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inside here is possibly our best find ever this is like a treasure hunters dream this is like why we treasure hunt and look for cool stuff because of this right here but before I get into the actual bag and show you guys the goodies inside like this thing is full of extremely valuable stuff so I've got to point out a few things first because I know a million people are gonna be commenting the stupidest thing so I gotta answer some of these questions before they happen so the background story to where we found this is we were exploring an abandoned house from the early 1900s and the thing was like really tiny and pretty much destroyed but it was loaded with stuff this house was about to be demolished so we were gonna go in there before it was demolished and take a look like explore and we also had full salvaging rights to it so this is not a stolen bag of money we didn't rob a bank so go ahead call the cops we don't care like we had full salvaging rights to the house so we were taking a look there's some other interesting things in there but while we were exploring hidden in the bottom of a dresser was a bag and if you take a look inside you'll see why it's so important okay so there are like 20 envelopes in here let's pull some of these out do that that's pure cash right there but that's not even the best part okay so we got tons of just pouches of money like in here money in here money and in these envelopes to money we've already opened up a couple of these we didn't like include all of them because if you guys did watch our livestream like that was our first ever live stream we live streamed to parts of it one where we were just exploring and one about the money but we ended up removing one of them completely and just deleting it and we put the other one on private like the connection there was so bad like you can't even watch the video we tried to like it pauses every like second so we stopped we thought we'd just make like a completely new video on it so we brought everything home to check it out like we don't want to be out in the open like showing money it wasn't the best neighborhood either so like when you find something good you want to take it home and look at it like if other people around there see it they're gonna want a piece like neighbors and stuff like that so we've already opened up some of these but we reclose them the show em on video but we haven't taken a look at all this stuff so you guys are gonna get kind of a first-hand look while we're getting a look at this but I'm gonna say this right now we hit the jackpot for sure and this is 100% real I know you guys probably won't believe us but this does happen like the house we went to salvage the person that owned it was an old man he died in there and like nobody came to claim any of the stuff and it was just going to be demolished so we wanted to save some of it before it got wrecked so this stuff does happen but don't go into someone's house and rob it like we had full permission and do this I'm just saying this as kind of a disclaimer like we didn't steal this money we found it in an abandoned house that we had full salvaging rights to that this money was just gonna go to waste like it would have been put in the landfill and no one would have ever seen it again so but there is money in these envelopes I can't really see it through them but this money was actually kept in perfect condition hidden away in a dresser for I don't know how many years but that's the house like sat vacant sitting there with his money inside of it nobody knew it was in there but we got through it first so we're going to take a look I'm gonna save the best part for last this is where the pure hard cash is we're gonna go through that at the end because that's obviously the most exciting but this is what we're gonna look at now you can hear it most of these are just filled with coins I'm not sure what kind of coins I think this has like a bunch of change in it - all right what do you want to go through first let's take a look at this one and inside it's full of quarters look at that take a handful right there I have no idea how much money this is right here this is just a whole purse just of course anything else in there let's check all the pockets I'm not gonna count all this on camera though I'll be born where they're counting up later but this is a whole purse full of quarters like right there that's probably five bucks and quarters in my hand right there so we got a good amount just in quarters I'm really curious open these room what envelopes ooh look at that just tons of stuff in there all right we got a good variety of coins with this look at that 1923 in 1922 these are old holy crap all right these are dollar coins I'm pretty sure they're silver like old coins or at least partially silver these are really old take a look at these 1966 that one might be silver - do you guys are silver experts let us know because some of these coins are probably silver got some nickels right there check the year on some of those 1941 1960 to 1950 to 1952 1946 1960 to 1961 okay so for most coins like 1964 and all they're those are partially silver I'm not sure about nickels like nickels are an exception only some of them are made of silver so that's pretty cool these are really awesome those are definitely silver old dollar coins okay first little envelope was a success this one seems to have more inside of it oh look at that you see that not 1899 no one's from the 1800s are these all dollar coins look at that an envelope gist of dollar coins if anyone even goes inside look at that some of these might be silver too I'm not too sure on the dollar coins let's see 1972 1972 1972 a lot of these are from 1972 and 1971 1972 okay so if you guys know if these are silver or not less now because we'll definitely keep those but this one's from 1899 so that one's awesome this is definitely silver look how old that looks that's awesome let's put these in a separate pot that's stuff right there I'm gonna count this up to one two three yeah $17 just in dollar coins from that one envelope they might be silver allowed us no I'm not like a silver expert but I do like to keep the silver coins because they're worth more this one right here I kept separate that one's from 1899 so that's 18 dollars in dollar coins we're gonna try to keep these in good condition too I'm sorry if I'm going through this fast it's too exciting right now all right take a look in there looks like pennies all right not the most exciting thing that might be a dollar in pennies like pennies I'm definitely not the most exciting thing to find but I might have a dollar right here and look it got a couple wheat pennies and those are cool so we'll look at this later in detail but that might be like a dollar in pennies got another one right there so we have some older ones in there too and ones on all right so not all pennies this one might be silver all right not bad see you ready open nose you got this one right