don't need the keys anymore though so bloody crime for more item rooms well [ __ ] dude we were so close to having it I mean okay we can still do the reroll thing and let's do that credit card no it's still good to have I guess but I'm gonna need I'm gonna need seven cents to get the other Steam sale and I don't even have that now so I think the whole thing is just bummed no I'd I won't if I have the credit card each Wow okay seems sale please just give it to me just do it you dirty dog come on I can tell your credit card here and get another credit card haha literally ace of diamonds that could be helpful but it's like opening up a credit card with another credit card paying off a credit card with a different credit card genius I swear I got like like my last chance here monster card blank card it's up with the credit cards here another ace of diamonds use the ace of diamonds on all the junk maybe you can wait though nope didn't get it another credit card Oh why take mister me with me could grab everything in the box and then if I find a pur throw later get a bunch of free [ __ ] I don't know what this syringe does though gives them what they deserve lethal injection and I read up on it when used enemies around will burst shooting blood and bones around this sounds pretty neat I have to have Fargo or everything else though let's box it let's box it up take it with us I don't know it boxed up consumables all right give me a per throw please you know there's a topsy girl we haven't found probably right here nice good job smart thinking alright kind of bug that up but there's still a lot of potential find me mom will forgot pinched one orbital would have been amazing here stompy mom keep that fire in there the fire in there then you're done doog avoid oh no there's only this guy get the pole right that has to be shared down we go oh you dead now crawlspace well oh yeah touch it so you never have to touch it again what if what if you had the beam and you use this something is wrong pill it supercharges the beam for a minute right that would make use of the beam and the something is wrong pill two birds one stone you know this is a good idea supercharged beam might look like the mega laser but it's coming out of his but there's this guy again someone spikes under the ground awesome what do we got all right pyro one of the guys does that's okay what happens if it shares this item a doesn't share pyro then we quit you switch characters sir dad dad there we go take that wanna find the top secret from here from DMI perthro please no we have no excuse for being alive this late in game with 425 damage cause somebody's gonna get a nice familiar here no just just a white pony burn baby burn burn white ponies pretty good not better than what we already got though and this guy gets to deal with the devil then eh alright he needed it might as well just credit card the damn thing all right bolt at four fire rate sick let's roll what a long episode what is that hello her throw me now I need it damn in some way for dad's foot to come down this guy show them what for dad anytime now now it's now a good time could you do it you kind of missed try again god damn it there we go better why don't I use my book of the dead son of a [ __ ] oh Jesus I forgot last item from god dammit if I sucked them both into the box would I get them both afterwards try their battery right here ball Oh I sucked one of them up I could pick up the other one and Bobby get the first one later look at that genius move guppy I actually will use that thank you make sure they both touch it golden bombs should find top secret room for first row you know no know what it lets fight she slowed us just completely neutered gonna be a good fight you're done mom you're done ADHD is appeared in the basement okay no devil deal and uh on we go I yes I'm skeptical about our ability to beat the game but I think if we get our perthro then it's it's done then it's done just a per throw please if I keep being an idiot like this and dodging like a Butthead we're screwed oh the dice room could be a reroll er it's a chance and busy boys I was weird dads foot go oh you guys oh man devil deal well waiting that's mostly active items in there mostly active items but I am intrigued and I'm gonna do it are these teleporting guys what am I supposed to do Monster Card show me what to and mean to be real super stand lesbian no ah to Roma what's the - room girls all pickups chance or another purse row maybe oh this is just ridiculous alright - or I'm giving my per throw no death card lovers beg you pills voidable whoo ah la stops eager room still happen gonna happen we could try to reroll it with the dice with a crack dice we can do that they could do that but what if it really thing that we got there's no deal 100 in it but there is a d8 - reroll my stats or with the treasure card chest trinket sack golden chest item soul arts one luck let's try it - chest cool judgment save that all right let's do it cracked ice risky play for a very role on our box that we took with us we have to figure out how to hurt myself since I can't do it with my own bombs at least with one of my characters well to switch characters and then come back fight me do sure fight me guy it's gonna be a long fight not sure right we have to fire right right now but Jesus what we do because up we dis da tit do we just da for to fire right mate mental breakdown has appeared I got hit when I couldn't move you've unlocked an item all right down the go let's do this madness but our judgment down judge blow them up for an item open up these things move for fire rate for double damage is that worth it to take away to fire aid I'm not sure what is this blue meat HP up heart containers can be filled with a soul heart interesting try it this is pretty hot suicide King I can totally do that too risky though super risky all right let's get the box out there we go perfect perfect perfect perfect voila Black Card suicide King bro oh [ __ ] that's right we have Diplo in here oh man wave wave me now come back as the other guy so I can bomb myself yes finish that finish that finish it perfect no you switch back you [ __ ] finish them finish him finish him finish him finish him finish him okay okay okay okay okay okay now hurt myself until it rerolls hopefully it won't take long that was a d20 another d20 a boat that was a chest there somehow come on d6 me d6 me you son of a [ __ ] let's leave the room and come back or something yeah buddy epic act to the other guy oh that's good I still have to fire right so just drop the damn thing just drop the damn thing this would be a winner that's a winner that's a chicken dinner what's this goat [ __ ] whatever head thing tell me about it fire right down tears will inflict poison and expand I gotta try it not that big of a fiery down I'm not seeing the expansion I am seeing like great little bubbles floating around it though sweet we get back down to two fire rate or the other guy could have what no the other guy picks up epic AK it'll be like 40 so I'll fire right down for you it didn't it didn't move okay and it's like some contagion and honestly we should probably go for another reroll as a d1 there - could that be useful when you pick up epic cat cuz the other guy first cuz with with immunity - bombs yeah alright alright we did it we frickin did it let's go look at this look at this it's way better getting frame E it's so good we can all see trying to drop the void oh my god this guy is so bad though he's got three damaged right now he needs epic AK yesterday you've dropped the void and look the other guy Boyd things - guys got no health Oh brah alright we got the right guy though get your damn at the CAC sir guillotine is actually a whatever down - so alright 12 fire rate he's just limping bombs out he's immune to it doesn't matter this is still really really good we should be all the kids clean up now honestly guillotine you just go 9 fire a typic at that is insane marked I would even go well and I feel like I'd end up bombing myself but more fiery down be hilarious Boni myself isn't like I'd throw a bomb out switch to the character and then get hurt megaphone one of you player will randomly fire sound waves which will destroy enemy projectiles and push enemies back cry louder I can't really go for another reroll you guys so I'll probably just end up voiding everything and then we'll reset the floor not too keen on having me what's it called data a minor but I think we'll be just fine alright get this guy to finish well that was quick Haga loss [ __ ] go back into this room suck everything up redo the floor spicy profit go all right what do we got leprosy thunder thighs triple shot couldn't be pretty okay yeah I like it come back and suck everything else up alright I think we're starting at the wind you guys yeah we're so strong the game can't even handle it right now look at the look at the frames oh and this is just this guy with a ipecac shots Oh life is good though no complaints either character now life is good two hits left oh this guy though SMB superfan more health fully charged suck forgot we had date a minor there for a second what are you math problem why didn't I read it - six damage alright let's just finish this now finish this now you're done it's so done though oh my frames god I'm sweet dude all right this is what another run of lost and forgotten that went actually really well after I took advantage of the cracked ice pretty new and unique idea with this character let me know you guys his thoughts in the comment section down below thank you for watching and I will see you in the next episode - you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 232,430
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: akIzU25cCZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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