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all right let's do it let's do some Eden runs you guys what are we on a streak of 11 oh boy look out everybody Emme R per stream what's up ooh ooh we have free flight in a blank card here a little pasty three months in a row I appreciate that little pasty welcome back friends all right [ __ ] for health we got really good damage and fire rates we have free flight via lord of the pit and a blank card we're starting off with all right a breaking run confirmed I might die though it's very very possible that I just died that I just keel over dead because I get touched by a single champion or like a pink one of those purple champions that spits out the tears I can feel it Zach and food it coming in yellow night Oh Lord oh yes host hat nice hat breath nice hat breath we already have a thing I challenge you guys every single time somebody says beard or shave you have to do it once it upper one pushup do it I challenge you guys how dare you shank your bird stop putting your balls in my face right save for the bathhouses sport okay toothpicks tears upgrade I like that I'm watching you while drinking me some vodka says Maximus where's mine okay do I go full [ __ ] do I go full [ __ ] mode oh my favorite genre of music well um I tend to not pick favorites indie I don't know you guys what the [ __ ] down res anymore there's so many goddamn genres of like well that's not that's not pop that synth pop with a mixture of Eurovision semi SAP bibbity Bop s-- uh any chord minor and because it's at the frames or it's because at the speed of 55 beats per minute then it's that it's a trap step single dub trap strip step you know what I mean it's like what happened to techno and rock in rap I like those ones those ones I like those ones those that's what I that's what I pick oh [ __ ] shake that ass I'll move it like a gypsy that's that's my favorite song right there that's it whoo perthro feels good man a was I'll take a gay was all taken a was we're just one brother boobie away from getting another damaged down isn't that exciting oh hello that I did I did that that that that that did that did it that did it rip damage yeah 7.9 again we're gonna get [ __ ] of Babylon active the only move rooms here all right all we need is one battery you guys if you don't get one battery though it's not gonna work it's happened before it's happened before I've gotten to this point and then not got in the battery one black heart well I could hear that black heart doesn't really seem like a good investment all right that's got to be a rip to the break you guys that's got to be a trip to the break I feel like they took they took batteries out of the chest pool I'd like that was an update that I kind of missed like it's not possible unless you have sac head last room you guys rip rip dreams do I just use the era at this point in time is there any item that could give me a battery not really no it's really you look like Jeff waters yeah I totally knew that guy is that that Oh Jeff yeah totally should we do it and go for the fetus say [ __ ] you game and feed us up should we tech 5 and dunce cap does that look like whoo it's like 2020 going both ways whoo tractor beam though tractor beam doe I want some tractor beam though with this combination check that out oh that's like what four tiers in one oh that's deadly save a lot of the stuff that we don't really want because we have a per throw he gots ourselves a per throw d20 with glitter bombs whoo I use my year are you guys all rip it could have given me a battery ha ha ha ha it could have done it oh my dreams uh hurts hurts look at that look at em oh wow ok that's actually really really cool we're immune to explosion damage so epic at can [ __ ] himself right in the face could use d24 batteries I know like I dropped the things in the ground with this and then I d20 the things to try to get a battery out of it oh we could have done it let's start / throwing yeah I'm feeling good we got lots of real rolls to go Libre triple shots dry boobies rubber cement as a yes all stats upgrade what do you guys think should i Libre HIPAA CAC oh dear Lord oh dear Lord Bombo come over here you little [ __ ] yeah let's do it let's do it let's use mascara and Libra since our rain our fire rates at 148 what would it ha ha oh my god this is a fat to shoot one two Libra give me some fire right baby oh yeah it's raining [ __ ] green Altoids every Altoids it's a written man all of them really oh yeah soy milk with 44 damage oh yeah our fire rates at 1 hour fire it's at 1 hour damage is that 140 whatever I'm mixing up a few numbers but yeah look at how crazy this is holy goodness sad BOMs fetus Oh dark bum get your juicy ass over here soy milk ah [ __ ] it - 30 damage + 3 it doesn't make sense soy milk is the worst thing ever soy milk Libre sucks - 30 damage + fire rate soak that in for a moment right now soy milk [ __ ] me in the ass [ __ ] it I'm taking fees now woo hey I'm in town girls heaven oh my god oh yes Wow oh Jesus oh god Timmy oh geez Oh there's bones in that room Oh God oh man capela oh Jesus Timmy there's more Oh Tim Oh Oh my god Oh God Timmy I can't even see the screen oh she says it's one frame per second Timmy aah Tim Timmy oh no oh oh no Tim Oh Tim I would seems disintegrated pile of dust Oh Tim I'm so sorry about this your father's gonna be so mad at me out Tim oh my god why let's keep going let's crash the gate crash the game crash the game crash the game crash the game I'm actually getting a little bit of anxiety right now because of the fact that I feel like the game is gonna crash my computer's can go - guys it's literally my fire or met my framerate right now it's like when we got look at the teeth were at nine look all right one Bob let's see what that does why are you still going goodness that was one bottom you guys that was a single single bump we have a nice little calm run going on right now it's great I start talking like a golf announcer and it seems like he's blowing everything up on the map he's getting ready he's teeing up on the mega satan flight everything looks pretty good very nice outside it's a clear sunny day about 76 degrees we couldn't ask for a better day to day it's fantastic for blowing everything in the entire world up Jim he's over there getting refreshments although you've been disintegrated now he's missing a leg because of the explosions but I'm trying to keep calm whipworm I could whip worm watch me whip whip now watch me Hey hi bye crash the game crash the game crash the game crash the game crash the game crash the game crash the game crashing the game later day klutzes computers and I whopping 479 degrees Celsius I'm not sure how it's doing it it's literally hotter than mega crash the game oh we couldn't do it we couldn't do it
Channel: Hutts
Views: 1,019,987
Rating: 4.8489175 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, Lilith, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 9LHlzw2iDKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
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