Lost and Forgotten - Afterbirth+ Mod

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what is up everybody my name is Hudson welcome back to after birth plus I was going through the workshop and a specific mod caught my eye binding of issac lost and forgotten by n for who items trinkets enemies characters curse system secret boss not so secret now is it Joseph has a beard and I like it let's go I don't know what that is time zero zero zero zero okay so like we haven't started yet excuse me sir why is my thing ticking down below oh no I don't know that is oh yo ah time to run away from that thing okay okay alright what's that's homing he's got homing he's got a homing thing he's got a undead I'm super dead I'm dying very quickly I'm I'm not doing very well right now I think he gave me a boost to my damage and fire rate though by maybe I I touched that and there's also cursed enemies that maybe do double damage or something and maybe I run into those tears and I get hurt and then maybe maybe I'm not gonna plug in survive very long yeah I sit by a drum oh no yeah lots of new enemies okay I'm hoping they're not just all on the first floor here excuse me sir no I can walk through him it's important to notes I don't know why I can see the secret room but I will accept I shall then not accept I refuse I'd like a return place on this item I guess I didn't make it fast enough and the curse timer ran out but he's still here then I get another buddy I said I tried to bomb with that golden box whoa that was crazy what was that you can't take my stuff this is the first floor again and my damage is gone I still cursed what did I do okay maybe it's like if you choose the curse path you have to complete it in the time allotted and if you don't and I [ __ ] know dude nice description very uh thorough needs a wiki is there a wiki is there a wiki recommend using external item descriptions maybe we won't be Joseph if it was Joseph's fault too much beard let's just be Isaac with the d6 no curse men you can I still touch him though ah I kinda wanna still it's been the new content didn't know we were filming worst mods today tried that again worked minted rock so hard me health upgrade bud help me out help a brother out got it for me yeah you do literary Roller probably you should have kept the gammy a good item to make up for what I just did yeah I'm liking that it's nothing new so far though what about the new enemies was I supposed to touch the demon in order to activate the new enemies what did I do wrong no no we're good I don't know what they do it just walked into the wall they just keep walking just keep walking until they hit something at least they're happy about it cookies from attended rock solid oh god that's terrifying Jesus pretty good you know pixel art and everything and characters seem like they they have like a specific function some mods abortion birth like you just don't even you know you can't even understand what the hell they were thinking you know to not name anything specifically oh I like this from another battery which is gonna be very useful for Bob's head here and that's another health upgrade give me a static Grady right now and give me the rerolls for my other two items I don't even need items screw it I got holy light I can win with just holy light ouch he says as he gets demolished on top of his cranium a cranial demolishing I don't know what I'm saying I'm just keeping a conversation going you guys he did yeah Dawson until can either that's the good stuff now what you got for me but up oh girl now what you got I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it see your room buddy got I accept this as well and a nickel for me thank you that nickel yes good glad we were on the same page they're having a hard time complaining I'm still doing it's still Hut's gaming don't worry I can complain no matter what you're doing we're doing so well for you oh I like it oh okay okay okay what you got nah I like soup then enough a little super baby mouth little baby soup small rock mine and sick of em mine simply tech five is like rocking way too quickly and I don't know what that's about I go I feel way too overpowered right now but it's a good thing now I'm too strong that's good and I can reroll that I don't hate multi that's three roles oh yeah I like that better what's this trinket here on time with a DES I don't know if that was was or is that in the bottom left is it a counter but I want to collect these things golden key definitely check out the shop you might have the one with the luck pennies in it oh hey it would seem like I'm supposed to collect these my counter didn't go up though I don't know if that means oh wait a second when I pull up my tab menu like we're filling out like a like a tarot card or something up there hmm just part of the new curse system next floor maybe the papers unlock the secret boss so what who soul heart guy I mean I should probably play him if it's part of the new stuff who knows if he drops something that I need he does I wonder if there's always one for sale always one from that guy always wanting to deal with the devil to find a new location you think it's gonna be in the angel because that would be real shitty Joker doe is they're always wondering a spike chests i de try the mushroom guy masks on this floor you kidding me what the mushroom bums kind of getting a devil vibe from this piece of paper so maybe we go down to Sheol he's some of that is that in description please awesome bite me Hollow oh my goodness Oh little Steve do the devil though no new piece of paper but no a d6 better especially for a new mod I want to see some new stuff man what people Lyle is not that thing though thanks for trying what if there's like a piece of paper in the IM air room or something right what if it's ridiculous try to figure out like where the rest of this paper would be and what the what is this paper do we all of did we look dude that looks like a bum buh wheel kinda doesn't it 15 cents would make sense I don't even try to do that it was dumb give me the money I need them got the money let's roll we low stats man what you got what damage yes awesome I like that what have you had like some random items on there to maybe even specific items from your mods same ID charge since we're so close to the boss but the deal with the devil that we might get I'm a joker as well like he's pop but yeah what was this in oh yeah the wheel instead of a stat upgrade 15 cents for just like a random item right near like a maybe a tiny little peek at what it might be so like godheads on there or something like that or something equivalent to right and then but everything else is like Bob brain would you roll it we had one chance opportunity comes once in a wheel spin oh you know what there's a little there's a thing there's a thing up there on the card pieces one is a heart which was the sole heart bagger I bet ones the upside down star which is a deal to devil one was where'd we get the first one shop one was a shop I don't that arch how that means shop but pain it was so close to being called Satan maybe someone had a typo tears up by the way six fire rate amazing let's Joker while we have our D ready best list on that each fan not a huge fan of that demons I randomly spawns bloody tear that moving players direction I don't know randomly oh okay interesting that sounds like it's