Morals vs Values

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welcome back i'm robert breaker and if you have your bible please get it out and turn to hebrews chapter 5 and verse 14. hebrews 5 14. we have a lot of ground to cover today because i have a lot of verses and the message today will be entitled morals versus values i've had this in my mind probably for a couple of months and i've been wanting to speak on this and i've been studying and trying to get it all together and well i feel like i've done the best i could okay so i've got a lot of verses to get to so i hope you have your bible hope you'll turn with me to these verses you can always pause it if you're on a computer or a laptop hit the space bar or if you're on the phone just hit stop and i really really really desire you to look up the verses and read them with me i'm really relying on the lord to speak to you today that's why i have so many verses i feel like i sometimes mess up and just don't do a good job and my sermon is so hard for me sometimes i've noticed a lot lately that i'm tired i really do need to take a couple weeks off and get a little bit of rest but i do the best i can and so i'm relying on the lord today to speak to you through the verses that i give you and i have this message prepared that i want to talk about the difference between morals and values today people love to tell you about their values and a lot of people today why they're becoming political and in politics why politicians talk about values all the time but why don't we talk about morals it used to be we talk about morals it's almost like the world has taken the word value and substituted it for morals and they say let's don't ever mention morals let's just talk about our values instead and i just find that interesting is there a reason for that well yes i think there is i think what we're seeing is the world going farther and farther away from god but if we get in this book the bible and get to god then we realize that it's all about how moral a person is people ask does that person have any moral fiber is he a moral upstanding citizen how moral are you and your morality showed who you were and people respected you based upon your morals not your values but nowadays it's all reversed it's all changed it's all about what are your values how about what are your morals so we'll look at this a little bit today and i hope i can do the best i can like i said i'm wanting you to see the scripture so let's begin hebrews chapter 5 and verse 14 hebrews 5 14 but strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil two words they are very very important reason and discern reason is the ability to think for yourself unfortunately a lot of people today they don't think for themselves they're just following the party line they're just going by what they've heard and they're just spewing out what everybody else says but we're supposed to practice discernment discern is looking at two different things and coming to a conclusion based upon what you decide not just going along with everybody else but studying it for yourself my daddy used to say you can't reason with an unreasonable person a lot of people in the world today they don't have the use of reason unfortunately but we need to learn to reason so we're going to look at today the difference between morals and values morals and values and i just want to talk about that because the world we live in everybody's talking about the values that they have but seems like very few people ever want to talk about the morals of the bible why is that why have we stopped teaching morality well people say well that's the job of the church well a lot of churches don't even do it it used to be in schools they taught how to live a moral life so in the bible we see what morals are and i'm going to define morality here in a second from the webster's 1828 dictionary but i want you to remember that in the bible there's a thing called the old testament law and the law was a two-parter there was the ceremonial law and then there was the moral law so the moral code so to find what morals are you would think most people would go hey yeah let's go to the bible because the bible is a book of a moral code how to live a moral life and god gave us the old testament he gave us a whole bunch of rules in which god says now this is right and this is wrong and this is the right way to live a lot of people today though they don't want the bible maybe that's why they want to talk about values instead of morals because the morals oh you say morals it makes me think of the bible i don't want that a lot of people today they don't want to think about the bible or god or things like that so what are morals i'll define morals according to the 1828 webster dictionary and then i'll define values according to the webster's 1828 dictionary but i want to give you verses about it as well so the 1828 webster's dictionary says morals the practice of the duties of life as a man of correct morals now as i'm reading the definition i'm going to write up here what it is it has to do with your duty it has to do with something that you practiced now it says here the practice of the duties of life as a man of correct morals it has to do with being correct conduct here's the word behavior hmm so it's a certain way of behavior and i'm going to spell behavior the way they do in england in the king james bible oh you are and it says conduct behavior course of life in regard to good and evil so morals has to do with good it's the age-old battle of good versus evil that's what this whole thing is all about and good is what is moral evil is what is immoral so evil is immoral good is moral and it used to be people in the world prided themselves and i hate to use that term but you know what i mean they used to pride themselves on how moral they were how good they were and you would look at a person and you would say boy that person is moral i can trust them and that's what this whole thing is based on trust marriage is based on trust governments based upon trust christianity based upon trust we trust christ and we know we can trust him because he was moral he never sinned so this is an important lesson that i feel is not being taught to children today in schools and unfortunately is not being taught in churches where it's supposed to be taught so we're seeing a lot of this today in which they don't talk about morals anymore they substitute the word values and they talk about their values but not about morals now let me continue here in the webster's 1828 dictionary it says here what can laws do without morals so it's interesting that it's tied in with the law the government makes the laws so the government is supposed to be moral follow the morals you look at the united states of america the united states government was founded by the founding fathers who were all at least deist deist meant you believed in god and they all believed that they needed to go to this book in order to know what morality was so they all chose to follow this book a matter of fact you go to the supreme court and and i don't know if it's still there but at one time there was the ten commandments on the wall and paintings i went there one time i remember when i went to washington dc many many many many years ago and took a tour and there was a painting of moses here on the wall and things like that and so clearly you look at america and the founding