Monkey Tier List

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hello and welcome to my new office that isn't quite complete yet but will be soon hopefully and today i'm going to do a video that i have been wanting to do for a very very long time [Music] [Laughter] on the trash taste podcast i'm sure many of you know i'm often referred to as monkey brain for my simplistic way of tackling situations and so i thought why not just take that in my stride and i thought why don't i rate every single species most species of monkey i'm not very knowledgeable about monkeys but just just jump right into it i realize this is not the exact quality content that i normally do but just deal with it okay this is quality let's type in a monkey species monkey species all right what's this one menderel oh this is the badass one i know pretty much nothing about this monkey other than it's the one from lion king do manderillas eat humans why is that one of the top questions is there anything interesting about them on wikipedia under all seem to live in very large stable groups named hordes that sounds fun hardcore numbered hundreds of hundreds that's badass males live a solitary lifestyle and enter hordes only when females are receptive to meeting i don't know why that makes me laugh it's just like i don't want to go with you until i can though conflicts are rare they can be deadly gaining dominance that is becoming the alpha male resulting in increased testicular volume clearly uh not only an alpha male but a sigma male this deserves to go in eight here i think very astonishing stuff wait how many how many breeds of monkey is there how many monkeys are there nearly 200 species what oh my god look at this one golden snub-nosed monkey this is cute as f look at this oh this is like the meme yeah yeah this one this one oh my god that is the cutest goddamn thing i've ever seen in my life oh no it's endangered no no we must protect this one has to go this can't all be s tears but this one is a nest here this this monkey is extremely cute he's a bowler this what is this one minion white faced capuchin cappuccino any white face caption is recognized as the typical companion to the organ grinder what what is that what the [ __ ] is this what what the [ __ ] in recent years the species become popular in north american media particularly in the pirates of the caribbean film series it is a highly intelligent monkey and has been trained to assist paraplegic persons what that's badass just off that alone i'm i'm impressed that i'm already sold that's got to go eight here as well oh so these are the japanese how do you pronounce that it looks you know dare i say uh very done with life not a single one of them seems to be cracking a smile oh no there we go that's that's a smile that's what it's like it's like my mom is like connor you should smile for the photo for once it's just a smile what higher ranking males have longer consort ships than their subordinates in addition higher ranking males try to disrupt contort ships of lower ranking males females attempt to mate with males of any rank however dominant males make more as they're more successful in mate guarding jesus seems a little intense probably give this one a b next up is the proborces proportions monkey i must admit quite a striking monkey very familiar-looking i can't quite put my finger on where i've seen this uh this nose before the large species being one of the largest monkey species native to asia wow it seems okay there's nothing super interesting about the monkey other than it has the nose that squidward also has so i'll give that a c it would be in pathetic tier if it wasn't for at least a striking appearance lion tailed mec i can't pronounce that macaque all right lion-tailed macaque how have i never seen this before why has nobody introduced this look at this the lion tail mcquack or the wanderoo is an old world monkey endemic in the western gas of south india look at this thing it's got a mane it is a territorial animal defending its area first with loud cries towards invading troops if it proves to be fruitless it brawls aggressively it pretty much is just chilling you know it's uh it's ready to throw hands if it needs to but doesn't really do anything interesting the visual appearance alone deserves at least a bee i must say i'm very impressed next up oh my gosh the emperor tamarin look at the beard on this boy water what a marvelous beard it has a beard that makes you think that it doesn't fight against the other species of monkeys to fight for it and then it just enjoys the spoils of war from this foolish uncivilized monkeys the emperor tamarin is a species of tamarin allegedly named for its resemblance to the german emperor wilhelm ii the animal reaches a length of 23 to 26 centimeters plus a 35 to 41 centimeters long tail oh it's like a miniature size it's like this big holy [ __ ] that's cute emperor tamarins behave actively rapidly gracefully i want to see videos of this the infants have a father each to look after them so mum goes to feed on nectar multiple dads oh that's badass i don't think need more needs to be said this is definitely a nest here i think the vervet monkey what is this let's have a look at this oh it's got a scream relatively cute i'd say the vervet monkey or a simple vervet is an old world monkey fabulous i'm not going to try and pronounce that but to introduce to florida florida why were they introduced to florida they've been noted for having human-like characteristics such as hypertension anxiety and social and dependent alcohol use what wait wait wait wait who the [ __ ] gave these monkeys alcohol what they just at the club giving them like vodka shots what i was gonna give it a d because i was not impressed but after hearing that it's basically just a human uh it has to go in eight here i think i i mean actually no florida and alcohol use that's it monkey that took selfie next up we have the crested macaque holy this looks terrifying look at the baby it goes from being like oh i believe this was the monkey that took the selfie