MILITARY GUN TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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unwrapping that's definitely in here there is definitely something in here it's Jeremy and George and we just got back from the live auction where the previous storage unit owner wanted his stuff back George bought a unit filled with mm-hmm and in the back we never even saw it we are so distracted with the swords in the back is a military crate it's a long huge one if you didn't see the actual auction video we can include that for you where they find it George definitely will hook you up with the link in the description box below and we'll be doing unboxings all week but we've got to get into this crate now because we just can't wait this right here is the wooden display piece with the six swords that I saw during my profiling this is the wooden military crate that was hidden all the way in the back that we're definitely gonna dig in today we'll go in further detail of the swords and the next unboxing so let's dig into this bad boy now that we both have our kneepads on are you ready they're pretty comfy not bad at all let's do a countdown ready in three two one open it let's go oh no I don't know let's let me bring the camera up and get a close-up okay okay what is that the shooters Bible the 100 101 it's wow okay I'm gonna bring the camera down so we can actually see what's going on here we we've got a bit of a better angle now so we can dig in what do you think we're gonna find George we've got the rebel rebel to the end we got a flag here look at this what did you just fun killing oh that's not here we go check this out rebel to the end here can you hold that it's like a Dukes of Hazzard this is a southern flag to the end cool flag and would it have underneath looks like we got a bunch of stuff what do we got I don't know what that is what do we have here we've got oh you know what these are these are blow darts these are blow darts you put them in a blowgun yeah and these are blow tip these are tips as well so maybe we have blow darts in here what do you think we're gonna find I've no bolts gerbera it's from knives I don't know what it's for though anybody understand or know what this is it has says Gerber Gerber this says pull out I don't know I'm not sure what this one might be headlamp here we go here we got we got Arrowhead we got tips for arrows for hunting right there we got a hole this is this is alright status status four one seven zero zero we've got we've got leather whatever it is I definitely have leather and we have 2195 we've got a wallet we have a wallet let's see nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing in the wallet nothing in the wallet alright George you do the honors looks like we got another blankie and this looks military Oh Oh what's this Henry Henry Henry rifles this is a decal is that a Winchester there's a Winchester look at that she just oh my goodness let me bring it down keep going let me bring it down she just found a stash of connives so not only did she profile this thing and find all those swords look at this oh my goodness look at that one look here's a here's a Dale Earhardt in memory Dale Earnhardt number three that one looks downright dangerous you're not in the shot here there you go right there what is that and then right there you're in the shot Wow Wow we found one of those when you when you found the swords - there's three more I wonder if Amos was he throwing them or what nope but he was throwing this look look look Chinese Chinese throwing stars look at that alright we got to have a little competition you think of it I'm thinking once you're done with these knives let's see who can hit the target closer with the throwing star what do you think Ninja Assassin right here not what in the world I've never seen anything like that before they're having you see this here so you got a pry bar axe and and a hammer more knives leave that Gerber you got now I don't know what this one is thing what is that looks like brass knuckles but then it has take the take the cover off what's that do some damage with that holy cow anybody know what kind of knife that is there we go can't see what kind that is there's so many of them in here here's another yeah there's no doubt he was a collector swords and knives I mean connives there's another one SOG wonder what SOG stands for there's more it's never-ending these are there's some multi-purpose tools holy cow now pardhu what's that thing do it's a sharpener it looks like it it's a craftsman and it folds in the back some more there's a multi-tool looks like a Swiss Army style yes there's nothing on that one well a lot of the generic connives I'll just sell in lots on eBay all right you ready for our competition yes let's do it okay I made a target on the actual box you get a star and then I get a star and whoever's closer to center wins you ready for this [Music] I'm winning this time this should about do it one more time I got it hey da what two heels when I came over here to actually remove the Chinese stars look George what do you think it is this is definitely a gun crate I think it's what do you think all right remove that layer okay it looks like we've got all kinds of firearm supplies here here's a here's a leather belt yeah that's where the ammo would go protectors for shooting what what kind are they they're Remington yeah that's a gun brand look at this we got pieces and parts I can't believe this what's this look at this we don't dial numb 9-1-1 okay so that's for cleaning yours is not mine shotgun shell holder the rifle yep oh here we go here's a holster look at that beautiful leather holster this one's made by Hunter Wow Wow all right here's a mini mini holster by Don Hume right there this looks like more cleaning supplies polishing supplies here's for cleaning out the barrel what you got there babe it's a stone cleaning agents for rust and corrosion all right we got to load in we got [Music] who makes this okay these are Bulldog and this looks like yeah this is Bulldog this would have been Ches holster right there this looks like a gun sleeve yeah by running Remington this is an ammo box over here this right here should be an ammo box well yeah what do you have first well I'll have to move the camera over there what do you have first here's something else that's Remington subsides is this a sight SSI yeah this is a sight is a sighting system I wonder if that's a laser sight huh there it is right there Wow all right let's move the camera over and look there's a there's an ant or antler over there right there yeah see look there's an antler oh how you know you got some hunting gear and yeah his name is on it right there there's some hunting gear whoa we got okay we've got three boxes in here look at this three boxes so here we go you've got to count down