IS THIS the BEST PEN? - Ink Pen Battle!

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in this video i go through the search to find the best ink pen in the world relative to the pencil and subject my own opinion in doing so i'm going to tackle the entire inktober 2020 challenge in one day and judge each of these epic pens up against the same standards and criteria to find the ultimate pen okay just a line here and yep oh god that's satisfying ah this is where it gets tricky and done oh that was a satisfying period good everyone i'm jazza and i have a bit of a pen problem over the eight plus years of running this youtube channel i've bought a lot of pen and inking supplies i've been sent and given a lot of panicking supplies and with october less than a week away and a lot of people preparing for inktober bit of an event where people test their inking skills and participate in a sort of community inc challenge self-betterment experience i thought it was high time i took all of my ink pens and put them to the test i'm gonna be honest i was pretty loose with what i allowed into this challenge partially because there are so many pens that i haven't used before and i'm super curious as to how they feel and frankly i needed 31 pens to do every prompt of the inktober challenge and you know let's just say you know some of them are a bit of a stretch but you know what i think if you want to do inktober with a sharpie or a paint pen you should be able to there are no rules except for the official rules and the things people shout at you when they're telling you you're doing it wrong but this is art people rules are made to be broken and it just so happens that i'm good at breaking stuff i'll be making an illustration with all of these and all of them will receive a score out of 10 for the following three criteria one their illustration capability how good are they at drawing pictures two quality how does it feel in hand what is the ink or medium that goes down look like and feel like three satisfaction that the pen feels good by the end of this video you're going to know exactly what you will want to ink with but i know what you're going to say you're going to say hey jazza now that i know what to draw with how will i know how to draw what do you want from me a skillshare class on illustration okay i happen to have just released a massive class on illustration and i go through from the very beginning how to make the best concept possible and how to refine that thumbnail sketches get the illustration looking the best it can before you put the pen to paper and most importantly how to make the pen on the paper as effective as possible i am confident that whether you're a beginner or intermediate or even advanced if you go through my skillshare class you will take things that will help you take your art to the next level and it's a really good fun time the link is in the description and the first 1000 people to use that link will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership so if you want to explore there are over 30 000 classes illustration drawing design business social media art calligraphy and loads more go check out that link and a huge thank you of course to skillshare for sponsoring this video now it's time for the big challenge let's dive right in we start off with contender number one who gets the prompt blade i decided as just the going rule for this project to keep it simple for myself basically i'm just gonna draw the first thing that comes to mind the first thing that comes to mind for blade is well you know blade so after a quick construction sketch i cracked out the sharpie the ever reliable sharpie i tried to get something decent out of it and you know decent is probably the word to use for it illustration quality satisfaction all pretty decent contestant number two uni pin the prompts for this was fancy and two things came to mind someone who looked fancy and someone who had a fancy using the unibin fineliners was really familiar i happen to have a massive full set ranging from .03 all the way up to 0.8 and with a brush pen which i actually didn't know that the unipin fineliners had and i'm going to say was incredibly satisfying and really suitable to illustrate i gave it nine for illustration because they're built for illustrating eight for quality and eight for satisfaction next we have the copic multiliners the prompt for the copic multiliners was crawl and of course i went straight to the wall crawler you would expect these to be real hard hitters and frankly they weren't the dips just don't hold up they got frayed at the ends and i can't get decent brush pen lines out of my copic multi-liner brush pen so yeah i gave it an 8 for illustration because they are made for that but a six for quality and a six for satisfaction next we have the artline 210 media my prompt for this was hope and the use of this pen was i'm gonna say you know pretty comfortable pretty satisfying and pretty familiar but just really not built for great illustration so i gave it a seven for both illustration and quality but an 8 for satisfaction because it is kind of fun to use it feels nice next the pigma micron and with my prompts being rodent of course i drew remy from ratatouille and the pens were okay i also didn't know that i had a brush pen and that one was surprisingly satisfying uh and really high quality so our pigma micron pen's got an eight for illustration but a seven for quality and