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hey dude you didn't put that in there you swayed hey what's going on guys so today we're gonna be exploring and salvaging this abandoned house my dad's demolishing he's actually wrecking three in the same neighborhood we got this one one right there and then one next to that one i'm gonna do a video on each of those so stay tuned for those but for today we're focusing on this abandoned house which might not look like much but there is some stuff left beyond gotta go through especially in the garage it looks like it was like a storage unit or something there's just so much stuff in there so that might be where we find the treasure but let's get started and see what we can find looks like my dog was the first one to find some treasure he shredded that thing quick it used to be a stuffed animal that thing's dead still growing all right guys let's go find some treasure we're gonna skip this big open room because obviously there's nothing in here but let's go check these rooms and see what's inside looks like we have a small junk pile right here oh those are actually video games no way look at this that smackdown right there i thought these were cds at first zombie revenge it's kind of cool i haven't heard of that one see with some of these games they could be worth like a dollar or a hundred dollars you never know so you got to look them up we'll take these and look them up later we got warzone overkill i haven't heard of that one either these are really vintage look at that guys that's freaky we got attitude a lot of wrestling games and i think that's a cd some more right there madden 2002 tony hawk pro skater 3 that's a good game we got disrupter i haven't heard of that one either so we have to look those up later if you know the prices on any of these comment down below but let's move on and see what else we could find my dad was going through stuff in here anything good in here a couple picture frames looks like they had a garage sale here there's a lot of one dollar price tags some shoes those could be good money price tag of 40 bucks on that 40 bucks not bad a bunch of games and knickknacks probably resell some of these but the bedroom is full of stuff still got like all the furniture yeah most of the house was empty and then the bedrooms literally loaded with stuff see anything in the cabinets got a flask right there and there's still stuff in there okay how much would i have to pay you to drink that i wouldn't not even for a million dollars maybe for a million how about for this penny no tape lighter just jump that thing in here oh that's full guys look at that we're gonna have to go through this a lot of bags let's see is this all like junk or is it good stuff so we got to find oh jewelry box open that up ah maybe we'll find it in here though some jewelry right there but it looks like junk you guys see anything in there i see a wallet ooh all right you're gonna have to look at this because it looks like someone's personal card see if there's any money in there or anything there's a watch right here let's see what brand is that kenneth looks decently expensive we'll take that monopoly game yeah that looks vintage take that another little game this is why you always got to go through all this junk guys because you never know what could be hidden back here it's like i just found this is a jewelry box hey come see this i think i might have found a jewelry box see struggling to get it open oh i did look at that guys is this pearls 12 bucks now that's not real that's not what we want to see we want to see 14 carat 24 carat empty one yeah mystery box oh is that jewelry [Music] whole thing of keys look at that 20 different keys right there and then some buttons and junk but we work with nothing nothing i care about let's see look at this though that looks like it could be sterling i'm not sure what that is a little me huh it's kind of cool i'll take that another a wheel of fortune game oh these look pretty old it still works yeah that's cool battery's dead yeah we'll take all the games for sure let's see this i thought that was gonna be a ring box i think it's bar soap let's check down here in a long time yeah see anything on the bottom shelf oh what the heck shoe box is full of old cassette tapes anything back here whole other dresser stuff in it saw the closet had some stuff those leather jackets look at this leather jackets these are money right here oh no way dude this this is probably worth some good money the berries everyone loves the berries at least from where we live that's a nice leather jacket it's got the nfl tag something in the pocket here really uh it's like is that a game ticket or something it's not green it's not interesting right yep suck yeah sometimes they hide money in socks though true dang it so we might have some good money in other jackets we got one right there one right here and these look pretty new a jean jacket there's another one right here this could be easily a couple hundred bucks or some other jackets i see three about the top shelf it looks like jeans and stuff which also could be money we'll go through this more in detail later but up there's a basket of sports stuff and then a little thing of stuffed animals so got some good money and clothes right here like the jeans and leather jackets are easy money all day do more purses this one feels like leathery guys i know nothing about purses so if any of these are actually worth money comment down below i only know like the big name brands like the prada and the gucci and stuff like that but these look like junkie the purses are big bucks a lot of them here too yo is this