gonna be an absolute nightmare for dodging how do i how do i how do I always that's cool my old tail oh my are gonna know what tears come from that thing and what tears come from the enemy not sure how to really wield these messes an enemy like on top of me I wonder forgot tractor beam but that would do some naughty stuff to it necro one now I'm hoping it's just like a mom fight and what if its boss rush it could totally be something like boss rush they already bummed it up or hush fight who knows man fungi re-roll guy cursed I varicose veins get out of here but give me garbage what does that thing were you what do you want from me oh my goodness that was awesome sweet I'll take the black candle and then go back for cursed I please it's a money I need a cash advancement somebody okay guys got some money last room yeah they do a little bit dad a little bit what's that card oh yeah well oh wait strange day a strange day that I choose to take cursed I like me mask of infamy mask us suck my left nut hit him with the light beams and he's done done yeah I'll take that thanks and yeah that's that's pretty good timing I'd say so gonna try to use my lovers card and get something for this do sure gonna get a piece for me got some paper already have a syringe right yeah I'll go for spun we roll this next what monster card 30% chance to spawn a random enemy a 30% chance room enemy respawn room enemies 20% chance or a boss fight trap door 10% chance or curse coming in oh go oh it's a trapdoor Oh as a vagina breed that's purse greed so I'm seeing this bottom-left every time we take a deal with the devil a thing I don't know why it's at 5.5 but he I get it curse added on it seems like the higher our curse the more chance we get first enemies kind of like in dungeon kind of like in gunjan no that's not good for me yeah okay pretty good turn a lot of descriptions more like block half this screen what are we on necro two thirty coins rear old it pick up bumbo okay could use those thirty coins ma'am ma'am fight first eyes been real good at six fire right no deal with the devil right you know I did say it this feels demonic this like piece of paper so like I guess we'll go negative here I'm totally gonna forget though and go down the wrong hole that's what he said we Oh we'll never know fly wing wait what is it every tenth enemies tenth enemies and a miss every tenth enema is turned into a fly deal oh you little guy little spinny ball fun a bloody fun fall and fight a lot of good fallen fight that gives me something good like dark Judas and deal the devil with a compose my DS ready doesn't even matter what you give me damn it I was bluffing hey okay two-thirds copy we're probably not gonna hit three thirds but you never know cuz we're going down we found all those pieces so quickly I'm feeling like we're just like like we missed them like we missed the last piece maybe Oh bumble yeah Oh Bombo nice with it extra hot - now Bumbo can be alone with coy when watched legend of bumble of course he did you know what I'm talking about firewood no but what's this blanket piece all familiars block projectiles that sounds amazing look at all my stuff that's sitting around me and bum buh that's gonna sit on top of them oh man that's good boo boo Brooke juice it's like a super bumble powerup bomb ball block tears bumble your genius best Bombo that's for you look at all happy he is going down I didn't forget and totally get that demon beggar to pay out though and I'm totally gonna forget on the way back yeah that's actually yeah that's pretty good hey I got a bum and the thing in the thing what does that mean all drawing he demands a sacrifice well tell me it just he demands a sacrifice that's it that's that use it then just dropping it using it in the right place deal with the devil probably and that's there's no chance of that happening gonna be poppin a couple different rooms and just see what happens what the hell enlightenment chance to turn enemies into pure light pure light will orbit the player and block three projectiles before fading sick he demands a sacrifice and the sacrifice rope Oh bro secret boss time Boop single boss it's the Forgotten it somebody died in the Box member and the in the cutscene guys is a box gonna hurt me no box is not doing anything oh man oh my goodness Oh loopy dupes man we're doing it bumble get in there blocks and projectiles this guy's a speedy boy he's a speedy boy sends out a little you know the little ghosty form - nice got him got him got him blood sword card game spawn three lost soul cards higher chance to find four Souls cards for souls carts red dagger one time use upon use takes all red hearts but one and spawns devil items while I don't have any other red hurts yeah that's that's what I thought card game if only I had friends I didn't think I was gonna be personally attacked like this today treasure card that's what that was okay the treasure card yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn't really read it but monster card we already know what that is boss fight let me find him again don't take me out of the room oh no you're gonna take me back though I was really hoping I was gonna be read health for my red dagger no I really like what I got going on here he didn't take me back don't gave an guess we're going wait bomb beggar though bum bum give me what I want hey that's pretty cool though [Music] meet an a we found the secret boss so on the first try nonetheless I still gotta figure out what that thing is on the left side that little blank card thing it says one now there was like a whole list like maybe like we have to go into that secret boss and kill him like however many times there were slots on that card seems like you know wrapping in ideas from other Isaac games like Bumbo oh my goodness well that was awesome it hurt but sweet yeah it's so like four souls in Bumbo that's cool I like it Satan fights not too bad get in there bub ball in there nice and deep like looking a block done down we go cross your fingers from guppy but up yeah pop ah so close by fire rate bro chest oh good we're gonna go look at all my little bouncy bone pieces must have been one hell of a fracture a good drop bum buh syrup pills besides its own effect give us another pills effect so it's like two pills in one on the boss we're almost done the lamb nothing to it man except for bumbles Bom Bom bowl your soul - you're too strong it's so unfair alright but mo get in there finish it we're gonna go we'd like the victory lap No all right you guys well that was Isaac lost and afraid that was Isaac cold Malone that was Isaac fast and furious that was Isaac and the Philosopher's Stone what was it actually Isaac lost and forgotten sorry I said thank you guys for watching hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as I enjoyed playing it I am willing to check out more of the characters and actually try to figure out what's going on hopefully the mater will maybe say something in the description I was kidding about it being the worst mod it's great I like it once again thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next episode see you [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 252,786
Rating: 4.9679489 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel
Id: tU_eBXkxee4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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