here this is the biggest envelope we got all the coins are at the bottom right here open it up [Applause] I'm just gonna dump these out on the purse oh all right look at that we got a dollar bill right there first bill and we got some half dollar coins all right we got a lot of half dollar coins all right let's take those out cause some other random stuff - all right look at all these coins get those like silver pennies think those are like war penny let's see 1943 yeah I think these are war pennies like during the war they wanted to save precious metals to use for the war so they made pennies out of iron all right we got tons of half dollar coins right here see some of these might be silver let's take a look at some of the dates 1967 1971 67 68 67 I think some of these are I'm gonna count these up $11 and half dollar coins right there plus we got this stuff right here this one's really cool look at that from Australia in 1940 see penny all right that's kind of cool for a coin got another wheat penny right there just some random pennies oh that one looks really new - but it's older and look at that a 1911 was this quarter all right that one is really old one - keep that aside got some more pennies like eight war pennies right there so those are pretty cool made of iron see look at that it's another foreign coin Espania it feels like light aluminum buffalo nickel some more pennies we pennies and a Canadian coin all right st. cool stop in there put that aside and we got one more envelope of coins back there before we go to the money alright this is a smaller envelope of coins click they're all dimes so we might god we might have two bucks just in dimes right there but not that much I don't think these are old either all right now on to the good stuff okay how many envelopes do we got four five six seven eight nine same as well thirteen envelopes and I'm pretty sure these have hard cash and I'm like we opened some of these and there might have been like $100 and one envelope then $40 it was just random like twenties tens so let's start with this one I could feel there's money in there rip it open [Applause] all right just right there let's count this up 80 bucks in that one envelope some of these envelopes are like really hard to open cuz they're stuck these are pretty old too okay look at that 15 to 20 that's 70 let's count this up so we got 150 right there all right next envelope a dollar bill two dollar bills we got 60 bucks right there plus 50 got 110 112 we're going to count this up at the end let's open these envelopes up got decent amount so far so these are like stuck closed 90 bucks right there awesome that one's empty first empty envelope in there feels like there's something in there I look at that a bunch of 20s 80 bucks right there next one alright that's a hundred bucks right there in one envelope sorry if I'm going through this really fast I just want to get through this setting sixty okay look at that see 20 40 60 80 100 120 one envelope more 20 60 bucks right there 80 bucks right there and I'm not sure why they put him in like separate envelopes if you watched our live stream we opened some of them and they were like all in separate envelopes like they just didn't like keep it together they put them in separate envelopes not sure why they just put it all in like one empty see we got two more I'm thinking we got like at least a thousand so far 20 40 60 80 100 right there we're going to count it all up at the end [Music] and look at that 250 so that's 100 right there so we got a nice amount I'm not sure exactly how much but we did find more money we just didn't show it on camera we already opened it up and took a look this is just stuff we wanted to show you guys so got a whole pile of coins right there I'm not gonna do a recap you guys already saw everything's gonna show it really quick some dollar coins half dollar coin so I put the dollar bill with the other bills right there pennies quarters all kinds of coins we still got this whole person quarters we have to count all this up like that's gonna take a long time even got some silver stuff right here too so with just the bills we got 963 dollars almost a thousand dollars just in those envelopes we opened up plus all this change right here I'm gonna say it's at least a hundred could be a lot over that but I must say it's at least 100 like all these dollar coins all these quarters all these half dollar coins pennies all this stuff right here that's got to be at least 100 and quarters and all and whatnot so we got at least a thousand dollars here in total so that's an awesome Hall right there one of the best fines ever anything like that beats any dumpster diving fine we've ever found just from finding that random stuff in the abandoned house hidden that's where we check like every corner every crevice because like so we are gonna make more videos of more stuff we found like we didn't just find money we found jewelry antiques all kinds of cool stuff so we're gonna make more videos on that we didn't want to record it live there because we attempted a live stream and that kind of failed like connection was terrible people were complaining quality was bad so we just took everything we're gonna do videos at home so that's pretty cool we found tons of money like this beats any fun we've ever found dumpster diving or anything like you gotta check every corner every crevice we found this hidden in the bottom of a drawer some people don't trust banks like if I were them I want to put all this money in the bank but they left it there and when they passed away everyone just forgot about it it would have been gone by now like it would have been in the landfill no one would have ever seen this again just would have been demolished with the house like I said we had full salvaging rice there was just a small abandoned house but look what we found inside we're gonna wrap it up right now got a nice stack of money about it for this video but if you guys do want to check out our Twitter and Instagram go I have links are in the description we post tons of cool pictures on there and we are currently doing an iPad air 2 giveaway so if you guys won with all the steps check out our Instagram page just follow us on there make sure you're subscribed then you're automatically entered you can also do extra steps to get extra entries we have a video element giveaway a link will be in the description so hope you guys enjoyed that video you do want to send us some support check out our Gok box play some games download some apps and you can instantly tip us so thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 1,851,267
Rating: 4.5465331 out of 5
Keywords: real treasure, money found, treasure found in abandoned house, money found in abandoned house, abandoned house, money, safe found, money found in abandoned bank', found thousands of dollars, abandoned money, VroomVroomDana, dallmyd, OmarGoshTv
Id: Zu-H0LDni1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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