Exagryph NUKE Build - Hades Ep6

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[Music] what is going on everybody my name is suds and welcome back to hades played a lot more of this on stream and off camera first thing to note here is that we've unlocked all of the weapons the last one being this extra grip weird gun thing look at this though drops bombs well pal you have come a pretty long way let me tell you i think most of the smarts i've picked up you know by now and so if i'm fresh out of tips for you i guess there's only one thing left to do you have to like reload it though i don't this is a weird weapon i don't like it but since i unlocked all the weapons i can now use my monster blood of which i have nine i've returned and upgrade each weapon you'll notice that my bow looks different and so does my sword and my spear cause i'm using upgraded versions of them aspect of achilles in this one so i have this like after i throw my spear i then chase to it called a raging rush and then my next four attacks have more power pretty cool i can continue to put monster blood into it and upgrade it further from 50 to 75 post rush bonus damage there's aspect of hades spin attack becomes a punishing sweep which sounds pretty cool so each one has their own thing right now i've got uh special automatically seeks foes if i hit him and hope he's dead so if i hit him my special will home in on him i think that we should try upgrading the gun because you guys have not seen it yet bonus ammo capacity fi upgrade aspect of zagreus aspect of eris for eight seconds after absorbing your special's blast deal more damage so i'll bomb them and then i'll do more damage to them after that or after you manually reload your next shot is empowered i like the aspect of eris looks like a pretty cool gun all right so now i bomb them and it'll do more damage oh it's only if i bomb myself do i become empowered did i read that right after absorbing your specials blast interesting so if i'm like in the blast zone which doesn't sound like something that would be that nice to do we have a lot of new keepsakes this one we gain a damage boost every time that we clear an encounter without taking damage 10 damage striking undamaged foes and from behind pretty much have every gods boon except for this last one skull airing is new 20 damage while at 30 or less health i think that's 30 damage to distant foes sounds pretty nice got all the stuff unlocked on here so we have a higher chances for legendary or duo boons we have a chance to re-roll one of the doors 40 chance for rare boons which is pretty sweet bonus damage to foes afflicted by at least two status curses i've learned a lot about my mother persephone i've met with her i think four times now and at first she was really mad that she felt like nyx had lied to her and so did hades that i was still alive and then it turns out that uh the prophecy was like that i was going to be born stillborn that i was going to be dead and i was also packed of punishment let's not mess with that right now first boon is going to be one of my favorites athena we don't all share the same demeanor nor see eye to eye though all of us i think wish you the best attack is stronger into flux your special is stronger your cast damage flows in a small area failing shot's pretty good 78 damage boost as well let's try it chaos boone right off the bat too stupid having a reload so yes before we go any further my mother persephone thought that everyone lied to her essentially i was born dead stillborn but nyx did something super crazy and special and took a really long time and brought me back to life nix is the goddess of knight the mother of the furies nix didn't say anything i think she was she kind of led me to believe that uh there's some sort of agreement that she couldn't talk about it i don't know but things are kind of clearing up and uh passed on the knowledge that i think that everyone likes persephone that no one was intentionally trying to lie to her i think there's some deeper story going on here that we just don't know about yet and we're going to have to make it to persephone more to have this conversation chaos what you got perhaps you want to let them know the truth about your i'll never get out of here if not for their help but i can't let them know about mother she wants to remain hidden from them that's right something about like hades is trying to keep her safe for something by not bringing attention to her a difficult position to be in the son of hades the olympians may not appreciate believe this but you can trust that i shall keep your secret i wish to see how your predicament plays out 119 damage foes from behind probably not going to be doing anything from behind with the gun dash strike probably not going to be doing that either getting max health yeah catholic keys i don't need keys anymore we basically unlocked everything that keys are good for we can trade keys in though for i think nectar let's alter it see what we can get all right so bomb myself if i can and then shoot everybody was it eight seconds that i get a damage boost it seems pretty significant so maybe i just send a bomb at the enemies and then jump into it myself is that the best way to deal with that cool right there oh get yeah get down a key great we take way more damage than traps because