fathers they wanted a moral government because a moral government makes a moral society if the leaders are moral they're an example to the rest of the people how to live an immoral government uh oh bad example people with no morals that breeds an immoral populace and that breeds corruption and that's a sad thing so we need to know what the bible talks about when it talks about morals so two things here good versus evil and behavior let's look at some verses real quick on this go to isaiah chapter five isaiah chapter five and like i say i have a lot of verses and what i'm gonna do today is attempt to show you that good and evil is not something that is your own value in which you decide i think this is evil and i think that's good so i make up good and evil that's not how it works the bible shows us right from wrong so this is an issue of not me choosing what i think is my value this is an issue of what is right and what is wrong and who says who decides well according to the bible god god decides right from wrong so we go to god and we say god what is right and what is wrong what is good and what is evil and god says well i'm glad you asked i gave you a book to read to tell you exactly what's right and what's wrong so if you read that book you will know right from wrong and we have what's called a standard and the standard is the bible and so our standard of morality is the scripture and we go to the bible to know what is right and what is wrong now uh isaiah chapter five i gotta move i got so many verses we got to get to so many verses here i got to go isaiah chapter 5 verse 20 woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight so here the bible talks about those that call good evil and evil good those that look at something that's good and say oh that's bad and those that look at something bad and they go oh no that's good watch out for that these are people who are prudent in their own eyes usually these are the people that say well i have my own values i can't tell you how many times i've went and talked to somebody who's not a christian i say hey i got the bible here i'd like to show you what the bible says can i tell you what the bible says about god and salvation and morality and truth and and they say oh no i don't believe that i have my own this is the word they used values well good for you but do they line up with the standard of right from wrong do your values line up with what the bible says is moral you know what i found most of the time they do not so these are people that are taking something the bible says is evil and they're saying but it's good well the bible says woe unto them that's a woe god says that ain't right you need to come to me and let me tell you what's right and wrong let's go to romans chapter 12. i've got so many verses here and i just feel like we need to do this because america was founded a christian nation and even the founding fathers said america will only work for a christian people we set up a government this is what the founding fathers said that will only work for a moral christian people if they get away from god the standard the bible and truth and righteousness and morality then it'll go into corruption and this government won't work that's what they said so they said we want you to be moral we want a moral society and a moral government they said we want you to follow the rules of god of what's right and what's wrong romans chapter 12 look at verse 9 let love be without this simulation the simulation means fakery don't pretend to love someone if you don't love them love everybody let love be without the simulation abort that which is evil cleave to that which is good be kindly affection one to another with brotherly love and honor preferring one another now christians if they are true christians bible believing christians christians who are not just in name only oh i say i'm a christian there's a lot of people like that when i say christian i mean someone who truly believes the bible and tries to practice it and follow it true christians are not hateful evil mean wicked people true christians are people who are trying to follow the bible and live a moral life and are trying to do good now i say this and i hate to have to say this but i say this because today they're trying to say christians why they're full of hate well many christians today they're just so evil they're so wicked who is saying that people that aren't following morals people that have their values and they're trying to tell you that the good is the evil and they're doing evil and they say but we're the good woe unto them i mean it's going so far that i wonder i just wonder if eventually the world's not going to try to label christians as some sort of like terrorist group or something domestic terrorist if you will is that the way it's headed i don't know but i want you in this video to see what christianity says because christianity in the bible and i'm just showing you the verses is not go terrorize people go hurt people go be mean to people no no no no no christianity is do good to people behave yourself live correctly practice it you have a duty to do right and be moral how could that ever be somebody that's harmful how could that ever be a terrorist how could that ever be someone who's bad when our very book tells us what is right and tells us to do right okay so more verses more verses we've got so many verses to go to uh did i read verse 21 i did not yet romans 12 21 be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good so when there's evil when there's wickedness when things are bad and people are doing evil you don't go do evil you don't go join them you do good that's the gist of christianity do right and do good how can you say christians are evil and christians are wicked when all christians want to do is live a moral life and do good that's what the bible instructs us let's go to first thessalonians chapter 5 and i want you to see this from the bible what a true christian is supposed to be because christians are not an enemy christians are people that truly care about you and we care enough about you to give you the gospel because we want you to have an eternal home in heaven that's what it's all about is we love you enough to tell you the truth now you know the old saying well the truth hurts well sometimes it does sometimes it does but wouldn't you rather know the truth than be deceived by a lie i would i would much rather know the truth and be to see by a lie first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 15 says see that none render evil for evil unto any man but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves christians to other christians and to all men so if you're not a christian i'm supposed to be good to you so christianity teaches be good to everybody be moral be righteous be good be kind let's go to first peter 3 11. i'm just showing you what the bible says okay a lot of people that attack christianity it's clear to me that they never read the bible because they wouldn't attack because they claim that we're this that or the other thing but we who are true christians that's not what we are so we look at your attacks and we're just like can i educate you and show you that we're not what you think we are this is what the bible says we're supposed to be a lot of times they go no i don't want to hear it well don't you think you should study something out first before you attack it it