for me George yes alright give me a countdown and three two one no I wasn't ready can you count down again three two one here we go and you know what those aren't right these are brand new router bits Wow why it still has the yeah the protective the protective so there's a brand new little thing a router bits why don't you do this one all right you ready for a countdown yeah I saw hinges right here I didn't even count down what are you doing I couldn't wait I couldn't wait cigars that one's still sealed in the wax what kind is it this is Dominican Republic premium handmade makers mark seasoned makers mark the baby this isn't a cigar cutter this is a circumcision tool don't you remember when you had your son done so this must this is that's checking the humidity and this must draw the moisture man oh man I love it when a plan comes together what are we gonna do with these you're smoking hot all right this I actually found an ammo box like this before in another unit and I sold it on Craigslist from 35 40 bucks and this one's heavy let's do this let's back the camera up why don't you grab that grab the rope and we'll put it right here all right ready yes we gotta find one is there gonna be a gun in three two one I don't see it good I'll see you gun what's that that it's extremely flammable that's because it's muzzleloading propellant this is for a muzzle loader okay muzzle loader lens pen that's gonna be a gun cleaning kit that's winchester gun cleaning kit no not a gun cleaning kit that's all that's all the bits that you need for your gun we got it oh this is a good sign look at this she's got a of Remington she's got Remington look here's bullets oh this for training right they're brand new pack here's blazer brass let's see are they this sure feels like they're in here and they are they are all in there look at that look at that I can't wait to get to oh my goodness I can't again wait does he was in that thing harmonica what do you have here that's not just a set of keys these are too like a million different locks we need to hold onto these in case we find in case we find anything one of the things we do we hold onto all the keys that we find when we're unboxing until we we unbox everything and hopefully we find the key for what they're what there is so this could be to a safe could beYOU know something's locked up he may have he may have a little gun safe in there that we don't know about there could be anything we literally look look look look we literally just threw everything in so here's master keys to a bunch of stuff we have no idea what we're gonna find because we didn't unbox we didn't on top we just threw it in so we got a million keys here could be to anything what did you find okay look what she just found it's an eagle all right for all you guys what are those pills it's it says oh you why I she's dropping them everywhere all right got a watch there's there's a gun lock which that other there was another gun lock there too there is that's probably the adult toys for Smurfs some camo real tree right there whoa yep there's at ASCO scope right there look at that look at that probably just for your nut keep your neck nice and warm okay we got ammo for sure more ammo Remington god bless america it's a belt buckle I don't see any - a gorge look look look look that's your thing right there guess what she just found guys another one what's it say right there it says Toledo Spain let's see if we can you see it Toledo Spain yeah curved ones are rare aren't that gorge luckily you have one here's some money 1977 looks like he collected all the coins probably from the year he was born that's the year I was born oh there we go there's another belt buckle got the flaming pistols there like he was doing his own loading gun oil cleaning here I'll just pick it up and I'll show and lots of ammo we're and here's something else and a scholar ring huh how cool is that alright let's fighting so much awesome stuff alright we're gonna put it on pause and put everything back in alright looks like we have another layer George is gonna pull it up looks like our meat our yeah yeah yes look look okay okay let me go down let me go down I want to go down okay we're gonna keep this in one shot let me go down I got adjusted though this is gonna be a shaky shot but haha yes okay yeah wait wait wait wait wait don't okay dad I just got to be let me see let me see what we have here we have we've got a M 2 1 3 so thankfully the pin is still in it and see here maybe the bottom is cored out it's just collectors look I already saw it didn't you see me looking at it didn't you see me looking at it you'll be all right okay now to find it here I need to put that pin back in now to find out huh all right you gonna do the honors that doesn't sound good please feel empty ah Smith & Wesson a mission that's no good you supposed to be the lucky charm baby here's a tourist box pray empty as well all the instruction nails are in here that's not good what's that one what kind is it it's empty that's what kind of is it's also Smith & Wesson this is a bolts box its kills empty - empty okay we got one more thing left in here all right I'm gonna take I'm gonna take the camera up you know exactly what that looks like all right let's see is it light is it oh yes yes feel it right here feel it feel it you know exactly right here there's a sign there's yeah okay all right we have no idea what we got here here we go check this crate out first of all all right okay what we're gonna do here I'm gonna come around over here towards you all right there's rubber bands around this baby I'm one of your knives sure they're just breaking off the brittle anyway I don't need it they're breaking off they're brittle just probably some age oh that one wasn't too brittle okay all right all right oh yes yes yes yes okay are you ready I'm ready all right all right here we go here we go I'm gonna unwrap it don't just don't get in front of it oh okay unwrapping it's definitely in here there is definitely something in here and it is ah that's a beauty whatever it is okay it's empty all right so we know it's empty check the out that's pretty awesome look at that it's a Browning look at that it's a Browning it's got some age to it for sure check that out Wow Wow there we go here my slide it over look at that there Wow Wow look at the age on it Wow I know I had it wrapped up Wow Wow man George we have got to go to another awesome Wow oh my god this crate is incredible what an incredible crate and if you want to see what else comes out of this unit make sure you subscribe you're not gonna want to miss a thing and remember adventure awaits you gotta go find it [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 1,889,920
Rating: 4.0517769 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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