BREAKING INTO ABANDONED PAYPHONE FULL OF MONEY! How much money did they leave in this old payphone?

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oh my god jackpot baby oh hey what's going on guys abandoned exploration squad back with another salvaging video today we've got something pretty interesting we found this pay phone inside an abandoned mall and the entire mall has already been destroyed but we saved this pay phone cuz we're gonna break it open and see if we can find any money inside of it so guys this is my dad and he's pretty badass you didn't know my dad is actually a demolition contractor so that's how able to get in these abandoned buildings and pretty much do whatever we want and make these videos so how his job works is once a building it's on over tomb all the contents left inside now belong to him and he could pretty much salvage whatever he wants and that's actually a big part of his business so we're about to get started my dad's didn't explain how he's gonna break into this abandoned payphone by cutting the screws off the back of this phone so I can lay it down on its backs like this and then I can get in here if you take a closer look you can see the little bar sticking out to the side this is almost like a safe there's a bar on this side on the bottom on this side and on the top when they turn the key it sends the bars in all directions like a mini safe and once we took this phone off the wall you can actually hear the change inside the phone we have no idea how much is in there so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we'll try cutting face open too [Music] [Music] whoa does it change box my thing yeah that's like a mini cash box still a little warm I'm gonna tip it over so the fallout I [Music] think it sucked good [Music] [Music] still suck we got a nickel so far for now today it's already like the porn our thanks you see all those quarters [Music] let's open and we'll just try and spit it out of their neck pot baby oh wow who's actually bored of the complete sub G that's gotta just go in the phone there oh my god that's guys like see this box right here we're still holding yeah it's something on the top here Wow look at that running in here wanna dump the rest out really quick and that thing is overflowing with money are we think I I think there's like 50 bucks right there $74 see if this a $1 bills him and we couldn't do that because it would burn them up all the sparks were lit I hate still her money in there geez something wiggling around and yeah but who cares about the rest we got the bulk of it it's not about the money anyway right yeah it's about the fun of breaking into things you still it looks like I was wrong we have easily over $100 right here Wendy would tell you up really quick yeah we got these in rows of five dollars so we got 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 hundred 5 10 15 20 25 26 Wow 126 plus whatever is in the small change yeah we kind of gave up after counting these quarters for ten minutes but that is insane okay baby boom yeah I can't believe that much money was just left abandoned in a payphone right we gotta clean all this no but that is a nice chunk of change it's gotta be it's a good payday all 150 by the time you know about 150 140 way more than I expected I expected like maybe $10 per hour singing $20 yeah because we hate changing it when we tilted it to sound like a lot yeah Wow that is unbelievable good fine yeah great and why not in it for the money it's kind of like a sport to us yeah I've come across quite a few of these pay phones in my years of business it'll be like six or eight of them they usually always have money in them 50 60 bucks I've never seen this amount of money in a pay phone and the shopping centers when they get abandoned the phones get left behind as well as a bunch of other stuff that we Salvage and if anybody was to break into here or try and get this for me let's see how long it just took us to get in this phone with the proper tools and equipment how hard it was to get to change box out of there so it's not something easily stole one of somebody broke into the abandoned mall that's why it's usually still there so that's about it guys not only did we find a ton of money but this was just a lot of fun I've actually never gotten the experience to come out here with my dad and break a new payphone because they've kind of become obsolete but that was such a cool experience to see him break into it and money is just a bonus to us I was expecting to find maybe like $10 but we ended up finding a ton of money so I'm not complaining and that's cool too but it's just another bonus to the experience or you go make sure you leave a like and make sure you subscribe because if we come across more cool stuff like this like more abandoned pay phones or vending machines or safes we're definitely gonna film it if you guys like it so that's guys we'll see you in the next one squad out
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 112,753
Rating: 4.8382854 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned exploration squad, abandoned payphone, breaking into abandoned payphone, abandoned payphone full of money, found money in payphone, free money, abandoned money, money found in abandoned house, money found in abandoned bank, breaking into vending machine, breaking into safe, found money in abandoned vending machine, payphone, found abandoned payphone, breaking open payphone, whats inside abandoned payphone
Id: TjLykbtl88s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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