says in first peter chapter 3 and verse 11. actually let's back up to verse 8. first peter 3 8 finally be all of one mind having compassion oh so christians should be compassionate one to another love as brother be pitiful be courteous look at all these things that a christian is supposed to be he's supposed to be compassionate so he's supposed to have compassion he's supposed to have pity he's supposed to have love these are all morals he's supposed to what's what's it say there verse 8 be courteous courteous i i try to be a courteous person that's someone with hospitality that's someone that says hi how are you and it's nice not someone who's mean and hateful uh someone tries to respect other people it says be courteous not rendering evil for evil if someone does me wrong i don't go go back at them i just go okay i forgive you i wish you hadn't done that but christ forgave me for my evil i'll forgive you but please don't do it again but it says evil for evil are really for railing but contrary wise so not rendering evil for evil but be on the contrary be different be the opposite blessing someone does me evil i said well god bless you i hope you get right but contrary wise blessing knowing that you're there unto called that you should inherit a blessing verse 10 for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile verse 11 let him escu evil and do good let him seek peace and ensue it so the desire of christians is to be peaceful we desire peace we don't desire war we don't want to hurt people this is what the bible says that we are supposed to be and this all ties in with being a moral person okay now let's go to first corinthians 15 33. here's something i like when i was young my parents taught me manners and they told me look son there's certain things that you need to do there's a certain way that you need to behave you know when you're sitting at the table don't put your elbows on the table that was always something we were told we had all these things and my mom said it's good manners don't chew with your mouth open around with you with your mouth club manners well manners is what your behavior and first corinthians 15 33 says this be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners so i don't want to have evil communications i want good manners i want to do good so i was always taught as a kid look this is the way you live your life and you respect people you say yes sir and no sir and i still to this day i will say yes or no sir i've learned that i teach that to my children because that's just respectful that's just and it all comes from christianity and the bible now people who don't want anything to do with god in the bible do they have good manners well possibly some do but a lot of them don't they don't want to be respectful they don't say yes or no a lot of them don't know what christianity is christianity is morality and if you live in a moral society then you're living in a society of people who don't want to do you wrong they want to do right and they want to do you right and they want to be able to trust you and they want to do right so christianity is the answer so this is what the bible says about good versus evil and christianity is hey let's do good let's don't be evil okay now behavior let's go to first timothy chapter three see the bible talks about this and like i said for a long time i've been wanting to show you in the bible about this first and as i go through my verse by verse bible study i i do a lot of this presentation of showing you what the bible says about how we should live so i would encourage you to go to my verse by verse bible study but first timothy 3 15. the bible says this but if i tarry long that thou mayest know how thou ought as to behave thyself in the house of god which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the truth so christianity is all about your behavior oh behave what does behave mean it means you're not acting crazy you're not acting silly you're not doing stupid dumb evil wicked things you're doing your best to be respectful and kind and nice that's called behave let me put an explanation point here behave well do you behave so people that try to be moral are people that are trying to behave themselves and they say well i'm a moral person but i see today many people who say well you know i don't believe the bible i have my own values so what they do when their mind is yeah the bible teaches all that but there are certain things that i think that are okay whether they know it or not oftentimes those things are mentioned in the bible as evil and not good so they have taken their own values as i think this is okay and i think this and so these are my beliefs oh so you're not going to follow the standard you're not going to follow the bible you're not going to go to what moral practice is as defined in the scriptures what our founding fathers looked at as morality you're going to make up your own moral code are you god well oftentimes people want to be god so morals have to do with your behavior doing good rather than doing evil more verses please yes sir i'll give you some more see i said yes sir deuteronomy chapter 12. in deuteronomy chapter 12 in verse 28 look at this deuteronomy 12 28 god is speaking to the jews and look what he says here deuteronomy 12 28 observe and hear all these words which i command thee okay the old testament law god gave to them about a way to live a moral code of how to live your life and if you live that way you'll have less problems less disease you won't die as soon and you'll have a happy life because you're doing things right and you know there's a word i don't know if we'll get to it in the scripture today but that word is honor a person who is doing right is someone who is honorable i live down in the south and we believe in our sacred honor and we in the south we have always wanted to follow the bible and we only always wanted to be an honorable person and do the right thing do the honorable thing and to this day i want to be honorable because my forefathers taught me that as as part of the manners that i'm supposed to be how i'm supposed to behave my behavior but also because the bible teaches that the south has always been called the bible belt the south is always remembered for southern hospitality because most of the people in the south were christian people who had a moral code that they followed and honor the measure of a man was how honorable he was and we still remember our heroes to this day for the honor that they had they were honorable men now deuteronomy 12 28 the bible says this observe and hear all these words which i command thee that it may go well with thee and with thy children after thee forever when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the lord so right is doing good left i'm sorry wrong is doing evil so do you know right from wrong let's look at psalms 119 and verse 9. psalms 119 and verse 9 wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word so the bible has a cleansing effect the more we read the bible the more we hide it in our heart the more we meditate on it and memorize it and look at what it says about being moral well the more it makes us do right it's like it makes us clean and wants us to live a clean life and isn't that what doing right is it's being clean those who sin and live in sin and do evil aren't they perverse aren't they dirty you ever heard anybody tell a dirty joke what's