and there's actually quite a famous court case about this as you can see the court case about this alone was very long but i must say it is a cracking selfie it's crazy to think that you pick up the camera and know how to use it my mum can barely use the camera correctly i'm not trying to insult my mum i'm just trying to compliment the monkey please don't kill me mum that that is that i'm i'm not insulting you please but let's find more about this monkey critically endangered oh no i was going to give it a medium rating but i feel kind of bad now nah bingo d still central american squirrel monkey oh my god this looks terrifying this is kind of like nightmare fuel a little bit it is a small monkey with orange back and distinctive white and black facial mask i'm not very impressed i must say i'm not very impressed after skimming through the wikipedia page so it is going to go in pathetic i'm sorry a little bit pathetic i can't do that see next up is the bonnet macaque and holy this thing looks terrifying when it is a baby let's read more about it the macaque exists as commensal to humans feeding on food given by humans and raiding crops and how houses melbourne atmocks groom each other hug each other sleep near each other play together and engage your male male mounting a social diffuser what that's amazing so you're telling me there's a species of monkeys that steals from humans raids their house and also is just super laid back and casually mounts each other i'm [ __ ] sold that's estee i'm i'm very much sold crab eating macaque holy this looks terrifying gonna take a wild guess here that it eats crabs this is the wikipedia picture that is macaque with soda can.jpg i've never seen a man looking down the bottle so hard in my life i'll give it a d uh you know i'm not unimpressed but also i'm not impressed gimme a baboon damn look at this boy socially guinea baboons have more in common with homagers baboon than other baboon species living in one male units consisting of one dominant male several female and juveniles and often a follower male the harem consists of two to five females which mate with one dominant male yeah it seems interesting enough they have harems going on which i'm sure is good b i guess yeah b b oh this is the other baboon that the uh other baboon article i've just been this is the hamadry's baboon and in the uh guinea baboon wikipedia kept referencing this this poor monkey got the most unflattering photo of itself i'm gonna knock when the banana hits differently all right let's let's learn about this monkey shall we the padres boom was a sacred animal to the ancient egyptians how did you often appear in ancient egyptian art as they were considered sacred to the toth a predianistic precursor to estenu was babie of the bull of baboons but he was also said to give him the righteous dead continuous fertility and used and to use his penis as the mast of a boat to convey them to egyptian paradise what what this man's using his dick as a boat mess what how long is this thing i don't think i need to hear anything else about this monkey that is ester topovestia i realize now why this monkey was pulling this face let me show you guys let me show you what's going on here because if you remove this there's actually a boat underneath here and this is the mess next up is black howler these monkeys commonly sleep or rest up to 70 percent of the day hell yeah i can get behind that name for their vocalizations they are most heard often around sunrise the dawn chorus sounds much more like roaring than howling this call can be heard up to five kilometers away holy [ __ ] that is loud just because of the variation in fur and resting up to 70 of the day and a five kilometer howl that's beats here that's pretty impressive whoa dusk leaf monkey not only is that name pretty damn badass this also looks extremely interesting oh wow oh god that's so cute that's so f i want a pet one so bad there's barely anything about this monkey but it does look very cute i wonder why there's barely anything about this monkey just for its uh cuteness alone i'll give it a detail what on earth is this the mantled guerreza is this like the drip monkey the mental guerreza has a polygenious harem-based mating system jesus christ that's like a flight novel title justice amazing it will walk near potential partner and make low intensity mouth clicks during copulation the mill holds on the females ankles and body well it's a very aggressive monkey it has some drip but the meeting uh is interesting so i'll give it a b golden monkey holy [ __ ] look at this what the [ __ ] is this i like how they've included the picture of the mating just in case i couldn't figure it out for myself man these are better head shots than i have not much is known about the golden monkeys behavior i know a fair amount i've seen frankly too much about the gold monkey's behavior gold monkey just sounds cool not too much that's very interesting about it so it goes in the detail southern pigtailed macaque god damn does it have an ass what on earth let's learn about the southern pigtailed macaque i lied there's literally nothing about it so i guess pathetic colombian red howler the infant will stay with the mother for 18 to 24 months after males reach sexual maturity they are expelled from their nasal group the males must then invade a foreign group there the male kills off the other leader and whatever offspring the leader sired holy [ __ ] goes to another group and murders them absolutely negative chill terrifying goes in detail how am i only finding out that this this stuff exists you know cotton top tamarin look at this thing look at this it's got a mullet it's a monkey that has a mullet i must know everything about it oh my god there's so much information they've been observed to immediately start denying cooperation with monkeys that deny them benefits so if it helps another monkey enough it'll just start punishing it language acquisition what wow they can talk amongst each other so not only do they treat each other like [ __ ] and help each other when it benefits