of the chaos spoon so let's not be stupid here these grenades deal a lot of damage and i'm very excited to have them dawdless hammer i have to it's so good there was an upgrade i got last time the first time that i ever used this and it gave me the ability to never have to reload it was awesome i love this i bomb them and then jump into it we need to do something good with our dash strike like a blade fury or whatever it is something good with their dashes so when we dash in to get into the bomb radius something else happens dash deflect would also be good so that i can safely get in and out your special becomes a rocket that would make it almost impossible for me to bomb myself fires the spread of five bombs especially those 300 damage in a large area it can hurt you no cluster bomb it is okay that'll make it a little bit easier for me to charge myself up the other two would have made it almost impossible the rockets sound awesome the rocket sounds super cool but minus damage is not the best maybe we can make that back up with something look at that look at that though look at that though who cares if it's minus damage if he's right next to me like they're like super clumped up oh clump me oh yeah donald klump look at me do maybe i do want to do like a more of a point-blank style play here with this i wonder if we get a damage boost the closer we are to them because it kind of seems like you know we might get the back strikes if i just basically treat this much like i treat the uh the spear my boot from chaos is transformed what was my bone again more max health that's perfect and more athena here's the time for the dash strike athena you're up hook me up girl i do not like this guy although my bomb spread we'll probably take care of the ads seems to be working so far spam spam the y spam your special what a good special time it's the most wonderful time of the year oh man that point blank bomb is so clumped minus 30 damage but times five kind of makes up for it athena marry me i feel like i really really like athena i'm gonna maybe try to go for her little dating thing this is an unexpected gesture cousin i do appreciate it though please do not feel obliged i offer you my friendship not alone to be repaid i say the dating game because that's just kind of like with the hearts and it's just kind of you know that's the name for it i understand that we're all related i also understand that that didn't exactly matter when it came to these gods so you know it's all over the place i'm just gonna call it the dating game for now when you deflect it deals more damage that's right our main gun is deflecting your cast damages foes in a small area or your special is stronger and can deflect you're special we're spamming the special i really like the failing shot i have yet to show you guys what it's all about let's just go hard on the special special away i don't have to reload the special uh at all either so that's pretty dope look at it let it rain let it rain ah the trap look at that blank blank special if i stand on them when they spawn that's something i don't miss that's deadly that's deadly i'm like i hate the gun and i'm like whoo treasure trove absolutely this is also healing me i dare who dare me there [Music] it seems i need to look for better help we've pretty much entered the game where we are grinding but at the same time progressing the storyline further and further so it's really hard for me to grind offline because i want to beat hades i want to continue through the game i mean i want to grind more stuff like darkness and gemstones but i don't want to continue the storyline because then you guys miss it so i am just going to have to keep doing that i'll just keep grinding offline and on twitch and i'll catch you guys up later if you're super interested in seeing more of this like i said my twitch channel or my second channel where i upload the vods deflect bombs deflect bombs look at that if i can deflect dash on top of this i'd be a happy person fish spot we can turn in fish for bonus materials at the end and like a lot like i think i got ah fact talking and i was trying to fish the same time it's hard prince you've been gone for quite a while why i heard tell you made it all the way outside and i believed it for a while there yet here you are what happened might i ask i made it out of here indeed sir i always said that i was leaving but turns out there was good reason for me to come back not the least of which is visiting my friends from time to time oh shouldn't sisyphus be like pushing the boulder up the hill like i haven't seen him touch the boulder once this doesn't seem like much of a punishment he just gets to hang out in this room for however long he wants i like how it lets you aim it like it auto aims a little bit but it also gives you some options like right here that's the ares i'll take some doom there is a reliable deliverer of death it seems and that makes three of us i think casting's a blade rift your dash creates a blade rift after using death to find steel more um i kind of want dash deflect i'm not gonna lie we'll stick with blade dash for now though and we'll palm what more damage on our special duh boss fight who is it not to siffany you know what i like about you the way you bleed um alecto tormentor of passions not gonna lie to symphony is not the