a dirty joke it's a joke that's not clean it's not good it's not right it's about something bad and so you call it dirty so bad is dirty right do you want to be clean or do you want to be dirty well i like being clean do you want to be a clean person you want others to look at you and go yeah that's a moral person he lives a clean life let's look at verse 105. we're in psalm 119 skip over to verse 105 and it says thy word is a lamp to my feet in a light in my path doing right is like you see the light and you do right doing wrong is being in darkness and we'll see more about that in a couple of other scriptures but do you want to walk in the dark do you realize when you're in the dark you can't see everything but when you're in the light everything is clear think about these things let's go to acts chapter 13. acts chapter 13. so what i'm doing today is i'm giving you a contrast between good and evil right and wrong and i'm telling you that the way to find what's right is the bible because the bible is the book written by god in which god says this is right and that is wrong so he is the standard and we should go by his rules and his standard a lot of people today they don't want the bible so they make up their own code but they don't call it a moral code they say it's my values okay acts chapter 13 and verse 10 acts 13 10. now paul is dealing with this guy who's a sorcerer which is interesting in verse eight he's he's a magician he's into witchcraft now what does the bible say about witchcraft it's a sin because witchcraft is speaking with demons and making agreements with them well that's not right they're called unclean spirits in the bible so we got to watch out for that so he's dealing with this bad guy paul is and look what paul says to this um i don't know what else to call him the satanist if you will in verse 10 and said oh full of all subtlety and all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness will do not cease to pervert the right ways of the lord so that's interesting the terms he uses is mischief mischief is is evil and he's perverting so to pervert is to go against truth and he says enemy of righteousness child of the devil perverting there's a lot of people out there that are into perversion and god doesn't want you to do certain things a lot of things in the old testament god says this is an abomination to me and this is wrong and it's perverted to do this that or other thing i mean you do what you want but you know someday you're going to have to give account to the law giver who gave the law and you're going to have to explain why you chose your values instead of following what he said because those that go against what god said while they're following the devil now deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 18 and thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the lord so righteousness doing right is a thing in which we do on this earth what we do because god is watching us and so morals are god saying now this is what you do now i'm going to watch and see if you do it or not and if we do right guess who sees us not only man but god the bible says the eyes of the lord are beholding the evil and the good so god beholds and looks at what men do and the bible says every one of us shall give account of himself to god someday now let's go to another passage let's go to zephaniah three now some people might say well i hear you mr breaker you're a christian that's just what you believe and that's fine and some might say well i don't believe in god okay it's your prerogative to choose what you believe and what you don't sure but are you willing to take that chance because the bible says that you'll be judged by him someday so if there is a god how have you lived your life just and righteous and that god the bible says exist whether you believe it or not he is a just god so when you give account to him you're going to give account to a judge who is just who is going to say now what did you do i told you to live like this but then you did this well i'd hate to be in your shoes look what it says here in zephaniah chapter 3 and verse 5 the just lord is in the midst thereof he will not do iniquity every morning does he bring his judgment to light he faileth not but the unjust knoweth no shame so god is a just god that does no iniquity god is a god that doesn't sin so as he is just and sinless he says this is how i want you to be because this is sin over here and this is how you don't sin so i don't want you to do this i want you to do this i want you to live the way i say and as a christian we love the lord and so we say okay sure lord we'll do whatever you say and we want to live right and do right and we have a book that defines to us what is right and what is wrong but here's the problem we try so hard to do right and we find out the more we try the more we fall into sin sometimes there's never been anyone on this earth who's ever lived without sinning one time at least except jesus christ why jesus christ because he's god manifested in the flesh so the more we try to follow this book and follow the law matter of fact that's what the people the old testament of the law figured out it's like man this is really demanding i can't keep this i'm trying but when i sin what do i do well the law said well when you sin you bring a sacrifice and then you get forgiveness of your sin well i try as a christian to do right but i sin sometimes i hate it i despise it i don't want to i do my best to be a moral person and do right but sometimes we fall so what does the bible say well the bible says this in romans chapter 3 and verse 10. as it is written there is none righteous no not one there's none that understand it there's none that seeketh after god they're all gone out of the way they are together become unprofitable there's none that doeth good no not one then look at verse 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god so everybody at one time or another has done wrong has sinned okay and we shouldn't sin we should do right well a lot of people say well i messed up so if i do good for it then that makes up for it well that's not how it works in the bible when you sin god demands a sacrifice for your sin and under that old testament law they had to bring an animal sacrifice and that animal had to die in their place for their sin now i hope that doesn't sound gross or whatever to you but you realize even the pagans did the same thing but they had a false god but pagans would bring sacrifice a lot of times the pagans would bring a human sacrifice which is scary but god said i want an animal bring me a lamb bring me a goat bring me a bullock well thankfully god in heaven loved us enough that he came and he shed his own blood and salvation today is through the blood of jesus and his sacrifice and god looks down from heaven he sees all those times that you send but he's still willing to offer you forgiveness but it's all based upon trust you see salvation is by faith by trusting in jesus and how do we trust in him is he trustworthy well he's never sinned he never sinned one time so we are sinners we mess up we don't do right sometimes we need a savior we need forgiveness well jesus offers that forgiveness and it's through faith it's through trusting in him as your savior that he forgives us of all our sins when we're forgiven then we want to do right even more at least i do and i want to follow the bible so that