No Range Challenge - Custom Afterbirth+ Challenge

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what is up everybody this is huts and welcome to another custom challenge this challenge is called geo eighty submitted by Daisy head starting items are proptosis number one iron bar tiny planet champions belt both key pieces Purple Heart trinkets rules Isaac has to punch his way through all the bosses to get to the champion mega satan and become the greatest of all time all items that increase range including homing tiers are forbidden all items that change the competition of how the tiers function are forbidden all familiars and spies and spiders are forbidden bombs can't be used to damage enemies it says start with a d6 no pills and syringes winners don't do drugs alright so this is what's up I just got to get really close to the enemies and punch them I guess I think maybe this I was to say this doesn't seem so bad but you know 11 20 damage I don't know man maybe this won't be so bad gluttony give me some health upgrades huh it's only like 11 if I get up close right though I stopped that okay okay okay okay okay our fire rate 2 is at 5 because of number 1 like I don't know is this gonna pick it up later on I suppose there could be a couple bosses there's plugin a couple rooms that are just gonna bone me because I don't have the range necessary to take enemies out must have to punch them like it was your intention ok can I drop the trinket though probably not what is your intention that I shoot forward all the time ok so that if I just shoot behind me it's not so bad I don't know I don't know 7 range is like super bad but I guess we'll see how this goes ok I don't know how you did that ok no no flies you're not allowed oh jeez one for you nice sinus infection all items an increased range are her bitten change the composition of how tears function I don't think this does that I think this is good hi this is good yeah bending the rules I never bend the rules what are you talking about I always follow the rules 100% don't slander me it's so hard to make a good challenge these days you guys not only do you got a steer away from using soy milk if you care holy crap though but you know you could either say don't take any items at all just to stop me from getting things like boogers and all stats upgrades well that increase my range no I can't a gag I'll remove it God dang it I could have rear old that mmm anyways you can either say don't take any items at all in which it's kind of boring because I you know goes the run with the same stuff do the same thing again and again or you say take items and your risk can be getting really good stuff okay oh I'm trying to think of what is okay what the hell man I'm trying to think of what's actually gonna derail me but I guess I'm taking quite a lot of damage for nothing all familiars are not allowed there could have maybe been like a time limit on this or something as well I don't know man I oh no no pills please doesn't say anything about deals of the devil not gonna have my D charged up for it though that's pretty sad as a rook mistake play or junior pin and layer junior like really though money just and me to win is that range but that might be range um that's that's just damage right pure shots gonna be good to get enemies out of my face caffeine pill is only a speed up in one pill so if that's fine speeds five drop the pill though don't take that and I look gaunt now to go you know I'm thinking about I'm playing this challenge but I'm thinking about the little brim challenge I'm a challenge cheater I'm unfaithful to this challenge I think we should go back and redo the little brim challenge again prove it once and for all Hey look at that I can't take it technically it's technically a arranged down just a shots shot height up can't take that too familiar ante grab I have no idea three fire right I am so sorry for what I'm about to do to your challenge I don't think this was against the rules anti grab easily one of the best tears ups hello oh hello there you say goodbye and nice say hello that's a range upgrade that's okay I don't know I say goodbye I say hello change this guy Batum ah yeah you know I've got a big suspicion that the the challenge creator wanted me to just punch forward so that I had to get right up in their face in order to do any damage to them but you got to specify that like this like I was essentially punching them because it said punch I can't punch him though so and I'm not gonna be able to like avoid doing damage to things behind me it's all just like I don't know forward punch and then like that I don't know you have to specify these things man it's what seems clear to you might not be clear to someone else I'll try it I'll try to punch from here on out I'll try to punch the necessary gonna explode or just maybe I'll just hurt to take damage anyways but I'll try I'll try to the punchy thing fine okay you win you win except for everybody in this whole the entire universe is gonna explode so scratch that punch punch punch explode explode explode I want to change my trinket Emmet gosh darn it you know this seems like a better challenge anyways or possibly oh Jesus possibly I'm just making this a lot more difficult on myself and I don't need to boss time it's the stain punch punch punch punch punch punch went went went went went went went went got him eight ball shot speed can't do it devil rhomboid avoiding the d6 is stupid applause that's gonna give me a range upgrades don't know why you say goodbye I say hello there was a range upgrade oh come on I'll just take the luck then get away stop oh stop it if I just get a couple good punches off and I get a booger on them we're set blank card six-sided die for held item no others work well with the challenge so I I'm assuming that means don't take anything else but I don't like to have to assume clicker change into another Matt no oh yeah we roll these things yep how do I punch peep just get a booger on them and walk away hey I guess oh hey seriously though how do I punch him how do I punch him take it punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch much much much much much yeah I am the Wiener first room blood-red choice yeah net Karl XL bring it on baby [ __ ] I'm gonna nope out of here are you doing it plunder gorgeous hey give me a black card thank you somebody's like guys you're just gonna die from like random tears orbiting my body ended up to yourself BAM with the with the proper with the tiny planet you know you probably could have just done some way of having like really short shot speed possibly proptosis number one cricket's body to have super super short ears oh gosh exploding guys ah oh oh oh oh don't know why say goodbye I'll punch the back of your head hello hello that song would still be good if it wasn't for that like stupid Target ad the ruined it for me oh it is it range plus 1.5 range up wait no that was our chance at to fire rate to fire rate that blows - fire rates donar spoonie's how many fire rates dos dos of them Oh what the hell Oh oh wow oh well still I punch you dammit hold still wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait