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i'm coming guys my dad just said he found a secret room oh no way was that under the carpet see yo dude this thing is full of stuff i see money hey what's going on guys so we're at house number two of our exploring and salvaging abandoned houses series and i've said this a million times but i always get someone commenting so for those of you that don't know my dad does demolition so we're not just going into some random houses and stealing stuff we have full salvaging rights to this place so now that that's out of the way let's go find some treasure all right here we go guys and the grand reveal see an old water heater looks like a bunch of crap to me but we did already go through this place a little and take a sneak peek so i do know there is going to be some interesting stuff so don't click off just yet but this looks like a bunch of crap so far but we always end up finding something no matter how gone through these places are there's always something left behind whether it's like extension cords six pants yep or gold or money over here there is some interesting stuff old laptop probably not going to be worth anything really old dell laptop there's a mystery box right here oh this looks exciting dude i see a knife oh look at that a broken knife wow how'd they do that broke the freaking blade in half some wallets let's see is there anything inside these empty paper clip this one looks kind of fancy see any money nothing nope but you always got to check because you never know where people are going to leave stuff i see a a ds game hey that's pretty cool a pac-man ds game hmm it's gotta be worth something yup that's our first find right there guys pretty interesting right there let's see an old ipod or mp3 player a bunch of junk but these boxes are always the most exciting to go through because there's always like little hidden treasures inside stuff like this is i collect bolts and nuts and stuff yeah little parts this one is a soft bolt i could tell there's no markings on it look at that thing dude that looks pretty nifty it's a little watch and then i see made in china that kind of kills it right there junk keychain yeah that looked pretty cool at first i thought it could have been a good brand but what's that other chain in there looks like more cheap junk doesn't look like silver oh what the heck dude there's like freaking false teeth in there ill you see that right there like dentures or something what the heck all right that's super gross get that out of there and then i saw this huh made in usa that's a good sign it says silver plate so it's got some silver inside of there yeah all right we'll take that the coloring the rainbow coloring yeah got some silver guys nice and then the rest of this looks like garbage so let's move on oh just a phone case yeah old phone old mac snell so we just came across this thing and i don't know about you guys but i love these like talking fish dudes let's see if this works probably needs some new batteries that's kind of cool though take it home for christmas put it under the tree for me yeah oh you shouldn't have no batteries but this is one of those things that's just like so weird but cool at the same time you got to take it so we'll keep that here's one of the bedrooms i'm pretty sure this is one of the rooms i looked in and saw some stuff so let's check it out or is this the empty room no way this one does have stuff look in the closet a few little items oh i see harley davidson right there dude look at that is that authentic it's like a pouch thing anything inside of there how's your hook their bike with the straps are missing like a handlebar probably leather couch there's the straps right there sweet harley davidson is always worth money so that's a great find complete package not bad and what's down here this is a interesting looking like suitcase thing let's see open that up feels pretty light though huh what is that some kind of fancy hat yeah with feathers or feather hats it's got its own suit or own bag made in usa 100 wool i don't know much about these kind of things guys but i know some of these hats can be worth a lot of money so we'll definitely take this home and look it up but that's pretty cool it's got its own suitcase and everything so this has got to be worth at least something i wonder if these feathers are real they're probably real so awesome find right there guys and we got this jersey and jerseys usually bring money so let's see what this one is it's a socks jersey seems to be like super stained up and gross though so i wouldn't even bother with this but jerseys are usually worth money if they're in good condition and then over here we got some kind of fancy king hat looks like burger king yeah a shoe [Music] old boom box right there i see some stuff on the shelf up here we got a can of tomato sauce is that actually what this is i think it might be a hidden one of those hidden yeah that's what i'm trying to look at but it feels and sounds like tomato sauce sometimes people do hide money in cans like this so we always check these but that's actual tomato sauce guys and then up there i saw another bottle of something that's jade east cologne could that be worth anything some colognes are like super expensive swank made in new york we'll have to look that up and then anything else up there old globe well let's move on to the next room all right guys here's the room with the most stuff in it this is the room that i took a peek and i saw the safe right off the bat which was pretty exciting and then there's just so much stuff shoved in here it looks like they took a bunch of the furniture and other stuff from the house and shoved it inside of this one room so there's got to be some cool stuff in here start with this safe it looks like someone already beat us to it though they broke the dial off and then probably cracked the thing open let's see yo dude i see something gold and shiny no way that's real though let's see yeah this feels super light wow yeah that feels like plastic let's see any markings it's a costume jewelry or plastic i see some kind of marking can you read that trying to zoom in for you guys oh that says 14k look at that yeah look right there 14k it's probably what the heck probably this thing is so light and there's no way someone would just leave this inside of a safe but you never know could be real gold guys thought it was just costume yeah because it's like plasticky that if this is real gold this is gonna be worth a whole ton of money because that is a big bracelet we're taking that and we're gonna