coach oh that is coach right there i'm surprised i knew that guys i recognize those c's all right we're taking that all right guys we have to do one more thing before we leave the room look under the mattress for money this is kind of gross but we have found a lot of money before so a rag money in it nope just a gross range remember one time we found hundreds hidden under a mattress a lot of these houses are older and unless it's in the mattress older people tend to like to hide their money around so we got to check every little nook and cranny but we did get this coach bag which could be this stuff very valuable depending on if it's real or not i'm not sure how to check those so comment down below but score all right guys we found a closet full of stuffed animals i'm pretty sure this is where my dog got that toy see if any of these are worth money because you never know some of these stuffed animals like the berries could be collectibles i used to work at an estate sale and some of these would go for big bucks it's insane like you never think stuff like this is worth money and then you look it up and this is worth a hundred bucks worth money to somebody yeah depends on the brand though that's what i'm trying to see yeah this one the legs actually turn on look at this trying to see what the tag says made in china that's not a good sign specific brands are always worth good money so you always look at the tags and then look that up not seeing anything too interesting though that would be a good dog toy this is that one some cash flow are you serious no you just put that in there no i swear to god you just screwed at me and the money fell out no way dude you didn't put that in there you swayed you just threw it out of the closet no way there's more look it right there dude we're gonna have to strip this whole thing out oh my dude careful that's a freaking knife just cut my hand down here here let me grab that i got gloves on oh my god dude this is like a setup with that knife in there yeah what the hell this is so weird you get the money here's more cash dude pour stuffing out the hell this is like a stash i've seen this before people like usually for like drugs and stuff i haven't seen money i feel anything else let's make sure we don't miss any of it guys this is what i was saying before like this is why we check every little area that's a whole freaking wad of cash oh i just found a ten dollar bill right there look at that okay we're gonna have to clean this whole thing out check all the stuffing again oh another dollar right there grab that like your piggy bank yeah you never think that that's where your money is people don't look there i thought for sure you put that in there when i wasn't looking a bullet guys what the heck got a knife and a bullet this is definitely someone's stash what oh more money look at right there little wad of ones nice four bucks right there could be a hundred bucks long all right there it's a lot of cash we found got 20s in there fives tens see any more in there i think we got this thing pretty good just the rest of it that's crazy that someone's like little secret stash of money that was a good spot because yeah tries rob in your house they never look in there look at that guys we just found an entire stash of money inside of a stuffed animal that's like honestly the last place i think to look how did you even see that i didn't even notice it when i threw it the bills fell out when you threw it out wow that's crazy guys a knife it's a gnarly freaking knife sharp too you got lucky dude i thought it was just like a metal bar or something when i grabbed it yeah that's weird and the one single bullet i don't think there's anything else we've got my dog going to work checking the rest of them we honestly got to cut like all these open and see if there's any more money that one was just cut open already though right yeah so let's check for like any soul marks or anything to see if any of these have money because that is crazy guys have you ever seen six inches have you ever seen anything like that i've seen like people had drugs and stuff and stuffed animals yeah but this is why i say in every video guys you gotta check every little spot because you never know where people are gonna hide stuff i've been doing this since i was a little kid guys searching houses for treasure and i found money hidden in crazy spots i've never found money hidden inside a stuffed animal though he's having fun isn't he making a gigantic mess good thing we don't got to clean this up but guys how crazy is that we got the knife the bullet i don't know what we got like 50-something bucks all right guys this has been super exciting but we still got more houses to go through so let's go get to those wait till you guys see how much stuff is inside this garage it's insane it looks like they took everything from the house and shoved it in this garage so there could be some pretty good stuff in here grand reveal in three two one
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 43,716
Rating: 4.8718534 out of 5
Keywords: money hidden in stuffed animal, found money inside stuffed animal, stuffed animal full of money, secret stash hidden in stuffed animal, found secret stash, found secret stash of money, best hiding spots for money, finding money in weird places, found hidden money, hidden money found in house, found money in abandoned house, treasure hunting, found real treasure, top 10 best finds, abandoned, finding money, treasure hunting abandoned houses, treasure found in abandoned house
Id: AR8lKbBAisA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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