most difficult electo i think is the most difficult probably because i've only fought her like three times and i have no idea what her patterns are yet that is not the type of flattery i'm used to you're making me a bit uncomfortable i'll have you know never met a god that bleeds like you red like a worthless mortal come on let's bleed you dry that's hot i guess if her thing is that she shoots a lot at me not that big of a deal because i have deflects i can't see what's going on oh there's this circle on the ground oh circles i can't see it through my circles i'm having a hard time bombing myself here if you could hold still ow you're done okay she's hard when you don't have deflect and the nuke button maybe we go pierce butterfly damage builds so if we clear an encounter without taking any damage at all then we get a two percent boost purim yeah skate so long hermes sorry i gotta do it 100 damage striking frozen behind gain a cast your special deals more damage i take more damage but after three encounters my special yep yep yep yep yep i think the biggest thing i'm gonna struggle with is seeing who's what and how and when and where you know what i mean like i'm not even sure what i mean but i think i did you know what i mean that's for you psych [Music] aaron shop for the mini boss what would artemis have for me if you're quite done with shopping zagrius what say we cut straight to the chase from here arm is call cast seeks foes i guess we'll do artemis aid lame divine flourish even even stronger and poseidon assigned with knockback would knockback be good maybe oh man i set a trap for that guy times 10. sorry bro correct nephew she shies away from most of us so if she's taken somewhat of a liking to you great cast damages foes in an area knocks them away your god gauge charges up faster when you take damage or any rewards are worth more ocean's bounty pretty good for our grind fest i'm gonna go ocean's bounty here and this is a very good event right now i like the singing lady [Music] just the ingredient i needed hon thank you so much you know you weren't near as bad as i'd heard oh don't worry we're still getting to know each other plenty of time for me to live up to my notorious reputation oh i'm surprised you've heard of me at all say tell me something there your royal majesty you know a lot of shades you wouldn't happen to know an orpheus would you spindly little thing whiny voice heard he's officially serving in your court making music i know orpheus of course i know obviously mates wait why do you ask your mates huh just as long as you don't count on him for anything hasn't even mentioned me has he well if he ever does you tell him i am doing great up to two random boons are upgraded to the next rarity we do have some good stuff four random boons game plus one level and three boons you find our upgraded rarity in the future let's upgrade the ones we have we got heroic oceans bounty and divine flourish yes our special we're gonna run into an enemy that i won't be able to hit with my special bomb and we're gonna be in trouble dude i can't afford anything i'm sorry you could take the hoagie sub off your hands i don't need it last time it is remember me the new hydra head rains down arrows from above i believe yeah kind of tricky look at these bombs though bring your friends up see if i care look at that i almost melt them with one bomb voila bombs for you and bombs for you more for use good sir ma'am we are hey let's get some fishing done fishing i'm taking a lot of damage here and i think we're only gonna take more damage i'm only at a four percent boost here with the pierce butterfly i think we can do better i want chain lightning so zeus let's go i'm selling my artemis call i don't like it don't make me choose between zeus and dawdles hammer you dip i gotta go hammer rip the trinket that i just got i'd rather have a four percent damage boost now who's next oh you were standing the wrong spot bud oh it's targeted by your special move slower and take 30 damage your attack is a three-round burst but you never have to reload your attack deals damage in an area and briefly slows explosive fire explosive fire sounds awesome i did have the delta chamber one that's the the never reload one it's good i gotta go targeting system i gotta go with the bum so i gotta just uh pick one thing and just get really good at it not exactly the way that you generally play this game but it is the way i'm playing it right now so enemies that are being targeted currently by my bombs move slower which means they're not as likely to move out of the area it's him i sensed your presence here fantas don't have much time let me see if i can pitch in with thanatos he is deaf i have to just try to feel more things that he can kill we're doing a good job he's gotten zero so far let's keep it that way i let him get two look at this double health game though i'm gonna gift you this too because i like you you shouldn't be doing this zag you picked sides and things are not the same a momentary stab with thoughtfulness can't fix something like that what stabbed me with your nice dab of thoughtfulness that's the worst way you could possibly say hey thanks for doing a nice thing we've been through a lot then and i think we'll be going through a lot more yet consider it a token of our kinship he's uh after four