is morals a moral society is a society that chooses to follow the bible because the bible tells us the right way sadly we live in a world today when many have turned against the bible i believe one of our past presidents said something like america is not a christian nation anymore or something like that well it was founded a christian nation why isn't it now it should be it was great when it started um why isn't it great now what's wrong with it sin a lot of bad things a lot of corruption going on i wonder why could it be because we got away from the bible we got away from the standard of morality of what is right and wrong and now everyone is as the bible says doing right in their own eyes and they're choosing what they think is right and what they think is wrong well let's look at this the 1828 webster dictionary we looked at morals now let's look at values what is values actually it's kind of a nebulous term because under values anybody can choose what they think is right and wrong so they make their own path in which they say well to me this is right and that is wrong and so i decide oh so you're more powerful than god are you are you your own god are you uh that's kind of scary because what might be right for you might not be right for some what you might think is good someone else might think is not what you might think is right someone else might say no that's wrong and so you get in arguments you get you you get a society of people that just are angry all the time fighting because no i think it's right well i don't think so what and you see when we all have a standard by what's right and wrong then we don't argue we just go yeah that's right that's wrong i'm gonna do right but when everybody is their own final authority then we got a problem everyone is their own god now everyone's going around well to me this is right and you go really what is it well i think it's right to i don't know let me make something up i think it's right to urinate publicly on the streets well i don't want to see that i don't want to see you public we were in uh peru the last time i was in peru and they were driving us to the airport to come out and there was these guys in the middle of the road and we're in the middle of of the capital of peru traffic i mean four lanes five lanes this way four lanes five lanes this way there's all these old monuments statues and things and there's three or four guys standing in the middle of this little island in between all this traffic and we're driving i'm sitting in the back seat looking at all this and this guy is standing right there and this guy drops his pants grabs his you-know-what and pees right in the street in front of all these cars and i'm looking at that i go oh man i didn't want to see that well i guess that was his value my value is i have a right to pee wherever i want i think that's okay well i don't think that's good manners okay to me you should go find the bathroom okay so that to me the guy didn't have very many morals to begin with and but i guess he could he could have looked at me and said well well my values are i have a right to pee wherever i choose okay well help yourself but please don't let me have to look at it i mean my eyes were burning i'm like but anyway um so what does the bible say about this well what is value i looked up the term value in the 1828 webster's dictionary and value is worth what you're worth and i thought about that there are a lot of people today that think i'm worth something it's all about me i'm so great many of those people say i don't believe in god why you know what i'm my own god and so i choose right from wrong and i choose what is right so i make my own whatever you know and you look at that you go okay interesting so i look at all that and i just kind of go huh home so worth and it's funny in the 1828 webster's dictionary right under that it quotes job 13 4. it quotes a bible verse that's why i love the 1828 webster's dictionary you can find it online look up words for free and uh it says this verse you are physicians of no value so it's just funny it quotes that verse but it says it continues there importance to esteem to hold in respect and estimation as to value one for his works or virtues so values has to do with what you think you are worth and so values is all about how much you esteem yourself well morals is i'm a sinner and it's hard but i want to do right so i'm going to try my best to live like this knowing that that goes against my sinful nature because i'm a sinner i'm a fallen creature but i want to work hard at trying to do right values is uh i do whatever i want i don't care i'm a good person so who cares and you look at values and it's it's about them esteeming themselves you know what i thought about when i thought about this i thought about self-worth you know someone who says well i think i'm worth something i'm good enough i'm smart enough and gosh darn it people like me i'm a good person yeah i don't follow the bible but i know in my own estimation i'm okay what does that sound like to you self-esteem you ever heard of self-esteem when i was in school it was the big thing to talk about self-esteem and how much you think you're worth how good you think you are and that always bothered me i wasn't saved yet but i always thought you know i i don't have a lot of self-esteem because i'm not that great i'm just a scrawny little boy i wasn't a big guy i wasn't muscular when i was in high school i was just so much smaller than all the others i was a runt if you will and i just i didn't think of myself as much but if you go back and look at my yearbook in middle school i was voted the quietest in my class i didn't talk a lot i didn't do a lot i didn't didn't think much of myself i didn't really even like myself to be honest with you but they always say oh you need more self-esteem you need to keep thinking of yourself as as more than what and you know what that leads to that's always going to lead to pride what that is is trying to get you to think that you're something special well it's good that you think highly of yourself i guess but if you go to too much of an extreme you will think so much of yourself that you'll think you're way up here and everybody else is down there that's immoral we're all the same we all need to see ourselves the same we don't need to exalt ourselves and think well i'm better than everybody else because that leads to sin you'll pick on people you'll become a bully you'll lie to people you'll steal from people you'll become a bad person if you think you're better than other people then you think now i can do whatever i want to these people because i'm better than them see how self-esteem can lead to bad it can lead to self righteousness and you know if you know your bible you know that in the bible the crowd that was the most wicked and evil and ungodly and immoral were the religious people who were self-righteous they claimed to believe in god and they claimed to follow god but in their heart they would justify their sin and they would hide it and they would do bad things and then you know they would do it in such a way with other people wouldn't see it and then if someone found out they said well you know i had a good reason for doing that that's called self-righteousness and that's called justifying your sin and that's the kind of people with values many of the people today who have their values they're the crowd with the