How I Met Emirichu And Daidus

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I'll talk with on 2023 which is another nerd convention but for the weaves I wasn't planning on going this year because of the lack of funds until I saw the guest list and it looks like I had the power of God Anatomy on my side because we managed to get emericho and dinus I got my ticket and went to the convention however the night before I was working a night shift and I was dead tired like I could have gotten there and went night night leg but I managed to sleep walk my way to the convention but I have the strangest feeling in my tummy light I felt like what if I have to shrank I got to the library true and died I swear but I got there too late and they were no longer accepting people in the line please sir please let me see the please I'll give you my kidney they're gonna be here all weekend oh I also figured out what was giving me so much pain that day it was a kidney stone okay so day two we'll talk with our 2023 I was also finishing another night shift and I had a wicked headache I did get in line early to see emericho and Dinos but everyone else had the same fracking idea because the line was twice as long as yesterday and guess what I didn't even get to see them again then Sunday rolled around and I got up early and I was still dead tired like tired but I was determined in getting a picture and autograph from emericho and dinus then saw them I had made them some custom art from yours truly they signed my sticker book I got a photo with them I thanked them for coming we said our goodbyes I then looked at my photo of us together and said damn was I really that sleep deprived or was I really just that ugly oh hello everyone I hope you love the vid see what I said there I said vid like a cool kid instead of saying video yeah as of recording this video you can tell I'm very very sleepy but I still wanted to say thank you for all the love and support it means a lot to me now with that all being said your boy is about to go night night so uh yeah good night
Channel: OhBoyItsKomet
Views: 14,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #otakuthon2023, Emirichu, Daidus, ohboyitskomet
Id: GYs2wRd9W1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 11sec (131 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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