stars now what are you doing back here zack you made it out i did but i had to come back and not exactly voluntarily i'll be visiting up there from time to time though it looks like i'll be staying here visiting from time to time i don't understand it's my mother she's alive and well it's just that i can't stay with her up there for very long so we'll have to catch up one visit at a time i see well then that's good that's good because it means that i won't have to track you down up top because between us i can only take so much of it up there yeah we're still friends did you get me my zeus boon game hades gotta fight the bull for it though this should be interesting you must take pleasure in having to fight against me short one i too have come to look forward to it even if i end up falling to your strength oh i was going to say i'd much before we settled this more amicably couldn't we perhaps i could interest you in a fine bottle of nectar ambrosia even i do have those things no thank you these battles are enough besides you won that brochure from us fair and square stop jumping out of the zone stop jumping out of my nuke zone i gotta predict where he's gonna go like right there yeah that works that worked too oh god i'm so good at this game could i be any better at this you're gonna go right there you went right there i got hurt though sorry that's not where i was that's where my nukes were are you yeah you do you're mad but if it isn't the one and only in your possession there to strike one's enemies from afar is really the only way i think and it's about as good a substitute for lightning bolts as you're likely to find what do you got for it your cast is a burst of chain lightning i like it your call is zeus is eight i don't know after you dash just before getting hit the bolt yeah let's do the electric lightning bolt thing this is a good time to try him out from blows please electric lightning bolts and you can just sit here and do even this [Music] indians chaos gate oh well they've been pretty good so far more darkness and gems boons have a better chance of being rare or special deals plus 68 damage is that another excruciating flourish and this is abyssal flourish flourish me right in my flourish hole we're taking more damage from traps currently so we'll have to watch out for that there's a lot of traps around here [Music] sure your butterflies land against nukes yeah that's what i thought you suck ooh hermes athena yes please reduce damage from traps death defiance restores more health than usual that defiance makes you impervious longer yeah we'll do trap damage balls hermes what do you got quickly dash to recover health lost attack is faster or whenever you're hit you have a 15 chance to dodge automatically quick recovery hockey sub and here go here here goes the big boy fight we've nothing left to say to one another hell spawn that's the first to usually yax's face off [Applause] focus the ball [Applause] ball is going down hard he's not having a good life right now i can't even see the ball it's a massive explosion did he just throw perseus that's the first time i saw that you and me i'm coming from this crowd turn on your bag because [Music] the storm swirlies difficult it's gonna be hard to see them too with all the explosions oh there's one right there that's hurting me that's hurting me the special is too strong thanks fan you enjoyed the show my good shade what if that's been persephone the whole time whose upgrade do i want the most well you know what i kind of need the money so if i take the coin purse i can buy something special at caron's next shop also if i purge ocean's bounty at this point in time it's probably a good time 300 right now would be pretty nice i have not killed hades yet with the gun so if we can do that we'll get more monster blood or titan blood what's for sale caron ooh fish spot poseidon don't take the double palm your special is stronger even yeah let's do it since i've got the money what do you got nothing comes freely for the mortals on the surface nephew and from the sound of things it isn't any different with that charan character poseidon's call attack and special are stronger for the first 10 seconds of an encounter that would help me through the maze or gain a random assortment of stuff right now let's do hydraulic mites so we can just bomb our way through this maze will not help me on the hades fight though hermes boone zeus moon i usually stick with the less difficult ones because once you start fighting the armored seders i just die so quickly and then you have to go into the hades fight with what no health minus one death defiance that's not good money is also a solid option there's another palm to buy let's start with zeus walk into the room bomb everybody first 10 seconds you have more power like that kind yeah yeah if i had to sum it up that'd be it oh my chaos spoon just did the special plus more damage 68 i want a number here i want to know how much damage my special's actually doing guess we'll never know wow so we have these tiny little rooms in this maze area and we just need to try to find our way to the end of five different tunnels got hurt there for a second one of these tunnels contains a bag that we give to cerberus you guys know the drill who then lets me buy and then i fight hades could you imagine if we