satisfaction moving on to the art line paint marker with the prompt storm now illustration with the artline paint marker was obviously not what it was intended for but it held up all right i know this isn't an ink pen it's a paint marker but i had 31 spots to fill in and it's more interesting to see wider variety so i gave this one a 7 for illustration six for quality and seven for satisfaction the pilot parallel pen by the way my prompt is dizzy obviously this isn't the best illustration pen uh it's not an illustration pen it's a bad illustration pen so i gave it a two for illustration but god damn the pen quality and the ink tone is good so quality is seven and frankly this pen is the most satisfying panel i've ever used in my life yeah feels good man bad for illustration but that was fun and we have the spectrum noir art liners the thing that frustrates me about them is they don't have the pen like nib size on the lids and the build quality is frankly [ __ ] it's just so disappointing because the the way they draw is phenomenal and the brush pen is one of the best brush pens i have it's fantastic and i forgot how good it was by the way you'll just notice a lot of different techniques that i'm using that i'm not really going into detail into in this video if you're interested in the way i'm drawing some of this stuff i have that class on skillshare i have an advanced illustration that i go through in the same class and in that i go a lot into line weight variation and motion and texture and shading while i can't really go into it a lot in my youtube channel that's just not really what youtube likes these days my skillshare class is a fantastic place for you to be able to pick up those tips and i don't hold back and when you're used to those tips and tricks and you can just crack them out on a whim some simple line shading simple line weight variation you get really satisfying results even with a 10 to 15 minute time limit like i had with my kitty cat here and these spectrum outliners were fantastic nine for illustration quality five not great but eight for satisfaction really nice to use prompts for my double-sided tombow abt pen was dig and of course that turned into diglett yeah they perform pretty well it feels pretty comfortable to use illustration 7 quality 7 satisfaction 8. all right mid video break because it's day two and i have to say so far uh given the wide range of pens that i've used many of which are the same type of pen they all feel very different but with the pens that are coming up they get even wilder and more different some are going to be obviously more useful than others but i have a feeling we're in for some surprises pleasant and unpleasant the competition is bound to be incredible incredible i'm sorry let's go so getting stuck into it again with pen number 10 the uniball gel impact pen with the prompt throw gotta say more satisfying than i expected obviously more intended for writing than drawing but a solid seven for illustration quality six satisfaction seven the zebra something pen i don't know what it's called it's got a bunch of different like japanese characters i don't know what it's called if you know what this is called please let me know in the comments with the prompt trap i drew admiral akbar it's a trap really satisfying to draw with a really solid pen i gotta say it's way up there eight for illustration eight for quality and nine for satisfaction now that's a trap i'd get caught in if you know what i mean number 12 the marabou fineliner graphics fine liners with the prompt bulky these are good these are a real solid contender great set really affordable and the mix of pen weights and the inclusion of a brush pen make it a really nice set so eight for illustrations seven for quality and seven for satisfaction number thirteen the karen brush marker pro with the prompt music the nib and the flow i don't know it's really satisfying and great to use and considering it comes in a black i figured i might as well include it in the process the ink is a little watery but the experience of drawing with the pen is really fun seven for illustration eight for quality and nine for satisfaction fourteen the pentel sign pen with the prompt teeth it's called the sign pen assuming it's meant to be used to sign stuff but you know it drew pretty well probably more fittingly than the uh than the sharpie because the nib size and it's just a little more suited to illustration six for illustration six for quality and seven for satisfaction the copic gas and food with the prompt ominous i'm gonna say the copic gas and food day are among the more satisfying pens specifically brush pens that you can use there is an unfortunate sort of texture when the ink wears thin or when you draw a little too fast with these pens which does encourage you to go a little bit slower in general it does sort of make for a fairly satisfying outcome if you can get that flow moving well eight for illustration eight for quality and nine for satisfaction the art line calligraphy set with the prompt outpost now obviously calligraphy pens in general are more tailored towards calligraphy but i have to say there is something about having a bit of a chisel nib or having more of a brush nib suited to calligraphy that really produces cool results with illustration and this outline calligraphy set is one that is i feel most unique and interestingly suited to illustration even though it's a calligraphy set really quite fun to