self-esteem and self-worth they're the self-righteous people and they say yeah i don't believe that bible junk here's what i believe i'm a good person and so i'm so good and so smart that i can choose what's right and wrong and i choose this not and they're leaving god out and a lot of the things they choose are the exact opposite of what the bible says are the moral things that we should do and many of them have bad manners many of them don't behave many of them do bad to other people it's kind of sad let's look at a verse here real quick romans chapter 10 so i think it's important that we talk about morals rather than values because you could have a ton of values and be an immoral person you know that and if you know your bible you you see in the bible there's a lot of people like that that were self-righteous people who thought they were right but they're doing wrong take for example the pharisees who killed jesus christ the pharisees were supposed to be chosen of god as the priests who were supposed to help the people and they stole from the people and jesus christ god shows up and says i'm here and they said let's kill him and they killed him well isn't murder immoral but yet they were esteeming themselves as well i'm not like this publican over here i'm not like the bad people i'm a good guy look at me i'm self-esteem i'm one of the better people in the world yeah you killed you killed your messiah you killed jesus christ you're a murderer how dare you i have my values um no you're you're immoral you're a murderer so you see how a person can have values and still be immoral bible shows us that go to romans 10 and verse 3. it says in romans 10 3 for they being ignorant of god's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness you see this all goes back to god god is a just righteous judge okay so god is just and god is righteous and so we need to go to him to find out what is right and if we do then we learn about these things that are right to live a moral life and we do that well in the world today there's people that don't want god don't want the bible so they say you know i have my own code of conduct i have my own rules to live by my own right and to me it's right for me to do this and i i don't want god well those people are self-righteous and it says about them here in romans 10 verse 3 for they being ignorant of god's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of god so oftentimes they are immoral people who try to look like they're good folks and say no no i'm not one of those bible thumper people i don't believe in the bible but i am good look at me i'm such a great person i don't do evil and you go yeah but you do this this and this and that's all against god and about shut up who do you think you are why you terrorist you devil you wicked shut up and and so they're self-righteous and a self-righteous person is a person who in their own self thinks that they're right in what they're doing and when you look at what they're doing oftentimes what they're doing is wrong according to god and that's sad let's go to proverbs chapter 21 and verse 2. does the bible talk about these people oh yeah yeah it does a lot of verses in the bible i don't even have time to give you all of them talk about people like this proverbs chapter 21 and verse 2. there are many people in this world who are immoral but they'll go around they'll tell you that they're good old boys that they're good people that they're righteous that they're just and they're they're just good wonderful people and they justify their sin and say oh you know you know a lot of people get drunk a lot of times oh you know it's not a sin to get drunk in the bible is oh well the bible well god just don't want us to have a good time no there's nothing wrong with that and you're like um yeah okay so you're basically you don't want god that's what you're telling me look at proverbs 21 and verse 2 every way of a man is right in his own eyes but the lord pondereth the hearts so there are people that do what they call right and it's right to them because it's their value they say well i value myself as a good person and to me what i'm doing isn't that bad uh but god says no it's it's sin so they're doing things in their own way and they're calling what they do right let's go to proverbs chapter 12 and verse 5. got to watch out for people like that they're hard to trust it's hard for me to trust somebody who's living in sin and who's immoral because if you're a moral then you're saying i don't care about god and what he says i'm going to do what i want to do when i want to do it the way i want to do it okay how can i trust you you could lie to me and then in your mind think no it's okay for me to lie to you that's just one of my values i think it's okay for me to tell white lies how how do you trust a person that has no standard of right and wrong it's really hard isn't it it says here in proverbs chapter 12 and verse 5 the thoughts of the righteous are right but the counsel of the wicked are deceit the words of the wicked are to lie and wait for blood but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them and many i mean i would recommend highly that you read proverbs there's so many great things in the book of proverbs that point out this type of person who is immoral but yet they talk about how i'm such a great person and they're self-righteous they're full of self-esteem and self-worth and what are they they're sinners who think they're good because they have their own set of what they think good is okay i don't want to repeat myself but i think you get it proverbs 16 25. proverbs 16 25 says there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death you see if you do it god's way you see what right is and you have a standard and you know right and you're no wrong but there's a way that seemeth right to a man and he says well i think it's like this but that's the pathway to the dark side that's the pathway to death and destruction and perversion and evil so there's the right way and the wrong way there's god's way and there's your way so what about history i am a history buff i love history will you study the history of the world you know what you find you find a fallen man man fell back in the book of genesis man fell into sin adam we are all born with adam's sin nature and we can know right from wrong but oftentimes we choose wrong and it's sad but we do and the history of the entire world is wicked people doing wrong and hurting other people and men have always gone the way of wickedness more than in the way of righteousness go to genesis chapter six i'll just show you some passages genesis 6 5 and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and it repented the lord that he made man and it grieved him at his heart men seem to always want to do wrong rather than right because it's hard to do right it really is and it's easy to do wrong and so a lot of people choose easy rather than hard well duh and a lot of people choose wicked rather than right because a lot of times and i hate to say it but it's true a lot of times they get away with it now you'll never get away with it forever if you're doing wicked bile evil ungodly things well the bible says someday you'll pay someday you'll give account to god for that evil that you've done you might go steal a car you might go rob from somebody you might murder someone and you might get away with it not go to jail well