had to fight cerberus and hades back to back zeus call your chain lightning bounces more or it makes them jolted the next attack self-inflicts and harms nearby foes let's do that gives me more of a reason to hit people with my cast by my palm let's opt that cast they do do 100 damage is pretty nice we don't even really need money anymore i guess we could try to go get the poseidon thing let's go palm here i don't even need to shoot anymore i should just focus on bombing and casting where's my juice i'm poisoned ah still haven't found it i'm tempted instead of going for money to go for this difficult hermes one shoot be nice to me tunnels [Applause] we have a very strong run we should be able to handle it it's not here another one of those especially gigantic super rat it's a super rat [Music] i got it i got it we're good hermes hook me up more dashes you think that once you break free to the surface we could see you from olympus a bit more than usual but no it's like you're shrouded in eternal night up here something like that oh right shroud and eternal night i feel like nix is still hiding me shroud an eternal night i mean that's goddess of darkness night your special is faster the dash hyper sprint could literally save my life on the hades fight because he does this like super wide thing and dashing away from it is incredibly powerful i literally have to do it i i wish i could do the specialist faster one because it sounds awesome inside the filth and trusted layout no reason not to buy out this little shop it should come in useful there should be something special that happens if you buy all the stuff in the shop i think about how awesome it would have been to have the 30 faster special probably would have been so cool yeah we found it all right bud that's for you fang bearing cerberus directs all three of his attentions toward the sata sack and onto hades this boy moves a lot it might be hard to hit him kind of like the bull we might have to predict where he's going to be ah but there you are boy finally despite my knowing you are always late for everything yeah you've outdone yourself by quite some time what if one time he just let me through go shut up and get your fork and burn away that regal cape and let's get to this then i had no idea you had all these capes to spare must have a whole entire storage chamber full of them your mockery of me may temporarily embolden you but achieves nothing useful in the end i'll see i i like still i'm not getting out of that dash without the swirly swirls that he's got going on that was a close call we're just barely making out of this oh as i'm in the swing range nice i like that one i think the hermes thing was it was the right choice and we we knew that all right two thirds [Music] surprise got em [Music] wave two ow 40 damage on my face [Music] don't need to run from that look at me do don't break that thing behind me thanks oh don't hit me for 30 then 40 damage oh boiling blood more damage taken dude our nukes are just killing it you miss you're done zero death defiance used you think you are superior to me yeah you are a fool not you think you're superior to me even though you just beat me i shall remember this yes that's my only response yes how many special boosting specials did we special special is stronger specials blast deals more damage absorbing the special blasts especially does 68 damage attacking special plus 75 for the first 10 seconds if i was targeted by my special or slower intake plus 30 damage special deals 54 damage that was awesome so i've gone from not being a fan of the gun to actually having a really awesome run you gotta love it when a game can do that to you it really speaks about the game and its ability to you know like if you just have one full part of a game that you don't like it kind of ruins that game and i felt like the gun was going to be that for me but sure enough they made me love it i made it mother let me check for fish first this more important thing is that us me okay let's talk son i have to ask you how much do you know about your relatives upon olympus i think i know quite a bit by now i've been in steady contact with athena zeus and other members of the family ever since i first left father's house they've been assisting me in getting here no zagreus what have you done you've let them here why does she not like them no no they think they think i'm trying to escape from father so that i can join them on their mountaintop at least i think that's what they think most of them anyway but then does hades know of this that olympus is involved maybe you should just be forthcoming with what the problem is and then i won't have to worry about accidentally giving up a secret that i don't know exists mom quit being dumb he does both he and nicks in fact it's nicks who put me and olympus into contact i can never have broken free of the underworld if not for their help so nicks and hades are against each other then and olympus is helping you but they don't know i'm here as far as you're aware that's right more or less nix and father seem to put up with each other don't seem to have much of a choice so ever since i learned of you nix has been helping me to find you while fathers tried to stop me that fool what was he thinking what is he thinking do you suppose he thinks that he's protecting me from