genius plan re-roll two things at once use the judgement in here and this is health and I'm taking it [Music] all items that change the composition of how tears function are forbidden which is like not a good definition it's as lasers explosives in Ludo let's say that I can't I'm still taking this epic AK would be the easiest win on the planet but I'm going to try to be I'm doing the right thing I think here okay by saying no trying to do the right thing here does anybody appreciate this Zetas swastika why don't I walk back into this room oh he turned off wait oh my god if you just walk if you just bomb yourself out of the room with these stupid diagonal shooters then they don't turn back on oh yeah okay okay fine fine fine fine you surprised at this point in time this is the seed by the way ft 4 BN 2 CR I couldn't have seeded that challenge as far as I know that's not possible you dog oh you dog oh you dog yes we are very defensive at this point the soul so good I'll know the enemy's gonna be deflected away from me it's gonna be harder to punch them oh oh but then I was gonna say also pyromaniac which is like really really good but oh shoot I don't know how that's gonna work now shielded tears would probably be one of the best things I could get right now oh hey yeah that's my face oh dude I hate the diagonal dude dude spent all my money so now my damage is lower but with sack head mom's key no grundle but with those things I think we're gonna do just fine alright alright this mr. sis you got you gonna do something no you're not gonna do something then the boogers take it away come sail away come sail away come sail away with me bad you can't stop on me because I've got pyro you've got nothing unless I walk into your eyeball like an idiot like an evil idiot would ya that's it right there huh stop on me yeah buddy only negative what what day what is his negative stuff I said make a Satan apparently if you type mega satan as the end point it only gives you the negative what game's cheating game's cheating come punch away come ponch away come punch away with me Bob out strategy so what strategy risk reward make them fear afraid of you and then move in man big time oh look up that uh-huh yep I don't know if they're trying to make this super easy but I got a punch oh no I don't want to punch that guy he's gonna he's gonna tentacle slap me almost a testicle slop that's not the same thing ha more red halfa better with pyro do it more slappers dude toughest enemy in the game hands down mega Satan's gonna be a cakewalk compared to the sloppy tentacles Wow health our money and power huge growth though they get some soul arts out of this kind of need something like right now Loki's horns checks rules it seems aloud to me do I want that or try to reroll it oh you guys I've got pyro like just heal myself my own bombs we keep we have so many batteries that I think we could reroll it into something much better for me let's let's try to reroll it can't have it can't have it no you can't have it nope specifically says I can't have it miter nope well I don't know miter seems pretty good with all the sack drops yeah ok another thing to reroll I gotta do it I gotta do it let's test this this up something out here are they shut off problem solved Wow all my secret room hey man you challenged me here today and that's what challenges are good for makes you dig deep to be the best hacker that you can be ok ok ok 95 cents almost max power never run from Devin that was a nickel right there and now we roll until really good stuff I can't take it all items and increased range including homing tiers are forbidden from use does the dead onion increase my range it decreases it doesn't it - 0.25 range down I'm doing it's really good even bigger tears bigger hitbox better punching this pains me to rear all that but I have to that's a familiar no flies are spiders I was like ah yeah glitter bombs yeah yeah dude unstoppable boss time conquistador that hurt though got him by ya devil rum balls a bunch of hairy balls yes please more health maybe read health is good my health is really good don't forget our eternal heart did we get a range up on something over the course of the run what was that why we at 8.2 3 I thought we were at 7 something I think something snuck in some range it's gonna be easy to punch them if I one shot him or if they all die before I walk into the room no lasers I got her anyways got her anyway deaths list alright how was I supposed to know how was I supposed to know all right remove mom's knife at least now what do I have pretty much the same thing but with a really slow fire rate monstros lung and without the ability to heal myself mail bombs I mean it looks really cool why though range didn't didn't go anywhere look okay I don't know what to say put the chant the challenge is it's disintegrated it's disintegrated let's not beat around the bush we [ __ ] it real bad if you are here or sitting right next to me you would've been like do it Hutt's do it on sore no balls to half the reason I did ouch okay boss time I guess punch find lunch crunch it's lunch lunch lunch boom that's the easiest part right there alright Yolo going down missing no rerolls everything again right ah okay this is actually much worse this is actually wearing a much worse position right now this is not good this is this is no bueno dammit Bhagya pills oh because of the challenge you guys we still have all the same items we still have number one champions belt tiny planet proptosis and the bar good though good it can't be rear old oh my god that's amazing think of the challenge possibilities all this fighter it there what the hell where do you come from here goes nothing here goes nothing mega Stan bring it on Big Boy I got this oh I don't got this I can't get close enough for you like that you like that you like that you naughty girl tonight be a naughty girl whatever my card by the way oh it got turned into a pill be a naughty girl pump it down but I doubt bop bop bop bop bop-bop-bop the dump bah bah bah bah bah bum this is this is bad this is real bad yeah this is definitely not possible definitely can't do this anymore oh that's nice Oh could you teleport me out with the cursed eye oh that would be great again please oh good Oh fantastic whatever what a good ending what a fantastic ending to this story line this is a good challenge yeah definitely gonna win that now this is excellent I'm happy about that I'm really pleased about the outcome of the events here yeah that's luck man hot slot big-time oh man if it wasn't for that luck than I had Wow okay boyo the luck on this guy though boy oh boy howdy boy hibbity hoop comedy hittin me oh yeah definitely look definitely sweet really love that challenge that was awesome super cool definitely doable just just great just great is overall great desai just find it's not up in awards it's a great [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 454,389
Rating: 4.8817692 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: na95QmMCcdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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