test it out later let's see what else is inside here some kind of handle is that off a gun maybe yeah some papers but we just found a potentially gold bracelet that is pretty cool too bad they broke into it would have been fun yeah it was probably follicle that they left that bracelet inside of there took the good stuff i just spent about 10 minutes back there digging through stuff i didn't find anything so i'm gonna cut that clip out but on this side i did see something that could potentially be really cool so take a look we got a basketball which was not what i was talking about probably take that though but down here check this out look at this dude yep that's a stun gun no way wow the thing's huge have you ever found a stun gun before i can't say i have i haven't wow look at that thing guys how many volts is that let's say 500 000 or 500 yeah 500 000. i don't know yes you sure wow no way that that's probably lethal i'm gonna get hit with yeah we'll have to be careful with this but that is freaking cool i don't even know if these are illegal where we live panther wow talk about a cool find i'm coming guys my dad just said he found a secret room oh no way was that under the carpet yeah it's like some kind of trap door huh you think that opens for sure it's gotta that's so weird they hit it under the carpet it's gotta be like to a basement or crawl space i didn't even know there was a basement in this house i don't see a handle on it anymore i wonder what could be down there guys this is pretty exciting pry it open hope it's coming up get my fingers let's see it's super dark down there yeah see a bunch of junk you see anything down there see the old cushion oh there's like a tool box right there some kind of tin huh or something we'll have to check that out all right guys i gotta jump down there and see what's in there it's pretty deep yeah what's that a good four foot drop here hold my phone all right here i go oh this thing is huge any big spiders down there i hope not looks pretty empty though but there is this really interesting tool box see anything inside here a few things inside this toolbox looks like mostly no tools just a few parts and junk and then the skin there's stuff inside this tin too it doesn't sound like cookies oh oh my god dude this thing is full of stuff i see money oh is that that's louis vuitton dude oh my god what is this doing down inside this crusty freaking basement there's coins a lot of coins too i got this jar of coins all right we got to get this out of here here take that let me make sure there's nothing hidden inside these rafters or anything how about this box right here that old crusty box that looks like junk i don't see anything inside the rafters let's go check out that tin though doesn't look like anybody's been down here in a long time yeah this bait this uh tin doesn't look like it's been down there too too long now but that looks like freaking louis vuitton you know how expensive these are dude and mostly pennies man no this is what i was talking about the same jar right there but louis vuitton is super expensive man check out this it's got the stamp inside right let me read that pretty good condition can you read that it says made in in france that could be real guys these are really nice wow this one's pretty used up it's got someone's stuff inside of pretty worn the snaps but louis vuitton is like really high end you think it would sell with it with the snails yeah definitely even just like even in super bad condition what does that mean this one's got a horse logo on leather is that leather it looks kind of old but how weird is that guys we just found louis vuitton in this crusty old basement what is that oh those are these are dominoes huh it's kind of cool metal dominoes i'm still inside this basement guys so it's kind of hard for me to check this out oh what is that's a knife oh another lock blade pretty cool what else we got in here it's a whole mix of like little i thought these were quarters but they look like some kind of foreign coins yeah these are definitely foreign i saw a canadian i think a canadian quarter in there oh some of these could be really old all right guys so i'm out of that secret room and i'm taking a look at some of these coins and it looks like we got coins from all different countries take a look at these we got an espana coin uh mexico coin the gold one looks like an italian coin right there italiana a bunch of canadian coins and i have no idea the value of any of these so some of these could be worth a whole lot of money if you're familiar with any of these coins comment down below let me know but that is awesome to find guys a bunch of foreign coins and then we got some pennies which is obviously a lot less exciting but mixed in there is some keys which are kind of interesting who knows what those go to two keys right there and looks like a casino chip right there so some pretty cool finds guys i can't believe we just found all this stuff hidden underneath the trapdoor which was also covered by carpet so someone was definitely trying to hide this stuff guys and this stuff doesn't look too old either couldn't have been down there longer than a few years and this house was only abandoned like a year ago so the owner might have died or just forgot about it but this is why i always check every little hiding spot because you never know what you could find guys in my other video i found a bunch of money hidden inside of a stuffed animal and in this video i just found a bunch of cool stuff hidden in a secret room so this is what i would call a real treasure hunt guys jackpot we're gonna wrap it up here guys but make sure you like and subscribe for more treasure hunting videos also check out my other videos i got a ton more like this one that should be on screen right now you can go ahead and click them but that's about it we'll see you in the next one squad out
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 76,663
Rating: 4.7514124 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned house, secret room, hidden room, trapped door, found secret room, found secret room in my house, abandoned house with traps, abandoned house with secret room, secret door, secret door in house, secret trapdoor in abandoned house, top secret rooms found, top 10 secret rooms, found secret door in your house, mystery room, mystery door, whats behind the mystery door, whats in the secret room, urban exploration, treasure hunting, old house with hidden rooms
Id: NS0lzACBf_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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