them oh no i i think maybe he does think so indeed because now having met my relatives upon olympus i can definitely see that they can be a bit vindictive about things vindictiveness runs in the family my son then if olympus is involved that would explain a lot i'm here not there with them as you can see but oh it seems we'll have to speak some more when next you return when i return casually just like yeah when you go through all that super hard killing your father and everything no problem see you tomorrow darn natural causes got you once again there didn't they well you show them next time would you do that for me huh sure don't you see boy you are trapped you are trapped i told you boy i told you there's no escape from here learn that the hard way then all these gods have done ridiculous things and overcome the greatest odds stop being such a rain cloud you could have told me more important things mother left because she never even knew i was alive thanks to you she's got a lot of questions herself as you can probably imagine i'm headed back to her you're going to cooperate nonsense listen to me if you have any sense remaining in that head of yours i caution you not to discuss this here and now let me go let me find her she demands it this whole thing is going to blow wide open there's something going on that we don't know about and i'm going to get everybody in trouble and they're all going to blame me because they never told me what the hell is going on i just want to see my mom a bunch of jerks nicks nix my mother was quite concerned to learn olympus has been aiding me did you haven't you put her in danger by involving them was there no other way no there was not she has been in danger all along i concealed her yes even from me but it is not enough i do not think that you could have found her without the olympians and if i did not reveal your existence to them if they discovered who you are it would be worse if they discover that i am the son of persephone oh what a mess how are we going to fix this the olympians maintain belief that you are trying to reach them i trust we can sustain this understanding for a long long time perhaps not forever but long enough to discover a solution perhaps with your birth mother's help what's up mag you want some juice hey meg i thought i'd better hand this over i'll confiscate that if you really want although i'm warning you i'm not susceptible to bribes many have tried i'll get you there what are you doing here i heard you finally made it out what did you break out of here only to die in some pathetic way on the surface long story but yeah boils down to what you said more or less so you're going back out there again well it's your business not mine for your sake i hope it's worth it got you some fish bud here's all i caught there he goes cerberus this nectar not fancy enough for you boy is that it you've developed quite the delicate palette at your distinguished age though having little appetite remaining for the likeness of nectar's flavor the multi-headed monster of the underworld nevertheless accepts are we best friends yeah we are the locked one i give uh one ambrosia and we're done here hey listen a moment lad i require your discretion with regards to whom we spoke about last time the shade you met with an elite the unnamed guy yeah i understand what can i do about this sir it must be something but you have to let me know what's going on simply put here's the reason that i'm here patroclus lost his life before i did because of me i shortly followed in a rage when i arrived here i received a hero's welcome the father himself ushered me to lease him but that's not what i wanted you wanted to see patroclus but he's an elysium or you oh no i signed a pact lad felt the terms were good enough he could live there well i'd live here at least for now such deals are most uncommon and their confidentiality must be upheld but let's speak no more of this for now all right okay bye i met her you know persephone i mean you look more like your father but you have her eyes one of them anyway you never spoke of her to me you must have known you kept the truth from me same as nix it's not like that i didn't know any more than you besides lord hades ordered all of us to never speak of her again i thought it's just a bad relationship i didn't realize she left her son something tells me father wouldn't let her take me even if she wanted um do sir turns out that i may be stopping back from time to time like this but please don't bother picking up my room i won't be staying long sure but i'll just keep an eye on things in there from time to time in case you change your mind um so goodbye um goodbye all right you guys that's all the time that we have today to play hades phenomenal phenomenal run i'm happy that i found a build on the gun that i enjoyed i hope you guys enjoyed watching this episode as much as i enjoyed playing it and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 76,963
Rating: 4.9680758 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Action Roguelike, action, indie, rpg, roguelike, hack and slash, dungeon crawler, roguelite, mythology, hand drawn, difficult, funny, fail, levels, bosses, tips and tricks, playthrough, footage, gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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