that's sad you did wrong and you might even justify it somehow and say well it was okay what i did under the circumstance and yes there are some circumstances like someone breaks in your home you have a right to defend yourself and if you kill someone in self-defense well that's called justifiable homicides called self-defense because they were there to kill you it was either you or them but i'm talking about people that do evil and know they're doing evil and get away with it guess what you're not going to get away with it forever you will give account to god someday the bible says now ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11. look at what ecclesiastes 8 11 says because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil because you don't pay for your sin every time you sin this is the way these people think well i'm just going to do it again i got away with it then i'll get away with it this time i'll do it again and they just keep going down the path of wickedness and they just think well i might as well because i got away with it last time but who are they sinning against you see a lot of people like this don't believe in god and the bible and they believe well we're all animals on this planet and we all evolve so really if you do something bad to somebody it doesn't matter because we'll just die and that's the end of us that's not what the bible says bible says when you die that's the beginning and if you remember a couple weeks ago i preached on the spirit world versus the physical world this is the physical world we leave this and we go into the spirit world and that's when eternity begins and eventually you give account to god but look at what this says let's go to psalms chapter two let me tell you what sin is sin is against god and that's what a lot of people don't think a lot of people say well i have my values and they don't line up with what the bible calls morals and you say well why do you do that what's this all about and they say oh just leave me alone i'll do what i want and they're sitting and they go i don't hurt anybody you're hurting the lord because you're going against what he said in the bible have you ever thought about that psalm chapter two verse one why did the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the lord against the lord and against his anointed that's jesus christ saying let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us here is worldly kings governments in this world saying we don't want to do it the way god said we don't want a standard of right from wrong let's get away from that god guy because boy we could do whatever we want if we didn't have these rules to follow do you see how that works you see how many times in governments people take over and become what's called a tyrant or a despot or a dictator and a dictator if he can get full control he can get rid of all these things that god said and now he can abuse his power for wickedness and evil and that's a sad thing you know see hitler see stalin see a lot of these wicked people in the world that have done things like that so question why do people sin well hebrews chapter 11 and verse 25 hebrews 11 25 says this choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season it's talked about moses and he said you know i don't want to enjoy the pleasure of sin i want to go over here to god well the world we live in today there are a lot of people that enjoy sin and i'll be honest with you sin is pleasurable there is some things you can do that is sin that is pleasurable and that is enjoyable in the flesh okay by the way flesh backwards is self if you take away the h a lot of times an h is silent anyway but uh if you get in the flesh and you follow the flesh you're gonna enjoy the flesh there are some sins that you can do that are enjoyable but are they moral that's what we're talking about today there are things that you can do that are immoral but they're pleasurable and so that's why people sin because they enjoy it but should they have you thought of the cost of your sin you do wrong in this world you rob a bank you could spend life in jail have you thought about that that's the cost of your sin you commit fornication or adultery or sin like that what if you got a sexually transmitted disease what if you've got aids what if you've got gonorrhea syphilis something like that now you're gonna live with your sin you drink or smoke or do bad things like that and do things that are wrong for your body and for your health and get drunk all the time and you end up with lung cancer from smoking or you end up with pancreatic cancer or liver cancer or something like that from getting drunk all the time that's the cost of your sin it might be pleasurable but the bible says it's only for a season because the more you sin the more judgment is coming down on you more you're gonna have to pay there is always a cost to sin and the ultimate cost according to the bible is when you die you go downstairs if you know what i mean to a place where you pay for your sin you know what i'm saying what'd i tell you to do well i didn't i didn't tell you to go anywhere so let's go to exodus chapter 20. now i don't have time to read everything in exodus chapter 20 but i wanted to give some specifics some people might say well this is a good sermon breaker and thank you for telling me the difference between morality and values but what exactly are some morals what exactly are some of these morals well exodus chapter 20 gives the ten commandments in all of those except for one are moral one of them is ceremonial that would be the fourth commandment about the sabbath and if you go to exodus chapter 31 you'll see that that was only for israel and not for us today under the penalty of death so is a ceremonial law that they had to follow it's not for us today we do not keep the sabbath today or else we die if we don't do it no thank god for that we're under grace but all these others are different things that are moral let me give you some examples thou shall honor thy father and mother there's your honor thou shalt not kill okay thou shalt not steal thou shalt not commit adultery fornication thou shall not bear false witness thou shalt not lie okay that's lying thou shalt not covet well that's don't lust and all these things these are examples of moral and these are examples of things that people on this side don't follow many people that don't want to follow the bible who are immoral they'll tell you well i have my values and many of them are living in sin in an open relationship in fornication many of them are a lying many of them are covetous many of them are stealing things taking something that's not many of them are using fraud many of them are doing just horrible wicked mean awful things but they say but i'm a good person because i have my values and i follow my values and you look at their values and you go huh uh dude that's that's wrong let's go to mark chapter 12 and there's a lot of people this is what it all boils down to that want to do what they want to do when they want to do it and this is what i've heard them say and i'm not cussing okay but i am i do want to tell you what i've heard all right i want to quote to you what many people have said who say i don't believe in god in the bible and all those outdated victorian morals they call them why because the bible had been saturated with the gospel in the 17 1800s you know you talk about