draw with seven for illustration eight for quality and nine for satisfaction then onto the pentel calligraphy set now there is a hard and soft variation so i separated these and with the prompt shoes the hard calligraphy pen really stands up to the task i'm going to try and not be biased here because i use this pen all the time but i use it all the time for reasons really easy to keep a sharp tip for details and textures but then when you want some thicker lines or to do heavy outlines and all sorts of different effects the fact that there is a flexible tip and it almost feels like a brush pen but not quite just makes it a really unique illustration nine for illustration nine for quality and nine for satisfaction and likewise we have again the same pen but the soft variant with the prompter slippery as you can see it draws pretty much the same the only difference is that the nib tip is just a little bit softer now i'm heavy-handed so i personally prefer the hard nib but i'm giving this pen the exact same score because frankly it should score the same because it performs the same and it feels the same just depends on your preference as to what your drawing style is next we have the artline cdr dvd marker with a prompt disgusting i had it in the pens container and you know what it did a good job it actually felt pretty bloody satisfying seven for illustration seven for quality and eight for satisfaction no is that a solid score that's a good score number twenty the pentel frh pen i'm not sure what that stands for with a prompt rip and i'm i guess flowing off of the previously drawn zombie theme i'm just carrying that forward this pen was a disappointment watery ink and though it had that bristle tip the same as the gas and food it really just didn't feel good four for illustration five for quality but seven for satisfaction number 21 the paper mate kilometrico with the prompt chef and drawing chef gusto in a really simple style look it draws a picture it's not the best in the world and it feels awful to use if i had the choice of any other pen i'd pick it because this is not fun illustration three quality two satisfaction zero pair number 22 my 130 year old fountain pen now i've done a whole video on this i've actually done a whole video on a bunch of these pens and i highly recommend you go check it out because this is a really unique pen one of the most early cartridge uh pocket pens to be produced a really innovative piece of equipment for its time and really cool that i have this as part of my collection so with the prompt rocket it was time to see how it drew and i gotta say it it feels pretty good now i think i needed to refill the ink in this a little bit because whenever the nib split too much it sort of drew two lines i had to go back and go over it a bit and then obviously later in the illustration the ink ran out but overall it was a fun experience and i gotta say most of the satisfaction comes from the fact that it's such a unique pen sometimes the specialness of the tool adds to the experience five for illustration five for quality and seven for satisfaction number twenty three the editing 1880 draw liner 0.4 with the prompt armor this pen drew pretty well it held up it you know it's just a normal fine liner but it did make me wonder what the rest of the set would be like certainly felt suitable for illustration with a score of 8 quality 8 but satisfaction 7 good but nothing stand out number 24 the uni posca pens with the prompt june and having just painted my entire door with the paint pens i certainly have a feeling for how they handle and they're pretty satisfying to draw with but you know they're not the best for illustration itself especially on a smaller scale like this so for illustration four quality five and then satisfaction six number 25 the artline 550a whiteboard marker because why not it was in the box okay and i needed thirty one pen with the prompt float through a dude floating in a pool and it and there's a picture six six six off the boost next the kmart rose gold bed the prompt wisp i didn't have high hopes felt a little bit better than the other ballpoint pen again i had 30 wide spots to film four five three 27 my boring dip pen with a prompt fish this was just a random dip pen i had i was pleasantly surprised by how satisfied i felt drawing illustrating with a calligraphy dip pen the lines flowed really well it had a great ink reservoir and the aesthetic of being forced to work with really sharp and thin lines and with certain directions of drawing and also drawing top left to bottom right because i'm right-handed so i didn't smear the ink certainly had things you had to work around but honestly it added to the experience of focus and almost turned the artwork into a puzzle and more satisfying illustration eight quality seven and satisfaction nine number 28 my fancy ass quill with the prompt radio drew a little dude walking with his radio flyer with a radio in it the feeling of getting some nice line weight variation and some sharp lines with the glue graffiti pen i really feel adds to the styling experience the same score as the other dip pen but plus one point for quality but with the glass dip pen the experience was a lot less pleasant with no pressure sensitivity for the tip of a glass pen obviously and i don't know if i'm just out of practice since i last used it but it was really hard to control the flow sometimes it just could put all of the ink in the spot i