them they also can speak fantastic it's not penis being used as a mast fantastic but it's pretty fantastic that's going innate here de brasis monkey oh my god it grows a beard the male de bras's monkey communicates with booming sounds as usually heard early in the morning when the mail calls out to establish his territory purely for the the beard alone beetier why i just realized c is above d this whole time i literally have been filming this whole video and did not realize that what is this this is so cool looking oh my god this man looks like he's about to drop like the hottest album this year look at this all right educate me just educate me bleeding heart monkey god damn that is a badass name since 1979 it's been customary to place the gold in his own genius though some genetic research suggests that the monkeys should be grouped with baboon kin okay so basically people can't decide if it's his own bad ass thing god damn i mean i'm sold already i don't really need to hear more that it deserves to go and ate here i mean look at that picture alone god damn orangutang orangutan's monkey right let's get orangutans in on this not only are they one of the coolest looking monkeys it's also in jojo whoa best here and i'm gonna learn about it in 2008 spain became the first country in the world to recognize the rights of some non-human great apes when its parliamentary's cost party environmental committee urged the country to comply with the recommendation of the great eight project which are the chimpanzees bonobos orangutans and gorillas not to be used for animal experiments i mean that's good i'm already sold i'm already sold while we're on the smart monkeys let's talk about some of the other ones uh a bonobo monkey i actually don't know the difference between a bonobo and a chimpanzee lobovers are not a subspecies of chimpanzee but rather they're a distinct species in their own right most species are sometimes referred to collectively using the generalized term chimpanzee or chimps wow so they're not even the same thing bonobos are capable of passing the mirror okay so they're apparently very similar to humans i think that bonobo certainly deserves to go in at here he's a very smart boy and i'm quite impressed is it gorilla is a gorilla a monkey well if i had my say it would go in estee regardless even though it isn't a monkey gorilla belongs a nest here i think we can all agree on that chimpanzees that's just a cracking photo let's learn about some chimpanzees shall we oh [ __ ] i didn't know chimpanzees are an endangered species wow many times have been made to teach languages such as american sign language chimpanzees with limited success nim's longest recorded sentence was give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you attacks chimpanzees have attacked humans in uganda several attacks on children have happened some of them fatal jesus some of these attacks may be due to chimpanzees being intoxicated from alcohol obtained from rural brewing communities what and mistaking human children for the western red no one of their favorite meals no you're kidding me chimpanzees are extremely impressive the fact that they just steal babies sometimes even if they're drunk not an excuse so beat here um seat here it is intelligent this is not a very flattering photo i see why most of these photos have the mouth shut that's terrifying the black and white snub-nosed monkey was almost completely unknown until the 1990s wow it's crazy that you to think that a species could be discovered so recently that gets to go in betia for how mysterious it is final monkey the red shank doke oh there's an awful lot known about this monkey okay the red shank dork is the most colorful monkey among all species of primates they're considered the queen of primates thanks to their distinct and unique appearance before mating both genders give a sexual signal with the jaw forward consent fantastic damn that is just a cool monkey that is so sick that's like when you get the legendary loot box skin in the game you get like that skin just for that it gets to go in at here i mean it's it's a very cool design download the image so i can give this to you i'll say monkey i've been saying monkey so much i hope you enjoyed this monkey tier list please let me know if you want me to do more to your list like this in future this was a very easy video to make and uh actually very fun i i felt like i learned an awful lot today and i am a pseudo-expert of monkeys i felt like i have connected with my brethren i'll link to the t-list down below so go ahead on twitter and send me your own monkey to tier lists and let me know which monkeys are your favorite and least favorite there is none there is no least favorite except for one that i put in pathetic and please if you enjoyed this video please don't forget to subscribe comment and like subscribing helps the channel so much and don't forget to turn that notification bell on but anyway i hope you guys have enjoyed this video i will see you beautiful weebs soon bye and of course this video was brought to you by boxing did you know that boku here is the only japanese snack box that partners over 100 plus year old family snack makers in japan and there are exclusive snacks to your door every single box has a theme and this one is the moon festival inside each box is a cultural guide that details each product's origin ingredients and even commonalities so you know exactly where each snack comes from there's always a hand-picked assortment of snacks and there's always a tea to go along with it to make sure that you're getting the most optimized pairing and a real taste of japan and you can also renew with the option to pause or cancel at any time when your 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Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 745,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monkey, Monke, CDawg, Connor, CDawgVA, Donkey Kong, Monkey Species
Id: Rym-HAf7WTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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