getting woke you know people today oh you got to get woke man um do you know the history of america there was the first great awakening in the 1700s then the second great awakening it's revival all over america and it was called an awakening they woke up to hey this is the way we used to live oh the bible god's true well we wanted to follow him that was the real wake movement getting woke the first and second great awakening in america but a lot of people want to follow the bible and then other people don't but those who don't want to follow the bible oftentimes the reason that they don't want the morals of the bible they want their own values is because it's all about them okay and it's all about me me me me first you next maybe perhaps as long as i'm happy it's all about me well in the bible the moral code is all about others first before yourself now which society would you rather live in a society full of selfish people who only think of themselves and only what they can get from you or a society of people that have been taught good manners in which you're supposed to respect others and esteem them more highly than yourself and say yes sir no sir and be nice to people that's what it all boils down to two different train of thoughts one is follow the bible be honorable and respectful and put others first always thinking of others before yourself and the other is to hell with god in the bible this is my life i'll do whatever i please and it's all me and i have my values and i'll do what i want and to hell with you that's what i heard them say i said i'm not cussing but i had to quote what i've heard people i've met many people like this that say i don't believe in god the bible the morals i have my own values i do my own things and they say to hell with god in the bible i know what i want to do and i just say but don't you understand someday you're going to give account to god don't you understand that someday god's going to say hey why did you do it my way why'd you do it your way you know frankie sinatra uh did it my way yeah how'd that work out for you you should have done it god's way because that's the better way according to the bible so look how jesus says look at jesus mark chapter 12 verse 30 mark 12 30 and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind with all thy strength this is the first commandment and the second is like namely this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself there's none other commandment greater than these so love your neighbor this right here is a society of putting others first in respect you want respect do you this side over here talks tolerance we want tolerance you know you can tolerate somebody and still not love them did you know that but according to the bible we're supposed to love them and respect them even if we don't like them so this side over here they say no me me me i remember in high school i had a friend and he wasn't a christian and i remember him said one time he says i don't care what the bible says this is the 90s man i'm going to do whatever i want because this is the 90s boy i just dated myself didn't i but i always thought of that and always man he's over on this side he just doesn't care about anybody else all he cares about is gratifying the desires of his flesh and doing what he wants you know there's term for somebody like that that only cares about themselves that only cares about what they can get from somebody else do you know what that term is i don't know if i should even say it selfish is the best word but there's another word for someone who only lives for themselves and what they can get i won't say it all right so this is what it all comes down to i i've got to hurry i got to finish let's go to first timothy 6 18. first timothy 6 18. this is us this is christians this is the moral side that they do good that they be rich in good works ready to distribute willing to communicate so you have two very distinct different types of people those that are christians that are trying to do right live right and be good to others and those over here to say i don't want anything to do with that no i'm going to make up my own code to heck with what you call morals and it's all about me me me what i can get in this world and if it hurts you i don't care i'm gonna do it for me well that's scared that's that's scary that's scary so a lot more i could get into here whoo i don't know should i go there i got so many more verses here you know what i'm just gonna have to i'm just gonna have to close let me say this both sides are sinners we who want to do right we're still sinners we're just trying to do right though those who don't want to do right and don't care about morals and standards and good and right they're sinners well i have good news jesus came and he died for sinners the bible says he that knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of god in him jesus christ shed his blood to save you from all your sin you see just doing this doesn't get you to heaven you still have to come to jesus for forgiveness of sins and when we see jesus we see someone who did all this and we see he's the only one that we can trust and we're supposed to place our faith in him for salvation we believe and when we believe we are saved saved from what well saved from the power of sin saved from the penalty of sin saves from the presence of sin because someday we'll live with god on this earth for a thousand years and someday well we'll be in heaven with him too so there's a lot more i wanted to get into i wanted to talk about liberals and what the bible says about liberals in isaiah chapter 32 don't have time to go there i want to talk about violence and proverbs 16 29 and how often times these people over here that don't have any morals they become violent and they end up in violent behavior they see they end up destroying their lives and then they try to destroy the lives of others because they're usually unhappy do you know when you're doing right you feel good knowing that you did the right thing you sleep well at night but when you're out doing wrong all the time it bothers your conscience and oftentimes you're a miserable unhappy person and you become violent a lot of people do that proverbs 4 verse 14 through 19 proverbs 10 uh lot more verses that i wanted to get into but the bible says that god is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance god doesn't want anybody to go downstairs and be down there for all eternity he wants all sinners to come to him for forgiveness so my message today i hope is not a message of sad you know i'm not up here talking to make you sad oh the world's full of these people oh it's so horrible i'm trying to make you happy hey you can live a happy fruitful life if you choose to follow this but first you need this the gospel the gospels first corinthians 15 1-4 how christ died for our sins how he's buried he rose again the third day according to the scriptures come to jesus christ for salvation and then live for jesus christ be a moral person who is doing right and trying to live right i guess i'll stop there you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 22,398
Rating: 4.9608436 out of 5
Keywords: Morals vs Values, Morals, Values, Moral, Morality
Id: k645gBdvynU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 12sec (3912 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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