didn't want it all at once and sometimes i just couldn't get to draw a [ __ ] line of villain very frustrating two for illustration five for quality and zero for satisfaction we have the artland 90 high performance permanent marker with a prompt buddy a druid dog his name's probably buddy it's a drawing four six six it's all right and last but certainly not least maybe okay last but least the sharpie magnum with the prompt coral i don't recommend drawing with a sharpie magnum unless you're drawing on something big which i've done before too but in this case and with these comparisons and for this application illustration one quality three satisfaction i don't recommend doing this i've done all of inktober in two days we're going to start giving out some awards best pen set goes to unipin the pen that i grew up with in high school so while i feel like i am biased at the same time it comes with the experience of knowing that they have lasted like eight years without needing to replace the pen and with this full set the fact that it comes with a brush pen i thought was really cool i'd never used a unipin fine liner brush pen and it was amazing how about the most pleasant surprise pen i'm going to give this to the artline cdr dvd marker obviously i wasn't quite surprised as to how enjoyable it was to use and it worked out to be pretty good for illustration the most unpleasant surprise award goes to the pentel frh i had high hopes for this but the ink was weak and the drawing experience was crappy so that gets the sad trombone sound award let me just take a minute to to just point out that i drew 31 illustrations in this video and if you enjoyed seeing me draw and if you feel like that might be something you want to learn more about my skillshare class is for you but beyond that skillshare isn't just about watching classes and learning it's also about participating specifically through class project and i've been blown away by the project submitted to my class so much so that i actually recorded an additional video for the end of my class where i go through my class participants projects and share some further insights and advice as well as just really enjoying your artwork no matter what level you're at if this is the sort of thing you think you could benefit from learning more about and specifically by being taught by yours truly please go check out that class in the description huge thank you skillshare for making the class with me and for sponsoring this video now our three finalists are going to be based on the three categories so let's start off with illustration so it seems that there are three kinds of pen that i gave and nine for illustration the unipin which already won the award for the best set spectrum noir art liner and the pentel calligraphy pens both hard and soft i'm going to give this to the pentel calligraphy pen then we have quality how does it feel to use is it built well there's a bunch of eights but there's only two pens that are nines which are the same ones that won the illustration award so i'm going to give the award to those but i'll pick a second place just so we can share the spotlight a little bit which i'll give to the current brush marker pro the ink has spread a little bit after the fact which isn't great but the pen feels really good and it has a really high satisfaction score too so if you want to use an ink pen that just feels really high quality and a cool experience caron brush marker pro there you go and then finally the only 10 that we have in any of the scores goes to satisfaction for the pilot parallel pen bad illustration good quality fantastically satisfying oh my god if this isn't just the coolest experience ever just feeling that ink flow out of the cartridge pen but i guess that means that our overall winner is the pentel calligraphy i use these all the time and they actually come in sets of both but i wanted to sort of separate them in the judging both because i needed 31 pens but also because i want to see how they differ and they don't differ a lot i personally prefer the hard kind but the nib feels almost like a plastic but it gives you a lot of give and a lot of responsiveness you can just be quite gentle and get really sharp and thin lines but then of course if you really want to have some dynamic illustration and have some thicker areas or even use it for calligraphy obviously you think the results you get with this pen are absolutely phenomenal the pentel calligraphy pad is my 100 favorite and i hope you've enjoyed the experience of going through all of this let me know in the comments if you have a favorite that you use or you personally prefer for your illustration or writing style if you feel my judging was fair or not fair let me know in the comments down below but otherwise most of all i hope you've enjoyed this video i hope you've enjoyed the illustrations i drew with all the different pens and my little way of participating in inktober this year otherwise there are more videos over there you're bound to enjoy thank you for watching and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 962,275
Rating: 4.9673781 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, ink, inktober, october, pen, inky, inked, linework, penmanship, calligraphy, dip pen, quill, parchment, cartridge pen, brush pen, pentel, copic, fineliner, unipin
Id: Nt72QDD9nL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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